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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15181868 No.15181868 [Reply] [Original]

When i was a kid spinach was just some gross mushed up green shit, now spinach is a leaf and a superior alternative to lettuce
What happened?

>> No.15181875

Canned Popeye's shit vs. fresh?

>> No.15182505

boomers and old people cant cook.
all they've ever known was mushy canned spinach, overcooking their eggs or boiling ground beef.

>> No.15182618

millennials can't cook! they just eat everything raw!

>> No.15182653

Your tasebuds change as you age. I had a roommate who studied biology and he went into a whole monologue about it. Apparently, children ability to taste bitterness is much stronger than an adults. Plus, we keep developing newer, tastier strains of vegetables

>> No.15182664

yeah go ahead and call me when they don't taste like grass and maybe

>> No.15182727

It must be nice being a tastelet. You can eat literal dogshit and not notice. You must save a lot on groceries

>> No.15182761

was your step dad munching on his leafy greens as he was beating up a little shit like you

>> No.15182837

I just eat mcdonalds every day.

>> No.15183377

the ritalin finally wore off

>> No.15183481

I was a very picky child, so my mom probably never even tried to get me to eat spinach, then after a while I had it as a side dish somewhere and I was positively blown away, I don't understand all the fuss about it, it's relatively inoffensive compared to let's say cauliflower or brussels sprout, I might even say it tastes good.

>> No.15185080

This. I hated spinach as a kid, turns out it was just because my mom made it into some watery mushy drab. The same goes for some other vegetables and even stuff like pasta, she just tends to overcook everything. I think a lot of boomers are like that.
Once I started cooking for myself I was pleasantly surprised that the cooking method was the problem, not the taste of the actual vegetable.

>> No.15185105

This, big time. There are so many things that my mother and grandmother either cooked the ever loving shit out of or made them bland as can be and growing up I hated them. Spinach wasn't one of those things for me as we never really had it growing up (as an adult I eat it sometimes and really do enjoy it, my mother doesn't though), but things like pork chops and a lot of meat in general are things that I enjoy so much more now because I cook it and actually do it well.

>> No.15185111

Too many oxalates for me to consider them a replacement to lettuce. Still very good, I love a good spinach salad or mixed with my scrambled eggs

>> No.15185300

Secret to spinach is to cook it just until it wilts. If you have raw leaves wash them then just place into microwave as is and cook until they collapse. That's it. If it's a good variety and grown well it'll taste awesome and better than raw.

Also, chard is in the same plant family and tastes even better than spinach. Even easier to grow, withstands frost, doesn't go to seed as easily and has exceptional nutritional composition.

>> No.15185310

people are framing this like you're talking about not being picky anymore but i'm interpreting this as: everybody talked shit about spinach years ago but now we're treating it like a superfood. i mean, even just in the last 30 years our approach to food and nutrition has changed radically. plus there's a big cultural element (at least in the US) with the relatively new popularity of cooking shows and celebrity chefs. sure, we always had them, but with the rise of food network and general accessibility through the internet, everybody can do this shit at home. basically we've improved in every aspect of food-related-everything so spinach is no longer a canned meme food made to inflict suffering

>> No.15185364
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thats because as a kid you had NO RESPECT
NO RESPECT for Popeye
NO RESPECT for Seaman
NO RESPECT for CumGutters

>> No.15185418
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So much this. Moved in with MIL. Bought some top tier eggs handraised by neighboors. Next day she makes some boiled eggs, one would think, you can't fuck that up. Well, eggs go in and they boil away. She goes back watching TV. They still boil after 8 minutes. After 10 Minutes I'm sure she forgot and ask.
>"They should be fine soon"
Throw them out instantly trying to safe some.
Eggyolk is literally grey as shit, dry and crumbling. Tastes and smells absolutely disgusting.
>"why don't you eat any"

Fucking Boomers. Next day shejust throw 1kg of organic minced meat in a pot and boiled them.
>"once the water goes away they will be browned"
30 minutes later it barely boiled away.
>"Ah, it's ready and nice"
>procedes to mix them into mashed tatoes and serve that shit as a meal
No spices, no nothing. Just boiled minc and mash.

She can't even read a recipe. She will skip between different ones and fuck up most basic dishes, trying to tell me that I just made it wrong, as it works and she always does that.

>> No.15185486

You can't blame this one on boomers, this is just a case of your mother-in-law being a legitimate retarded person. I grew up with bland boomer cooking, but they never did anything remotely that bad or stupid.

>> No.15185533
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Sadly, she's unironically far above average intelligence, all her kids being mensa tier. But somehow she was even able to fuck up potatoes to a degree that I had to beg my spouse to at least try some of my tatoe variations and would you look at that, he actually liked them all.

She'll insist that we use "cooking cream" instead of heavy cream because of muh calories and that we not eat so much meat or butter because of cholesterol. She obviously has to hide her gag noises when we even make basic shit like french toast for breakfast. She is the definition of a boomer.
>tfw will have to share her kitchen till we build our house