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File: 43 KB, 429x763, curs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15226908 No.15226908 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15226911


>> No.15226912

Girls Lite hasn't been a thing since 1985.

>> No.15227982

Hi life

>> No.15228023
File: 162 KB, 496x489, Screenshot_20201215-014842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say this is my go to for cheap beer (lately)

>> No.15228029

national bohemian. coors costs too much for what it is

>> No.15228032

That theres coloraduh kool aid

>> No.15228221

guiness you poopoo head
modelo also good

>> No.15228274

The banquet beer sure is tasty but the correct answer is Narragansett.

>> No.15228301
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>cheap beer

>> No.15228308

It's like two fiddy for a bottle.
the perks of winco.

>> No.15228332

sure but when is one bottle enough? best winco deal is roling rock 12er for $8

>> No.15228459
File: 2.56 MB, 2400x2400, 2c907e30-745b-41f9-9e5c-10fa36ff80b7.e252c62927f0aa8a9981f6ed1c762275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>national bohemian

I got some nattie boh last week. I remember liking it but it was so bad. How poor are you that you can't afford coors or pic related, (my go to, highly drinkable)

>> No.15228479

how the fuck could you prefer budweiser over national bohemian? budweiser is one of the lowest reviewed macros there is. also coors is too watery

>> No.15228817

>poor people beer with the consistency of water

>> No.15228834

Between Bud, coors, mgd, and michelob, I'd go with the Coors.

>> No.15228882
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If I'm going to get something dirt cheap it's not gonna be beer

>> No.15229202

Based. You are correct.
Worse than piss.
Worse than Pabst
Trash and Mexican trash
Also based.
Rolling Rock also a perfectly answer so is Bud Heavy but those are the last acceptable answers. Thread over.

>> No.15229276

Bud Heavy is best of all those.

>> No.15229305

Shiner Bock for me.

>> No.15229308

Only if you're drinking dollar drafts in Pawtucket.

>> No.15229318

based and champagneofbeerspilled

>> No.15229352

Based and colorado kool-ade pilled. You get the urge to spit a little beer you spit it in your own ear.

>> No.15229353
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>> No.15229359

Budweiser is way too sugary and rolling rock tastes like penut butter.

>> No.15229366

>8 oz beers
Was this a promotional tie-in for The Hobbit or something?

>> No.15229380

>rolling rock tastes like penut butter
If you strain the water out of a can of Chicken of the Sea and mixed that water with peanut butter, that's the exact flavor of Rolling Rock

>> No.15229385

I think they're meant to be concealed in a pocket and drank in the bathroom at work.

>> No.15229442

I guess a flask full of liquor is too spicy for some alkies.

>> No.15229451

It makes too much noise. They use mini bottles of 99

>> No.15229468

They have the pony bottle small ones at nursing homes for the residents.

>> No.15229486

my dad told me that budweiser came in smaller cans in the south because the beer had a higher alcohol content then what is sold in the west

>> No.15229488

For me it's Busch light, the only suitable volume beer where you can crush 10+ without feeling like ass

>> No.15229499

>For me it's Busch light, the only suitable volume beer where you can crush 10+ while feeling like white trash

>> No.15229500

beer is not patrician

>> No.15229512

That's a fucking lie. There are little to no liqour laws in the west besides in Utah. The south and east is the cuckistan of calvinistic liqour laws.

>> No.15229515

Do you guys pronounce it "Cores" or "Cewers"?

>> No.15229519

rolling rock is flavorless garbage

>> No.15229533

Like "coomers" but without the M.

>> No.15229539


>> No.15229546


>> No.15229557


>> No.15229570

"piss water"

>> No.15229580

It sure does make you go piss more than water haha set your head on fire and make your kidneys scream.

>> No.15229728
File: 28 KB, 480x480, Grolsch_Lager_24x500ml_fcbf09c8-5fd5-4281-a96b-964dccc2fa5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the way, plebs

>> No.15229738

I don't know why, but grolsch sends me loopy. I'v drank stronger beers, wine, carlsberg super....Iove whisky....but grolsch makes me do dumb things.
Last time I drank grolsch I decided 2AM was an appropriate time for a cycle. I face planted and broke my nose.
I'vebeen drinking pretty hard for 20 years, but grolsch ALWAYS makes me do dumb things

>> No.15229751

Nice. For me, grolsch is one of the few beers I can drink all day and night and not feel like ass later. And it tastes better than all the other mass produced shit

>> No.15230521

>giving a shit about beer reviews
shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.15230755
File: 12 KB, 182x278, grolsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you homebrew, Grolsh in bottles tends to be about the same price as empty bottles. Essentially free beer.

>> No.15230861

Nice, I'll remember that.

>> No.15230898

Coors is so fucking bad. For sure the worst light beer of the cheap domestics.

>> No.15230973
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>> No.15231012

I thought I was the only guy that did that.

>> No.15231996
File: 198 KB, 940x626, E1B19A9F-E71E-4795-A27B-A47CA02A673F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Eurofag

Heineken is decent for me, one of few commercial lagers/pilsners that don’t give me headaches after drinking(not like the hangovers, more like migraine)

>> No.15232016
File: 95 KB, 1200x1200, 2_1550632631401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't go wrong with Tennants. Especially the dark lager.

>> No.15232132
File: 19 KB, 207x244, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the champagne of beers

>> No.15232716

Heineken in a can has always been one of my favorite beers.

>> No.15232736

absolutely based

>> No.15232747


>> No.15232755

Based as fuck, by far the best pisswater money can buy, cheap as dirt and better tasting than all the other swill.

>> No.15232799
File: 72 KB, 324x1260, 416216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curse my West Coast Best Coast mentality. This shit is so good and cheap.

>> No.15232808

>Literally sewage water

>> No.15232823

Gets you drunk for pennies though. Even at the tourist Cheers bar in Boston these were like $1.50

>> No.15232830

I unironically like Natty Boh, Natty Light, and PBR.

>> No.15232840
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>> No.15232844
File: 136 KB, 1097x617, yuengling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shut your goddamn mouth you fucking whore
Yuengling is the uncontested GOAT of cheap beer

>> No.15232872

fuck, for me that's Molson Canadian, dude
just NOTHING special about the beer at all, and yet every time I drink it the whole night goes off the rails, without fail, every time.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with one of those weird beers that inexplicably causes my brain to reset

>> No.15232894

Cope some more.

>> No.15232910
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x3000, fd78c7c7-5714-471d-9000-9b9bf63fc02a_1.72f4922fb81a0be6fd18ed81604de457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 dollars for an 18 pack in Oregon and it's actually good

The only con is if you collect and recycle your cans they smell like vinegar mixed with boogers after a couple weeks

>> No.15233001
File: 55 KB, 700x525, genessee-cream-ale-6-pack-6-pack-102148_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$4.47 for a six-pack of pounders, bb.

>> No.15233018


>> No.15233021

I agree OP, but I always thought I preferred it because it's what my dad drank and thus was my most experienced cheap domestic. I find it very clean in a way that Miller/Bud just don't hit.

>> No.15233024

Natty or Narragansett

>> No.15233850

natty light is teh best tasting cheap beer

>> No.15234040
File: 467 KB, 1715x2048, EC395BF4-393E-4833-864A-654ABC0600FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Hamms.
At $11.69 for 30 cans it doesn't matter what it tastes like, but it doesn't taste bad.

>> No.15234342


>> No.15234345

Why are you drinking the light kind? Banquet tastes like gerolsteiner with a spicy kick. It's the most carbonated and the best tasting for hot weather.

>> No.15234376

the stuff tastes like corn flakes.

i love it.

>> No.15234395


>> No.15234482

Fullers esb and weihenstephaner anything

>> No.15234696

Actual patrician taste.

>> No.15234701

Hmmm between Bud, Miller, and coors yeah coors sucks.

>> No.15234717

Your moms name is Coors? Neat.

>> No.15234721

Lol imagine unironically liking the k mart of beers

>> No.15234730

Based and Yuengling pilled.

>> No.15234735

Imagine saying Coors is bad then saying bud is better. If you put 50 people in a room and gave them two glasses, one containing Bud, and the other containing piss. 25 people would walk out giving the right answer.

>> No.15234770

Only redneck blue collar people defend their shitty normie beer.

>> No.15234773

Bud is the most normalfag beer you cunt. It's at every party that has 18 year olds.

>> No.15234875

Budweiser tastes like corn syrup. It's waaaaay too sweet. Colorado Kool Ade tastes like a mountain stream. Fuck the East.

>> No.15234929

If all the Bud Light cans strewn along every southern road (littered by mouthbreathing knuckledragging magas) is any indication, it's a southern, not eastern thing.

>> No.15234942

Speaking of knuckle dragging retards...

>> No.15234944


>> No.15234955
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You are a man of integrity, anon

>> No.15235189
File: 70 KB, 200x200, dem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coors banquet
jesus christ did it hurt when you lost all of your tastebuds?

>> No.15235523

The south and the east are one and the same to a Westerner. You all live in a shit to drive in nothing to see tinytown.

>> No.15235609
File: 15 KB, 225x225, final form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's rolling rock

$8 for an 18 pack at my local grocery store

>> No.15235771

Reg coors lite is better

>> No.15235825

Ops pic is regular coors. Coor lite is coors lite.

>> No.15236300

Laker Ice is hobo beer.

>> No.15236397

you say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.15236481

>tfw forgot the knife-proof earmuffs

>> No.15236489

wtf I thought they just made root beer

>> No.15237680

gonna clear a sixer of this stuff tonight, god bless high life

>> No.15237699

My dude. This is the best domestic priced beer for all occasions.

>> No.15237710

Great, great shit. They raised the price by me - also the new can design is fucking garbage. The old can was perfect.

>> No.15237734

30 packs are $13.99 right now.

>> No.15237758
File: 167 KB, 395x597, highLife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15237774

Michelob Ultra Pure Gold is the top choice.

>> No.15237789


i live in maryland and natty bo is more expensive than any macro beer in the usa

>> No.15237902
File: 92 KB, 465x600, D2C06484-E4EC-4E44-84F3-E12F505351BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here champ, pass me a coors too. Let’s enjoy it, king.

>> No.15237918


>> No.15237929

Its pronounced Curs.

>> No.15238088

I have so much fun calling it cewers idk why

>> No.15238564

Hamm's is okay, but has too little "oomph" and not considered the best.

>> No.15238575

alexander keith's

>> No.15238606

The fuck is that anon?

>> No.15238965

This is the best cheap beer in the US.

>> No.15238970

Id rather a bottle of the cheapest wine in the store. Why is wine drunk so much better than any other kind of drunk lads

>> No.15239064

It's 40 cents a can. I'm not looking for "oomph", just something drinkable.

>> No.15239143
File: 148 KB, 720x868, busch-12oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all me and my rural Canadian friends drink

>> No.15241042

Lies. Rural Canadians I've met drink either Molson or Laker Ice with a small outlier drinking Creemore and Labatts.

>> No.15241401

>he doesn't pregame with a steelie

>> No.15241408

I dont drink

>> No.15241415

It's rolling rock, natty bo, yeungling, hamms, or pabst, depending on where you live.

What's important about beer, all beer, is that it travels poorly. microbrew isn't popular for no reason, getting beer close to the source is important. Same applies to "cheap" beers which is why the region-specific macrobrew lagers are always way better then the national chains. I'd set PBR as an exception here, since I think you can get it basically anywhere.

>> No.15241449

Yeah this is pretty much true I'd say, I love pabst and yuengling but I've had some pretty fucking nasty cans of both, which probably has to do with what you're saying. Never had a skunked can of some local lager.

>> No.15241488

High life is the worst fucking shit to ever be bottled

>> No.15241494

Bud has this disgusting sugar syrup flavor that is invasive as FUCK and just takes like you're eating out a peep's asshole.

>> No.15241560

Bud? Strown on the side of the road in the south? Naw, it is camo and hunter orange Busch cans or natty ice.

>> No.15241615


>> No.15241616

every third bottle of high life has no alcohol in it

>> No.15241661

>get cheap wine drunk
>get cheap wine hangover
Tannins dawg

>> No.15241728

Pilsner Urquell
Bass Pale Ale
Newcastle Brown Ale
Negra Modelo
Harp Lager

>> No.15243070


>> No.15243697
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>> No.15243794


Colorado native checking in. Its "COOERS"
like that other anon said. Like "coomers" without the M.

>> No.15243861
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>> No.15243906

>2.4% abv