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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 1600x1067, banana-bread-horiz-a-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15230744 No.15230744 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love banana bread.
It's so moist and sweet and nfh its just so good.
How do you guys like your banana bread? Any special tips?

>> No.15230860


>> No.15230907

In muffin form. To get a nice crumb.

>> No.15231133

hot, crispy around the edges banana bread with a thick slice of cold butter on top

>> No.15231136


dark chocolate chips inside
big crystal salt on top when its done

you're welcome

>> No.15231199

Sounds erotic. Wanna have sex?

>> No.15231218

Mix of salt crystals and brown sugar on top is my flourish.

>> No.15231232

will try this next time. thanks

>> No.15231242


>> No.15231937

never made one or ate one.
recipe pls.

>> No.15231955

Based and nannerpilled. I like mine toasted.

>> No.15231960

Its ackshually a cake

>> No.15231966

you should be having some coffee with it. having some coffee with the bread, and bananas in the bread :)

>> No.15231976

Grilled banana bread peanut butter, jelly, and bacon sandwich. Fuck you, Fat Elvis.

>> No.15232312

I never do salt on top, but choco chips are a main staple for me. And sometimes I like to use brown sugar or even molasses to get the rich brown flavor. Also adding a splash of rum can really make for a nice bread.

>> No.15232355


I wait for the bananas to ripen up until it is black in color. That's when the ripeness is perfect enough that it'll practically mash itself.

When you finish making the batter, you want it to sit for at least 20 minutes before popping it into the oven. I go about 80 minutes at 300 degrees Burgerheit before I pull it out of the oven to cool while wrapped in a clean dish towel on a cooling rack for around 30 more minutes.

>> No.15232368

Sometimes i add a bit of yogurt makes it a little more moist and more like the consistency of cake

>> No.15232369
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I like mine with bbq sauce and avocado, something like sweet baby ray's. If you glop sour cream on top it's incredible.

>> No.15232439

When it starts to get old slice it up and cook it like french toast with a tart compote

>> No.15232549

What in the hot and crispy Kentucky Fried FUCK.
Please tell me if these are jokes before I try them

>> No.15232565

look at this guy, he doesn't eat his nana bread with kraut, beets, and mustard

>> No.15232802

Raisins and walnuts

>> No.15232838

>banana bread
>put fucking salt and chocolate in it so you can't taste the banana
fat fucks

>> No.15232843

Chocolate has massive health benefits, and salt used to be a currency, fool.

>> No.15232853

>Not eating it with streusel, scrapple, and bratwurst.

>> No.15232890

what's a good bananan bread recipe?

>> No.15232902
File: 1.88 MB, 3956x2792, IMG_20190731_153754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown sugar on top during baking, white chocolate frosting, can poke holes in and pour in sugar syrup after baking to make it moister.
I toss all the ingredients in a ninja blender and it comes out perfect. Really easy to make.

>> No.15232906

Okay, first of all this ain't bread. Bread is made with yeast. Yes banana bread is actually a fucking CAKE and you guys calling it bread need a good ass whooping. Now google an actual banana BREAD recipe and fucking do it, you won't regret it.

>> No.15232964

based and kingpilled

>> No.15233163



>> No.15233252

You're damn right.

>> No.15233300


>> No.15234129

Best eaten while it's still hot. I've made it, then cut a big ass slice and topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream

>> No.15234144


>> No.15234155

served with a scoop of liqorice ice cream

>> No.15234157


>> No.15234199
File: 88 KB, 500x491, BF38E487-48F5-41F3-B486-9410A32B6871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234225

Zucchini bread is the hotter younger sister of banana bread

>> No.15234236

when my grandma used to make banana breads. i would constantly eat most of it,
really delicious and would ask my grandma to make one again in the future

>> No.15234286

You gotta cream the butter and sugar then add the eggs one at a time. Your crumb looks really tight and over mixed. Im sure its tasty tho

>> No.15234295

I'm allergic to bananas but I love them :^(

>> No.15234316

Lol faggots

This whole thread reeks of reddit

>> No.15234811

what, don't like the smell of your own farts?

>> No.15236650

Chocolate chips

>> No.15236886

anyone else love banana bread batter more than cake batter?

>> No.15236942
File: 72 KB, 1082x695, comfywinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had just that for breakfast, about to go for some hot chocolate too. it's a comfy wednesday frens.

>> No.15238106

Do you live in florida?

>> No.15238130

do you also eat pennies, you fucking monkey?

>> No.15238144

Since I'm making some soon, does anyone have tips on adjusting baking time or temps for different sized pans?

>> No.15238522
File: 393 KB, 2896x1944, 21E03F52-A83E-4E62-BD5C-ADC239A20A01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help /ck/ I’m trying to learn to bake bread for the first time but it’s cold now and my dough doesn’t rise when I proof it. Is it impossible in the winter?
Any baking tips for a beginner?

>> No.15238753

Best recipe i have found

>> No.15238762

I like adding coconut flakes. If you don't like coconut I also think a bit of orange zest goes well with banana bread.

>> No.15238776
File: 488 KB, 2000x1333, a4b922dc-def3-4a5d-a6e0-ab5dce621fc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it at work for like 8 years, we'd sell it like hotcakes and was voted best in my city few times by people doing banana bread cafe ratings or whatever, here's a recipe if you guys want, way too sweet for my taste personally but you can remove a lot of the sugar/maple syrup and add more spices+walnuts if you're like me anyway this is recipe:

dry bowl:
4 cups self raising flour
2 tsp cinnamon

mix together

wet bowl:
8 large bananas
2 cups dark brown sugar
1 cup maple syrup
1 cup canola oil
1 cup yoghurt
4 eggs

mix together all (mix well) except banana and mash the banana with hands into the rest so you get nice chunks of it when cooked

then mix together wet+dry careful to not overmix you will feel the mix getting much too firm, just need to make sure no big clumps of flour

pour into a lined baking tray deep bread kind, slice banana into halves/thirds lengthways thin enough it won't sink into the mix when cooking and lay ontop

cook on 155c for 45min then turn in oven and another 40-60min depending on the mix, once you stick a skewer in and nothing sticks give it another 5min and done, wait to cool before taking out of tray