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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 600x600, Persimmon_5.3x6.2-300dpi_photo_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15223643 No.15223643 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do you eat these little shits? Straight up tastes like watery cum.

>> No.15223644

How do you know what watery cum tastes like?

>> No.15223646

I ate a persimmon

>> No.15223653

Fair enough.

>> No.15223664

They're nice, but you need to let them get pretty much nearly overripe. They've got a short window where they go from mediocre to absolutely fantastic.

>> No.15223682

i believe this is the thing. my chick loves them and apparently you want them to get soft to a point where you would throw out any other fruit
they're still not very good but this is the key

>> No.15223688

>my chick loves them
If the OP post is any credit youre a lucky man

>> No.15223710

nope. would never subject her to that. my policy on oral is don't ask and i don't give
we have been together for like 6 years. i still have to look at her, and i don't want to look at a semen slurping cocksucker when i do
the other thing about persimmons is that you don't put them in the fridge, i guess. with other fruits this slows the ripening

>> No.15223733

There are two common cultivars of persimmon. There's an astringent variety (hachiya) that has to be extremely ripe before it's palatable. If it ain't goo it ain't shit. There's another variety (fuyu) that's good eaten when still crisp. OP's persimmons look like fuyu. OP is probably just mentally ill.

>> No.15223840
File: 176 KB, 431x405, 1529982561783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i still have to look at her, and i don't want to look at a semen slurping cocksucker when i do
your moral high horse is nothing but aids

>> No.15223868

im not on a high horse at all
drinking cum and sucking dick is extremely disgusting
and let me remind you that this thread is about PERSIMMONS

>> No.15223884

fuyus are better when super gushy

>> No.15223947

sounds like you're tying to make it about your girl's oral fixation, and your negative reinforcements

>> No.15223959

that's not true
OP made it about drinking cum

>> No.15224011

i'm confused then. is it cum, dicks, or oranges?

>> No.15224012

all 3

>> No.15224025

so what's the problem? you've never tried cum or dicks?how other people can and will view you after you've tried them is much worse than the taste and acts themselves.

>> No.15224086

I'm sure if anyone knows what water cum tastes like, it's you.

>> No.15224317

you probably didn't have persimmon to use them, always make sure you ask first

>> No.15224711
File: 48 KB, 640x480, GettyImages-1137888397-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another "anon pretending to be a puritan with a puritan wife but is actually just a degenerate coomer" episode

>> No.15224727

>There's an astringent variety (hachiya) that has to be extremely ripe before it's palatable
Holy fuck, so that astringency is normal? I thought it was a roulette kind of deal where sometimes you just get a garbage persimmon and have to deal with it.

>> No.15224740

>Straight up tastes like watery cum.
It does, doesn't it? Not that I ate my cum but it smells like my fucking cum. Why though?

>> No.15224743

>"I don't ask and don't give"
Dude I am a literal autist who hates the feeling of my pussy being wet, especially by another mouth. But you're just a faggot, who the fuck doesn't pleasure their partner?

>> No.15224755

Can I see your pussy for proof? I think you're lying but I want proof for verification.

>> No.15225970

I have a tree with about literally 200 of these on it in front of the house I just moved in to and I don't know what to do with them either. Everyone says cookies but I'm a single incel man and I don't have a gf to make cookies for so that's not going to happen.

>> No.15225993

No one wants to put their mouth on your dilation hole dude

>> No.15226000

I can't fault this argument.

>> No.15226005

>my policy on oral is don't ask and i don't give
>we have been together for like 6 years

>> No.15226012

Persimmon's are super sweet. Not like cum at all.

>> No.15226318

Depends on the varietal. Fuyus are good at any stage desu. Hachiya persimmons are a bit more troublesome. They really don't taste very good until extremely ripe like OP says. They need to be almost gelatinous to the touch before they are any good, otherwise it dries your mouth like crazy.

>> No.15226327

You treat them like a giant cranberry.

You chop them up and then cook them down slow and low into a syrup.
Or you let them get a little overripe and eat them with a salad. They are mainly for cooking with tho.

>> No.15226332
File: 161 KB, 750x1086, B455775A-3F90-42A8-8F25-69FD765016E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A call came it, its for you desu

>> No.15226346

Never tried one of these until last thanksgiving when my grandma gave me one she had picked. It was disgusting, I've never had something coat my mouth like that before. It was gritty and slick at the same time and kinda tasted like dirt

>> No.15226476

There’s different varieties. I have two trees in my backyard, no clue what variety they are, but they’re pretty tasty right off the tree. Only difference that letting then ripen off the tree does is soften the texture a bit.

>> No.15226863


>> No.15226872
File: 112 KB, 500x500, 1508274140301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i still have to look at her, and i don't want to look at a semen slurping cocksucker when i do
I can't tell if this cunt is based or gay

>> No.15226900


>> No.15228836

my name is simon and my dads name is per

>> No.15229481

They don't though.
t. I know the taste of both.

>> No.15229605

Boil them so it tastes like regular cum

>> No.15229610

lmao I hope this is bait, if only for (You)r sake

>> No.15230438

cum does taste so good?