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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15262278 No.15262278 [Reply] [Original]

With legalisation basically inevitable once most boomer politicians and boomer supporters are six feet under, do you see marijuanna cuisine becoming a big thing? And for those who experiment with edibles already, do you think decarb marijuanna detracts or adds to a foods flavour?

>> No.15262285

No because it makes you too high. I could see coffee stores having sativa tinctures and maybe rolls but I imagine they will need a liscense like a liqour liscense to do so which they will find may or may not be lucrative.

>> No.15262292

Why are you so jealous of boomers?

>> No.15262295

They lived before they destroyed america.

>> No.15262314

They sailed to success on calm waters, then burned the boat when they got to shore, and expected the next generations to be grateful for the warmth.

Boomers essentially forgot that the success of a civilization is an endurance race, not a sprint, and now we're all fucked. They killed America.

>> No.15262379

CBD/THC infused foods will become a fad in twenty years when it is legalised. expect to see places like starbucks and mcdonalds offering a "munchies" deal or some gay shit like that. i can see high end restaurants offeriing high quality joints in the same league as wines. having a joint with your meal will be normal (youll have to be seated outside, however). it wll morph from fad to normalisation in fifty years. expect establishments that exclusively offer cbd/thc infused foods

>> No.15262401

Who taught you to hate your parents?

>> No.15262403

Weed tastes like shit though. Every recipe is just "x, with that gross, sweet herb/dirt flavour". You eat it to get high, not because it's good to cook with.

>> No.15262418

It can compliment to a meal. There are already two weed cooking shows on Netflix. Cooked with cannabis and Cooking on high. I liked the first one better because sometimes there are people who really know what they’re doing, instead of tossing some weed into the meal. But still the shows kinda have this DUDE WEED attitude.

>> No.15262560

The actions of parents and their peers.

>> No.15262565

filtered. i love that earthy taste it imparts into brownies.

>> No.15262579

I anticipate more a thing of cannabis-infused drinks being served in the bar prior to being seated for your meal.

>> No.15262638

My parents.

>> No.15262675

dude lmao

>> No.15262707

They were the first generation in history to survive 30+ years past their expiration date. Society was built for people to expire in their 60's and now people are living to their 90's due to advancements in medicine and technology. All the wealth and property they are hoarding should've been passed on generations ago. Instead, they are either hoarding it, or giving it away to foreign interests instead of their children. Fuck em. Fuck em to death.

>> No.15262728

Idealy it would be cool but too many regulations in all the wrong places. Corporations own the weed market. In colorado all the licenses are bought up by existing corporations who use this to extort people into doing business with them or sell it for outrageous prices like a million bucks. Best to just deal with regular people and make your own. Some dealers make edibles and they are cheap and easy to make.

>> No.15262756


>> No.15262782

My parents were born after the 1945-1959 era. They're gen X. My grandparents were part of the Silent Generation.

>> No.15262873


>> No.15262889

>All these drug addicted hedonists.
I at least like alcohol because I don't have to become intoxicated while enjoying it, but you morons remind me of my sister and her husband. They literally cannot function without being under the influence of something.

Pascal was right when he said all of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

>> No.15262912

Alcohol is proven to be a MUCH more destructive substance than marijuana across all parameters so.....

>> No.15262921

Show me some examples. Because I'll wager that with alcohol's extreme prevalence, and most people not abusing it, it is far better for you than your inevitable lung cancer and dementia from your near daily THC/marijuana consumption.

>> No.15262933

>Show me some examples.
I'm not your Google boy you Boomer bitch. Do some independent research for once in your life and make an informed opinion, yeah?

>> No.15262937

I have an informed opinion. I wanted you to realize that smoking your dope has a far more negative impact towards your health than you realize.

>> No.15262948

>I wanted you to realize that smoking your dope has a far more negative impact towards your health than you realize.
Yes, and that opinion was formed using anti-drug war Regan era propaganda. The scientific literature, and stats from legalized states, refute your position quite succinctly. I'd recommend updating your understanding of the debate. Or would you rather watch another 80's PSA of an egg frying on skillet and call it a day?

>> No.15262950

>most people not abusing it
kek, 20 yr old alchie cope, don't worry nothing bad will come out of it

>> No.15262952

>Implying recent studies by European health authorities have not established a link between marijuana use and dementia across socio-economic lines.
But yeah, keep letting your brain rot.

>> No.15262956

>these studies funded by biased pharmaceutical companies that have the most to lose from marijuana legalization are unfavorable to marijuana
Gee willikers, who would've thought! Read between the lines.

>> No.15262967

And who makes the studies encouraging you to sedate yourself? :^)

>> No.15262981

Publicly funded research at educational institutions, John Hopkins, Yale, Harvard Medical, many many others etc.

Were you unaware that research can be done independently from pharmaceutical companies? lmao

>> No.15262984

Ever heard of a DUI?

>> No.15262987

Also pharmacological speaking, alcohol is a sedative and marijuana is not. Look, I'm not trying to blow you out this fucking hard, because I really do want you to change your stubborn mind. You're kind of making it incredibly easy though.

>> No.15262992

Who do you think funds those institutions?

I'm just trying to make you think critically, amigo. Sounds like you've made up your mind and are content with your new-age bread and circuses.

>> No.15262998

>Sounds like you've made up your mind
Well, one of us certainly has. Sigh.

>> No.15263001

It'll be a meme, it's pretty much already a meme in states where it's legal. For pastries and baked goods, honestly, I have to use waaaay more sugar and vanilla and stuff to mask the flavor, because it just doesn't go with those kinds of things. However, the flavor is similar to other herbs such as rosemary, oregano, etc, and I find that a steak butter basted in weed butter, with rosemary and whatnot, or chicken done the same way, is absolutely delicious.
Restaurants that do weed food focus too much on terpenes, rather than actual weed, which I understand because you don't want your patrons to get absolutely rekt and try to drive home, but that's what makes it memey. If I'm going to eat weed, I'm doing it to get high as shit and be an incoherent mess for eight or more hours.
I broke up with a girl a few years ago, and I was distraught because she cheated, and I ate a whole tray of very potent weed cookies, and I was retarded, drooling high for exactly seven days, and I thought it'd be permanent. even if you smoke regularly, be careful with edibles, it's more like shrooms than weed.

>> No.15263004

Drugs are for the weak. Enjoy your grave.

>> No.15263032

>alcoholism isnt a drug adiction
based retard.

If you only know people who arent functional on drugs you must be a teenager. When you're an adult you mostly meet functional drug addicts who keep jobs.

>> No.15263057

I'm 30, and I've seen and met plenty of addicts. Further, I never said alcohol wasn't a drug, just that there are many more people able to use it without being intoxicated or abusing it.

If the sole purpose of taking a drug is to become intoxicated, you should reevaluate yourself and your decisions.

>> No.15263063

>For pastries and baked goods, honestly, I have to use waaaay more sugar and vanilla and stuff to mask the flavor,
the worst ones have the most sugar though. I go to the middle ground and mostly eat Koda chocolate. Koda bars taste amazing.

>> No.15263069

You don't have to be intoxicated on marijuana to enjoy it anymore than alcohol. In well grown marijuana the terpenes created a very robust flavor and that's what does it for me desu.

>> No.15263076

Different strokes, someone itt already said that they actually like the herbal, earthy flavor marijuana adds to brownies, but that's not what I eat brownies for, if I want something savory, it won't be a dessert. I don't know what a koda bar is. I live in Montana and have a green card, but I just grow my weed, I haven't been to a dispensary or paid for weed in years, I remember going to Denver when they first legalized it and everything was a giant meme, I had weed lox and schmear at some stupid place I saw on TV and it was fucking awful, but when I made it myself, it was incredible.

>> No.15263077

Good for you, then. I've never met someone who enjoys marijuana beyond getting high.

>> No.15263090

no, dude, listen

>> No.15263102
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>> No.15263103

True. I smoke for the taste but eat edibles for the effect. If you buy edibles in CO you need a medical card or you're getting ripped off. If i didn't have a med car i would only cook my own. But i also pay 60 for an oz so i can cook up all i want. Not growing because i live in an apartment but im saving up for some land in whyoming. What strains do you grow? Did you order from a seed bank or pick up in a friendly state?

>> No.15263118


>> No.15263127


>> No.15263132


>> No.15263138


>> No.15263147

I don't know what weed it is, I just planted some beans from the last black market bag I bought a few years ago, and they grew like, well, weeds. Wyoming is a shithole and the people are easily the stupidest and most useless people in the world.

>> No.15263164

Btw unless you're in a tiny studio, you can easily grow in your apartment. Shit I bring my shit in when it's too damn cold and grow in my closet, and I live in a trailer.

>> No.15263165

dude wait lmao just listen

>> No.15263170

Lmao suck my dick

>> No.15263289

no it tastes like shit and eating it to often ruins your tolerance to edibles. It will more or less just always be baked goods and shit like that

>> No.15263299

relax dude lol

>> No.15263321

its not like alcohol kills almost 100k a year in the US and makes 80% of its money from addicts

>> No.15263322

there's a show on Vice where they get a bunch of cooks to cook with marijuana in their food. Its pretty obvious these retarded stoners don't even have a good enough palate to taste the marijuana in most of the dishes. It will be a fad

>> No.15263442

zoomzooms are in a perpetual state of confusion

>> No.15263515

>earthy taste
Get real taste hippie

>> No.15263704

>With legalisation basically inevitable
It's been legal for two years here in Canada and the attitude towards it has barely changed. It's mostly like wigger college kids who show up to buy weed at the stores, a few older millenials and Gen-Xers and occasionally an actual baby boomer grandma who's there really mostly for medicinal purpose.

In other words no there's not gonna be like DUDE WEED LMAO CARBONARA up in michelin star restaurants. If you're gona add it to recipes then sure go for it but only do it because you think the taste will enhance it. If you want to get high and eat something then get high and eat something, don't shove weed into anything just because you can. It'd be like putting vodka in your milk & cereal.

>> No.15264351

>It'd be like putting vodka in your milk & cereal.
in what world does vodka taste as good as weed

>> No.15264386

im sad ill be old for this

>> No.15264396

It tastes better than weed

>> No.15264408

That’s completely retarded. Smoking while eating is for retards and it’s much harder to smoke in moderation than drink. “High quality wine” isnt 4x stronger than the cheap stuff, it just tastes better. Plus pot is something most people grow out of. It’s only fun when you’re under 25. Once you’re old it just makes you sleepy. It’s a shit tier drug for socializing

>> No.15264450

Doubt. In the Netherlands weed has been legal for decades yet the majority of people aren't weed smokers. What you described will be confined to weedhead safe spaces only.

>> No.15264665

Really? Most people don't even occasionally smoke? Seems weird.

>> No.15264916

How do you even grow it en masse on a medium size field?
Seems like big companies will catch the market the second it will be legalized. No competition and invisible hand shit

>> No.15264948

>occasional weedsmokers
only exist in theory. you're either a non-smoker or you wake and bake every day.

>> No.15264966

not true, my friend in college was an occasional smoker, would only smoke on weekends or at a party, and if he ever did smoke it was only one time he never came back to it again for the rest of the day.

>> No.15265030

yeah same thing with alcohol

>> No.15265056


>> No.15265086

t. alcoholic

>> No.15265126

Not true in the US. My neighbor who was also a good friend smoked all the time and would offer it but I declined except for occasionally taking a couple hits every 3-4 weeks. That's not all that uncommon in the US.

>> No.15265219


>> No.15265285
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Based. Fuck boomers. Honestly I just wish covid would kill more of them. There's too many fucking people on this planet.

>> No.15265309

hey now

>> No.15265329

Haha what kind of loser is jealous of old people

>> No.15265408
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I am. I'm almost 30 and I was promised if I went to school and did well I would have a house and a family. Instead, my business got fucked by covid and no one wants to hire a failed business owner. And what woman wants to date an ok looking guy when Chad is a swipe away. Fuck this world man.

>> No.15266080

you dont have to stop being a stoner when you get old, all my grandparents and my best friends' grandparents could probably outsmoke me

>> No.15266836
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ITT: daddy issues

>> No.15266840

WEED loooooool XDDDDD

>> No.15266880
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based thread

>> No.15267655
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>> No.15267685

Doesn't seem like a fair comparison if you're comparing moderate alcohol use to heavy smoking. In that case moderate alcohol use is probably better, but heavy alcohol use is way worse.

Anyway, smoking isn't the only way to use weed. There are some people who try to say smoking weed is actually good for you and cures diseases or whatever but most people realize it's not ideal, and with legalization you might see more use of tinctures and edibles.

>> No.15267708

Weed is a meme, a ZOG nigger-slave drug. Smoke tobacco it's far less damaging on your lungs and mind.

>> No.15267715

Yes, but I also don't drink hipster beer, so I don't care that much.

>> No.15267717

I like tobacco but inhaling any kind of smoke into your lungs is going to be bad and should probably be avoided. Things like cigars that are only meant to have the smoke pulled into the mouth and then exhaled might be better. But I've been preferring snus lately, it's like dip tobacco that's made in a different way so it actually doesn't cause cancer or dental issues as long as you stick with the good quality regular strength versions of it.

>> No.15268012

>Smoke tobacco it's far less damaging
only if you're smoking cigars or pipe tobacco and not inhaling and even then pipe tobacco gave my grandpa mouth cancer. Sounds like a cope to me. Plust you can just eat the marijuana and had diverse effects to your lungs at all. Cigarettes are far worse you'd have to be a retard to think otherwise.

>> No.15268363

you do sound like the type to sit in his room alone, ngl

>> No.15268477

>my extremely addictive, carcinogenic substance is better than yours
Why can’t people just stop having drugs of any kind?

>> No.15268523


>> No.15268530

>it's like dip tobacco that's made in a different way so it actually doesn't cause cancer or dental issues
lmao imagine falling for this marketing

>> No.15268565

lol, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.15268591
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Why do people make retarded statements like this? Not just ITT about weed but in life about anything. Are you really that retarded or are you pretending to be?

>> No.15268671

I mean there are a bunch of studies on it and TSNA ratings to compare it yourself. I'm sure some of it is marketing and it's not 100% safe but it seems to be the safest option if you're going to use tobacco anyway.

>> No.15270344

Yes because people never crash while high. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.15270366

God I fucking hope not. Smells like shit, tastes like shit, makes you retarded, etc.

>> No.15270371

It tastes good, like sage basically. Pretty solid flavor overall.

>> No.15270391
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>putting vodka in your milk & cereal.
Change it to peach brandy and now you're talking!

>> No.15271957

why the fuck wouldn't you be? wlrst part about boomers is how much they rub their awesome fucking early qdulthoods in your face and they got all of that because their dads died getting stabbed by some gook in the jungle.

>> No.15272198


>> No.15273921

Much less than drunks, alchie.

>> No.15273989
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Honestly no. Getting high and eating is one thing, but eating food that gets you high could be bad. I'm already a two puff chump

>> No.15273992

Most selfish generation of all time. Had everything handed to them and then kicked the ladder out from under them

>> No.15274083

yeah its the old couple thats the problem not the nogs and mexicans having 20 kids

>> No.15274237

Boomers were the ones killing babies and civilians in 'Nam and ended up getting their shit kicked in by a handful of rice farmer tunnel rats.

>> No.15274364

yeah blame the boomers not the mexicans and blacks having 20 kids each. whites (the majority of boomers) and asians barely have any kids at all

>> No.15274519

Nice strawman! Where's your ad hominem?

>> No.15274971

It's true actually.

>> No.15275418

weed bakery's sure maybe but in restaurants nah

>> No.15275467

They're different. Smoking weed is immediate and much more of a head high. Edibles take f o r e v e r to kick in sometimes like 90+ minutes but when they do it obviously lasts longer and it's much more of a body high. Obviously if you're eating someone's home-made mystery muffins and you don't know how much weed is in them and what % THC is in the weed you're pretty much rolling the dice but I get edible oil & it comes with a little pipette that lets me measure my dose down to a single 0.1 ml.