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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15192870 No.15192870 [Reply] [Original]

Do you leave full herbs like bay leaves in your dishes or do you remove them before serving?

>> No.15192886

I crush up the bay leaves so i dont have to cope with gay shit like this

>> No.15192893
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tend to leave them in and whoever scoops one into their bowl and finds it wins "the prize" which is picking what's for dessert

>> No.15192920

If you're not grinding them into a powder with a spice grinder, you're leaving little shards waiting to shred the inside of people's throats

>> No.15192936

I consider the bay leaves a bouquet garni and remove them.

I just don't tie it to itself with string if that's all I'm putting in.

>> No.15192950

I thought you people said bay leaves are a placebo? Looks like they're very effective at triggering dumb roasties.

>> No.15193485

This just in, Zoomers are fucking retarded, more at 11.

>> No.15194560
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a-are you not supposed to eat the string tying the turkey together? asking for a friend

>> No.15194568

that's the meatstring you 100% eat that it soaks up the juices while cooking

>> No.15194574

You don't eat bay leafs nigga

>> No.15194801

>check your lettuce
N-No way americans are that stupid right???...

>> No.15194841

Pretty sure those are millennials circa 2011. I don't think people really eat Chipotle anymore

>> No.15194854

That's fun, it's like the mardi gras thing.

>> No.15194870

Are you kidding? Chipotle's revenue has grown 40 fold since going public.

>> No.15194900
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i'm gonna have to take your word on that

>> No.15194950

The King Cake during Mardi Gras sometimes has a tiny toy baby baked into it.
If you get the piece you provide the cake next year/host the next year.
I guess it's only really similar in that you find something in your food.

>> No.15194954
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yeah, couldn't pay me to eat a piece really..