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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15187720 No.15187720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

went there for 2 weeks why the FUCK does everything taste worse

>> No.15187727

you got covid

>> No.15187728

there is a big place, you'll need to be more specific
but probably because of the corn syrup and vegetable shortening

>> No.15187734

you could start a full scale production food manufacturing business in the U.S., literally fucking randomly guess over food and safety standards and probably be able to sell whatever you produce in stores for a good price because it will still be higher quality than most of the U.S. food supply

>> No.15187737

It's remarkable, isn't it? Every ingredient is just lower quality across the board.

>> No.15187869


>> No.15187928

Thankfully retards like you keep us lawyers employed

>> No.15187941

You went to shit like McDonald's and cafeterias (somehow foreigners think this is a thing here ???)

>> No.15187956

History of policy choices that favored food quantity over quality, culture of processed food tolerance, everything is bleached and sanitized and artificial - locally grown fresh produce and meat is good like anywhere else but for the vast majority of prepared food, American food has been accurately described as flavorless, nutrient devoid vehicles for salt and sugar.

>> No.15187988

because everything is full of corn syrup kek

>> No.15187989

Because you're going to shitty chain restaurants that even Americans think are bad.

>> No.15188001

>went there for 2 weeks
prove it :^)

>> No.15188021

based human traffficker

>> No.15188028

thankfully i don't live in that shithole country

>> No.15188029

>I went to all the restaurants of the continent in 14 days. Gross!

>> No.15188031
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Where is "there"?
The United States of America? The 4th largest nation on Earth by land area? A country so vast that it takes a week to drive across it? Could you please be more specific about where you went?

>> No.15188033

because the goyim don't know

>> No.15188039

Go ahead and tell us what shithole you're from so we can laugh at you.

>> No.15188047

Tell us exactly where you visited and what kind of food you ate. There's good and bad food in every country on Earth. The US has some of the best restaurants in the world. It's your own fault if you don't eat at good restaurants.

>> No.15188063

I'm from Switzerland, we have real food there

>> No.15188131

I can concede that Switzerland has pretty good food.

That said, you are still retarded if you couldn't find fine dining and high quality produce in the US, since you're probably fairly wealthy.

>> No.15188171

What part did you go to? You should have gone down south.

>> No.15188190

The bread tastes like cake. The "cheese" just isn't cheese. Everything is sweet to the taste. It's like they totally dismissed the word savory.. I won't start on the amount of Kosher crap.

>> No.15188218

You probably visited the west coast, food there sucks. The best food is in the Deep South (Florida doesn’t count).

>> No.15188225

Good food exists, but it all gets bought up by high-end restaurants and isn't generally available to the public. For example, all the good fish in the Northeast goes to Manhattan restaurants. Standard supermarket produce is awful -- a flavorless imitation of the real thing.

>> No.15188240

It's weird as fuck, but everything there does taste odd.
Like even the sausages and bacon... I don't get how you can fuck that shit up but they manage it.
American chocolate is fucking horrible.

>> No.15188280
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We don't put much effort into our cuisine because we're almost entirely nutritionally sated by Euro-seethe

>> No.15188391

one of my greatest laughs ever was when my friends from Scotland flew over with a plan to drive from NYC to Disneyworld, stop off in Dallas, see the Grand Canyon, head to LA, then SF, then drive up the 101 to Seattle..... in a week

/tldr despite my warnings they tried; they made it from NYC to New Orleans in that time and flew home from Houston

>> No.15188398

are you seriously a lawyer. fuck off. no way is that an honest living

>> No.15188399

America is a big factory. Then it outsourced its main source of influence and power to another country. Now that country is more powerful.

>> No.15188405

not sure if he means israel or china or both. we got fucked the second we started the federal reserve

>> No.15188413

American culture is homogenized and interchangeable. A mall in Kansas looks exactly the same as a mall in New Jersey. The supermarkets all sell the exact same processed food and vapid genetically-engineered produce.

>> No.15188517

This isn't even remotely true. Yes, you can buy Coca Cola and Campbell's soup in every supermarket in the US but to imply there's no regional variation based on local culture and cuisine is retarded and willfully ignorant. In Florida you can buy umpteen different kinds of fresh ripe citrus fruit that you would be hardpressed to find in other parts of the country. Washington state seafood is some of the best in the world. Texas beef is world famous. California has an entire region that subsists on world renown winemaking. Southerners have come to blows over what "barbecue" means and who's is better. Etcetera etcetera. Just because you see Kraft cheese and corn flakes in the American aisle of your euro supermarket doesn't mean that's all American cuisine is and it doesn't mean there's no regional variation in the United States.

>> No.15188521

Everyone hates lawyers until they need one.

>> No.15188522

I'm from Botswana, we have real food there

>> No.15188524

This is the literal equivalent of "every country in Europe is the same"

>> No.15188529


>> No.15188551

I live in a part of the Midwest that is a good representation of a substantial chunk of "flyover" USA and the food is absolute crap. Every time I visit other regions of the country ( especially big cities ) it is shocking how much better the food is, and I always get pissed when I have to return home to the sticks. I think it's just because a lot of us Americans just don't have standards, or take pride in the overall quality of our cuisine.

>> No.15188559

It's all corporate industrial agriculture. You accept the low quality because you don't know any better.

>> No.15188567

No, it isn't.

>> No.15188670

97% of American farms are family owned and operated. Please fuck off with your eurocope.

>> No.15188684

You don't have any food there.

>> No.15188693

>all food is the same!

>> No.15188700

I was just trolling.

>> No.15188703

Those who pretend to be fools will soon find themself surrounded by the genuine article.

>> No.15188718


>> No.15188722

Yes it is
Then again you thought you could go across the country in one weekend so

>> No.15188733


>> No.15188742

Have you actually traveled much of the world? Honestly these days, most any high end or trendy restaurant or store looks the same in most any US, Canadian, or European city.

>> No.15188749

While everything that wacky African man said is true I get paid 200 dollars an hour to essentially fill in a form sheet asking a judge to please please pretty please let retard client off with probation instead of jail after his 3rd DUI. Money is money.

>> No.15188783

>Yes it is
Nope, not even remotely true.

>Then again you thought you could go across the country in one weekend so
Not me.

>> No.15188788

yeah and they definitely still hate lawyers after using them

>> No.15188801

True but at that point I have their money and they're (usually) not in jail so I'd say it's an even trade.

>> No.15188809


>> No.15188813

Imagine being this clueless.

>> No.15188847


>> No.15188866
File: 344 KB, 1908x1146, 18977960-0-image-a-632_1569520969392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower quality food

>> No.15188878

Oh, good it's that meme where they hide stuff under "natural flavoring" and "spice"

>> No.15188887

no i still hate lawyers sorry

>> No.15188912

I've always found it really amazing how many NEET globetrotters there are on this board

>> No.15188976

Okay. You don't have to hire one then.

>> No.15189069

wait til you learn how many big time stockbrokers hang out on /biz/

>> No.15189177

Fatty detected

>> No.15189862

Corn syrrup in everything

>> No.15189905
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>> No.15189945

>good food

LOL no. I've been to your boring country more than once and Brits have better food than you mountain kikes. Restaurant food is generally a bad pastiche of classic French cooking, with a lot of bland cheese and ham thrown in. The supermarkets are shitty too. It's like being transported back in time to a 1970's U.K co-op. There is a total lack of variety of ingredients; the fruit and veg quality is appalling; the meat is just that: meat. Have you never heard of breed varieties, organic or free range with clear labelling. I have never found any decent fish there, and can someone tell me what is floury about the potatoes sold as farineuse.

>> No.15189964

That nigger has never been to the US we simply live rent free in his head. I'm going to laugh when dementia Joe goes back to bombing the middle east and floods their continent with more rapeugees

>> No.15189976
File: 25 KB, 600x400, 01xp-cheese-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The "cheese" just isn't cheese

OK queer

>> No.15190022

No, it's the one in which the UK ingredient list is half of the American one. I Bet the nutritional data is better too...