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File: 2.68 MB, 3045x4621, decided_to_try_the_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15212522 No.15212522 [Reply] [Original]

>here's your molded pink slime sandwich, bro

>> No.15212526

Looks good to me!! :3

>> No.15212537

Wow no one expected this OP (fag).

>> No.15212588

It's honestly not bad looking at all. Looks super juicy and meaty.

>> No.15212724


>> No.15212730

And like a loser you still eat it

>> No.15212733

Any actual ribs in a McRib? I don't usually patronize fast food joints.

>> No.15212785

I assume not, I’ve never had one either they look disgusting

>> No.15212809


>> No.15212839

Mythbuster proved otherwise


>> No.15213059
File: 311 KB, 734x449, gfdsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15213082

How dumb do you have to be to believe fake news fake checkers

>> No.15213108

>Hey can I get a mcrib with no sauce and can you make it look like shit so I can post a picture and complain about it on the internet?
>Not a problem, anything else?

>> No.15213114

Nah it's just pork anus and other trimmings they buy when they're cheap enough.

>> No.15213180

imagine going on a lithuanian rope-twisting forum to defend a pig butthole slimewich

>> No.15213270

seethe moar, troomer

>> No.15213275

Better off getting a McDouble, no ketchup or mustard, and with BBQ sauce.

>> No.15213304
File: 643 KB, 2400x2400, ribpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same as all this shit, it's just rib meat scraps molded into a quirky "rib shape". It's fine, it tastes fine, but the McRib is not so special, so many companies make the same exact product you can buy yourself, sauced or unsauced. Every school cafeteria served these. Every jail serves these.

>> No.15213318

That was the old McRib, which is only vaguely related to this new one. It’s not safe to assume anything about the new one.

>> No.15213323

>not wearing a face mask like in any meat processing factory
>totally true, am i rite

>> No.15214639

Based liars

>> No.15214663

Who the fuck asks for a mcrib with no sauce? The sauce iss the best part. That is like asking for a pizza with no sauce or cheese.

>> No.15214749

>Pizza with no sauce or cheese
Holy based.

>> No.15214847

Thanks bro

>> No.15215130

I think it’s pretty good

>> No.15215158

How retarded do you have to be to think McDicks built an entire fake food processing plant to hide the secret of their McRibs which are served seasonally and are just a novelty item that has little impact on the bottom line?
Take your meds.

>> No.15215169

People jump through some wild hoops just to shit on what is essentially a pork burger.
Same faggots saying the McRib is some nightmare monstrosity will eat hot dogs

>> No.15215172


The shilling is real!

>> No.15215174


>> No.15215179


I had one for the first time a year ago, and its just a plain pork flavored sandwich. I dislike the taste of pork in general so I thought it was gross.

If you really love the flavor of pork then you will like the mcrib.

>> No.15215185

Had a mcrib combo last night. Sandwich is a 2/10 and fries were cold as always. Even the coke tasted weird, like its watered down or something. Never buying this crap again.

>> No.15215214

Christmas Eve, 2013.
I was alone as usual.
I was hungry after getting off work. I had three options: pick up a shitty pizza, eat some cold cereal at home, or swing through the Golden Arches. You all know what I had to do.
It was a holiday after all, so I decided I'd treat myself. No Dollar Menu shit this time (sorry Buffalo Ranch McChicken).
I decide to go inside for some reason, place is empty. The young hispanic girl at the register is pretty cute, nice change of pace. Merry Christmas to me, I thought.
Behind her, the menu caught my eye. Double Quarter Pounder had just gone out the window because there sat the BBQ-drenched sandwich of a better time.
"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for you sir?"
I look around, there's no other customers. The based black man is putting fries down. I am a king, this Christmas.
"Yes, hi, I'd like three McRib sandwiches, a large order of French Fries, a large eggnog shake, a bottled water, and four apple pies, please."
"Anything else?"
"Yes, actually. Add on your favorite items, money is no object. Tonight is Christmas Eve, and a meal with you is my present."
She laughs, such a bright smile, I can feel the snow melting off my duster.
"That's romantic, but I'm just 16, and don't have a break coming up anyway."
Ah, another time then, my dear. I wave it off, ask her to make it to-go with the excuse that I don't want to mess up the clean dining room, and wish her a Merry Christmas.
The black man hands me my items as they come up, freshly-made. I thank him in turn and wish him a happy holiday. I tell him to protect little Rosalita there with everything he's got, and he laughs and promises to do so.
I leave $300 on the counter, as a gift.

I made my way through the blizzard then, my mind fixated on that holiday treat. '96 Explorer. Control-Trac. Heater on full blast, but before the heat is up again, I have that tangy sauce all over my face. There are onions on my collar. Salt and grease stains my face as tears fall. Sadness, and joy.

>> No.15215224

This McRib is so fleeting, I think as I unwrap the second one. Like Christmas joy, or Rosalita's smile, they will be gone again soon. We don't know when they will be back if ever, but we keep hoping.
Eggnog imitation and pickles is a better combination than you'd think. I toss back the fries, filling my empty Christmas with the salty goodness, but I still am empty.
As I dunk my apple pies into the shake, the heat kicks on. The shake becomes nice and soupy. Just my style.
I flip the headlights on, and peer through the frosted window. The hispanic chick and black man are just hanging out, but I can see the joy of receiving a gift in their faces.
I could wipe my face before heading out, but to do so would be to wipe my memories of the McRib and thus my memories of the best Christmas ever.
As I toss my garbage out the window into the snowdrift, Feliz Navidad comes on the radio. This is a scene out of a holiday classic, I can feel it.
Prospero año y felizidad, huh? Rosalita loves this song I bet.
I shout out the open window at all who can hear "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Goodnight!" as I speed away from the BP and feel my AWD engage.
Whatever happens, I'm better prepared for it now.
That, my friends, is what the McRib means to me.

>> No.15215303


>> No.15215336

It’s mostly pork shoulder

>> No.15215424

This is not the first time a 4Chan user was deceived in this manner.

>> No.15215534

Literally the only thing good about the McRib is the sauce.

>> No.15215695

It's a mcheart, mctripe, mcscaldedstomach sandwich...and this abomination of a food product has ingredients that are also found in yoga mats and shoe soles. YUMMO!

>> No.15215931

Cumberland farms rib b que is far better

>> No.15215975

pretty fucked up grant is dead now. brain hemmorhages are the most terrifying things

>> No.15216998

Hmmm.... The company guy didn't mention spices, particularly rosemary, as an ingredient, yet the McDonald's website lists rosemary as an ingredient.

Muh chemicals. Oy very... evil corporation sandwich has carbon atoms in it. Do you know what else has carbon atoms? That's right, poison has carbon atoms! So if you eat carbon atoms, then you're eating poison!

Fuck you, commie!

>> No.15217788

nice pasta

>> No.15217799
File: 924 KB, 595x630, bigfloyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ordered it with no sauce. Once again OP is a faggot

>> No.15217803


>> No.15217903

Made me smile, thanks anon

>> No.15218293

McDonald's, the McRib sandwich.

>> No.15218309

Welfare food stamps got me a 9lb ribeye roast on Friday. I dont need this.

>> No.15218319

tv dinner salisbury steak in sweet sauce