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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15228258 No.15228258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oh, hi, Anon! I'd love to come over for dinner! What are you cooking for me?

>> No.15228260


>> No.15228262

I think you mean what are YOU cooking.

>> No.15228263
File: 665 KB, 600x713, 24-pk-Southwest-Chicken-Taquitos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15228271

Make yourself a dang quesadilla

>> No.15228273

Any slavs online? Serious question: why do eastern european women dress like this? Are they literally all hookers?

>> No.15228282


>> No.15228296

The average monthly salary in Eastern Europe is €500. You have hookers yes, but it's more about using what they have to better their situation, literally as old as time itself. Before hookers there were women dressing slutty, you have your timeline backwards: selling sex is later, dressing slutty is classic, the "promise" of sex. That being said, I would feed her tons of fatty buttery things because nothing is worse than a skinny boney woman that smells like makeup.

>> No.15228300
File: 94 KB, 590x719, 1607968720182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are attractive and classy and feminine.

>> No.15228306

>I would feed her tons of fatty buttery things
Neither semen nor penises are fatty or buttery. Not even if you use butter as a lubricant.

>> No.15228315

I'm not sure how much sex you have anon, but please please please believe me about this one thing : sex with a woman that can take a little bit, a little fat on her bones, is far more satisfying than a skinny bitch that is insta-ready

>> No.15228325

All women should dress like this if they can

>That being said, I would feed her tons of fatty buttery things because nothing is worse than a skinny boney woman that smells like makeup.
Thiccfags deserve the rope. There's plenty of fat stinky women out there for you, stop encouraging this.

>> No.15228336

I've never had good sex with a fatty (oh sorry we can't say that anymore it's "rubenesque" or some shit right?)

Forgetting about the fact that they're ugly, they're also in piss poor shape and they don't smell good. Combination of low self esteem and whatever crap gets stuck in their folds.

A woman who takes care of her body is in a better mental state to give and receive pleasure.

>> No.15228361


I can tell you both are virgins. Girls like this make great photographs, they are fun to look at at, you can see the proportions clearly. Anons, these girls are terrible fucks. They feel like bones in your hand, and they don't have the right amount of "push back" for good fucking but you 2 are virgins so my words and wisdom are wasted.

>> No.15228366

fatty cope

>> No.15228367

a beating

>> No.15228373

I'm not a virgin. Your standards have fallen so low that you need to cope that you can only get fat girls, who you'll of course call chubby or "thicc" to stand with the memes.

You've obviously never fucked a girl you can toss around and doesn't have weird smells in her flaps. I'm sure you'll call me low test or something next, which is just a cope for people who lift and still can't get girls who aren't fat.

>> No.15228385

Plain instant ramen.

>> No.15228389

Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house?

>> No.15228397
File: 764 KB, 1080x1216, Screenshot_20201215_130552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK first thing, I am NOT fucking this girl, I wish, but is this fat for you 2?

>> No.15228400
File: 188 KB, 1080x1349, DubYmR-U8AAjoP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care. For every pretty girl that turns into a boy, ten boys turn into pretty girls. Can't argue with math.

>> No.15228413

funny how the ones to cry virgin always turn out to be the virgins

you should get in shape, so you can feel confident enough to masturbate to more attractive pictures

>> No.15228420

Ohhhh ok now I get it, you have bad genes. I should have seen it already.

>> No.15228423

Poached quail with tomate-au-vin and brandy snaps with marscepone

>> No.15228450



And let me just reiterate, the girl in OP's pick throws up at night, eating disorder, so she can take cute pool pictures, she is all image, "Tee hee im soooo hot". This girl can ride a dick, trust me >>15228397 I hate that this has to be explained.

>> No.15228453
File: 174 KB, 1080x1350, 1602017646492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's breaking at the seams on her pants, anon. I'd probably hit it if she weren't hiding a double chin under this angled pic.

But I'm sure you're telling me you wouldn't smash this. Too bony, right? I'm sure you could get it though.

>> No.15228456

>I like girls who can eat so I can eat whatever I want too
That's what you sound like anon.

>> No.15228468

more fatty cope from a fatty who grew up in a fatty household, never met a person who doesn't chug 2L of faygo between each meal, and needs to invent an elaborate mythology that being a normal weight is a mental disorder

>> No.15228470

I would not fuck her, no, it's just not for me. Girls that are this skinny are superficial as fuck. Women as the child bearing sex have more fat naturally, and men with good genes find it sexy. Plain and simple. Ever wonder why a website full of men with inferior genes prefer t-girls and girls with eating disorders?

>> No.15228474

the girl in OP's pick throws up at night, eating disorder, so she can take cute pool pictures, she is all image, "Tee hee im soooo hot".
Why is that supposed to bother me? Do you look at pictures of women on the internet and imagine how much you can simp for them, or get into a loving relationship with children, and eventual grandkids?

I don't spend my time looking at girls online imagining our futures.

>> No.15228484

>stupidly choosing to be a dude
>picking the name "Fred"
She should also dye her hair red so she can be even more of a loser. I knew that trannies were retarded but this is just beyond stupid. Even many of the disgusting male-to-female guys are smarter about name choices than "Fred"

>> No.15228493

>Women as the child bearing sex have more fat naturally
This hasn't counted since the early 1900s. Extra weight used to be a sign of of high status because you could afford to eat and rear a child in cold or challenging times. Now it means the $1 for 10 nuggets deal at Burger King is only $10 to feed yourself and your cats.

>> No.15228495

You missed the point, you can feel however you want to about it, but understand: she's a bad fuck

>> No.15228502

Evolution unfortunately takes a little bit longer than 100 years lol. Ok at least I know now you guys are trolling, big sigh of relief.

>> No.15228518

>Becomes a feminist
>Later becomes a man
So long for that woman empowerment

>> No.15228522

Anon the best fuck you can have is a shy nerdy bitch, like a real one. This girl in OP's Pic is so hypersexualized, she is so used to guys doing whatever she wants, that she never "performs" because if you don't do all the work, the next one will, they are bad lays. Get you a thicc nerdy bitch (not fat you retard) and your fucking horizons will open up.

>> No.15228531

you have the 'Tism?

>> No.15228535

I'm the guy you replied to, BTW.

I've had plenty. Worst sex I ever had was a rail-thin leftist slut. She just went rigid and didn't move the whole time I was fucking her. Zero padding, just bones'n'skin. She later tried to claim I'd raped her, just like her previous boyfriend and the one before that and every other guy she'd ever fucked. If it were nowadays she'd probably have gone onto social media and ruined my life.

It wasn't a misunderstanding or a "too drunk to consent", she invited me over, crawled all over me, got herself naked, took off my clothes, and then proceeded to lick every inch of my body -- right up until I finally penetrated her, and then colddeadfish.

Fatties have mostly been good, although one left a stink on me that lasted literally for days. Washing didn't help.

>> No.15228538

No, fat girls are a bad fuck, they smell. They look bad. Do you jerk off with your eyes closed?

>Get you a thicc nerdy bitch (not fat you retard) and your fucking horizons will open up.
I've tried this. "Thicc" these days is just fat, and they're still gross, no matter how much you try to cope. Can't keep it hard because she looks gross, and she's tired after 5 minutes. I feed my dogs a big bag of meat drippings every holiday, and it feels like every "thicc" girl I've ever been with. At least the pooches don't feel regret.

>> No.15228543

If she's fat and not "thicc" then don't fuck her idiot.

>> No.15228544

Thicc IS fat, idiot.

>> No.15228550

>Can't keep it hard
I think you should see a doctor

>> No.15228557

Having nice legs and hips is not fat, idiot. If you are fucking fatties that's ALL on you lol.

>> No.15228562

>She just went rigid and didn't move the whole time I was fucking her.
Hot. I hate it when a girl gets in the way with her dumb ideas of what sex should be.

>She later tried to claim I'd raped her, just like her previous boyfriend and the one before that and every other guy she'd ever fucked
Anon, that is completely normal with hot chicks. Their first sex was always rape, they decide that's their purpose in life is to be a human fleshlight, and so that's the baggage they bring to every sexual encounter. They don't really mean it, they're just telling you that you mean so much to them that you remind them of their dad. You won't get accused of rape unless you literally rape them or otherwise harm them, even if you're kind of assholish and cold you're the kindest guy they've ever been with and you'll undoubtedly save them from their violent ex, because the only way they can renew their self esteem is to let a man put his ding dong in their holes at least once every 48 hours or they actually start to become suicidal. I've seen it over and over. It's not about sexual pleasure in the same way a man would experience, it's like they're possessed. And yes they talk about you to the next penis the same way they're talking to you about the last penis.

Still better than a smelly fat girl who will be all clingy after. A hot chick is planning her next man trap before your refractory period is even over.

>> No.15228567
File: 54 KB, 920x1200, Lily-Collins-sexy-thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep it hard for attractive women, not fatties or onaholes.

>Nice legs
The chubby posted above doesn't have nice legs. These are nice legs.

>> No.15228571

>I feed my dogs a big bag of meat drippings every holiday, and it feels like every "thicc" girl I've ever been with. At least the pooches don't feel regret.
By "meat drippings" do you mean that whitish goo that drips out of your meat, and does their lack of regret mean that you're keeping your pooches sexually satisfied? If so, I hope that "holiday" includes every weekend.

>> No.15228572

Her legs and thighs would look the same in those jeans, and her legs are twice as big as OP's Pic.

>> No.15228573

he may not need viagra and just be gay

>> No.15228584
File: 48 KB, 640x360, 7A76062D-6FB5-44EA-9920-0CC5B0D5FE91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hrnrhghg I wanna fuck Kim Petras’ bussy so bad guys

>> No.15228587

Either way always is good seeing a doctor about that

>> No.15228589

Her legs are close to the same, but whatever. The whole point is that thin girls with long legs are the best. This recent thiccshit is just encouraging girls to eat like little piggies and tell all of their friends guys only like fat girls, so they all eat like there's no tomorrow and then get mad when dudes aren't in shape.

Then they'll say "you're not confident enough to handle her."

I'd probably rather fuck a dog than a fat girl, I dunno.

>> No.15228592

>Anorexic skanks
Fuck off.

>> No.15228594

eat less

>> No.15228598

Don't eat less eat better

>> No.15228609

I can confirm. I'm an Eastern European woman

I wish this was a lie

>> No.15228617

>t. fatty who can't do better and is coping

>> No.15228641

whats up with that weirdly droopy face, manjaw and gargantuan trannyhands?
...whats his name?

>> No.15228642

this thread is basically like people who can’t afford to eat well pretending the dollar tree has good food

>> No.15228644


>> No.15228663

>not realizing there are actual women out there
Her name is Claudia, or at least that's what she goes by in photoshoots. Photodromm is the site, this set is called "Overview" (parts 1 and 2) for some reason.