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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15225434 No.15225434 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever i eat red meat i get anxious and paranoid as fuck. It also gives me vivid nightmares.
Is this curable?

>> No.15225446

No I'm afraid you will always be a massive fag.

>> No.15225456
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i dont know why it happens though

>> No.15225465
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what kind of thoughts do you have?
Do you have it with duck? They have dark meat.

>> No.15225491

It's because you're a massive fag.

>> No.15225522

I get the feeling everyone is fucking me over and imagine agressive confrontations with people i know. But not in a vigorous way, rather feeling anxious and stressed.

>> No.15225539

Idk sounds like you are sensitive to testosterone or something

Whats your bmi?

>> No.15225549


>> No.15225556

Yeah idk, maybe after you eat red meat you should try working out or lifting weights or something.

>> No.15225588

You might want to consult your doctor

>> No.15225696

Good idea.
>that will be $5000 plus your 1st born child for your 10 minute consultation, mutt

>> No.15225733

You're retarded. Fags love to suck down meat

>> No.15226157

What are your confrontations about?
What are you worried they are fucking you over on?

>> No.15226362

Nope, you have terminal Boomeroma. Try not to turn into too much of a faggot before you die in your underwear on the couch whilst choking on a plain tortilla chip during a football game.

>> No.15226371

Dude that's really fucking weird, you should actually see a doctor I want answers now OP

>> No.15226380
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It may be that the longer digestion time irritates you and creates some sort of negative energy within you. Or something. I'm not much of a spiritualist, but Sikhs (who are vegetarian/vegan for the most part) say that if you cut out just one day of not eating meat (they don't convert people, but give advice freely), you will be calmer. I do a meatless day and feel calmer, so there might be something there.

>> No.15227941

He's a self hating closet fag. That's why he gets anxious.

>> No.15227949

I got news for you, bud. It ain't the red meat.

>> No.15227953

It's because you're eating it late at night. You need to give your body at least 3 to 5 hours before you head off to bed. Red meat takes a long time to digest and break down which uses more energy that is diverted away from repairing your body when you sleep. You are literally recharging yourself at night, don't handicap it by eating heavy foods.

>> No.15227963

I have a reoccurring dream whenever I eat really rare red meat where I speak to my deceased grandfather. Everything’s perfectly alright, but he’s holding his own decapitated head down by his waist. Can any anon give me a Jungian qrd?

>> No.15228000

Shut the fuck up! Where the eagles fly, I WILL SOON BE THERE!!!

>> No.15228057

Ever been bitten by a tick? There's a weird thing where they can make you have fucked up reactions to red meat.

>> No.15228856

yeah it can actually be a symptom of diseases anon, like tick-kun said

>> No.15228863

Jesus Fuck! What do they put in American meat?

>> No.15228866
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you have the bloodlust gene
it once served your ancestors well but in our modern day and age it acts as more as a nuisance.
it is incurable and likely to be passed on to your next of kin

>> No.15228874

I say that as a eurochad,
shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.15228880

Everyone gets bitten by ticks periodically. Sort of like lice infestations, they happen from time to time.

>> No.15228891

>white-knighting mutts
You're not a real EVROPEAN BVLL, tranny.

>> No.15228920

Your body just received a boost of raw energy and protein. I'm guessing you are not an active person, work it off hard, preferably by having sex.

>> No.15229228

ok retard.

>> No.15229236

t. liberal scum
The future is right-wing and we'll set up concentration camps all over EVROPA where all of you will be stuffed

>> No.15229361

>but he’s holding his own decapitated head down by his waist.
How tf did your grandfather die?

>> No.15229368

You guys lost.

>> No.15229637

Another /pol/tard BTFO!

>> No.15229779

Soylent Infusion directly in the Vain.

>> No.15229835
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>Is this curable?
Probably taking your meds