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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 274x184, tangela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15187748 No.15187748 [Reply] [Original]

I ate a kilogram of tangerines and now I don't feel so good, are there any foods to counteract this?

>> No.15187752

drink some water and lie down

>> No.15187760
File: 119 KB, 1200x900, DDi7ZlPXkAEPwmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, green tangerine

>> No.15187761

Try shitting.

>> No.15187763

You need to eat 2 kilograms of barbecue meat covered in melted cheese.

>> No.15187766

Quick, rub my balls over your lips and nose

>> No.15187768

definitely not seafood lol

>> No.15187984

maybe some bread anon

pepto bismol i believe dicks on citric acid but ive personally never used the shite

>> No.15188807

more dangerines. thanks for reminding me to megadose some vitamin c tonight anon

>> No.15188820

This but unironically

>> No.15188823

OP reminds me of Cher. She's always changing the color of her hair.

>> No.15189117

Next time avoid the tan ones.

>> No.15189183

Apples are the opposite of oranges so try eating a kilogram of apples to counteract the effect. Same as adding black pepper to a dish if you accidentally put in too much salt (and vice versa).

>> No.15189192

This sounds good but it doesn't actually work.

>> No.15189242
File: 118 KB, 1300x701, 44c001e49aa20e37b6cdf9ba2c44d7c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yogurt, baking soda taken as an antacid, or milk.

>> No.15189265

Based on this chart, bleach or drain cleaner will be the most effective antidote OP

>> No.15189274


>> No.15189334

Eating too much fruit just gives you the runs. Drink water so you don't get too dehydrated when you shit your guts out later

>> No.15189470

what's that in non-faggot units of measure?

>> No.15189514

Why did you eat a kilogram of tangerines?
Also, eat a bar of soap >>15189242

>> No.15189547

2.2 pounds

>> No.15189554

literally same except i feel great

>> No.15189632

Theyre called mandarinyy, and they are a staple food for the new years. spread some butter and salted pig fat on a slice of refrigerated black bread and you will be fine

>> No.15189716

Well now you have to eat a kilogram of eniregnats

>> No.15189737

try eating a bunch of charcoal

>> No.15190370

No, wait until your blood sugar stabilizes.

>> No.15190375

You're just stuffed. I ate a 2kg of oranges in one sitting, drank a lot of water and the day after I was 100% fine

>> No.15190407

been there op

>> No.15190411



>> No.15190440

but imperial is faggot units

>> No.15191248

Exactly one kilogram

>> No.15191267

Friend you are about to shit everything you've eaten since you were 13. I suggest you drink plenty of water and make peace with your god.

>> No.15191269

how do I tell if a citrus fruit is good? I've noticed no external difference between plump juicy ones and dry inedible crap

>> No.15191293

this might be caused by your stomach's acidity reaching very high levels
to counteract that you should eat and drink basic stuff, like olives and bleach or some other kind of soap

>> No.15191313

Can you actually eat these? They're not so sour like a lemon. I like to chew on the halves after I use the juice, probably destroys my teeth.

>> No.15191318

How fat and diabetic are you that you decide it is a good idea to eat some fruit and manage to have a hyperglycemic episode?

>> No.15191319

I mean 1kg of fruit is a fuckton of sugar

>> No.15191348
File: 145 KB, 983x799, EhRb_nkWsAQdbIb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"OP eats 1kg of d̶i̶c̶k̶s̶ tangerines, this is how his organs shut down."

>> No.15191371

white rice or bread

>> No.15191473

>I ate a kilogram of tangerines
So...two tangerines? Oooo wow.

>> No.15191531

A kilo's nothing, faggot.

>> No.15191663

Dairy will counter the effects of citrus. Drink some half and half.

>> No.15191793

Drink 3 bangs, shit will clear you out