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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15189595 No.15189595 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Food industry workers tell their horror stories

>> No.15189602 [DELETED] 

I'm black and we always spit in white people's too.

>> No.15189607

>worked at maccas
>served human meat

>> No.15189614

After my shift at a&ws i went on /ck/ and found this gay faggot thread. It was horrible

>> No.15189638

>order number 1365 in drive thru
>yeah dat gotta be whitey
Do /pol/tards really?

>> No.15189644

I mean, we're basically indiscernible from Pork. Though seriously, why? the price per pound is so much higher for human meat.

>> No.15189651

Lying to protect others? Spiritually weak.

>> No.15189755

I don't blame you honestly, considering our racism.

>> No.15189804

I saw a lot of disgusting things working at different pizza places. Once I was making a hawaiian pizza and found of there were maggots in the bottom of a bin of ham we'd been using all shift. It turned out everyone had just been refilling it whenever it was getting empty and not changing the bin for days, same thing would often happen with big bins of cheese that would be going bad on the bottom.

>> No.15189844

>be me
>mcdonalds worker
>deal with manager doing sketchy ass shit like deep frying old meat and using rancid oils
>one day he tests me by scraping dust off the walls and crushing it into a burger
>i stay silent
>he decides im a reliably quiet worker and sends me off to a neighboring branch as a promotion
>i see progressively terrible shit going on but stay silent
>pay is just good enough that i can ignore rats and cockroaches
>one day new manager takes me to the back room
>shows me the truth
>mcdonald burgers are actually made out of little kids
>ronald mcdonald kidnaps them and bribes the with toys, leading away to a secret room where they are fillet'd
>am horrified but keep my mouth shut
>eventually fired and forced to sigh a NDA about it when manager sees i am bothered

nowadays, its difficult for me to eat a mcBorgar without feeling guilty. whatever. little kids taste good idc

>> No.15190109

Are you familiar with the Hash Slinging Slasher?

>> No.15190110

I was debating about whether or not to tell this story because a greentext of it would end up being more than 1 post to tell, but I worked at a McDonalds for a very short time and it was truly one of the most disgusting decripit buildings I have ever been in. We where told to never drain the deep fries because "cleaning them wastes time", the sanatizer rags where never cleaned, there where mountains of dead cockroaches swept behind trash cans and booths, and other various similar issues. I ended up quiting after some guy came in and ordered over 50 different items at once and I had to stay late. The location ended up getting shut down due to "numerous health code violations" and they ended up destroying the entire building. I think it reopened but it still is probably just as shit. I There are better jobs out there that pay just as shitty, and I haven't been in a McDonald's since then.

>> No.15190117

btw the 50+ order was
>10 McChickens
>10 Quarter Pounders
>10 Big Macs
>32 Apple Pies
>8 large Fantas (American size large btw so these are massive)
>8 large fries

and of course this dude ended up dropping all 8 of his large fantas on the floor and I had to mop it all up. I don't think the floor was ever the same though.

>> No.15190119

we know that's why we raped africa and then enslaved you

>> No.15190128

>be me
Who else would you be you fucking moron?

>> No.15190139

>>10 McChickens
>>10 Quarter Pounders
>>10 Big Macs
>>32 Apple Pies
>>8 large Fantas (American size large btw so these are massive)
>>8 large fries
>and of course this dude ended up dropping all 8 of his large fantas on the floor and I had to mop it all up. I don't think the floor was ever the same though.
The last 20 years I have been ashamed to be an American 99% of the time. This is the 1% I live for. That man is a trooper.

>> No.15190140

Why bother? Everyone will just accuse me of lying even though I'll probably tell the most benign story imaginable.

>> No.15190178

Yeah I'm calling bullshit on this.

>> No.15190222
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>> No.15190225

I worked at a mcdolans for almost 2 years and quiznos for 1. Only gross things were
>people wiping nose and not washing hands
>lots of no hand washing
>our store wasnt changing oil as much as they should
>using buns that fell on the floor
>putting new stickers on things that were supposed to be thrown out
There was spit a few times but it was never indiscriminate or at random. It was always because of some kind of fight where a customer was being mean

>> No.15190230
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Get sauce on the side at BDubs. Big plastic buckets to sauce wings and they are not cleaned until closing. 16 hours could be possible if early lunch rush and Sat.night.

Nothing fresh except bone-in chicken wings, veg, and beef. Everything else is prepackaged frozen junk.

The worst part is the smell. You will smell like fucking fried chicken wings and it gets old fast. May need two wash cycles to get it fully out of your clothes and you can't recycle that shit like standard BoH positions that aren't chicken or fish fry cook.

>> No.15190244

Just tonight I had a homeless woman try to do a walk up. My manager said it was cool and she paid her food and left. Less than 5 minutes later she walks back up and starts hollering some dude named "bean" and kermit the pissing frog was in the kitchen spitting in her food and we were laundering money and that cryptocurrency is a scam. My manager refunded her and she walked off saying she was going to report us to the FBI
>inb4 fake and gay
I have no evidence but it happened. Seriously, don't do drugs kids.

>> No.15190266

Yeah I always thought that was funny for these kinds of stories. Human meat is unviable for a shit load of reasons outside of some weird morbid curiosity.
I'd imagine even then 95% of the claimed places that were selling it in third world shit hole were just selling other meat anyways.

>> No.15190275

>>32 Apple Pies
They don't even taste good.
The rest is at least understandable if he was buying for a large group of friends. Still kind of a dick move it was so late though.

>> No.15190292

why is it always some crazy lady ive never had to deal with a crazy guy while working

>> No.15190294

shit i fucked up meant for >>15190244

>> No.15190321

Had another druggie walk in when I was working at a different maccas. Was getting breakfast off shift and he stopped me outside and held out a handfull of coins saying to take one. I did and he said another so I did. He looked at me and asked if I was fucking deaf. He said follow me and went inside, so I followed to help if he tried something dumb with my coworkers since it was all women at the time. He started going off to the front counter lady about how saddam houssein was hiding out in Houston still alive and 5g was a mind control device, on and on. After I asked the lady if she wanted me to call police, he mumbled more and finally trudged off. I posted this story here before

>> No.15190466

Your manager is a good dude. Also I just farded

>> No.15190499

>be you
>absolutely buttblasted

>> No.15190508

Based /x/ poster visits /ck/ mcdonalds

>> No.15190580

because women can get away with it, basically
a guy with a "crazy lady" attitude would get the shit beaten out of him at some point

>> No.15190646

Working at Logan's for a week made me realize that you will never have actually clean dishes at a restaurant. I thought I was moving up after working at a small locally owned bar for a few years but it turns out the hygiene standards fucking plummeted. Dishwashing at bigger places really just means "make it look clean".

>> No.15190683

I had to follow extremely simple step by step instructions given to me requiring zero critical thought and be nice to customers even if they weren't nice to me
It was the hardest thing in the world and I should have been paid as much as an engineer

>> No.15190688

On behalf of all white people we apologize and know we deserve it
Black is beautiful

>> No.15191204

Kek. You were walkingnigger-bait

>> No.15191209

if it's any consolation our white wives love bbc.

>> No.15191216 [DELETED] 

This is why if I see niggers work at a fast food restaurant, I just won't eat there. Not only are they incapable of completing menial tasks such as constructing a proper burger, but they oversauce everything because their iow IQ brains cannot comprehend flavors and how a mixture of them all come together. Ever since then, my fast food experiences have been much better.

Oh, that and teenagers too. Teenagers are fucking retarded and cant do anything right.

>> No.15191225
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Thank you.

>> No.15191229


>> No.15191230
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I wonder

>> No.15191236

How stinky

>> No.15191276

>May need two wash cycles to get it fully out of your clothes

Lestoil. You're welcome. As are any other people reading who work with oil, like diesel mechanics.

>> No.15191301

I worked at a local pizza chain in rural West Virginia for a time. The management would let the parmesan sit so long it would mold to a ridiculous degree before swapping it out because they didnt want to unload the gigantic sacks it came in from the truck.
Carbonized dough was routinely left on deep dish pans because the pill junkies working the place absolutely refused to wash dishes properly.
The felons in management would shake down new drivers for their tips.

>> No.15191309

that's why they only do it every few years with the McRib, i thought this was common knowledge.

>> No.15191346

You built this country, the least we can do is make sure you and your relatives never have to work for the rest of eternity
You should be allowed to spit on white customers, not just their food

>> No.15191360

How are black people so effortlessly cool?

>> No.15191366

The biggest cockroach I have seen in my entire life was at a Domino's Pizza in Sun Valley, California. That fucker was so massive where I lost my appetite immediately, and didn't eat any of the food my friend and I picked up while going to another friend's house. I didn't want to ruin the mood but I told my friend was we were picking it up (before we paid) and he didn't give a shit.

>> No.15191386

You shouldn't refer to Hispanics as cockroaches dude
Not cool

>> No.15191398

The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out that might be what you get.

>> No.15192195

retarded dishwasher sprays down plates with cold water and calls them clean and we can't fire her because she's retarded

>> No.15192204

>We where told to never drain the deep fries because "cleaning them wastes time"

>> No.15192269 [DELETED] 

I just smoked a big marijuana and I'm watching violent porno.

>> No.15192295


This is why my 2 pickle slices are always slightly assymetrical?

>> No.15192336

lurk moar newfag

>> No.15192414

i don't work in the industry but i was shooting the shit with our pest control contractor (company handles places all over the city) and he said that KFC kitchens were without exception the absolute worst places he had to service

>> No.15192419

even old honest abe is interested in a piece of that quarter pounder action

>> No.15192503

Hey fuck you man I was hungry

>> No.15192614

hauled a bunch of old kitchen equipment out of a tim horton's. it was full of rat shit and god knows what else. i have maybe eaten there one time since then

>> No.15192877

this is why we put you in jail where you belong

>> No.15192879

Why when they ask for the name for the order I always say LaMar

>> No.15192880

obvious larp anon

>> No.15192889

sounds based

>> No.15192891

Actually good for the environment and sustainable desu

>> No.15193047

>I posted this story here before
Really? I'm super interested in hearing about when and where you posted this. What was the thread like? Did you get any cool replies?

>> No.15193809

I didn't work there but at panera there was a speed rack in customer view and every single sheet pan on it was black. The rack was full and every one was he same. A solid black. I don't get their breads but I never went back anyway

>> No.15193813

Ask me how I know you're a stupid bitch.

>> No.15193846

>I'm black
Prove it.

>> No.15194979

even the most deranged man generally has better things to do than to power trip a fast food worker like a woman.

>> No.15194986

they aren't, only shills like you think they are.

>> No.15195016

basado ultimo

>> No.15195208

why is getting the sauce on the side different from just having the wings already sauced

>> No.15195252
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Based mcfish

>> No.15195262

chef nick had an anger problem and would rage a lot in the kitchen, once he threw his knife and martin was coming around the corner from behind the pass and it stuck in the wall right next to him
probably would've killed martin if he took a step on second sooner

>> No.15195547

it's how they get rid of the kids they sacrifice for adrenochrome in satanic rituals or whatever, is the story

>> No.15196237

Used to work at IHOP
>we close at 11pm
>single disgusting fat black lady comes in
>manager tells her were closed
>"nah uh sign on door says yous open >:( wherrs ur companies numbah"
>manager bites the bullet
>were finishing cleaning back of house
>she sits there like a slob eating her shitty over cooked eggs n old ass sausage
It really does blow my mind people pay +$10 for some of the most mediocre shit and not cook at home lol.

>> No.15196271

Wow it's like you're telling me everyone hates black people surprise surprise

>> No.15196390

You better not be serving african kids, i don't want aids on my burger

>> No.15197019

As long as you don't have open sores in your mouth from sucking 20 dicks in a row you should be fine eating well cooked negro meat.

>> No.15197490

People won’t beat the shit out of the crazy lady.

>> No.15197681
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>working on grill in mcdonalds
>behind the grill area is the area where the burgers are assembled
>guy working on assembly grabs a slice of cheese and throws it straight up at the ceiling
>it fucking sticks there
>whatever, i just want to keep grilling for god's sake
>fastforward about two hours
>the cheese slice has fallen off of the roof and onto the floor
>my coworker, without hesitation, picks it up off of the floor and puts it straight onto the cheeseburger he's prepping
>turns to me, looks me dead in the eyes and says "it's about playing the long game"

>> No.15197714


>thread idea is actually good
>guy working at a&w is salty because he has a shitty job and he's young

die mad hotdog boy

>> No.15197925

>implying she actually paid for it with her own money
Niggers come in two flavors, criminals and welfare leeches
That money was either from the taxpayers or from some nonblack who was robbed

>> No.15197933

Ever since the Trump got thrown out of office /pol/ has been leaking here

>> No.15198129

Still the president until January, cry harder lmao

>> No.15198209

>work at The Bell
>manager is asked to put his mask up
>in retaliation, mockingly coughs in front of unwrapped burrito
>wraps it and sends it out
>get to work
>dishes piled on top of each other
>general manager was apparently working on them for hours
>the sink water was a dark orange, nothing in that sink was clean
>sanitizer water was cloudy and had oil in it
>after draining both sinks, cleaning the sinks out, and filling them with clean detergent and sanitizer, i got to work on them (because i care)
>in the middle of scrubbing a pan out, the general manager told me my method of washing dishes was a “health code violation”
>ignored her for being retarded
no summary.

>> No.15198248
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>imagine going to the Whitehouse and being feed McDonald's

>> No.15198256

Hmmm, why did the mods decided to delete the black guy telling the truth? Weird. Smells a bit Jewish to me.

>> No.15198733

>imagine dabbing on faggoty leftists with Trump while feasting on McDonald's
A man can dream

>> No.15198798

One time I accidentally worked at a taco bell for 10 years.

>> No.15198803

Do you have brain damage?

>> No.15198806

>imagine going to Chuck's Fuck and Suck and being Sneed feed

>> No.15198808

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bbased on diabuetusa

>> No.15198886

>be myself
>work at five guys
>walmart basically across us
>would get high with a friend and go on breaks to lift shit like candy
>get super stoned one day
>go solo
>took some candy and managed to snatch a 32gb flash drive
>check for tags
>think its clear
>alarm sounds
>pace really fast back to the store
>realize I was in my fucking uniform, and the cameras are everywhere
>try to calm down
>shift nearing end, 10pm
>all good
>closing, cleaning shit
>manager disappears
>try to look for him
>he's at the door talking with 2 cops
>oh no
>heart sank so fast
>I was only 18 back then, I don't want to go to jail plus my parents would kick me out
>have the worst shivers and sweat of my life
>manager comes in the back
>hey anon, you can go
>said in a tone I never heard before
>grab my stuff and slowly head to the front with teary eyes
>no one stops me
>I just leave
>get on the bus asap
>go back to work tomorrow and instantly ask what happened
>retarded coworker had a car crash that day and they came for a statement

Another story

>be also me
>be also working at five guys
>we close at 10
>its 9.59.30
>door bell rings
>every single employee turns to the doors with the most predatory aura that was palpable
>an actual pack of 10+ niggers and white girls walks in
>look at the boss
>I'm sorry anon its not 10 we have to serve them
>firmly grasp the potato washer as I try not to be the main topic of tomorrow's national news
>we usually put down more patties when we're in a rush, and since we had a good batch left I left those on the grill
>those patties were well done 10 minutes ago, what I was doing right now was a war crime
>white whores wanted milkshakes, nope whore, the machine broke 2 minutes ago, right when I finished cleaning it
>serve the niggers their charcoal
>visible disgust but they know they won't get a new order since we're closed