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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 750x1000, 993A2155-4845-4227-826D-EBC947F02662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15250438 No.15250438 [Reply] [Original]

>and what drink do you want with your Big Mac sir?
>I’ll have a coke
>with no ice
How do you respond?

>> No.15250448

>machine is refrigerated so your drink comes out of it cold
You either drink it within a small enough timeframe that it stays cold without ice, or you take all day with ice, which melts and then what’s left tastes like ass

>> No.15250449

I personally don't like it because I take time to finish my meal and drink, but to each their own.

>> No.15250454

greedy fucks who are happy to GET MAOR even if it's shit tier quality

soft drinks are objectively superior over ice, and especially fountain sodas like coke made from that delicious syrup

ice is king. this concludes my reaction

>> No.15250463

I don't. The markup on postmix soda is insane even if all of the added water is in liquid form instead of some being solid.

>> No.15250475

I always see people make the argument that no icers are jews just trying to get more but there’s plenty of valid reasons not to get ice in certain situations. At fast food places I never get ice because it melts and makes the drink gross. If I’m in a place that gives me an actual glass for my drink, then ice is acceptable

>> No.15250485

What if I just take it home and put ice in it after I drink a little?

>> No.15250490

My ex has a pretty sensitive aspartame allergy so she would always have to order with no ice because even diet soda spilling into the ice well would set her off. Even though most fast food places don't have an ice well she just had the habit of ordering no ice.

>> No.15250495

McD's coke is a little different though. The mix is actually a little heavier on syrup than it is supposed to be (which is why the first hit is always so good) so as the ice melts, the drink doesn't taste watered down.

>> No.15250498

>How do you respond?
Nigga I dont work at mcdonalds so why would I

>> No.15250504

I think the thread implies that you are with someone who is ordering an iceless soda.

>> No.15250528

Soda fountains are formulated differently from cans, one of those reasons is that fountains drinks are intended to be drank with ice, which also lowers the drinking temperature compared to canned soda meaning fountain drinks have been designed to be drank with ice. Don't believe me? Look it up

>> No.15250537

This is 4chan. Having friends or other forms of companionship is never implied. The opposite, in fact.

>> No.15250545

If I had people to go eat with I wouldn't be on 4chan

>> No.15250550

You guys got a point. I've been here for 12 years and the points in my life where I post here the most are when I am at my loneliest

>> No.15250554

It's not upper class, but it's not lower class either. Lower class can't afford to pay someone to make food for them.

>> No.15250555

I have noticed that the Coke from restaurants tastes different than Coke from a can. But even then, McDonald’s Coke tastes different than Arby’s Coke. And all the restaurants that have those freestyle machines Coke tastes extra gross for some reason

>> No.15250559

People who get no ice are usually fat fucks who just want extra without paying more. I always never fill the cups full, fuck them

>> No.15250562
File: 962 KB, 1840x2882, large cup - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now the large cup at McD was also designed for the ideal soda to ice ratio. The fountain produces more syrupy soda but the ice brings the temperature lower than canned which reduces the ability to taste the extra syrupyness.

>> No.15250573

>extra without paying more
Almost every restaurant out there these days offers free refills. The only time I would argue you are being a cunt over ice is if you are getting some shit from Starbucks or something that is built around having ice

>> No.15250585

This logic is great if you dine in and fill your own cup. If you go through the drive thru, nog that fills your cup brings the ice to the green line

>> No.15250592
File: 56 KB, 512x464, soda fountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McDonald’s Coke tastes different than Arby’s Coke.
McD actually has permission from Coke to deviate from the standard soda to syrup ratio.
>And all the restaurants that have those freestyle machines Coke tastes extra gross for some reason
The problem with the freestyle machines is the residual flavors from the previous person and everyone else using the mix in option with your drink because the machine needs to share the outlet unlike traditional soda fountains where each brand had their own outlet.

>> No.15250594

They stopped trusting the nogs with filling drinks. machine does that now.

>> No.15250604
File: 141 KB, 579x584, cup-measurements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because everyone else never looks at the intricate design of everyday objects. Are you familiar with the Solo cup having built in measuring lines? Many everyday objects have intuitive design features hidden in plain sight.

>> No.15250606

When your job is saved by automation. Nogs.

>> No.15250643

Arby’s must have got some deal to mess with the mixture too because their Coke is probably the most different out there
>residual flavors
That makes sense. But are there really heathens out there getting shit like lime and peach coke?

>> No.15250648

>But are there really heathens out there getting shit like lime and peach coke?
Those are fighting words anon, I ain't no heathen
>sips on vanilla orange lime coke

>> No.15250650

then you're a fucking snöflek

>> No.15250661

Maybe but more likely they clean their soda fountain less, hell even McD doesn't follow proper soda fountain maintenance intervals because it's a complete bitch to maintain because mold likes to grow anywhere the syrup touches

>> No.15250668
File: 545 KB, 735x1955, Screenshot_2020-12-18 Why Do Red Solo Cups Have 'Measuring Lines' .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get deboonked, faggot. Don't believe every twitter "infographic".

>> No.15250675

Arby’s only just recently got a contract with Coke, and thus got a bunch of brand new machines (at least where I live). I noticed the different taste when that machine was barely broken in

>> No.15250686

Not him but I can’t help but feel this is corporate ass covering so no one can ever blame Solo for their idiot college daughter dying from alcohol poisoning due to the alleged measurement lines

>> No.15250687

:( I got dunked on, going to measure myself when I get the chance now
I didn't know they got new machines so that's probably why.

>> No.15250691

Part of me just does not want to believe this much thought goes into your drink. I’m gonna try filling my cup just right next time I go to mcshit to see if it makes a different

>> No.15250694

>dying from alcohol poisoning due to the alleged measurement lines
They acknowledge the coincidence but seriously it's a cheapo stackable plastic cup.

>> No.15250695


I for one get tired of having nothing but a glass of ice after two swallows of a $1.50 or more drink.

>> No.15250701

A cheapo cup that is extremely well associated with excessive drinking and parties. Better to keep any thoughts of intentional design related to anything alcohol away from the product

>> No.15250702

It's absolutely this.

>> No.15250703

Wouldn't having no lines at all be more defensible?

>> No.15250704

>once saw one of the ice machines have this nasty shit gunk on them
>put me off from ordering ice in drinks

It really depends on the establishment

>> No.15250706

That's like saying "tumblers have thick bottoms because people tend to knock things over when they're drunk". Vaguely plausible but it's really just a good glassmaking design.

>> No.15250711

The lines are for rigidity and stability, apparently.

>> No.15250722

wouldn't vertical lines make more sense if it was for structure?

>> No.15250736

you guys are fucking schizos

>> No.15250744

No, because they're also supposed to be easy to stack inside each other.

>> No.15250754

These ice machines are filthy and never get cleaned. I mean so are the soda nozzles but at least they get switched out once in a while.

>> No.15250783

you sound like a corpo

>> No.15250802

That’s the point. People are saying it’s designed for alcohol, and Solo is saying they are wrong. By doing so there is no valid argument in court that the cup and someone’s death can be related

>> No.15250809

this guy is right

the profit margin on drinks is so huge that you lose basically nothing, and if I'm a worker I'm losing nothing regardless because I don't own the fukkin store

>> No.15250813

this is complete bullshit

>> No.15250832
File: 39 KB, 600x463, 6a00d83451d49569e20105371d8696970b-600wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh but they absolutely do. market perception, no matter how subtle it may be, is absolutely everything to these companies worth 150B+

>pic related

>> No.15250893
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you got me anon

>> No.15250901

A valid argument couldn't be made anyway. If anything, that argument would favor the manufacturer, since they can point out the clearly delineated measuring lines indicating a single serving of various types of alcohol.

>> No.15250913

Not him but IIRC I read that in an interview with a McDonald's executive, but even before that I always thought Mcdonalds drinks tasted way better if you waited for 5-10 minutes

>> No.15250932

I always order No Ice because fountain drinks cost literal pennies to produce and they already come out cold. There is literally no reason to get ice when ordering from the drive through (no refills).

>> No.15251117

>peach coke
That would make Coke next level Georgia, they should though considering Coca-Cola is a Georgia founded company and peach is the symbol of Georgia. Maybe it already has peach in it?

>> No.15251125

The freestyle machines have a bunch of extra flavors you can mix in like lime and peach. You can add them to Sprite and Root Beer too which seems even more gross

>> No.15251132
File: 159 KB, 325x550, Screenshot_2020-12-19 georgia-peach (WEBP Image, 325 × 550 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already do this shit as a part of their "local flavours" line of glass bottle Cokes. They also have California Raspberry, or BC Raspberry north of the border.

>> No.15251135

Why would I get ice? It leaves me with less coke in my cup while it waters down the beverage

>> No.15251174

Wasn’t Baja Blast made specifically to enhance the taste of Taco Bell food? Which was the entire reason for not selling it in stores which they ended up doing anyway?

>> No.15251509

The residual flavors is the mold anon. Multiple nozzles are take more time to clean versus a single nozzle

>> No.15251549

Even when literally all I drank was Coke, fountain version was disgusting.
Those nozzles are cleaned daily and take no effort; you take them off and soak them in a cup of soda water. The actual syrup ratio is checked weekly and would surprise me if this isn't required by the distributor.

>> No.15251564

This marketing isn't directed at consumers it's directed at the marketer's boss. They are the only ones the lies need to be effective on. It's why it is common practice to blatantly offend your entire customer base while pretending you are targeting the larger non-customer group.

>> No.15251574

>How do you respond?
by saying these words:
“Heil Hitler”

>> No.15251690
File: 155 KB, 1500x979, 81D5EEcEFDL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have sensitive teeth and really cold drinks make them hurt so I never order ice. Plus the ice melts and waters down the drink. Why don't more establishments use whiskey balls/stones or just freeze some drinks in cube trays then bust them up as needed?

>> No.15252937

I always stick my penis in my leftover ice so I’d be confused why that person isn’t doing that

>> No.15252949

>How do you respond?
I don't work at McDonald's.

>> No.15252982

It's fucking december
Who wants ice at a time like this

>> No.15252985

Because whisky stones are a do-nothing meme for the mentally disabled

>> No.15253025

>people who order ice cream with no ice
How do you respond?

>> No.15253047

My grandparents would always order no ice. I suspect most people think it's because they have sensitive teeth, but in reality they're doing it because they're cheapskates who are upset that the volume of the ice means they get less drink. They only ever order it if they're in a drive through or taking the drink away, since when you get free refills, it doesn't matter. I don't drink soda, but I also couldn't possibly be bothered to make sure I "get my money's worth" out of a medium soda at McDonalds, especially when even with the ice, give the size of these monstrous cups today you can't possibly wind up thirsty afterwards unless you're a fat fuck.

>> No.15253212

Prior to the ice machine automation, it wasn’t even an issue of being a cheapskate, it was an issue of getting more than two swallows worth of drink.

The drink + cup/lid/straw costs about 10 cents total, and the price is $1.50. With that kind of markup you better give it to me the way I want it

>> No.15253582
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>> No.15253641

I'll start ordering ice when the drinks come out warm

>> No.15253664

>"the ice takes up too much space! I want more soda!"
>"it tastes icky when it melts and waters down the soda!"
>"I like being picky!"
Ok now that the children have responded, soda over ice is the only acceptable way to drink it, with the exception of canned soda
The ice keeps the soda at an optimal temperature
if you're worried about getting that extra ounce of soda you probably should be worrying more about your financial situation
If you're worried about it watering the soda down, don't worry because in the amount of time it would take to water it down the soda will be flat and ruined anyway. If you're really worried you can order extra ice
If you just need attention I can't help you there, but the only way to drink fountain soda is over ice

>> No.15253673

Coke created freestyle machines to help wean high iq whites with sophisticated palettes off soda while continuing to oppress low iq others that can't tell the difference

>> No.15253737

>more ice please! i want less soda and more water!

>> No.15253747

Imagine being proud of getting a couple more ounces of slow death (soda) from a multibillion dollar company

>> No.15253751

So the freestyle machines taste wrong intentionally?

>> No.15253767

Yes, soda is for slaves, keeps you unhealthy, brain fog, expensive health problems later, dependent on artificial beverage
Take the water, juice, and milk pill

>> No.15253770

Am I supposed to think not watering down a drink and making it cold as fuck is a bad thing?

>> No.15253777

Aw poor baby! Do your wittle teef hurt from the icy soda? Does it get watery??? Aw you poor thing!

>> No.15253786

I don't give two shits about "moar"; the ice dilutes the soda as it melts and makes it taste shitty, even assuming the manager uses filtered water for the icemaker.

>> No.15253800
File: 35 KB, 474x457, 852DD40A-A46F-4A1A-818A-340F25C8441E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this, what if I told you that those fast food soda drinks you like so much are mixed with a ratio of syrup higher than store bough because they plan on watering it down with a bit of ice, when a store bough can or bottle will probably find its home in your fridge. Ice is king, he’s right, and makes for a lighter, colder, and all around more refreshing beverages

>> No.15253801

Not if you put enough ice in, it just maintains the sodas optimal temperature
How long do you take to drink soda?

>> No.15253803

Stop getting upset at other people having preferences you 5 year old

>> No.15253809

You're the only one upset bro

>> No.15253812

You're so upset you made a thread about it

>> No.15253814

Putting more ice in is just putting more water in you dumb retard.

>> No.15253828

>implying I made the thread
Take your meds bro

>> No.15253835

Frozen water that keeps the soda chilled

>> No.15253836

You made a highly emotional post regardless.
That says a lot

>> No.15253849

The mechanism through which ice keeps shit chilled is that it melts. There's a reason whisky stones suck so bad.

>> No.15253850

You're projecting bro
That says more than I ever could
Take your meds

>> No.15253854

You replied to me first, retard. I never asked you anything

>> No.15253860

You're acting like they melt immediately
You either live in a desert shithole or you're arguing in bad faith

>> No.15253867

You posted on a public forum, you should put a disclaimer on your posts that you don't want anyone to disagree with you no matter how crazy your post is

>> No.15253891

You can disagree with someone without being a giant raging faggot about it

>> No.15253924

The only giant raging faggot is you my friend

>> No.15253931
File: 31 KB, 476x314, 1405172809143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u
no u

>> No.15253933

you're acting like it doesn't melt at all. you're either retarded or arguing in bad faith.

>> No.15253939

The amount it melts is negligible unless you only get one or two cubes

>> No.15253954

I accept your concession

>> No.15253968

more ice = more melted water = more dilution you gormless shithead.

>> No.15253986
File: 2.20 MB, 600x600, 1592431054932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scream louder fag

>> No.15254000

It melts slower with more ice
Are you retarded?
Do an experiment
Get 2 glasses of cold water, put 6 ice cubes in one and then put 6 cubes in the other one at a time waiting until each cube melts before putting the next cube in
See what happens

>> No.15254161

I accepted your moms vagina last night gayboy

>> No.15254213

The no-ice wankers need to stop.
Never do you realise how distant a family member really is when they go and get you a Pepsi and bring it back with no ice or lemons.
Like fuck me.

You ask them and they claim there's some scam they're privy to and by asking for no ice they're beating the system and getting more drink. But that's bullshit. No ice is a subpar, fucking WARM ass drink, disgusting.

If you actually ask for no ice you deserve to die.

>> No.15254227

I always ask for extra ice. I’d be happy if the ice went all the way from the bottom to the top.
>bUt ThEn YoU gEt LeSs DrInK
Nigger, first of all it is enough drink anyway, and if I want more I can just buy it. When you get into the economics of sacrificing ice for soda you KNOW you are a poor faggot

>> No.15254240

Its because you get way more soda that way. They add ice to over half of the space in the cup. You're getting 50%+ less soda

>> No.15254244


See >>15254227

>> No.15254247

>popular uses for Solo cups
What? Who puts cereal in Solo cups.

>> No.15254250

I worked at a fast food drive through before. There are actually people addicted to sugar free aspartame who come in the drive through just to get a x-large diet coke to get their fix.

>> No.15254258

A little ice.

>> No.15254266

I've argued with niggers at McDonald's when I order a medium coke and they say I can get a large for the same price
It just baffles their minds that I don't want more liquid poison for the same price
>but you know you can get a large for same price man, why don't you want a large?
Because a medium is enough fucking soda for me holy shit

>> No.15254269


>> No.15254289

/ck/ is still the smartest board, I see.

>> No.15254386

That's dumb. You just get the large and throw the extra away, thus depriving someone else of the poison.

>> No.15254409


It’s so true man. And why ya want that big ass unwieldy cup. It’s straight up unnecessary. Just eat your meal and drink your drink and go on with your day

>> No.15254425


Dude are you actually retarded? You must be. Go home retard.

>> No.15254630

Not how businesses are run bro

>> No.15254635

Just buy all the feminist literature my dude, then there won't be any left to indoctrinate the retarded freshxirs in college

>> No.15254652

Not an argument. I win

>> No.15254684
File: 27 KB, 307x258, tre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never would have imagined that people cared so much about something so trivial.

>> No.15254689

Where do you think you are

>> No.15254708

I can only drink 2 glasses of milk per day, and they have to be significantly spaced out. If I have two in succession I have earth shattering braps for hours

>> No.15254714

So drink water and juice the rest of day?

>> No.15254716

I like just a little bit of ice, I fucking hate when they fill the cup to the top so you get a little bit of soda in the gaps and if you don't finish it all in 5 minutes it just tastes like slightly sweet water

If you're in a drive-through it's easier to just ask for no ice than to specify just a little and hope they listen and do it right, especially at places like McDonald's where the drive-through drink machines are fully automated and they just press one button to fill the cup to the top with ice

>> No.15254744 [DELETED] 

Imagine trusting niggers to do a real job not just monkey tier wage slaving
Holy shit someone take my nightmare goggles off this is too much

>> No.15255273

I have a crazy lactase system, I can drink a gallon a day without issue. I just don't because I know it's unhealthy to do that but when I first found out I went crazy about it, ice cream, cheese, yogurt, milk nonstop. I love dairy, even crazier, I'm Asian and the rest of my family can't digest milk

>> No.15255999

I specifically ask for 1 ice cube in my drink. If I find more than 1, I immediately toss the cup through the drive thru window and drive off

>> No.15256039

I don't care, I order a bottle or can of soda pop, not nasty fountain drinks.

>> No.15256049

Fountain is better. Carbonated at point of sale.

>> No.15256076

Even when I ask for no ice half the time I get it. So I tell them they did it wrong and I end up with two drinks

>> No.15256100
File: 449 KB, 750x767, 1590468724008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think ice makes it too cold... why is this the thing you guys are choosing to sperg out about

>> No.15256105

I have the capacity to sperg out over everything, you limited tard

>> No.15256132

I don't understand anyone who adds a bunch of sugar water to what's already an empty calorie packed meal in the first place. Anyone who says "I NEED MORE SUGAR WATER NO ICE" deserves the rope.

>> No.15256203

>How do you respond?
by serving them a coke with no ice

>> No.15256208

>ooga booga I have to count every calorie every day
You must be fun at parties

>> No.15256236

The concentration of syrup they use for fountain soda is higher than what it is in a bottle. This is done with adding ice in mind. Adding ice makes the drink extra cold, which makes it better. But this does not dilute it, like penny pinching morons think, as I just mentioned. So what these morons are really doing is ordering literal liquefied candy and happily ingesting it as if it were a regular soda. Idiots.

>> No.15256240

When I eat in at a fast food place I make sure to drink at least 3 full glasses of soda

>> No.15256244

>does not dilute it
If you drink it right away. It it’s summer and you get your drink to go, the ice melts and makes it taste like shit

>> No.15256266

Well that's your problem for not eating your meal right away and letting it get cold and diluted, isn't it?

>> No.15256274

>You must be fun at parties
I'd drink 20 beers at a party before I'd add 200 calories of HFCS to my meal, so yeah, I'm more fun at parties. You're probably just fat.

>> No.15256278

I can't eat it right away because I have to get it to my house first. People who eat and drive should be shot. They literally kill people by causing accidents. People who eat in their car should be shot as well for being social outcasts.

>> No.15256283

There are around 150 calories in a can of beer so you'd rather drink 3000 calories than 200.
Nice math Einstein.

>> No.15256289

How fucking far away from your local McDonald's do you live? Are you crossing state lines, or what? McDonald's literally has the most locations of any restaurant. There are at least two of them, equidistant, five minutes from any location in the entire country.

>> No.15256294

At least it does something. Sugar fizzy water doesn't make you feel any different. It just makes you fat and is the same as eating a candy bar. Except making you less full, and only accompanying your fatshit lifestyle.

>> No.15256322

>At least it does something
20 cans of beer would add a great deal more calories than a single soda thus making you fatter, plus that amount would risk brain or liver damage not to mention an increase your risk of cancer.
Nice chemistry Einstein

>> No.15256349

you must be 18 and not a fucking moron to post on this board

>> No.15256350

Stop taking my post too literally. I don't want to drink soda, because it's like drinking candy, and I'd rather just eat candy if I was going to. Booze has an actual effect. It's fun, and you feel something.

There's no reason to drink anything but water, coffee, tea, and booze. Soda = candy.

>> No.15256356

WHAT !?!
the Pepsi logo is smiling?

I never even thought of that

always hated the new logo, loved the old beach ball one though

>> No.15256368

well maybe you can convince the government to ban it. just like when they banned booze in the 20s

>> No.15256374

there are people who get paid (a lot of money) for this shit...

>> No.15256382

It would be a good idea to ban both. We didn't have the technology to properly enforce such a ban in the 1920s. We do now. It would work now.

>> No.15256393

Stupid posts deserve stupid replies

>> No.15256520


>live in my car
>reach in my icebox
>add my own ice

>> No.15256529

>Imagine wagies defending their corporate masters by fucking people who don't want so much (((ice))).

Seriously, neck yourself.

>> No.15256560

It’s really not. But whoever is on the marketing team has to try REALLY hard to convince the suits their position in the company needs to exist

>> No.15256585

These do fuck-all anon, the only ones of these that work are the ones filled with actual water. The cooling power of ice comes from the very high heat of fusion of frozen water.

>> No.15256596

I can't find Georgia Peach coke anywhere in Washington anymore :'(

>> No.15256625

>chick fil a
>order large lemonade no ice
>order cup of water on side

>> No.15256636

I have never in my life had a fountain drink taste like it had more flavor as if it was meant to be watered down. Fountain cola universally tastes like bottled that has been left open for a few days.

>> No.15256644

I always order no ice at chik fil a, they just put way too fucking much in. Plus I like their lemonade, don't care if I'm fat as fuck for it I want most I can get.

>> No.15256645

I order takeout and pour it into my own cup with my home ice. The ice machine in any restaurant/hotel is one of the dirtiest places.

>> No.15256648

This anon has hit the nail on the head

>> No.15256649


That is some straight up nigger shit my guy

>> No.15256793

that's like asking for a dick with no balls

>> No.15256805

Which is a very good idea if you don't want sperm in your semen.

>> No.15256891

Dick and balls is gay so no ice must be straight

>> No.15257000
File: 239 KB, 864x381, Krystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans take giant gulps, and the soda is far worse for them than the actual meal. Like, a burger isn't bad for you, really. Not great, but not terrible. But when you add the empty carbs and salt from fries, and the truly shameful amount of sugar in the giant vats of soda you drink, it's fucking disgusting. No wonder you're all pic related

>> No.15258328

Of course. Here you go. Have a nice day.

>> No.15258366

give them a coke with no ice

>> No.15258424

Fill the cup with mostly coke but then put a little pepsi in there too

>> No.15258458

They're good for when a guest wants to try one of your expensive whiskies and insists on ice. Give him a placebo so he at least has a chance of not wasting it.

>> No.15258522

Way more people workout in the US than Europe, and way less people smoke. But what can you expect from the dirty Europeans who don’t even have central heating and cooling in their homes. Fucking cavemen lmao.

>> No.15258539

The carbonator is different for mcdonalds fountain drinks.

>> No.15258545

t. doesn't know the joys of warmed soda
missing out bro

>> No.15258769

I don't drink soda at fast food restaurants anyway.

>> No.15258924

"I only want a little liquid poison" is a weird flex.

>> No.15258936

Soda is actually good for you

>> No.15258956

Late and not that fuck but you retarded son


>> No.15258986

Fat person detected.

>> No.15259000
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>> No.15259021

Do you think a small amount of water ruins the taste of corn syrup soda?

>> No.15259190

The king of Big Macs has averaged like two a day since the 70s or some shit, and he rarely eats fries or drinks soda and he's not overweight.
So yeah.

>> No.15259643

I go to the gas station and get one of those 64oz drink cups and fill it up entirely with soda. That usually lasts me the afternoon. If you bring your cup back, you get a discount on the next drink too

>> No.15259658

the sodi is too cold it make my teef hurt

>> No.15259967

Ice is the liquid jew it takes up space in the cup keeping you from getting your moneys worth

>> No.15259996

You're whining about a nickle worth of soda when you get free refills, and you're calling ice the jew?

>> No.15260056

The difference between a drink with ice and a drink with no ice is fractions of a penny you faggot

>> No.15260348

ice ruins the carbonation and it often tastes bad because the machine hasnt been cleaned

>> No.15260373

Ow my freakin' ears!

>> No.15260417

>ice in soda
Might as well ask for water, then.
If anyone's a jew, it's the burger place watering down the drinks

>> No.15260731

Now do the math when hundreds of people get drinks with no ice. It really hurts business

>> No.15261438

You don’t get refills in the drive thru

>> No.15261454


>> No.15261504

Can > fountain drink

>> No.15262081

Why are people so upset about ice?

>> No.15262088


>> No.15262197


>> No.15262204

I always order no ice.
Fuck ice.
I'd rather drink soda at room temperature than drink it with ice.

>> No.15262426

>Here we have a circle
>Smooth and inoffensive
>This will be the basis
>Of your revolution
>Gravity is crucial
>With some calculation
>We will find your logo

>> No.15262433

They probably just have bad teeth or something. Stop being a snowflake and do your job, wageslave.

>> No.15262439

>I'd rather drink soda at room temperature
room temperature IQ

>> No.15262440

>Do you think a a third of the cup of water ruins the taste of 1 part corn syrup, 4 parts water, soda?

fixed that for you

>> No.15262480


>> No.15263599

How does that debunk anything?
1. Shots aren't "generally" 1.5 oz. They're anywhere between 1 oz to 3 oz. A 1 oz shot is definitely a real thing.
2. Yes, people drink wine out of solo cups.
3. If you pour the beer until the cup is full, it's going to overflow with head. Pouring to that line is common in my experience.
4. The last bit just proves it can be used as a measurement mark. The company flat out says "we didn't really intend it, but yes, it can be used that way."
God fucking damn is Snopes garbage.

>> No.15264365

I always order no Ice for two reasons
>I drink a shot ton of fluid
>ive at fast food is nasty tasting sink water

>> No.15264381

Whether it was designed for that purpose is the only point up for debate. Baka.

>> No.15264398

Yes - it also fucks up the carbonation

>> No.15264443

"Ok sir no problem"

>> No.15264503

So this is where all the autists gather.

>> No.15265938

Ignore the request and fill the cup with ice because I engage in my dead end food service job with my brain turned off

>> No.15266001

The consumer is paying a upfront fee for a product. You have a contract agreement to give ice or not. In the real world a fraction of a penny shouldn't really matter. But in the capitalist autistic world it means everything.

>> No.15266027

I get a water and another mcdouble or mcchicken like a proper fat-ass

>> No.15266797

Fuck the consumer

>> No.15267303

>no icers are jews just trying to get more
When you literally mix it the cheapest way possible and charge top dollar you're the jew, regardless.

>> No.15267311

Technically, the customer pays. The customer is often the consumer, but not necessarily. Not being facetious, the distinction is legit.

>> No.15267316

I tell them to replace mine with some plain tea
Just hot water in a cup with a black tea teabag
I dont drink soda

>> No.15267326

Well if she measured her alcohol out using the lines she wouldn't be dead unless intended.

>> No.15267377
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>drinking sugar water
>added acid flavor

>> No.15267384

Nah, more likely it's some ex-CIA who knows how to mind control the populace with a logo.

>> No.15267388
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Used to work in fast food in high school, so I know that we fill drinks mostly with ice to cut costs, plus the drink machine already has a refrigerator. So I never get ice, it's a waste of money.

>> No.15267401

Wow you're like a normal white person.

>> No.15267591

I was in mcdonals drive through and i heard people in front of my just order diet cokes and nothing else.
Why would anyone do that?
Why not just walk in the gas station and get one?

>> No.15267602

>small, quick order
that's literally what the drive thru is for, retard.

>> No.15267624

Mcdonalds is for food.
Not just drinks

>> No.15267626

>Soda addict
>Soda is fucking $2.30 with CRV
>Go to McDonalds
>Never order any food
>Just my large soda for $1

>> No.15267644



>> No.15267646

>waiting in the drivethru for my food
>boomer pulls up behind me and orders a single coffee
Fuck, I have asked for refunds over that shit. I get that it's fast food, so get me my food faster.

>> No.15267648


>> No.15267695

They also sell drinks.

>> No.15267707
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oh anon you always say that

>> No.15267709

Why would you cool whisky? You don't store whisky in the fridge

>> No.15269513

I do. How else does it stay cold?

>> No.15270414

You don’t drink whisky cold you moron

>> No.15270480

>he doesn’t chug his soda in front of the window wagie and demand a refill before the food even arrives
you probably could have bought a house with all the money you’ve thrown away

>> No.15271121

I have sensitive teeth so i prefer no ice, but i don't say anything. The more you ask a fast food wagie to make you lunch, the more likely they'll fuck it up

>> No.15271382
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I like to eat the ice after I gulp down the soda

>> No.15271417


Gf still hasn’t figured this out. She has her order messed up no less than 6 times a week somewhere and still grasped that if you stop being a picky bitch suddenly everything is right and okay.

>> No.15272383

That wagie gets paid a generous $7.25 an hour to WORK, not to lounge around on easy mode. Tomorrow I’m going to order an excessively complex order at McDonalds just so the wagies there have to earn their keep for the day

>> No.15272414

It's a nigger thing; they don't want to let whitey screw them out of extra sugar water.

>> No.15272429

Why would I respond? I either said it myself or I heard someone say it to the kid behind the counter.

>> No.15272449

Been awhile since I worked in hospitality, but only ever encountered black people asking for this.

>> No.15272466

In my fast food experience, nogs just bring in containers from their car to fill up at the machine. No one cared to stop them because it was a min wage job

>> No.15272500

I usually ask for light ice. Fuckers put so much in, a 20 ounce cup will have not even a can worth of soda in it.

>> No.15273165

>I must have a full can of soda five times a day!

>> No.15274983

It’s the American way

>> No.15275406

I do order without ice and its because i like my corn syrup soup at room temp.
You wouldn’t understand

>> No.15276148

This shit is stupid. Ice should be an option not the default. I went to McDonald's last week when it was around 5 degrees outside and they gave a cup packed with ice.

>> No.15276309

How can you be autistic enough to care whether someone gets ice in their nasty drink or not?

>> No.15277514

>Here you go sir.

>> No.15278547

Wonder why I work at McDonald's now.

>> No.15278736

you are the only person i RESPECT

>> No.15278752

I used to work at Wendy's and we were instructed to fill a third of the cup with ice. If you are eating in the restaurant (I mean pre-COVID) or eating soon after buying it, there is no way you need that much ice. It will just water down the taste. Corporations are greedy fucks who would rather give you water than anything they had to pay for. Think about it, some people pay extra for a large drink when if they just asked for little/no ice they would be getting more soda for less money. All you really need to keep your drink cool is one or two cubes so just ask for "just a little ice".

>> No.15278761

Why have ice? You have more soda, and it doesn't get watered down so you can make it last. Plus it's cold from the fountain.

>> No.15278822

When you are at home drinking from a bottle of coke how much ice do you put in there? I bet it's like 3 cubes and you don't actually fill the glass to the brim.