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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15241507 No.15241507 [Reply] [Original]

>is this too much voodoo for gods temple?
post your last cookie and what's the plan for Christmas.

>> No.15241516

Are you a girl?

>> No.15241517

What is that OP? A sugar cookie made with brown sugar?

>> No.15241522

I want to put cookie crumbs in your ass and eat them.

>> No.15241684

I brown all the butter and use only brown sugar + some molasses

>> No.15241697


forgot link. I base all my cookie recipes off of this.

>> No.15241811

Im going to make some gingerbread cookies and chocolate chip cookies on Christmas Eve. Been looking forward to it for a while actually. Haven't made gingerbread cookies before so it will be a new experience. What is your favorite chocolate chip for regular chocolate chip cookies? My grocery store has a wide variety so I like to experiment with different types.

>> No.15241828

I usually don't use chocolate, I buy the heath bar bits or the tiny M&Ms instead. I have heard people prefer ghirardelli though.

>> No.15241898

Is browning the butter a simply and easily way to increase cookie flavors yield?

>> No.15241910

If you've never done it I would try it. It hugely boosts the flavor provided by the brown sugar/molasses. if you want to take it to the extreme you can use almond extract instead of vanilla.

been meaning to buy root beer extract and make root beer float cookies.

>> No.15242151
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Coconut cookies with milk chocolate and toasted coconut flakes.
Was my first time using tempered chocolate so I fucked it up a bit, was still good though.

>> No.15242216

Do you use authentic vanilla extract or bullshit substitutes? My gf’s ancient great aunt had a huge bottle of the stuff, it still has a strong alcohol scent so it’s definitely good still, and it’s leagues better than the fake shit. The demand for the real shit got too big so 99% of what you can find readily available is fake. It’s subtle, but anyone who tells you fake vanilla extract is as good as the real thing is a liar. Even the alcohol imparts better flavors.

>> No.15242577

I replaced the butter in my cookies with bacon fat

>> No.15242596

unfortunately the world supply of vanilla is extremely low, people in 50 years may simply not be able to get it anymore.

>> No.15242609

those look good, nice.
I try to always get the real stuff but I've been meaning to switch to vanilla paste because it apparently increases flavor. I would try with other extracts like almond, usually real and taste really good.
This is based. does it affect the texture at all? do you strain the bacon fat?

>> No.15242641

Going half bacon fat half butter keeps the same texture whenever I've done it.
After cooking or frying anything I strain out the oil / fats into jars so I have a jar of solidified bacon fat in my fridge with no other chunks or cooking debris inside it

>> No.15243967
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Going to be making flavored buttered cookies: pumpkin spice, peppermint vanilla, chocolate mint. Pic related is what they are like.

>> No.15243968

whoever made those needs to kill themselves

>> No.15244086

post cookies fag

>> No.15244117
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My apartment is having a cookie decorating contest. I hope I win by no one else entering, lel.

>> No.15244667


>> No.15244680

making these

>> No.15245142

I think they look yummy, loser

>> No.15245644


>> No.15246928

That’s because the flower is kinda hard to grow if you’re an impatient retarded human and our harvesting methods aren’t very conservatory.
I’ve never heard of the paste but it sounds like it’d work pretty well, I’d like to try it

>> No.15247176

sadd_papi is the guy I got the idea from. seems like a pretty underrated cooking youtuber. has worked in a couple fine dining places and seems to know his shit. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGHowR7FUwdGMFYcE-ZVz0g

>> No.15247243
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Currently eating some German shortbread and gingerbread cookies

>> No.15247248
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Pic 2 of 2

>> No.15247256

The sprinkles are a bit much, innit

>> No.15248586


>> No.15250088

cute penguins, let us know if you win

>> No.15250102

Your gingerbread men are obese.

>> No.15250353

I hope you win anon
The penguins are so good

>> No.15250516
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I did a cookie thread yesterday >>15238274 asking for suggestions for a rookie in cookie baking.

Shortbread seems a simple idea. Another person suggested Claire's Oatmeal cookie recipe, but that is way too complex for me. I like the Oatmeal idea and normal oatmeal cookies seem good.

Any other suggestion for a beginner?

>> No.15251485


>> No.15251846

Speaking of Cookies, when do you guys add salt to your process? Do you have to dissolve it too?
I've been hearing so much about adding a bit of salt into baked goods yet I don't see when or how to add it. Like straight up salt or dissolve into the wet ingredient (or a bit of water if it can't mixed with the wet ingredients)

>> No.15251870
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, spray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made white chocolate, macadamia nut cookies. Turned out alright but what I'm wondering is what you guys use for a non stick coating or spray? I use generic store brand (pic rel) spray and it tastes like actual shit poop.

Wat brand is gud?

>> No.15252013
File: 2.34 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_20201219_093146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got my perfect gingersnap recipe, so if you like super crisp, not too dry, with a very slight chew in the center for moisture, you'll love these.

This will make a half-batch of about 14 cookies, decently sized. Def can't eat more than one at a time.

140g ap flour
1tsp baking Soda
1/4tsp salt
1/4tsp of: cayenne, black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, allspice. Pick any you want, reduce to 1/8tsp for less. These are very spicy, so I'd start with 1/8tsp of the spices you're not sure about.
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp ground ginger (3tsp if you don't have candied diced ginger)

85g melted unsalted butter. Like 6tbsp
90g dark brown sugar
2.5/4c white sugar (do try to use <2/4c, I think they're too sweet with all the sugar added.)
30g egg (mix an egg and put in half of it. Double all ingredients for a full 60g egg)
2tbsp finely diced candied ginger.

Firmly whisk the butter, sugars, ginger, egg, and optional 1/4tsp of vanilla together. It will become a very light brown frosting texture. You don't want any coagulated chunks of shit in it, should be pretty consistent. Make sure melted butter is room temp-ish, not hot. Brown it and chill if you want, I didn't, but should have.

Mix all dry ingredients together. Dump half in, fold until flour is gone, then fold in the rest, slowly turning and folding to combine and incorporate all the flour. You'll have a decently easy to manage dough. You don't have to chill it, if you can roll/scoop into 1.5tbsp sized balls, you're fine. Roll balls in granulated sugar, this will give you the crackles. You don't have to flatten them. Put on PARCHMENT PAPER OR SILICONE MAT on METAL baking tray. don't use grease or glass.

350f, convection setting on oven works best. 14-16 minutes ideally. Any longer than 18 and they'll burn.

>> No.15252039

Don't use spray retard, it's filled with poison. Take a tablespoon of soft butter and rub it all over your baking sheet with your fingers. If you're gonna spend money on spray, at least use parchment paper, since it helps cookies spread evenly much better.

With the dry ingredients. If you use salted butter, don't add salt (or at least add like 1/4th of it). When baking recipes call for salt, they mean fine sea salt. Refer to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGCY9Cpia_A

These are probably the best oatmeal cookies you can make. Please use coconut oil instead of veg if you can. Add in anything you want, chocolate/raisins/cranberries/nuts. Very versatile base.

>> No.15252259

Thank you, Anon!

>> No.15253171

Thank you! And I will if the thread is up on the 21st.
Lel, true. I think the lining icing fell off a bit and made them look really fat.

>> No.15253917

I add it to the dry mix, I need to remember to add some flaky salt at the end, people eat that shit up.

>> No.15254886


>> No.15254894

what the fuck is that supposed to be

>> No.15256088

Warm and fresh... with some milk.

>> No.15256098

Can /ck/ookie please help me??

I made chocolate chip dough yesterday night and when I baked it the cookies turned out similar to pic related. They were flat and dark around the edges and undercooked in the middle. I used the Nestle recipe I've been making for years and they'd never turned out like this before.
I thought the issue was that I'd melted the butter too much in the microwave (it was like 1 am i didnt want to wait for it to soften) so I let it sit in the fridge overnight. Made a new batch today and they came out almost the same, maybe a little bit more formed and normal looking. What should I do?

>> No.15256103
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>> No.15256112

Just use parchment paper. No oil or spray needed. They come right off. If you don't have any, just grease pan with butter. I do recommend the parchment paper though as it makes clean up a lot easier.

>> No.15256127
File: 359 KB, 1080x1620, chocolate-crinkle-cookies-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do u guys like chocolate crinkles? I got one at work last year and I remember thinking it was really good.

>> No.15256130

I love those fudgy pieces of fucking shit

>> No.15256214

if it's not the butter then you either don't have enough flour or they're already too hot when they go in the oven. stick the baking sheet with the portioned dough on it in the freezer for about half an hour and then place it directly in the oven from there.

>> No.15256218

Are you a girl?

>> No.15256225

u should make a cookie shaped like a donut, that will stun the crowd

>> No.15256235

I think I may make them next week

>> No.15256435

more like chocolate crackles, post good recipe if you have one.

>> No.15256443

despite being 12% of the cookie population

>> No.15256445

post recipe, it looks like too much butter IMO. I use this recipe with good results > https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/bas-best-chocolate-chip-cookies
feel free to skimp out and get the cheap stuff when making, this recipe just has the perfect ratios. Oh when you pull theses out they seem under done but are perfectly chewy after cooling.

>> No.15256453

BTW this is the recipe that I used for the OP.

>> No.15256656

Food gore thread?

>> No.15256667

Anything with baking soda/powder needs to be cooked immediately.