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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15260023 No.15260023 [Reply] [Original]

I found five loaves of bread in the dumpster. they were wrapped, but small opening in bag exposed. Its super cold out so they were refrigerated. They look good. Dog enjoyed a slice that I toasted and put butter on so animal test checks out. Do you think its ok to eat them? Think I can freeze it to kill any of the diseases that might have got on it?

>> No.15260041

Why were you looking in a dumpster for bread?

>> No.15260052

What the fuck wrong with you

>> No.15260058

I was throwing stuff out. and it was right there in an open bag of garbage. five of them. so I took them home. they are in the freezer right now.

>> No.15260064

>so I took them home

>> No.15260065

>Think I can freeze it to kill any of the diseases that might have got on it?

Many pathogens can survive typical freezer temps. Soak them in alcohol and let them dry in the sun and they'll be safe. And stop testing dangerous things on your dog you fucking asshole.

>> No.15260076

Food is rarely thrown away because there is actually something wrong with it. The bread is no doubt fine to eat and you should do it although you'll get 200+ replies trying to shame you out of it.

>> No.15260084


Stop being human garbage you stupid prick. Not everything is sashimi.

>> No.15260094

>Think I can freeze it to kill any of the diseases that might have got on it?
No because a home freezer doesn't get nearly cold enough to kill bacteria.

>> No.15260098

just peel the crusts off, it's not like someone would poison the inside of bread they left out to kill scavengers

>> No.15260107


You fucking people are ridiculous. Go find your food elsewhere. Stop being a kid

>> No.15260118

Why are you so fucking angry?

>> No.15260121

It doesn't. Freezers are a food preservation method and only retard bacteria growth, they don't kill them.

>> No.15260122

why do zoomers steal food from hobos and think they're being "sustainable"?

>> No.15260126

Because every fucking asshole knows that not everything is seafood. Not everything needs to be minus 40 degrees to kill germs. Jesus christ.

>> No.15260214

Because once the hobos die of malnutrition, they won't be increasing the the carbon footprint with their actions.

>> No.15260323

They are probably fine to eat. Don't listen to the haters on this board. There is nothing wrong with what you did

>> No.15260470
File: 49 KB, 1440x1080, mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are probably fine to eat.
Depends what kind of dumpster you pull them out of, honestly. If you pulled them from the dumpster at a grocery store they probably only threw it away because it was past the pull date and still perfectly edible because bread doesn't really go bad unless it molds. If you pulled it from a residential waste dumpster it's a tougher call.

>> No.15260502

This, when I worked at Trader Joe’s we spoiled multiple carts worth of shit a day just because it was flawed in some way. We used to spoil bread that was a few days from expiring just to stop customers from complaining when they bought almost expired bread. I used to just grab turkey meat, bread, and cheese, open it and make a few sandwiches for lunch, and then throw the rest in the spoiled cart so none of the managers could ask if I bought the shit, they just figured I made the sandwiches at home and the shit in the cart was spoiled because it got ripped open on the shelves, did this for years until I quit working at that shithole.