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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15265129 No.15265129 [Reply] [Original]

Need to eat VERY cheap for the next month or more. What should I get? I have oil and some seasonings already. Can i get free food somehow besides utilizing a food bank?

*I posted this question a week or so ago but didnt have internet and couldnt check back in on advice.

>> No.15265133

also just bite the bullet and go to a food pantry nigga

>> No.15265163

oh yeah totally, I plan on going to the food bank, but i was curious if there was any other way to get free food or even just basic toilet tree items.

>> No.15265172

like maybe get bones from a butcher shop or something to make the base of a soup.

>> No.15265599

Beau Bridges

>> No.15265646

My city has foodsharing groups on Facebook and also some lockers/shelves or other containers in different places.
Went there quite a lot when I was broke and got some really good stuff.

If your city doesn't have that, just swallow your pride and ask in your local marketplace group if someone can spare some canned goods or whatever.
It's almost christmas so people might be more inclined to share.

Also get a bag of beans with your bag of rice so you get some protein at least.

>> No.15265656
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Dumpster dive did this all the time growing up and scored lots of vegetables

>> No.15265680

Hang around out back decent restaurants near closing time. Ask one of the guys carrying the trash out for food, they'll probably bring you something that was going to be thrown away. This will not work at corporate establishments

>> No.15265711

If you posted this question recently, you should find your old thread in the archives:


>> No.15265750
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Burger King $1 Your Way menu is coming

>> No.15265802

Where do you live?

>> No.15265841

Big bags of dried beans, lentils, rice, etc

>> No.15265860

Try to find grocery store dumpsters that aren't locked after they close. Sometimes they will throw stuff out during the day, but most of it is when they close. You can find food that is "expired" but it's still totally fine. I was broke and in debt for a month and a half and scavenged a ton of actually great food for free out of a dumpster from a local Sobeys. Even if you get caught they just tell you to fuck off.

>> No.15265889

Whole grain pasta

>> No.15265946

I never thought about that. I'm sure there are groups on facebook that help people out...i dont know how to go about looking for them though. Also good point about the holiday season...people might be a little bit more genrous then normal.

>> No.15265986

Well just enter the name of your city + food sharing or swap meet.
Virtually every city has one, if not several.
Join them all and post in every group you can find.

If you are mobile also look for groups from richer cities nearby.

Good luck, anon.

>> No.15266073
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I think this is getting more and more legit as time goes on, even with hipsters. We waste so much fucking food man. I opened the dumpster of my apartment and some cunt threw out a 20 lb bag of split peas. They looked fine.

>> No.15266118

Churches of any denomination. Tis the season, make sure you ask about Christmas dinner fixings. Hit up as many churches as you have to until you get a yes. There's two churches that I know of where I live that are doing Christmas gifts/bags for kids. So if you got kids ask. and really if you got any family or friends that can help you, swallow your pride and ask.
I've been in some really shitty spots fren, churches and friends got me through.

>> No.15266325

I've been trying to switch to a poverty diet in anticipation of paying a mortgage

I've ended up eating a lot of frozen chicken breast, pulled and mixed with bbq sauce on a sandwhich, optional caremelized onions or raw red onions, and spinach. its pretty damn good, and relatively cheap

other than that, ground beef, eggs, milk, black beans(bought dry not canned), rice, peanut butter. /fit/ might have some more recommendations, they'll definitely rec everything above because their diet is trying to cram as much food into themselves on a reasonable budget

>> No.15266340

look up the youtube series "big on a budget". it's for bodybuilders but it shows you how to eat about 2500-3000 cal a day on just 50 bucks a week. hint: it's eggs, rice, potatoes, bad cuts of meat, oats, peanut butter, and oil. really great series, i'm a college student and I've used it a lot

>> No.15266342

Trap some rabbit and squirrel.

>> No.15266347

if you have to switch to a poverty diet to pay a mortgage then you shouldn't be buying a house, or should be buying a smaller one

>> No.15266353

rice, lentils, PB, cabbage

>> No.15266359
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Honestly, I'm a big fan of potatoes for calories, they are extremely dense in nutrients as well. It takes maybe three potatoes to feed a man for a meal, and there's lots of ways to serve them. Eggs are cheap too. I can get a dozen for maybe 1.20USD at the store, and sometimes less if they are having a fire sale and are selling it as a loss leader. Hot dogs go well with a lot of things, surprisingly large numbers of ways to cook them, like Salichipapas. You can pretend you're eating exotic food, but it's just fried potatoes and sliced hot dogs with a fried egg or two and ketchup and mayo, maybe mustard if you like. That's what poor Peruvians and Bolivians eat.

>> No.15266414
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/fit/izen here, better go for pinto than black beans.
Pinto beans have more protein.

On the topic of peanut butter, you can make your own at a real bargain.
Go to your next garden center or pet shop and get the biggest/cheapest bag of peanut splits (bird food, they are pealed but raw) you can find and then roast them up in a dry pan without any added oil.
You can snack on those as they are or throw them into a food processor to make your own natural PB at the lowest price.

>> No.15266464

Good idea, just feed them to the birds first to make sure they aren't toxic Chinese peanuts or something

>> No.15266468

I always choose blakc beans for the anthocyanin and phytonutrient content

>> No.15266931

I do this all the time.
Mostly because I know the neighbors throw out frigging tons of food pantry stuff. Been finding a bunch of canned beef, pork and chicken along with pouches of beef stew. Scored a box full of dried fruit and canned fruit. My kids loved it.

>> No.15267068

>feeding your children garbage
I can understand doing it to yourself, but doing that to children is cruel
that said, I love hanging outside my local pizza shop in the at close. they're always throwing away day old pizza and don't mind giving it to you.

>> No.15267327
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Break down your shopping into protein (pb, eggs, meats, fish), carbs (pasta, bread, flour), veg, herbs/spices, and grocery (soap etc). Then bookmark the ad pages of every store within range. Every week pop open the ads and see what the sales are. Over time you will get a sense of the real price of foods and what is a deal to spend on.

Some tips:

>Buy in bulk at the lowest price then shop for smaller amounts as you go
>find the discount aisles in each store you visit, they all have at least one area
>Immigrant markets are your FRIEND. Find where they are and get their ads.
>You can buy some food and toiletries online cheaper, and at higher quality (e.g., bulk bags of good rice, paper, etc)
>If you have the room freeze your on-sale protein and get your veg fresh
>Potatoes, onions, and carrots sell dirt cheap in bulk bags. Learn to cook with these.
>Rice is a staple and there are a thousand ways to eat it
>Learn recipes that stretch out proteins with vegetables, rice, and pastas
>search for deals on herbs and spices like a thirsty simp and over a long period of time you will build a formidable spice collection
>Buddy up with the deli and butcher personnel and they will hook you up

>> No.15269169

Sometimes you can access the trash out back of grocery stores, sometimes they throw away good food. Same with restaraunts etc. They have to throw away food by the sell-by date, but usually it's still good.
Also, cheap food is rice and beans. Nutritious too. Get dried beans and rice in bulk. If you do this, you should be able to eat extremely cheap - just not that interesting. Add some seasoning and spices to make it more palatable. Then maybe some veggies etc.

>> No.15269345

I've heard that potatoes, butter, and sour cream have a wide enough variety of nutrients together that you can survive without problem on those alone. not that you should, but that should make them a nice compliment/supplement to a diet that might not otherwise be very varied

>> No.15269366

20lbs rice
20lbs beans
20lbs lentils
2lbs butter
5 dozen eggs
5lbs onions