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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15276328 No.15276328 [Reply] [Original]

My family did Christmas today, and I received the following;
>Jacobs cream crackers
>Pickled onions
>Piccalilli relish
>English mustard
>Branston pickle
>Heinz beans
>HP sauce
>a bottle of irn bru

Has anybody received or asked for anything /ck/ related?

>> No.15276336

Lmao imagine being so autistic your family gives you random ingredients as gifts, how old are you man?

>> No.15276338
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>> No.15276350

I really hope you're not in the UK. If you are, that's a terrible gift.

>> No.15276363

I’m American but my dad is from Northern Ireland

>> No.15276370

I like branston pickle with cheese, odd gift though.

>> No.15276379

It’s a bit of a delicacy in the US

>> No.15276400

He wishes you were too

>> No.15276418

I asked for all that stuff lmao

>> No.15276435

Ok thats more reasonable if those are hard to get items.

Its all fairly standard food. The only things on that list not currently in my kitchen are haggis and irn bru.

Make sure you use it in the right way and lots of those things can really boost a meal.

>> No.15276454

I’m saving the haggis for a special occasion. I’ll make toasted cheese sandwiches and add the pickle to it. I’ll put the marmite with butter on my English muffin. I’ve never had the relish though.

>> No.15276659

Let's see a picture of them all. You do have them, don't you? Or are you LARPING?

>> No.15276671

What does Branson pickle taste like? I’m intrigued by it on a grilled cheese

>> No.15277089
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Sugary salty acidic onion

>> No.15277113

Haggis is good, a lil oily though

You might struggle to eat a whole tin of it at once unless you're eating like eight or ten toasties though.

>> No.15277121

>not gifting your loved one an amphora of oil or a barrel of suet

>> No.15277124

I’ve had haggis when I visited Scotland a few years ago. This haggis had been approved by the FDA/USDA etc so I’m not sure how authentic it is. It’s made of beef rather than sheep for example.

>> No.15278040

malt vinegar and onion powder

>> No.15278050

pwhoaaaar branston is so fucking good

>> No.15278062
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I saw the title of /ck/ Christmas, jumped right to the greentext list, and was about to call someone a sick bastard til I saw it was about gifts and not dinner. Idk, I'm amerilard but I'd like to have most of that. Couple things I haven't tried but I'd really appreciate em because of that. I figure you're a potato that has regular access to this stuff so it's probably old hat

>> No.15279581

You better be making cheese and pickle sandwich.