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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15262899 No.15262899 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree Italian cuisine is the best?

>> No.15262918

I unironically like british food best. Not toast sandwiches or chip buttys but the real food you get in the countryside. Pastys and pies. Meat cooked on an open flame. Rich stews and strong ales. Even the Scottish haggis, sausage and other slop is great when it's made right.

>> No.15262920

I think my favorite is a ploughman's lunch. Couple of hard boiled eggs with sausage and sharp cheddar. Homemade bread and a pale ale.

>> No.15262939

I too enjoy fake LOTR LARP dishes invented by chain restaurants to appeal to neckbeards desperate for some sense of meaning in their empty lives

>> No.15262946

They do a small handful of things really well, but they're all autistic about "authenticity", so it will always remain a small handful of things. They're technically the most popular style of cuisine around the world, but pretty much all "Italian" food outside of Italy isn't authentic, so you might as well just call it American.

>> No.15262947
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>Bongs enter the thread with their peasant cuisine

>> No.15262965

*sucks teeth*

>> No.15262971

A maritime nation. Their frutti di mare is fried fish

>> No.15262976


>> No.15262989

The only thing on this list I really like is stew

>> No.15262993

I think it’s fair to be autistic about authenticity when so much of your cuisine hinges on high-quality ingredients that other people don’t have access to or don’t understand its importance to the dish. So much Italian food is carried by the quality of like 1 or 2 major ingredients, so you get other people around the world fucking it up with subpar garbage and wondering what the fuss is. It’s easier to just say “come over here and we’ll do it right for you”.

>> No.15263019


>> No.15263047

Everything is slop. Didn’t you get the memo from /ck/ head chef?

>> No.15263082

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.15263087
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Some people just have shit taste.
This >>15262993. Italian food is pretty simple and nowhere near as complex when it comes to home cooking compared to some other cuisines — on the other hand it is extremely complex when it comes to wine making, curing and salting of meats, cheesemaking, agriculture in general, etc., i.e., making food in the first place as a raw or processed ingredient — and not difficult at all to prepare if you have the *right* ingredients. Adding anything more for a dish that you can make in less than fifteen minutes with minimum effort, knowing it will taste amazing seems insane. Having lived in somewhere like UK, I can say that the disparity of quality of ingredients is astronomical between there and countries like France or Italy. Italians in general on average seem to be at least semi-competent cooks, but if you asked me how many Kay's cooking or Jack-tier shit I've seen living in UK, I could fill out a book with stories of horrendous and clueless cooking. Most of it is harmless, but it's sad and pathethic when the same types try to shit on Italian cuisine, or simple food in general, because it's "boring" and they have a palette of a 60 year old chainsmoker or a 4 year old.
UK sausages are pretty bad to be honest. Too much fat and not enough meat. And I didn't even eat the bottom of the shelf paper made shit.

>> No.15263112

>takes pic at extreme angle so you can't see how shitty that pizza looks
nice try anon

>> No.15264094

>that pizza
Too much cheese. Looks like Amerigarbage. Proper itallian mozz is too moist to cover the whole surface with cheese.

>> No.15264142

Overrated shit desu. Italians are massive faggots about the "authenticity" of their peasant food.

>> No.15264183

>Seething and coping.

>> No.15264424
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>> No.15264468

Almost. French is too tier but Italian is close behind

>> No.15264487

Yes, Italian is easily the best cuisine ok the world.

Italian food is in top 5 in almost every food category
> Cheese
> Wine and alcohol
> Charcuterie
> Fish/seafood
> Bread
> Sweets
> Offals
> Carb based dish
> coffee

Excluding beer and steak/bbq which traditional italians cannot cook if their life depends on it.
But luckily they are improving even on those areas nowadays

>> No.15264506

I thought Tuscany was famous for their grilled beef, no?

>> No.15264528

I thought Britain was out of food since there's no border traffic after new 'rona mutated.

>> No.15264576

if Italian food was so good
why don't they have alot of places that serves it like how the Chinese do their food

>> No.15264637

They grill one kind of steak, that's it.

Don't get me wrong, it's tasty but that's nowhere near other countries meat culture.

In houses they don't even make the steak do the maillard reaction

>> No.15264692

>>15264637 me

Italians don't know about meat maturation and in general don't know which meat cuts are for steak or not.
A normal steak is a half inch meat without any marbling and again they don't sear it, and it end up grey and unappetizing
Pork ribs are cooked on grill at extremely high temp and they carbonize, and bbw in general is the same.
Poultry Is kinda the same, dry and grey.

In general, italian can't treat well the muscles of an animal, if we speak about traditional italian cuisine

That's probably because traditional italian cuisine is rooted in poverty, where the majority of meat consumption was of offals

>> No.15264721

Chain restauratns don't invent. They copy and commercialize.

Next time be quiet

>> No.15265031

There's a lot of good beer there and Germany is next doors. I don't know much about traditional steak, but it's not difficult to find a nice steak there; plenty of grill houses exist nowadays too. Maybe it's not Argentine quality of beef, but we don't have vast tracts of land for nothing but beef.

>> No.15265103

There are actually plenty of Italian restaurants in Italy. If I go out it's typically for pizza or appertivo (you order a drink, usually inexpensive, and get lots of starters, sometimes enough for a full meal, at least here in Piemonte). Since most of Italian cooking is pretty simple, and lots of dishes having extreme refionality, the best of Italian cooking is domestic cooking. You'll be hard pressed to find dishes that are very regional in any regular restaurant menu. And the truth is that when most people go and eat out they're a little tired of what they eat day to day, so Chinese and Japanese are especially appealing. Hope it answers your question.
Depends on the chef. Plenty of people know how to cook meat. Most restaurants know all these things and I've never had issues with the way meat has been prepared. At home some boomer dishes are a little weird, but that's mostly due to semi autistic ideas of my relatives about what is healthy and not. Maybe traditional cooking suffers from that, but Italians are more modern when it comes to cooking than you think. Even famous things like tiramisù and carbonara are all modern inventions.

>> No.15265147

use more buzzwords next time. 3/10 bait

>> No.15265695

Seems like you guys are a bit ritardati.

I didn't say you can't find a good steak or beer in italy. What i said is that
> Traditional italian cuisine is generally shit at cooking muscle meat that is not a brasato
> even today other countries shit on italy in those two things.

I didn't think it was possible to interpret my post as "it's impossible to find a good steak in the whole italy", but i shouldn't taking reading comprehension for granted

>> No.15267353
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Gotta learn to make this shit!!! getting sick and tired of these little Italian delis rippen me off, but its really fucking delicious...

>> No.15267355


>> No.15267616

Who care about "Traditional Italian food" when what you eat in Italy is actually modern Italian food? Let's theoretically pretend meats are bad even if they aren't because three hundred years ago poor peasants couldn't grill a prime cut of beef steak. You're the only one with shit for brains in this situation unfortunately.

>> No.15267631

And I'm not even talking in the sense that you specifically need to look for those things to get them, I mean that are literal chain restaurants selling grilled steak that is good, nevermind actual restaurants, and if you can't pick out a good beer from a supermarket that sells something like 50 types, you're lost. Unless what you exclusively drink is mango-coconut IPA double hopped "beer".

>> No.15267815

>Ploughman Slam
There's a market for it

>> No.15267879

britain existed before you learnt about it from LOTR

>> No.15267899

It is quite sad though.
Now compare to:
That's on an Anglo website too.

>> No.15267973

>bowl of canned san marzano tomatoes and some hand made pasta

Good but overrated to shit.

>> No.15268101


What is it that makes anglophones physically unable to understand the difference between palate and pallette? Are bongs and amerilards just retarded?

>> No.15268281

>50 for pasta and tomatoes
Where do you live? You'd never pay that amount for it in Italy.

>> No.15268287

It's autocorrect on phone, I meant to write "palate". I'm not natively an English speaker.