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File: 1.15 MB, 1600x900, alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15259043 No.15259043 [Reply] [Original]

i turn 21 tomorrow, recommend me some booze

>> No.15259056

it better be an IPA, noob

>> No.15259065

try beer

>> No.15259305

First time drinker?

>> No.15259321
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Irish Car Bombs and Jaegerbombs

>> No.15259340

If you're on your own, I'd recommend a nice vodka.
With friends, Jager all the way. Get some cigarettes or dip to go with it. Happy birthday btw.

>> No.15259343

Just don't, drink water. The other losers in this thread have already fallen for the alcohol jew. It is early enough for you to continue living a fruitful life, unlike them

>> No.15259349

Mojitos sprayed directly into your mouth from the anus of a mature blonde transwoman

>> No.15259357

you turn 21 get a nice bottle of champagne to celebrate

i recommend pol roger rich, its a demi-sec so slightly sweet and absolutely deliciously smashable

>> No.15259359

mojito or gin and tonic

>> No.15259411

Gin and tonic

>> No.15259419

not this
amber ales are dark beer in general is best

>> No.15259428

Alcohol's rough to get into if you've never had it before. I usually recommend Seagrams Escapes to dip you into it since they're like a fruity soda almost, and maybe some Angry Orchards afterwards since it's a little more obviously filled with alcohol but still can have a fruity taste. Happy birthday bro, cheers.

>> No.15259435

As someone on their way out of their 20's, don't bother drinking. It's just gonna get you fucking fat and develop dadbod before 30.

>> No.15259487

For me, it's warm bud light

>> No.15259494

miller high life.

>> No.15259501

Try a pale ale or a cider

>> No.15259509

don't make alcohol a habit desu

>> No.15259576


>> No.15259581

white russian

>> No.15259629

git gud n00bsauce. l2p. gghf

>> No.15259638

>letting beer commercials convince you into starting an expensive habit with no positives

What other parts of your life do you let marketing departments decide?
Did you hear a Country music song and go buy a pickup truck too?

>> No.15259827

Gordon's vodka is pretty good and cheap and J&B scotch makes anything better. Vodka red bulls are a great mixed drink if you're suicidal, and I usually just drink whiskey straight but sometimes I'll pour a shot of whiskey into a monster. It tastes like Hell and it will kill you before youre 30 but oh sweet Jesus Christ up on an iron Cross, it will get you more fucked up Bill Hick's pancreas. Don't drink them (or any alcoholic beverage) often and don't drink more than one or two in a day because you'll get fucked up quick and you really don't want a heart attack.

>> No.15259836

>his parents never let him drink underage
I’d drink wine and beer at family dinners when I was 16. My parents okayed it.

All these nerds who have their first drink at 21 are dweebs and nerds and should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.15260047

Maybe it'll be his first time going to a bar or something, and he just wants some sweet reccomendations for his first time out. He never said it was his first time drinking, de dummer Jude.

>> No.15260142

Jim beam whiskey. Not very offensive and can be mixed with coke or ice tea. Cheap too

>> No.15260221

Seagrams Escapes are retarded
3.2% lol
I have no idea how anyone can catch a buzz from those things

>> No.15261563

Get yourself a couple Steel Reserves.

>> No.15261859

Mike's hard lemonade if you just want the effects of alcohol, but dont want to have to deal with the nasty taste of liquor or beer.

>> No.15261869

Just drink water

>> No.15261871
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5 shots of Three Wisemen and throwing up at a McDonald's later

>> No.15261878

Don't do it anon, we love you.

>> No.15261922
File: 79 KB, 478x583, Untitled6_20201221002009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cheap burben

>> No.15261927

Eight fuckin whiskey sours, every single night

>> No.15261933

I censored this pic 4 you kid OP

>> No.15261985

You old enough to drink,smoke but on this forum kid yo better never ever see a coxk

>> No.15261996

Live a sober life like our blessed president. It may sound gay but he seems to do pretty well for himself.

>> No.15262350

When are hipster yanks going to get over IPA's? I know they're still new and exciting in your backwards country but try and keep up with the rest of the world and try some other beer styles.

>> No.15262360

Fifth of jaegar if you're a white boy
4 bottles of mickeys if you a brotha
Fifth of cazadores tequila if youre an amigo
Repent and pray if you're an arab
1 beer if you're asian because they have poor alcohol tolerence
No alcohol if native american

>> No.15262365

Well they're for jr. high children.

>> No.15262885

For me it's coors banquet. You can keep your gay belgian shit.

>> No.15262908
File: 33 KB, 600x639, godo-shusei-denki-bran-30-72-cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denki bran if you want to be real cool

>> No.15262917

Yeah man, we all saw Cobra Kai.

>> No.15262919

Anon you better have a knife proof ear muff.

>> No.15262940

white foil isn't demi sec but I highly rate the demi sec pol roger. You have class anon

>> No.15263013


>> No.15263329

If you're willing to cook make yourself some nice fatty pork steaks, mashed potatoes with lots of butter and a sour-sweet cabbage tomato mix. Now, take a bottle of wodka, and drink a shot before every (big) bite.

This is basically the best first experience you can make, the fatty meat will make the alcohol high better, and since wodka doesn't have any additives you literally can't fuck it up. Unless you're a retarded 16-year-old who doesn't know his limits.

Alternatively amaretto sour is also pretty nice

>> No.15263333

Alcohol makes people sad and/or pathetic. Try it by all means, but don't fall into the trap of thinking it's cool.

>> No.15263646

Stick to liquor if you want to stay in shape and it gets the job done fast. All my friends that drank beer all the time are far fucks now, beer can also give you ED. Wild turkey, buffalo trace are good bourbons. For irish whiskey redbreast, green spot, and teeling are great. Scotch is overrated. Cheap bourbon can be great, cheap blended scotch is always shit. It's better to be sober than drink that shit. I like brandy/cognac but not sure if you like it. I don't drink vodka or gin enough to have any good recommendations.

>> No.15263655

Moderately based

>> No.15263659

>Alcohol makes people sad and/or pathetic
lol no cletus, it only makes extremely fucked up people sad. It makes most people more fun, happier and more social
Stop listening to your local mega-church pastor and live your own life

>> No.15264393

yes, exactly

I'd recommend 'some' booze

>> No.15264415
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For you? White claw or maybe pic related

>> No.15264427

Why do so many anons on this board have the same tastes as alcoholic trophy wives?

>> No.15264429

Your idea of being "more fun" is being pathetic.

>> No.15264431

Pickups are far more valuable than a drinking habit

>> No.15264445

You sound like a coping alcoholic

>> No.15264451


Most people do not become sad or assholes when they drink dude. The vast majority of people are not genetically prone to alcoholism, and most moderate drinkers would be genuinely shocked if they saw how much actual alcoholics drink. Something like the top 5% of drinkers drink over 90% of all alcohol sold

>> No.15264463

Ok buddy. Most people don’t go on diatribes to defend their shitty habits.
The reason the top drinker drink most of the alcohol is because half the country either never drinks or only drinks like once a year. It only takes 1 drink a day to put you into the top 80th percentile of drinkers.

>> No.15264507

what I am saying is the difference between a 90th percentile drinker, a completely normal person, and an alcoholic is fucking massive, and underappreciated by southern teetotalers with your insane religious superstitions about moderate drinking

>> No.15264564

Don't bother. Arguing with a Southern Evangelical is just talking to an inert wall of stone sculpted by his pedo preacher.

>> No.15264702


Old Rasputin Imperial Russian Stout
Myers's Rum
Mount Gay Rum
Bombay Sapphire Gin
Johnny Walker Black Label

if that's too expensive maybe just get some Bacardi 151, Jameson, and Guinness

if that's too expensive maybe just get some Pinnacle Vodka and some Lone Star, PBR, or Miller High Life

if that's too expensive maybe just get some Popov Vodka a couple 40s of King Cobra and maybe even a bottle of Franzia

if all that is too cheap then you need to ask someone richer than me.

>> No.15264729

underage confirmed

>> No.15264734

get a needle and live a boring life afterwards

>> No.15264738

Beer but go easy, after 3-4 5.3% you get really drunk :D

>> No.15264739
File: 27 KB, 500x375, Everclear-190-Proof-Label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a man.

>> No.15264741

*tips fedora*

>> No.15265390
File: 48 KB, 1024x683, beer plank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i turn 21 tomorrow, recommend me some booze

Go to local brew pub with some friends and get a couple of beer planks, several kinds of beer in small glasses served on a wooden platter, so you can get an idea of what you like (take notes so you’ll remember what you liked the next time you go there).

>> No.15265396
File: 1.37 MB, 2323x3096, Beer Styles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, save this infographic on your phone so you know what’s what;