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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 614x445, shovel grip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15276407 No.15276407 [Reply] [Original]

If you use the shovel grip, then you are a subhuman.

>> No.15276426

carefull anon. a lot of americants do this

>> No.15276449

Oh yeah?

Well I'll show you.
I'll show all of you. I'll deflect this somehow and make it so that Chads do the shovel grip and only Soyboys have a problem with this!

>> No.15276450

I eat continental style but I'll admit to shoveling stuff like rice.

>> No.15276455

the CHAD shovel vs the VIRGIN manners

>> No.15276457

I've never seen someone hold a fork like that.

>> No.15276467

how else then?

>> No.15276498

never seen a man eat

>> No.15276548
File: 96 KB, 927x1392, hand-holding-a-fork-stock-image-1120874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's the reverse thumb-powered grip
>steady strength
>ooze virility
>yet sophisticated (because european)

>> No.15276560

Same, except my kids when they were like 1

>> No.15276647

Xenophobia is par for the course on 4 chan, but feminazis?

>> No.15276698


>> No.15276807

This looks like the way someone with poor motor skills like a baby or someone with cerebral palsy would hold a fork

>> No.15276844

Americans hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. Then they cut a piece of food, and get this - they put the knife down and switch the fork to the right hand. Then they skewer the piece of food with the fork and eat it. Then they switch the fork back to their left hand and pick up the knife again with the right. Then repeat.

I shit you not. This is considered the proper and formal way to use a knife and fork in America. I wish I were kidding.

>> No.15276862

made fun of people who have to switch utensils between hands to cut and pick up pieces of food in front of a friend who eats just like that. whoops

>> No.15276875

That's not true. When I'm cutting meat I hold my knife in the right, and my fork upside-down in the left.

>> No.15276924

>If you use the shovel grip, then you are a subhuman.
So much this! These individuals didn't graduate from their toddler motor skills, stunting their development. Do they also hold a pencil with the full fisted grip? Are we adults or cavement?

And, this is where IQ comes in. At the point they realized that the physics of this grip means they have to lean over their food and shovel straight up to a leaning forward completely open mouth, unable to move this fork without any curving or ability to angles, they should have realized they have disgusting manners, offending everyone around them. The same people who think it is cool to play with dining with chopsticks never noticed or were told they were wrong? Of course they did! They just didn't care they were offending you.

>> No.15276931

Incorrect. I cut all my food up into bite size pieces before switching my fork back to my right hand to eat it. I only want to switch once

>> No.15276936

What did he just say?

>> No.15276971
File: 36 KB, 1140x757, How to properly hold a fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the continental when stabbing and pen grip for twirling and scooping
pen grip is also the only grip for the spoon

>> No.15276974

>This is considered the proper and formal way to use a knife and fork in America.
It is nearly equally common if not acceptable to dine european style and turn the fork upside down in the US, and still continue to hold your knife. But, some might argue that it makes you look a bit impatient and rushed, ie a pig. Also, you're setting down your utensils anyway, in order to blot your mouth with your napkin after your bite, aren't you? So, what savings of time is there if you are using good manners entirely speaking.

Having your fork upside down, however, can sometimes prevent an additional bit of gravy, or a complimenting item like that being added to a fork that is unsuitably upsidedown to hold it.

I think some of the time, it's just more comfortable when you are a righty vs lefty to adopt either way as your way. Some people do both, just depending on mood or what they are eating. Obviously a big steak might be something you'd do that with.

>That's not true. When I'm cutting meat I hold my knife in the right, and my fork upside-down in the left.
Obviously you are the only person alive, and therefore how you do it must be the single only way.

>> No.15276989

I always held my fork/spoon like that, up until the point my older sister saw me eating cereals and said it looked strange. I had no idea what she meant, so I looked up how other people usually hold cutlery and tried to imitate them. I was fifteen back then, kinda fucked up thinking about it now.

>> No.15277146

i just make my hands into a bowl and the waiter pours scalding hot soup right in there

>> No.15277181
File: 86 KB, 1500x1000, 1608480367309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the swip-swap method.
>its the formal method.
Nah, but its the most convenient in my opinion. I am better with a knife in my right hand than looking like an aspie wielding it in my left.
Thanks for the rent-free apartment.

>> No.15277200
File: 43 KB, 538x593, 1510017135919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imagine not being ambidextrous with fine motor skills being left handed (eating/writing) and your strong hand being the right one (cutting, hitting, literally everything else).

downside: ice cream scoops make my brain hurt a little bit. it's kind of a fine motor thing but also kind of a muscle thing so neither hand feels right and they're both equally awkward/mediocre

>> No.15277210

Dirty rice shoveler.

>> No.15277241

You don't look sophisticated when you're bending your wrist like a spastic.

>> No.15277315
File: 34 KB, 678x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't this be a proper shovel grip?

>> No.15277328

You are full of shit
t. American

>> No.15277332

Are you telling me people hold a fork in a way that isnt identical to how you hold a pencil

>> No.15277348

This is how my parents taught me when I was little - in the 80's. This is "technically" considered proper form in the US, but is really outdated, and nobody actually does it. Nobody eats like in the OP either, for that matter.

>> No.15277350

You're not supposed to use your left hand for the knife, dumbfuck. Your absurd cut-and-switch method just makes you look like a savage.

>> No.15277351

If you need a knife your food is overcooked

>> No.15277374

Hybrid is best. Scraping rice or veg onto the back of a fork is retarded.

>> No.15277390

Cut and switch is more formal since it slows the pace of eating.

>> No.15277400

Maybe in your mind. But it is considered horrific table manners.

>> No.15277424

Never thought about how I hold a fork before but guess I hold it sorta like said pic but holding it between my thumb and index with it resting on my middle finger.

>> No.15277431

I used to hold it this way >>15276407
but then my dad told me to stop and do it this way >>15276971 and I just never bothered going back.

>> No.15277449

I really like this image

>> No.15277458

it's all yours, friend! feel free to use it

>> No.15277469
File: 15 KB, 452x314, 1310632697538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ debating the art of utensil holding

>> No.15277478
File: 132 KB, 900x697, terror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew of proper etiquette and use of utensils was a skill and thing in higher society. But have never been autistic enough to go and look it up, although i do agree if you eat like that you're probably retarded. But seriously if i am at home and alone i will eat how ever the fuck i want to. The only thing that legitimately pisses me off is when people chew with their mouth open, overly loudly, or fucking smack there lips. Seriously if you smack your lips KYS its disgusting.


>> No.15277488

that's the only one acceptable grip, it's the one you use when you go to jail in case someone tries to get you, then you can just stab the fucker with it, if you use any other grip you are a pussy faggot who thinks the french grip is some cool shit and you have never worked like a man for a single day in your life, FUCK YOU!

>> No.15277502

Maybe in your shithole

>> No.15277518

Saber grip is better for stabbing and eating, only niggers and children use icepick
t. Actually been incarcerated

>> No.15277522

I can't imagine why that would be more dignified to do this stupid shit, but yes, I have heard about this. Every time I've been to a fancy dinner I always remember that and look around to see who is actually putting the knife down to use the fork with their right hand.
Maybe zoomers really didnt know this was a thing? I heard about this back in grade school and also my grandparents told me to do this when I was a kid, but it was really annoying and unnatural. If I had to guess, I'd say it was to slow down people eating so that the meal lasts longer and you can socialize longer. I don't know.

>> No.15277526

what'd you do, you knucklehead??

>> No.15277530

I knew it was a thing but it is no longer common practice. Most people are low class nowadays though.

>> No.15277535

Felony assault. 1 year

>> No.15277542

I don't think your target audience can read, dude.

>> No.15277543

No, in every country the higher classes always eat with fork in their left hand, tines down. Well-bred Americans included. Only the lower classes in America do the cut and switch.

>> No.15277551

False, the cut and switch is older and originated with British aristocracy.

>> No.15277565

False. Stop trying to rationalize your savagery, Amerilard.

>> No.15277566

10/10 prison ready technique

>> No.15277601

>According to some etiquette books, the American style came to the States with the British colonists and took hold here, while the European method is a somewhat more recent change.

Congrats: as with most other "fancy European" shit (like your retarded English accents), it's a method for the aristocracy to artificially separate themselves from the common class. Then you dipshits mistakenly think it's a euro thing, when really you're just copying people who wanted to separate themselves from you. Fucking sad.

>> No.15277612

I'd describe this in a lot of ways other than savagery. So where do you think the cut and switch thing comes from? Did you know that Americans say "soccer" because that term came from the British too? All of these "American" things that yuros think are strange are usually old antiquated European things. It's not that big of a deal, faggot.

>> No.15277615

Just admit you are low class with barbaric table manners.

>> No.15277619

As usual the truth is slightly more complicated

>A brief history: Europe, with the exception of Italy, adapted tardily and reluctantly to the use of the fork. As late as the early 19th century, some British country aristocrats were still holding out for tradition by declaring, “My grandfather ate with his knife, and it’s good enough for me.”

>Knives, spoons and fingers were the implements of choice to spear, slurp and grab. Only one was needed at a time, so only the right hand was used. When the fork gradually came into European use, it, too, was brought to the mouth from only the right hand.

>This was the correct European way of eating, and European settlers brought it to America, where it remains the correct method.

>But in relatively modern times, Europeans started speeding things up by keeping the fork in the left hand even after it is used to steady food that is being cut by a knife held in the right hand.

>Those who point out that the European manner is more efficient are right. Those who claim it is older or more sophisticated—etiquette has never considered getting food into the mouth faster a mark of refinement— are wrong.

>> No.15277620

eat shit limey fagboi.. i'm shocked you are still allowed to even own knives on your inbred little shithole

>> No.15277637

you are so fucking stupid lol

>> No.15277638

You can try to rationalize it all you want. The bottom line is that you come across as a uncivilized boor when you do your cut and switch nonsense.

>> No.15277644

Facts are facts, peasant.

>> No.15277650

And you look like a pretentious fag. I would rather be a beast than a bitch.

>> No.15277665

>using the sane, efficient method is pretentious
You are both a bitch and a boor.

>> No.15277671
File: 131 KB, 364x852, (You)ro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15277678

Kek. Don't care, subject. Shouldn't you be earning money to give gibs to "refugees" right now?

>> No.15277683

I bet when you examine your nails you hold your fingers out straight, palm down.

>> No.15277700

Stop projecting, mincer.

>> No.15277829

These threads are always funny, sad, and embarrassing all at the same time. A bunch of apes pointing fingers at each other laughing and claiming to be "high class".
Oh you are subhuman because you hold a fork like that, and I am ubermensch because I hold it like this. Oh some aristocrat from the 15th century do it the same way I do, therefore I am patrician. You do it a different way that makes you a pleb.
What sad fucking lives you must lead.

>> No.15277968

Thanks for the kek

>> No.15277979

You sound like a poofter

>> No.15278033

>filthy cut-and-switcher hands typed this post

>> No.15278088

>filthy cut-and-switcher hands typed this post
Unironically yes. I am neither European nor American. I couldn't care less how people in the 10th century did it. I was taught the European way when I was little. But now I switch, like an American. Simply because I find it to be more aesthetically pleasing.
In other words, I decide the way I do things. I have no desire to make myself appear "high class" by copying how the queen of england hold her fork.

>> No.15278743

>t. gathers food onto the back of the fork

>> No.15278749
File: 148 KB, 958x716, 117935_1548099125464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop watching me eat.

>> No.15278811

I don't even own a fork. Since becoming a carnivore chad I just cut my daily steak with scissors into bite sized pieces and eat it with my hands. Salmon is especially fun to flake off layer by layer with your fingies.

>> No.15278819

yes you have you were just a young child and have forgotten about it

>> No.15278834

Sorry, what’s the correct alternative?

>> No.15278840

Rightknife fuckers - why?
What are you cooking that's so tough that you need your full force behind your knife?

>> No.15278851
File: 93 KB, 450x389, ags305-grip-hand-grip-fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only acceptable way

>> No.15278873

keep your fork in your left hand and don't lay down your knife.

>> No.15278874

that's not becoming a chad you're becoming a pajeet

>> No.15278908

I need to keep my left hand free for dick stroking under the table cloth, sorry not sorry

>> No.15278925

pajeets walk their cows around on leashes as beloved pets

>> No.15279002
File: 61 KB, 888x894, EShqj_rXgAApWq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15280348

This is one of the most autistic threads I've seen this year

>> No.15280351

this man of culture is the only correct way

>> No.15280352


>> No.15280357

You hold it like a left handed drumstick in a drummers hand. Properly. Between the fingers so you have control over it.

>> No.15280381

Confirmed. Shovelgrippers were raised by smackheads who didn't care enough to rear their mistakes into human

>> No.15280395
File: 49 KB, 1023x682, depositphotos_59163361-stock-photo-couples-hands-holding-glasses-of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncultured subhumans.

>> No.15280397


>> No.15280401

i for one prefer eating over discussing the niceties of cutlery usage

>> No.15280405

Just use your filthy hands

>> No.15280414

This whole thread fills me with fear with how autistic everyone here is

>> No.15280423


You seem obsessed with autism. Think about that.

>> No.15280436

Take your meds

>> No.15280438


There you go, the child's response. Keep posting, I want to see what you end on.

>> No.15280448

Dude you sound delusional

>> No.15280451


keep it coming.. you're so easy.

>> No.15280455

>be schizo
>be off your meds
>"everyone is the same poster, I tell you!"
>"I was just pretending to be retarded, HEH BAITED"

>puts spaces after every quote

Holy mother of autism

>> No.15280460

god you're needy.

>> No.15280476
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, 1586234804030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the autism general?

>> No.15280507


Where'd you go, buby?

>> No.15280532

Never seen anyone do this but keep making up stupid fables to convince yourself that your better that someone who doesn't give a single fuck what you eurofags do with their spare time because why the fuck would anyone care about what goes in a third world+.5 country

>> No.15280554

Not that Anon but I'm a UKfag and we had a bunch Pennsylvanians exchange over here who all ate like this. I've seen an orangutan use a jacksaw more successfully than yanks trying to cutlery.

>> No.15280570

this, but with a dinner fork instead of a desert fork like pic

>> No.15280612

fucking cringe
If someone did this at my house I would kick them out

>> No.15280646
File: 79 KB, 686x526, 1583897458817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love being a lefty. I cut with the knife in my right hand and the fork in my left, then just eat using the fork in my left hand. No swip swapping like a fucking cuck.

>> No.15280804

>not mostly ambidextrous

Told you this thread if filled with autism

>> No.15280878

Third world animals like you aren't welcome in polite society, Jamal.

>> No.15280884

Elementary table etiquette isn't "autistic", Cletus.

>> No.15281029

>blindly following a purposeless, meaningless tradition simply for the sake of proving you're capable of obeying orders from massah no matter how retarded
Not even once.

>> No.15281048

This is probably a foreign concept to an filthy subhuman like yourself, but table manners entails using cutlery in an efficient manner so you don't come across as a slob at the dinner table.

>> No.15281083

Keep trying to justify your blind allegiance to your masters' orders, zombie.

>> No.15281094

Don't really hold it like that but I do in a sense shovel I guess not that I don't know how to do it right I just find it being ineffective as you can fit less and it tends to fall off plus it just doesn't make any sense why would you ever design it that way if you still mean you should eat with it opposite to what seems logical

>> No.15281103

Hypocrite that you are, for allowing other walks of life that do not interfere with thy own is a 1st world concept.

>> No.15281145

What? I don't understand

>> No.15281150

Fuck face

>> No.15281168

Why do you people just lie like this? For what reason?

>> No.15281248


>> No.15281256

Amerilards are notorious for cutting and switching. Well-bred Americans don't, but they are in the minority.

>> No.15281276

Well done letting slip that you are a slave.

>> No.15281504
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1920, 4DE17155-1C80-4D5C-A682-99A7EA675C36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are correct, as ive already highlighted waaaayyy back here

Being ambi/lefty is fucking based gj bros

>> No.15281624

Damn I'm kind of well mannered after all.

>> No.15281739

the obsession never ends, even about the dumbest shit imaginable

>> No.15281762

As a left-handed American, I hold the fork in my left hand and knife in my right hand. There is no switching.

>> No.15281851

i hold my fork like a pen so i can spin it around while i eat. i remember i once hit my moms best friend in the eye with a piece of broccoli because it flew off my fork as i was spinning

>> No.15282244

Who fucking cares? Just eat with your food instead of self conscious about table mannerisms sides we're all going to eat at eventually but just