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File: 95 KB, 680x680, EhSLxsIU0AAWNiC.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15194753 No.15194753 [Reply] [Original]

Do people actually think slabs of blood taste good?

>> No.15194766


>> No.15194798

People have been indoctrinated to think that flesh tastes good from a young age. Humans never naturally desired meat.

>> No.15194878

The sad thing is I bet there are people that actually think like this

>> No.15194882

it's not blood. hung meat contains no blood.

>> No.15194889

Is pic not related? Or are you a fucking retard that thinks that's a slab of blood?

>> No.15194903

>don't believe your lying eyes
That is literal cubes of blood.

>> No.15194909
File: 8 KB, 260x194, realbloodslabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another episode of vegans being retarded
at least post a related pic
it's what B12 deficiency does to your brain

>> No.15194914

It's just water and myoglobin, brainlet.

>> No.15194917

OP never claimed to be a vegan, retard.

>> No.15194942

It looks like blood and tastes like blood. It doesn't matter what fancy name you rename it, its blood.

>> No.15194947

only retarded vegans come here and make these shit threads

>> No.15194949

It does not look like blood and it does not taste like blood. Are you retarded?

>> No.15194955


>> No.15194971

yah just look at the archives

>> No.15194985
File: 68 KB, 782x788, youreallybelievethat222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15195080

Its literally the flesh of an animal. What flows through animals? You are absolutely in denial to pretend its not blood while you eat a murdered creature.

>> No.15195105

>Its literally the flesh of an animal
Yes, it's literally flesh, not blood. Now shut up, stupid vegan.
>You are absolutely in denial to pretend its not blood while you eat a murdered creature.
You just said it's flesh, retard. Also, murder is unlawful killing of a human. You can't murder animals. Nothing wrong with killing animals for eating their flesh or using their fur.

>> No.15195123

How the fuck is it morally or ethically different to kill a an animal from another animal? Blood runs through flesh, you are literally savoring the flavor of blood when you eat the flesh of an innocent creature.

>> No.15195130

how is it moral or ethical to kill a carrot? you're still depriving it of life

>> No.15195136

Carrots aren't sentient, dumbass. They have no nerve endings.

>> No.15195137

different anon but do you have pets by any chance? would you go full far left sjw retard mode if they were killed for convenience related reasons?

>> No.15195140

Yes, many cultures enjoy various forms of blood slabs. Some are okay, but I'll take a nice steak like in the OP image any day.

>> No.15195142

Yes, blue steak is the best.

>> No.15195146

so killing is not the moral issue and only suffering? what follows is if you can kill a creature without making it suffer then it is fair game

>> No.15195148

pets are the houseniggers of the animal world.

>> No.15195162

Nobody who wants these animals to be slaughtered wants them to be enslaved. Stop murder, stop slavery. Stop eating meat.

>> No.15195171

>How the fuck is it morally or ethically different to kill a an animal from another animal?
There's clearly a difference in killing your own specie, than killing another specie.
>Blood runs through flesh, you are literally savoring the flavor of blood when you eat the flesh of an innocent creature.
There's no blood flavour in meat. Do you know what blood taste like, and what meat taste like? If you do you must be a tastelet not being able to taste the difference.
No, but I've had before. I weren't talking about unlawful killing, like killing someone else's animals. What you're proposing is a different case.

>> No.15195176

So euthanizing someone is "fair game"?

>> No.15195178

stop deflecting and answer the question

>> No.15195185

Killing sentient beings is wrong.

>> No.15195189

the only thing stopping it is the idea of social contracts which is partly codified in law. society wouldn't function otherwise.

>> No.15195194

why. justify it.

>> No.15195211

So if I forcibly euthanized you against your will, there would be nothing morally wrong with that?

>> No.15195219

How the fuck are people arguing that flesh filled with blood is not actually blood.

>> No.15195224

the real crime is that while you can murder and feast on the flesh of the beautiful beast if you dared instead to make love to the creature they put you in jail.

>> No.15195228


>> No.15195231

>How the fuck are people arguing that flesh filled with blood is not actually blood.
How can you be so retarded? There's just tiny trace amounts of blood left in meat. And that does not make the whole thing into blood, it remains meat (with trace amounts of blood).

>> No.15195245
File: 296 KB, 1600x1064, nomnomnoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15195249
File: 388 KB, 220x220, yummy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15195256

I just can not wrap my head around a carnist who is in complete denial about savoring the blood over a murdered animal.

>> No.15195263

myoglobin is not hemoglobin.

>> No.15195271
File: 162 KB, 703x707, double_cheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15195273

Its all semantics, but at the end of the day ita sall blood

>> No.15195275

You are a retard, eat some meat before you get further brain damage from nutrient deficiency.

1. It's not possible to murder animals (pr. definition).

2. Meat does not taste like blood, so you don't savour blood when eating meat (pr. definition).

>> No.15195276


>> No.15195283

It's not just semantics if there is a real different, faggot.

>> No.15195284

"That's a mountain, not a volcano"
"It's all semantics, but at the end of the day it's all blood."

Your poor parents. :(

>> No.15195285
File: 194 KB, 1280x634, PicsArt_11-29-12.55.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15195291

You are literally eating a sponge full of blood. You're a bloodguzzling fool.

>> No.15195303


>> No.15195304

it would be morally wrong because, you as a member of society, broke social contracts that you are obligated to uphold by virtue of being a member. this is why outlaws are fair game.

>> No.15195309

not blood
blood is good too so you're gay

>> No.15195310

>Meat does not taste like blood, so you don't savour blood

Holy shit. If you eat that then you are literally consuming a bleeding creature. The flesh is blood, you are savoring every bit of that flesh by accepting it.

>> No.15195318

I never signed any contracts. You are fair game. I'll get my nitrogen tank ready.

>> No.15195326

Only trace amounts, retard.
> If you eat that then you are literally consuming a bleeding creature.
Do you know what literally mean? When meat is commonly consumed, it stopped bleeding long time ago. Very few people eat meat while the animal is bleeding.
>The flesh is blood, you are savoring every bit of that flesh by accepting it.
The flesh is not blood, idiot. To be fair, it's a question of semantics whether you can savour something you can't taste or not. But in the latter case, you're savouring shit every day because there's trace amounts of it everywhere.

LOL you savour SHIT every single day.

>> No.15195364

baby food is all veggies and fruit

>> No.15195369


>> No.15195420

well so are you then. let's see who kills who first limp ass vegan

>> No.15195446

Based fact

>> No.15195465
File: 31 KB, 430x287, Tiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blood is good, i ate blood jello in congee all the time when I lived in Vietnam. the texture is like slightly firmer jello, the flavor is not very strong but pleasant, something like the meat juice that comes out of a steak when you leave it to sit on the cooking board after finishing cooking.

more interesting is "tiet canh," a dish that's usually served at weddings and parties where pigs or ducks are being slaughtered, it's basically fresh blood that is whipped and mixed with some spices and served with fresh peanuts, lime, and herbs. you wouldn't want to order it from a street vendor (good way to get vicious food poisoning) but fresh it's a delicacy. usually served with waaaaay too much rice wine.

>> No.15195477

>sovereign citizen level retardation

>> No.15195480
File: 182 KB, 680x742, a52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> all red liquids are blood

Fucking retard. Go take a biology class and watch an animal get slaughtered and butchered. Your soft ass has never tasted blood in your life which is impressive since you are a massive bleeding pussy

>> No.15195539

Myoglobin is the oxygen carrier protein in muscle and is responsible for the red color. Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrier in blood. Both are components of their respective systems, one is in muscle, the other is in blood. But blood and muscle are compositionally very different. This is not semantics

>> No.15195550

Do you snack on a used tampon between meals? Sick fuck.

>> No.15195557

It’s technically not blood, but it’s still kinda gross
People say this is true but only after the kid is indoctrinated with emotionally triggering propaganda about the poor cows being abused by industrial farming but ignoring the process of natural healthy local farming
It’s really not blood though, blood tastes really irony
What about the animals that called the field where you grew the carrot home? The only answer to really stopping a human from depriving other organisms of life is to commit soycide
This, it’s literally biology you fuckwads, blood is drained from the animal and tastes very different than meat. Blood sausage, pancakes, etc exist.

>> No.15196023

Yes. Only degenerates like their shit burnt.

>> No.15196066

Imagine trying to make it look like there are multiple people agreeing with your awful argument which had been debunked multiple times already.

>> No.15196184

I'm going to have to start blocking the word literally because people clearly don't understand how to use it properly in a sentence. It always comes across like ... HEY I used a demonstrative to indicate frustration so clearly my statement is correct.

Blood supplies the tissues of the body, but the tissues of the body don't contain much blood. We bleed when cut into, but only briefly while the network supplying the blood is free flowing. Part of the aim when slaughtering a food animal is to efficiently drain the blood. Part of the aim when butchering a carcass is to prepare the meat for effective ageing. By the time it gets to you it contains very little blood and the liquid that remains and most assume is blood isn't. But I'm sure it is blood seeing as you said literally.

>ib4 seeth, dilate, btfo, imagine being this etc etc

>> No.15196209


>> No.15196342

Maybe its the rat juice that ended up in your sweetened pacifier when you were circumcised.

>> No.15196351

i'll kill and eat every last living animal on this planet before i become vegetarian or vegan, fuck you OP

>> No.15196360

>fuck you OP
no don't you'll catch the gay.

>> No.15196415

>This is not semantics
You literally just admitted it was blood.

>> No.15196508

No, i said that blood and muscle both have proteins that share similarities like carrying oxygen and providing red color. And this is where the similarity ends, since blood and muscle also consist of different components than hemoglobin and myoglobin.

>> No.15196664

Your little pee brain just can’t wrap around it.
It’s so fun watching you wriggle.

>> No.15196678

I mean, youd also be pissed if someone killed your friend or family member. But you don't bat an eye when someone you don't know is killed.

>> No.15196737

Shitty cooking, shitty photo with fucked up white balance, shitty OP

>> No.15196745

blood for the blood god

>> No.15196752

Flesh and blood are considered different things but blood sausage is pretty good though yeah.

>> No.15196754

Not this guy you're talking too but I can tell you myoglobin is very different than blood.

Blood clots, myoglobin doesn't. In fact, if you want to eat animal blood you need to have a bowl of vinegar under the animal while it's bleeding out so it doesn't clot. And trust me, blood clots QUICK.

>> No.15196866

I know I was making fun of the retard who doesn’t know the difference

>> No.15196877

are you guys sure there is not blood in there. it really really literally looks like it has blood and is bloody.

>> No.15196888

If there is ever blood in your meat, the butcher should be drawn up, along with his mother, whereupon they should both be slapped sternly for their failure to perform.

>> No.15196909

>failure to perform.
i've heard eating red meat can do that to men.

>> No.15196950

At least for me, this is wholly inaccurate.

>> No.15196967

t. chinese mystic who eats bats for boners.

>> No.15196977

t. malnourished retards who thinks everyone that eats meat is an impulsive tub of lard

>> No.15196988

no just elderly. eating meat is becoming a very generational thing.

>> No.15196994

>What flows through animals?
Cows do not have an open or semi-open circulatory system. Blood stays in the veins. Go back to biology.

>> No.15197496

Explain how one obtains this so called bloodless meat? Ever time I have ever seen an animal being terrified and butchered there is blood everywhere and every flesh steak is dripping with blood.

>> No.15197537 [DELETED] 

Everyone can tell you’re the same person stop posting you fucking niggerfaggot

>> No.15197542
File: 39 KB, 1200x900, 451_erin_m_d7cfcfcd-642a-4d6b-b6e8-0adf3eabbff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is chicken vegan since it doesn't have blood in it?

>> No.15197558
File: 100 KB, 621x720, carnistbingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well completely ruin this awful thread, let's play carnist bingo!

>> No.15197559

In a just world a butcher would render you limbless. Wiggle your bloody stumps, bitch.

>> No.15197577


I can tell this is bait, because you picked a really good picture of really nicely done steak. You know you saved that shit because you think it's tasty lol. You know most people would think this is tasty.

come on man. jig is up. the fuck outta here.

>> No.15197592
File: 421 KB, 752x1075, 1576923347178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking delicious.

>> No.15197602

>projecting your own homicidal perversions
I wonder if Jeffrey Dahmer was like this.

>> No.15197607

Blood is actually pretty delicious? Only sub-human sand people don't consume it

>> No.15197620


>> No.15197625

I love this totally female way of thinking
>If I tell them that everybody else their age is doing it, then they will do it too
Also it shouldn't be said, but it is very non-generational of an 'issue'

>> No.15197672


alright Vegan Gains or someone LARPing as a vegan for attention here's your "you" suck my balls die of aids yadda yadda yadda vitamin b12 bada bing bada boom you're gay

>> No.15197675

No i like my meat well done, have started to braise meat, makes it tender and taste really good :D

Now and then i get a medium rare beef at a good place but if i make it myself it's roast beef or braised.

>> No.15197684

uhhh they have blood

>> No.15197687

clearly they don't or else the meat would be red.

>> No.15197689

this is because they saw humans doing it lol

>> No.15197696

I have slaughtered poultry before. They bleed.

>> No.15197702

You will never be a woman.

>> No.15197709

no. blood is red and thus meat is red. chicken meat isn't red thus no blood.

believe me, I've studied this; i'm vegan.

>> No.15197735
File: 152 KB, 1125x1569, malk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm vegan
Oh shit I didn't know!
Here let me get your vegan metal for being a hero.

>> No.15197740

That isn't blood its myoglobin

This is objectively false and rather poor bait.

>> No.15197744


It all makes sense now.

>> No.15197783
File: 1.20 MB, 600x338, Autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon provides 3 pieces of evidence
>you respond with a theory that lacks any observation or evidence

>> No.15197788

We taught wolves how to do it too