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15274023 No.15274023 [Reply] [Original]

Any brandy fans on /ck/? Cognac, Armagnac, Brandy de Jerez, etc. What do you like, what's the nicest you've tried?

>> No.15274057
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I will post a couple of articles that I found interesting.

>Armagnac exists in a different world. Gascony is a humbler land of foie gras and confit, where ducks and geese outnumber people. The place is notoriously quirky, provincial and ornery, without big train stations or super-highways to make travel easy. A little over six million bottles of Armagnac are produced worldwide each year, with less than a half million reaching our shores. France is still Armagnac’s top market, followed by the UK, U.S., Russia, and China. Armagnac’s total production is a drop in the bucket compared with Cognac, which annually sells 160 million bottles worldwide. Perhaps this is why Armagnac is often referred to as Cognac’s “hick cousin.”


>> No.15274078
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Another one by the same fellow

>Sitting in that office, sipping from my fancy glass and tapping out my tasting notes in front of the shiny, ridiculously ornate decanters, I realized that Hennessy had to have it this way. They couldn’t resist shoving the bling-bling in my face. It wasn’t enough to send a small sample for me to sip and spit alone in my dreary office, along with dozens of other, rival samples in tiny nondescript bottles, because without the expensive, collector’s crystal tchotchke to gaze at, the liquid alone would have had to justify the price.


>> No.15274232

>Shit's on Hennessy for being 100% marketing
Hennessy is for niggers who pretend to have money.
I respect the broke dude drinking Mad Dog more.

>> No.15274248

Also I don't know why I put an apostrophe. I have retard brain.

>> No.15274291

kek, no way fag
brandy is stinky and exclusively for old people

>> No.15274311

You know 4chan is full of old people now? Even before the election this place had been around for 13 years. (now 17) That means any oldfag at that point had been into his thirties, now more likely the forties. On top of that we have literal boomers with no purpose milling about here as well due to the election. Face it, soon you'll be one of us as well, so why not open a bottle of cognac and swirl it with a cigar. Why remain swine?

>> No.15274320

>so why not open a bottle of cognac and swirl it with a cigar.
Consuming alcohol while smoking a cigar increases risk of tongue cancer tenfold. Try a cup of black tea instead.

>> No.15274358

It also increases your risk for enjoying life. Back to yoga camp, faggot.

>> No.15275640
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This is true.

>t. one of those old people

>> No.15275680

Norsefag here. World's #1 cognac consumer per capita. I like bache gabrielsen, made by Norwegian expats.

>> No.15275734

>she will never smell my boipucci

>> No.15275741

I need a mid-shelf cognac for cooking and sometimes drinking a glass when I'm feeling fancy. (I'm usually more of a whisky guy) Is Rémy Martin a reliable, consistently good brand to go with?

>> No.15276479


>> No.15277001
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>she will never look at you this way
Why even live?

The heck, never would have guessed that. I have not heard of that brand before.

It's been a few years since I have tried anything of theirs, but from memory: the VSOP is decent and Remy 1738 is pretty damn nice. I'd have no problem cooking with the VS, but I don't know how fancy you'll feel sipping it since it's fairly rough around the edges from what I remember.

>> No.15277126

>Consuming alcohol while smoking a cigar increases risk of tongue cancer tenfold. Try a cup of black tea instead.
>try a cup of black tea instead
enjoy your mouth, throat and stomach cancer

>> No.15277141

imagine the smell
she passes really well, in a developing country she would definitely be able to pass 100% of the time even with no makeup, although in a city with a more versed population she might occasionally be misgendered

>> No.15277289
File: 134 KB, 1600x1067, 20170402-Cognac-0127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once a cognac (or other spirit) has spent a certain amount of time in the barrel, the cellar master may decide they want to stop the barrel-aging process. From what I've read, with the ugni-blanc varietal leaving the spirit in the cask for longer than five decades has no benefit. The contents are then transferred to glass demijohns to stop the aging.

>> No.15277306
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x1067, paradis_cellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The demijohns are then stored in the "paradis" cellar.

>> No.15277341
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Some of which look like something out of indiana jones, which is pretty cool.

>> No.15277516

>That means any oldfag at that point had been into his thirties, now more likely the forties
Moot is only now 32.

>> No.15277617

I'm not a brandy consumer, only had it three or four times. Liked "henny" the least out of them, even the cheap ej one. I'll give Mad dog and B&R a shot next, thanks. Any especially cheap recommendations? Mid shelf?

>> No.15278854

bought a bottle to try on christmas

>> No.15280205
File: 43 KB, 400x600, ci-st-remy-vsop-b5c3a05be7d8e2e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy does a tour of Delamain, this was an informative and wholesome little video. One interesting bit was where they drop a little glass flask into a barrel and pull some of the spirit. By shaking it and watching the bubbles they can apparently determine the ABV right there.

Do not buy Mad Dog. B&R is just 4chang lingo, based and...
As far as cheaper recommendations, I really like St-Remy VSOP. French brandy, but not cognac and doesn't have the same profile. Still, very sipping-friendly and can often be found for $13 on sale.

Well, what did you get?

>> No.15280209

Reminder that Wisconsin's 6 million people drink like 50% of all brandy consumed in America

>> No.15280226

it's probably shit brandy though, I can't imagine a wisconsinite buying anything remotely good like mendoza or ravignan. it's probably some sketchy c*lifornia swill pumped through a pile of oak sawdust to make it taste like nasty vanilla

>> No.15280322

Its often Korbel and primarily used in cocktails, especially old fasioneds, its a go to drink at dive bars and nice bars alike Some people like high end stuff too but thats not the primary reason it is popular

>> No.15280505

Hennessy is overpriced. That's all. Same could be said for any company that values marketing over liquid--but that's missing the forest for the trees. They're just symptoms of the real issue here: rampant capitalism.

It's not a bad cognac but if you plan on spending that much you should pick literally anything else at the same price point. Henny isn't worth your money.

>> No.15280543

>St-Remy VSOP
Fuck yes.

This was the first brandy I really enjoyed straight and made me want to explore further. The 3-Year Ararat (anon rec) was more interesting than St Remy but the St Remy is more comfy and I find myself coming back to it more.
I've tried Henny at a bar (just okay, too expensive) and E&J XO (too sweet). That's it.

Where should I go from here? Whisky has a lot of intro guides online but I haven't found anything for brandy/cognac

>> No.15280981

This was a fascinating article, especially regarding blending.

>I’ve reviewed more than 200 other Cognacs here for your enjoyment.
Perhaps I'm a dumbass, but where are these reviews???

>> No.15281155

>Where should I go from here? Whisky has a lot of intro guides online but I haven't found anything for brandy/cognac

I hear you. I honestly don't have *too* much experience beyond the big house cognacs. I can safely say don't bother with any VS bottlings from Henny, Courvoisier, Remy, Hardy etc because they are not any upgrade over St-Remy. Unfortunately cognac pricing is more like scotch, but with much less variety regarding what's generally available. Already mentioned it earlier but Remy Martin VSOP (~$40) and 1738 (~$55) are both solid and easy to find. I've heard good things about Pierre Ferrand Ambre and it doesn't seem too expensive.

I did just receive an order from Remedy Liquor. First time I've ordered booze online, and I think that's going to be the way to go for finding bottles from smaller producers that don't make it to shelves around here. Got Delamain Pale & Dry, and Kelt Captain's Barrel, along with a couple of whiskies. There's also finedrams.com and cognac-expert.com, which has a pretty big selection of smaller producers (although very overpriced).

Paywalled unfortunately. I would love to see the reviews, but I'm not paying $140 for the privilege.

>> No.15281450


>> No.15281460

I ordered Louis XIII at the strip club once.

It was OK.