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15220304 No.15220304 [Reply] [Original]

>living with IBS
>stomach starts grumbling, can't concentrate on anything
>eat something, drink something. feel full
>gas, bloating, and going to the bathroom nonstop regardless of how healthy it is
anybody else just absolutely sick of fucking eating???

>> No.15220347

Im fucked up too. If I have to travel and do errands, I do it before I eat anything.

>> No.15220372

ever checked if it isn’t IBD?

>> No.15220437

nope, i was diagnosed with gerd and a hiatal hernia back in 2018 and i lost my job and insurance a few months ago. in the process of finding a better job and insurance so i can see a fucking doctor again. also yes i'm american. being fucked by capitalists and constantly being told that liberals and conservatives are your enemy is the meme that just keeps on giving. hahahahaahaha, kill me

>> No.15220577

IBS will never lessen my love for eating. that said I will be fasting tomorrow, I let my diet go to shit in the last month and I need relief. it's a double-edged sword when it disrupts urinating too

>> No.15220638


In my case, this put me on the right track.

>> No.15221535


>> No.15221590

IBS isn’t a GI disorder, it’s a psychiatric disorder, strongly associated with fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety....get on meds or smoke weed, feel better

>> No.15222404
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>Don't eat trigger foods
>Eat yogurt everyday
>Keep artificial sweeteners low
>Stay hydrated
>Limit deep fried food
>Avoid palm/soy oil laden processed foods
>Bidet that attaches to water line
>CBD if square, THC if cool from heavy indicas
>Pop 2 Imodium and a GasX if you feel a flare up.
>Fiber is not a meme

The yogurt keeps my body in check. After 2-3 days without it, I'm sensitive to flare ups. Have low fat greek yogurt with granola every night. Probiotics may help but I imagine active live cultures are better than the pills.

>> No.15222432

American health insurance is a good meme
But do get properly diagnosed, waiting too long to get proper treatment for IBD is how you end up needing your rectum removed

>> No.15222434

Fibre is specifically terrible for people with inflamed guts.

>> No.15222442

>smoke weed
>get even more anxious and paranoid

>> No.15222522

Are thin people with IBS a thing?

>> No.15222610

I'm 6ft 130 and i have SIBO so yeah why wouldn't they be

>> No.15222927

Honestly look into carnivore diet.

Tummy has been funny all my life, real bad for last decade, last three years worst ever been

24 hours in was thinking "Honestly think I feel better". 48 hours felt better than I had in...maybe ever?

>> No.15222988

I don't know, I heard gut fat was inflamatory. Recently I was having IBS symptoms more and more frequently (one night a week at least of suffering on the toilet seat), like ten years ago when I was that weight. So this autumn I dropped those 8 lbs I put on and symtoms are now gone. Hence my question. But maybe it's not IBS in my case.

>> No.15223525

Allegedly having your intestines sterilized with antibiotica and repopulated with some healthy person's gut biome can often do absolute wonders for IBS, like, cure it within days.

>> No.15223588

If you're a bitch I guess.

I've been daily smoking for 9 years and honestly after the first week of daily smoking you don't even really get anxious/paranoid

>> No.15223619

Try smoking. Reduces appetite and should help calm your stomach.

>> No.15223695

Leads to upper gastro problems with extensive use, though. GERD, Barrett's esophagus, etc.

>> No.15223709
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I was lactose intolerant, had IBS and ulcerative colitis, and cured all three issues in a week by dropping all grains and sugars AMA

>> No.15223716

When you became a ketotard, were you already diagnosed with brain damage or did it occur afterwards?

>> No.15223720

Definitely true. I occasionally take a xanax to sleep if it's been very stressful or I'm dreading the next day. I have zero IBS issues the next day regardless of what I eat.

>> No.15223730

sugars like fruit too? i did grain free for 3 months and it did diddly squat for my colitis

>> No.15223791

I didn't go keto, I drank beer and ate potatoes fucktard. And I was vegan which led to all these problems in the first place

I didn't personally eat any fruits when I did it. Opinion wise, I'd cut those too. You are likely getting colitis issues - if it's diet related - from glyphosates coating your intestines. Your body detects that they are coating you, picture caked on flour in a bowl and how it's hard to scrub off without letting it sit - and your immune system inflames to fight it off but it just hurts itself. And I mean ALL grains. Corn, quinao, rice, wheat, all flours. Obviously soy and canola are no brainers too, and shouldn't be consumed by anyone unless the soy is heavily fermented.

>> No.15223870

Male anon nurse here. Every single person I have had describe your experience are one of these but often a combination of them.

1. Old people on their way out
2. Overweight and yes 10-15 lbs over what you should weigh is an issue.
3. Actually have a shitty diet, but don't have the self will to take care of themselves (see #2).
4. Alcoholics that refuse to admit they drink too much (see #2 and #3)
5. Heavy meat eaters and dairy consumers that think a side of broccoli once a day constitutes "healthy eating".

>> No.15223894

the thing that helped the most for me was removing gluten from diet

>> No.15223904

I was lactose intolerant and had ibs as well, 3 separate 4-month periods of keto did not help with those, although I lost a good amount of weight and felt/slept great

Fasting with snake juice is what cured my ibs

>> No.15223950

>I've been daily smoking for 9 years
Take a break, you'll fuck up your tolerance after long periods. One week a month is somewhere to start

>> No.15224170

hey op
i have gerd and i used to have shit like this too
what helped me quite a bit was cutting all vegetables and grains (except bread)
also, cutting refined sugar and oil to minimum
funnily enough i'm ok with spicy foods

>> No.15224192

fuck is that thing

>> No.15224363

help a nigga out. so just meat and potatoes?

>> No.15224423

isn't the other way around? as in, your digestive system fucks up your brain chemistry

>> No.15224562

Beer is grain tho.

>> No.15224618

take anti biotics to clean your gut and introduce good bacteria.

>> No.15224706

Anybody has a rectal leakings? Like mucus clear type. Not much, but it makes u use bidet few times a day. I had all tests done, nothing to worry about. Doctor prescribed some probiotics. And nothing really helping.

>> No.15225065

>being vegan and lactose intolerant
You fat ketotards can't even do your LARP correctly.

>> No.15225086

>meat and dairy cause IBS
Is this true or is this vegan shilling?

>> No.15225259
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As a 29 year old it really started to get bad within the last two years. While a lot of anons will say cut out all grain or all meat or all dairy or all fiber, I would argue you're better off cutting out 1 (one) singular food for a while. Something that you regularly eat. I found out that any pepper sets mine off. The hotter the worse the outcome including bloated bubble guts that last days. Though with the milder peppers like bell peppers it's just loose stool a couple times.
Binge drinking also sets it off

>> No.15225277

That’s a stupidly reductive thing to take from that post, anon.

>> No.15225983

many people could remedy a lot of their gut problems by strictly following an elimination diet like the AIP diet, or if even that isn't enough, the GAPS diet, plus herbal antimicrobials to help clear out the absolute trainwreck that their gut flora has turned into. then slowly reintroducing foods afterwards.

instead they won't, and continue eating things that cause flare ups while taking prescriptions that may or may not damage their gut microbiome and lining even further in the long run

>> No.15226820

go carnivore you fag. you arent meant to eat everything. hence the ibs. just stick to meat, fats, and creams.

>> No.15226848

Take xanexlax.

>> No.15226849

when did you go to the doctor? I've been having digestive problems as of late, sometimes i'll eat something then 20 minutes later get cramps and shit my brains out

>> No.15227068

How many times have my fellow Colitis Chad's shit themselves? I personally am at 3

>> No.15227093

After years and years of IBS symptoms I cut dairy and all my problems went away. Pretty amazing actually. I’ve had diarrhea 3 times in the last 6 months, which for me is life changing

>> No.15227111

I can't imagine having health problems

Feels good being a genetic superman

>> No.15227114

im in the same boat anon im sorry to hear, people will spend millions of tax dollars on settlements or giving stimuli to business but helping other people out with healthcare? fuck that

>> No.15227427

ah yes people in chronic pain and shitting themselves are too lazy to attempt a dietary approach and would rather cut their guts out before attempting such a thing

hence the billions of people who do eat everything with no issues

>> No.15227538

When did we become so weak?
>can't survive without medication
>can't eat ordinary food
>can't breath properly
>could be killed by traces of allergens
>overcome by regular weather events
Nature wants you to die to make more room for the rest of us

>> No.15227544

Yes let's bankroll the fatasses and have society foot the bill for poor life decisions

>> No.15227548

So you were just lactose intolerant then? Not memeing, but it sounds more like lactose intolerance then IBS.

>> No.15227591

You just need to work harder. I wouldn't have lost my job if I were you. Get another job with health insurance and stop complaining.

>> No.15227596
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>have anxiety and panic attacks where I think I'm having heart problems and I second guess whether I'm choking when I eat food because I'm so paranoid
>want to solve anxiety
>Doctor doesn't care, therapists don't care and treat it as a joke because you're not having a panic attack at that moment
>none of them will give you xanax or anything to actually help you calm you down and turn the anxiety off for a couple hours, they just prescribe you shitty anti depressants that fuck you up even more and don't work
>stay depressed and anxious
>go to the streets to get opiates and or something similar to benzo affect that will calm you down
>overdose on fentanyl or drink yourself to death because of the DEA barring people from getting a simple prescription from doctors
This is how it works and if you haven't realized this, you aren't the hundreds of thousands of people who have severe anxiety who just suffer through it.

>> No.15227602

How do you get xanax? Please give some suggestions, it's like a wonder drug for me.

>> No.15227615

Your digestive system basically is your brain chemistry. 80% of your body's serotonin receptors are in your GI tract.

>> No.15227616


>> No.15227618

Is this bait? Severe anxiety does not result in "welp better go ask various strangers for new and exciting substances known to be difficult to dose and would probably actually kill me"

If anxiety makes you do this it isn't anxiety, it's drug withdrawal

>> No.15227626

Yep. It seems like they've really clamped down on prescribing benzos. It seems like the only people who get them are people who just can't be taken off them for risk of death. They've been on them for 10 years or so. I wish I knew what to do to get prescribed 30 2mg xanax a month. I probably wouldn't take them all.

>> No.15227637

Pills are the easiest thing to dose and you might know friends who have them. I'm sure that's how 99% of people find them, you don't go cold approach some random person and ask for pills retard. As for overdosing on fentanyl, he probably means from fake pills.

>> No.15227648

>If anxiety makes you do this it isn't anxiety, it's drug withdrawal
Even though I haven't consumed any drugs (including alcohol) in the past 5 years, it's just not anxiety and I have to be faking it, that I have withdrawals somehow.... ok. I'm diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder and panic disorder my therapist still won't give me anything to help with my anxiety.

>> No.15227652

Anyone who's on SSDI/SSI for mental health conditions and goes to a community mental health agency can get benzos. In fact if that's you then it's hard to walk out of there without benzos. If that's not you then you don't need em anyway, get back to work junkie.

>> No.15227665
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I was referring to the fake pills that actually kill people in an instant with the fentanyl. the benzos are easy to dose and you take them whenever you feel anxious, not everyday. Me I get panic attacks every couple days and sometimes it takes a full week before I have a bad one, but it's always something when I'm alone and it happens.

People with jobs just don't have anxiety or problems then and they can't be suffering? yeah that's a yikes from me.

>> No.15227695

You get drugs from a psychiatrist, not a therapist. If your psychiatrist says no then you gotta land yourself in the ER during a panic attack and say you think it's a heart attack, you've had panic attacks before but nothing like this you think you're dying, etc. Arriving by ambulance is a nice touch. Don't let them give you anything except aspirin, they WILL offer you a benzo right there, this is your chance yo show you're not a drug seeker. Follow up with your psychiatrist after the EKG shows nothing wrong and bam, you got an Rx for benzos.

>> No.15227716

>People with jobs just don't have anxiety or problems then and they can't be suffering?
Of course they can but if you're functional enough to maintain employment then you're not suffering enough to justify prescribing an extremely addictive drug that can kill you if you stop taking it.

>> No.15227726

i recently cut all my doctors off and stopped visiting them. honestly over with it, probably gonna blow my brains out soon. fuck this clown world i don't want to live anymore

>> No.15227729

What is that? I need to get on it. I can't work.

>> No.15227741

Social Security Disability Insurance and/or Supplemental Security Income. If you're an American citizen you can apply by calling the Social Security Administration.

>> No.15227752

Well just don't go alone, if you're gonna cash out your chips make sure you bring someone along for the ride. Someone who deserves it.

>> No.15227816

I have ibs-c and I have found the best thing to do is to not eat breakfast or lunch and a light dinner each night, typically just yogurt and sunflower seed kernels, cashews, or pecans, walnuts. Low sugar is a must so avoid anything with more then 10 grams. Chobani makes good low sugar yogurt with 9 grams... granted this diet isn’t good for you and I weigh 124 pounds at 33 years old.. but it eliminates pain for me and makes me feel kinda normal. I drink green tea during day to keep my energy decent. Kratom is great for helping avoiding spasms and discomfort but too much will constipate you. Life sucks and no one really knows how great food is till you can’t eat it. I get annoyed at people who bitch about food mans complain over it because they don’t realize how much of a blessing it is just to be able eat, but it’s how people are. Stick to a low fodmap diet, google it and the ibs subredddit has hundreds of people who discuss living with it and walk works and want doesn’t. I would avoid grains, milk, stick to lean meats only and avoid anything with lots of carbs. Starches can be binding and really fuck people up. Go get a colonoscopy if you can and start seeing if you can find a cause, ibs is iffy because it could be a hundred different things litterally. Also read about our gut microbiome and see what you can do to work on that. Good luck. Lately I been coming here and living vicariously through other people who can eat, is not healthy for the mind but I guess I’m on nostalgia trip of better days from past.

>> No.15227830

I been where you are at for the past ten years litterally, it’s a lot harder to follow thru with then you think, it’s probaly the hardest thing to ever do, it takes enormous willpower and in that moment when your right on the cusp of it, your gonna want more life, your going to go through your entire life in your mind and regrets will weigh hundreds of pounds in your mind.

>> No.15229188


>> No.15229206

Why do you use an acronym? You expect everybody to be familiar with your disease?

>> No.15229220

Try mutaflor, it's a lactobacillus strain that cured hitler

>> No.15229235

Literally ignore or suppress the urge the take a shit. I have chronic digestion issues and most of the time I feel like I have to take a shit it's something I could have held in for another hour or two.

>> No.15229241

yeah. that's my point, for those ITT to consider maybe they're lactose intolerant. I thought it was ridiculous when my doctor told me to give it a shot but it worked

>> No.15229270

You should fast for 3 days then drink kombucha and see if you sort out your shitty gut microbiome.

>> No.15229793

We became weak when we found ways to avoid death, a culling is needed brother

>> No.15229803
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>Living with crohn's

>> No.15229928

i just told my doctor i wanted a xanax script and he gave me one. but i seem him every 3 months for the last 8 years or so

>> No.15230043

Get a job you lazy cunt

>> No.15230142

This is what happens when you cant just visit a doctor. You get these fucking crackpots insisting any and every ailment isnt real and you just need to get high like a retard.

>> No.15230160
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That's what I did specifically...
> bought whole hog at fair
> ate bacon, ham, eggs, omlettes, just slices of real local made cheese, kale, beans, sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt, ricotta cheese

It is derived from grains but it itself is not what carries the problematic compound

I was vegan from 13~ to about 20 when my digestive problems came to a head and I needed to get probed up my ass

>> No.15230204

Yes, it's why I'm thin.

>> No.15230544

Short term solutions to long term problems never fix the underlying problems. The real solution is to stop eating inflammatory foods and less sodium.

>> No.15230637
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>Don't think about anything ever, just work

>> No.15230674

Do low fodmap and fix your life like I finally did. I'm normal again after 8 years of going to doctors and trying out pills. 2 weeks of strict low fodmap to notice absolutely anything change. Was easy for me because I'm used to celiac restrictions anyways. Sucks to get rid of garlic and onions. Check the ingredients. Cook your own food always and after 2 weeks you will literally become normal again

Also got rid of a lot of kindof anxiety feelings in my stomach and constant night sweats. It seriously changed my life and only go twice in the mornings now

It might be harder if you're not used to strict things you have to avoid on a diet but it is worth it. Please try it and look up everything before you eat dude


>> No.15231376

I got meds for it and it got better. Poping 3 kinds of pills gets boring but you do what you gotta do

>> No.15231446

>ah yes people in chronic pain and shitting themselves are too lazy to attempt a dietary approach
Unironically many of them are and only take half measures or pills. And it's not so much about laziness as it is about self control with cravings. An obese person has to eat thousands of thousands of calories to maintain their sick condition. They really have to go out of their way to eat that much on the daily and spending so much time munching and grazing. For someone in an extremely bad condition with their colon or intestines, it only takes a single lapse of judgement to allow 1 or 2 bites of a not tolerated food to set back days to weeks of progress as the immune system goes haywire at their guts.

>> No.15231541


>> No.15231804

Pills are the lazy way out and eventually they stop working. They also are literally mind altering by nature. You were probably prescribed anxiety meds.

Most people are completely childish when it comes to refusal to restrict their diet

>> No.15232036

Weston A Price pointed out in the mid 20th century that any group that consumes a lot of refined white flour and sugar as a major part of their caloric intake will inevitably run into health and developmental problems (with their children). Not many continue to eat things like liver to keep up their vitamin stores after adopting an american or british way of eating.

He didn't know then, but eating those things in large volumes will also affect the gut microbiome, which in turn affects the brain (including development from infancy to puberty) and immune system. On average, it's not really that surprising if people are eating their way towards becoming dumber, slower (or sometimes, angrier), fatter, sicker on an overall average even if some in the middle do just fine eating McD cheeseburgers for every meal. And if they don't feel the effects, their children might.

>> No.15232183

Maybe you should try diet and exercise

>> No.15233203

You are both simply brainwashed. Had a whole thing typed up but it wouldnt do any good. Take the easy way out, take your brain changing pills and become an entirely different person

Those meds cause dulling of your senses and sexual dysfunction in both men and women. You'll become emotionally muted after awhile and completely rely on those pills. You'll think changing doses or swapping meds will help

Changing ur diet is too hard so might as well give up on your life and become a drone

>> No.15233652
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Hey my dude,

I've recently been going through some serious GI issues including IBS, my doctor prescribed me these peppermint capsules to help the bloating its been super helpful they're a tad expensive but check them out if you can. doesnt help with everything but it made it so I could go back to work where as before it was to painful to sit up at a desk.

>> No.15233669

Get good bacteria transplanted in your butt.

>> No.15233672


For someone with a brain that doesnt produce the right chemicals in the right volume to be "normal" like you those pills save their lives.

If you get on ones that work well for your body the sexual dysfunction goes away after 4-8 weeks and you start having better orgasms my dude. but thanks for weighing in on something that you have never experienced.

>> No.15233720

It's like you are arguing for me without realizing it. Stop with the snarky redit lashouts grow the hell up

>my brain isn't producing the chemical
Most doctors are awful at dealing with this issue. Even seeing specialists for years they will give up and prescribe you anxiety meds. You choose to be ignorant and your snarky reply tells me you see truth in what I say

Quit being a baby and fix your diet or you'll cease being you while just applying a bandaid to the problem you set out to fix

>> No.15233731

>take your brain changing pills and become an entirely different person
This doesn't happen.

>> No.15233766

came here to post this

>> No.15233899

This nigga knows what's up. Also consider going gluten free, doesn't work for me but has worked for others.

>> No.15233919

Go Gluten free

>> No.15234163

half of this could be avoided if kids were just allowed to get sick and roll around in mud and be exposed to allergens early so they grow out of it

>> No.15234175

Get a job lazy fuck. I have Crohn's and don't expect others to pay for it

>> No.15234180

How can you be around people without constant anxiety having that? Not ripping on you, but my ibs gives me extreme anxiety round people. I’m always paranoid I smell like shit that’inside me.

>> No.15234183

You're mentally ill.

>> No.15234187

I know this already. Fuck you, life will have its way with you too, maybe not this but something else and people will be cold and mock you when you become overwhelmed with whatever it is that afflicts you. U are a useless eater whose existence will not be remembered or cared about. The way you treat others will be your legacy.

>> No.15234197

this whole thread is literally telling you to stop eating refined flour and how it improved their life and even made their anxiety go away.

>> No.15234205

Is anxiety just feeling dread and fear 24/7 or is it where you get panic attacks for everything and every little thing sets you off?

>> No.15234229

And I haven’t touched it or yeast or hops or gluten in years... or sugar, or carbs, etc.

>> No.15234302

Somehow I doubt that because otherwise your previous rantings would've definitely indulged in some kind of self-glorifying detail about how much sheer self control and will you've had to exercise to not allow yourself even a piece of candy, slice of pizza, or a donut for a very long time. Junk food like that inevitably surrounds the average person simply by being out and about and it's why it's so hard for people trying an elimination diet to be purely strict about it for weeks to a couple months.

Carnivore diet (if you've seriously had no vegetable carbs either) is also basically an elimination diet that ideally should only be temporary. It has to be strict but it becomes risky to do it longer than a few months because of the risk of microbiome die-off. Many end up regretting going too long on it because they become overly reactive to any food that isn't meat, which is frankly a miserable existence in this world.

>> No.15235143

I'm just honest with the doctors. I just say I have bad anxiety sometimes and xanax is the only thing that helps. They usually only give about 10-15 pills which is fine for me as I only use it as an occasional sleeping aid. If you need a lot, buy etizolam online. Practically the same shit, quasi-legal to buy, like 100 pills for 70 bucks.

>> No.15235177

Sage advice

>> No.15235355

what do you take for crohn's? what's your diet like? i cant work with this shit

>> No.15235380

Shits a fucking disability man. I basically can't eat anything I like anymore without having to spend an hour on the toilet the next day with simultaneous diarrhea and constipation.

>> No.15235582

not op but i suffer from IBS, will check out thanks :)

>> No.15236460

based fucktard

>> No.15236534


>> No.15236560
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Can't tell if mentally ill or LARP