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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15186524 No.15186524 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we hate him again, /ck/?

>> No.15186538

Looks like a murderous android

>> No.15186561

ECeleb board when?

>> No.15186574


>> No.15186577

go suck a fart, dipshit. and stop shilling your latest eceleb crush, nobody fucking cares.

>> No.15186581

chud (1)

>> No.15186590

i asked a legitiment question please stop derailing my thread with your fighting thank you

>> No.15186745

chud (3)

>> No.15186754


>> No.15186773

because he's a fake fucking gook/chink/zipperhead who cynically exploits the jewtube algorithim with clickbait titles and fake reactions

every food he eats is OHH WOOOOW *tilts head* mmmmmm *rapes a sri lankan boy* WOOOOOOOO000000W

also the idea that this guy is travelling the world sampling the falvours and textures of gods critters and creatures is really fucking deranged

yes I'm vegan but that is irrelevant, there's something deeply immoral about this. he seems to have no care where his food comes from and the suffering they went through. imagine being an animal raised in a fucking chinko country with no animal welfare laws, and then this zipperhead makes fake faces eating your corpse. it's deranged

>> No.15186924

go get some fresh air

>> No.15186933


>> No.15186938

1/10 too much effort, keep it simple next time

>> No.15186944

>fake reactions
Mostly this

>> No.15186952

I didn't barely escape being suffocated by the BTK just to watch Asians on my television set.

>> No.15186986

based until you mentioned being vegan

>> No.15187270

>his stupid ghoulish wrinly skin that makes him look like a skeleton wearing a stretch out corpse
>his ambiguous ethnicity
>his receding hairline
>his bug-eyes and stupid duck lips pose

>> No.15187310

pretty sure he's on the spectrum, you'd think anons would revere him

>> No.15187323

>the 34 year old FOODER

>> No.15187342

I hope he eats your corpse and makes faces

>> No.15187501

Legit hope mark gets cancer

>> No.15187557

I think he has Aids

>> No.15187758

There's literally nothing wrong with him. The idiots saying he likes every food either have never watched him and get their opinion from other idiots or are too autistic to discern facial expressions and see when he doesn't like something.
He's hated because he is a happily married man who is fit and gets to travel the world and eat food for a living, he's joyful and people like him everywhere he goes. Literally the opposite of the fast-food-fed bitter incels who don't leave their house and shit up this board.

>> No.15187781

Why are vegans butthurt incels?

>> No.15187783

It's called being slim, lardarse.

>> No.15187791

Have you seen how he's been losing weight? One anon confirmed that he has HIV.

>> No.15187816

>One anon confirmed

>> No.15187834

It's 100% true you know.

>> No.15187850
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His weight loss is very, very noticeable.

>> No.15187852
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As I have been watching his videos the last 6 months or so(I'm not subscribed and I use an adblocker) I would say it's his life. His whole life is fake. Until the Shanghai Shivers hit, he traveled the world and ate. But it was all fake. Nothing of what he did was genuine. It was all for clicks and that sweet, sweet YouTube™ ad money.

You can see it with his family. He rarely shows his "wife", Ying, even though he claims she is camera shy. There's a video about introducing his son ffs, the kid never stood a chance. As for his son, I would bet good money it is NOT his. Mark is total cuck for sure you can see it in his face. Joel is probably the father even though he most likely fucks ladybois. Everything about Mark is fake.

But when you live this kind of life what can you expect? He sold his soul to the hollyjew and will pay forever for it in eternal hellfire. I can only imagine what made him do it, I guess it was worth it?

>> No.15187866

Lol, Mark lives rent free in you bitter virgins' heads. Maybe get a life of your own, fag.

>> No.15187875

First off, I have no clue who this guy is, just his kekworthy faces.
Second, fuck vegans.
Third, it wouldn't matter who the fuck ate me after I died. I'm DEAD. Nickacado could shove my corpse up his warped fire sauce poopy butt line and I wouldn't give a shit as long as my soul is not present.

And finally: Fuck vegans.

>> No.15187880

Stop posting here Mark. We all know the child isn't yours. Fucking kill yourself faggot.

>> No.15187885

Not a vegan, but I agree it is deranged.

>> No.15187903
File: 232 KB, 1024x683, ying-wiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joel probably is the father. Can't blame him tho, Ying is a dime

>> No.15187932

>Why do we hate him again, /ck/?
Confirmed sex offender and child molester it seems.

Don't really give a shit about it, just stating the facts.

>> No.15187955

Is that a fact? BC some anon said it? Zero proof

>> No.15187959

This guy is pretty lean, especially for someone who eats so much gutter oiled garbage. And not just low weight and thin, actually lean, as in low body fat.
Still looks very effeminate though. Shits gotta get to you somehow.

>> No.15187961

Based fact spitter
Virgin skeptic

>> No.15188016

>Is that a fact?
Google it, I don't care enough to do it for you.

>> No.15188018

>fat fuck literally can't understand the concept of not eating food at a caloric surplus
Also, being a lardbag doesn't make you masculine.

>> No.15188032

Take your medicine. You're literally foaming.

>> No.15188142

Literally no results concerning anything remotely close to what you're claiming.

>> No.15188147
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>> No.15188155
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>> No.15188162

He got pretty annoying for a bit, until he started to tone down his reactions a bit and actually learning about food and turning to a more travel vlog style.

There's a white guy who basically copy cats his every move and is annoying as fuck. (not food ranger).

>> No.15188167
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>> No.15188196

God, just fucking google it man, it is not rocket science! Are you 12?

>> No.15188222

agreed i looked too

>> No.15188248

Cuz he and the rest of the ecelebs like him are fake fucking frauds who add literally no useful commentary. It's amazing how people are interested in his channel.
Also, everybody around him clearly fucking hates his tourist ass.

>> No.15188312

Joel Bruner?

>> No.15188568


>> No.15188599


There are valid criticisms to be had for Mark but god damn do you really make me want to like him because of how autistic you are.

>> No.15188723
File: 136 KB, 1000x1333, celebrity-travel-addicts-joel-bruner-migrationology-eating-thai-food-davidsbeenhere3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just say something transphobic bro? Not cool.