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File: 62 KB, 648x486, movies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15172903 No.15172903 [Reply] [Original]

What's your go-to cinematic snack? For me, it's peanut M&Ms.

>> No.15172907


>> No.15172914

I'll sometimes get an ice cream, but am always sure to finish before the trailers are over. Eating during a movie at the cinema is crass.

>> No.15172919

like like to be big and fat and get a chocolate, a candy and a popcorn
usually sour patch kids and milk duds

>> No.15172923

Raisinettes or however you spell those chocolate covered raisins. Put some of those in the popcorn and its worth it

>> No.15172931

>peanut M&Ms
Delicious! With the bonus that if you drop one, it rolls forever down the slope.

>> No.15172955

buncha crunch always

>> No.15172959

When I go to the kinoplex I avoid the concessions because I don’t want Robert to see me alone again

>> No.15172979

crab legs

>> No.15172982

Nice Whiplash ref. Upvoted.

>> No.15173080

What did the fella above me mean by that

>> No.15173091

Your mum's pussy

>> No.15173099

Small popcorn and medium cherry coke.

>> No.15173168

as opposed to a full size kernel?

>> No.15173181

Medium popcorn and a large blue raspberry slushie. I really miss going to the movies - I only gone once or twice for the last 5 years. The movies suck so bad and I don't like the new self-serve theaters with touchscreens and reclining seats.

>> No.15173212


>> No.15173234

Sno-Caps before they fucked 'em up. Otherwise Bottlecaps, which they don't, so I'll just get some popcorn.

>> No.15173237

Peanut butter M&Ms

>> No.15173279

The biggest tub they sell.
Extra butter.
Extra extra butter.
Extra extra EXTRA butter.
Milk duds, sour patch kids, and M&Ms.
And a small soda: half coca cola classic, half diet coke.
I'm trying to watch my figure.

>> No.15173281

Half blue raspberry, half cherry slushie and/or cotton candy. One or two pieces of popcorn from my parents' popcorn. One or two mini pretzels from my parents' mini pretzels.

>> No.15173500


>> No.15173505

I haven't been to a cinema in over 10 years. But I guess I ate popcorn, dunno.

>> No.15173539
File: 87 KB, 702x468, 10-lb-colossal-alaskan-king-crab-legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's got to be crab legs.

>> No.15173558

>Tense scene in the movie

>> No.15173583

The movies are shutdown and bankrupt thanks to china virus. The only theater you can go to with your friends is via vr headset now. And I drink whiskey and ice when I go to the vr cinema.

>> No.15173591

>vr cinema
What fucking up dystopian shit are you dealing with? Just go to the fucking drive-in.

>> No.15173601

I live in Joe Bidens home state right now until my wife finishes her phd and we can move the fuck back west. The east coast is a shithole and the people here don't even know how bad they have it. You have to pay tolls to use federal interstates, pay for them to inspect if your own fucking car is good enough, update your drivers liscense constantly, pay for campgrounds, can't hunt with a real gun, and it's overpopulated as fuck. I cannot wait to go back across the Mississippi where I belong.

>> No.15173661

Beef stew and a large coke.

>> No.15173686


>> No.15173692

I can't way for the inevitable fall of cinema. Theatres are going to die out, if not they will have severely revamp their business model.

Why go pay a huge price for snacks and ticket cost, only to be annoyed by other moviegoers, children, people with cell phones etc. 4k tv's will be in most peoples home. $1 bag of popcorn, can pause the movie when you need to piss or the kids are acting up.
Prove me wrong

>> No.15174091
File: 100 KB, 395x450, cheyuhbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15174117

Large coke with a bag ass bag of popcorn with plenty of fake butter and salt and some broad giving me a handie during the pre-movie trivia questions and GET YOUR OWN FUCKING BAG OF POPCORN I don’t want your dick hands touching mine.

>> No.15174127

I'd say some nice popcorn and a soda.

>> No.15174133

People have been saying this same stupid shit since the 50’s.

>> No.15174143

> peanut M&Ms.
My ginga

>> No.15174145

Two pound bag of candy by weight that I smuggled in from somewhere else and a medium Fanta that I took a big sip from early on so I could add vodka from my flask.

>> No.15174147
File: 138 KB, 1170x550, moviesnacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttered Popped Corn and Swedish Fish are my only answers.

Now, for a beverage traditionally as a youth I enjoyed a Frozen Cherry Coke, but as I grew into an adult I preferred beers I snuck in within my coat, or a Coke which I only filled half way and filled the rest with whiskey.

>> No.15174160

Two theatres in my city had spent decades of changing ownership and bankruptcy problems before they finally closed down last year. Of course, when they shut down, they were both being operated under the Cineplex brand, who had just opened up one of those super-jumbo VIP theatres in town the year before, so it was pretty obviously just a business modernization on their part. Hasn't stopped the people from claiming it's a sign that "the theatre industry is dying".

>> No.15174176

I'd love to rent a cinema and play a selection of my trans movie collection.

>> No.15174188
File: 41 KB, 647x353, Screenshot_2020-12-05 You Will Never Ever Be a Woman You Must Live the Rest of Your Days Entirely as a Man, and You Will On[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your trans movie collection include the 2008 short film You Will Never Ever Be a Woman. You Must Live the Rest of Your Days Entirely as a Man, and You Will Only Grow More Masculine with Each Passing Year. There Is No Way Out. produced and starring Van Barnes and Zackary Drucker?


>> No.15174204

No but I have several movies downloaded from VRBtrans for my PSVR.
It's actually pretty cool seeing her cock and tits bouncing up and down in front of your face.
Also recently, there was a LinusTechTips video about adding smell in video games. Imagine if they added that tech to porn!

>> No.15174358

>What's your go-to cinematic snack? For me, it's peanut M&Ms.
At AMC, the $5 kid pack is just right, though the drink is a bit small and has to be rationed. The courtesy cup (free cup of ice) can be filled up for water as well. The price is right, got a bit of sweet and salty since it includes a small skittles or m&m's, plus the buttered popcorn. Deal and might have some cool toy frachised from a movie at the time. My dogs love those baby stuffed animals.

If it's money no object at their ripoff prices, it'll be a icee Coke or a cocktail/beer (might even pre-drink at a happy hour in the mall on the way over), bucket of buttered popcorn to share, and if I need something sugary, prolly reese's pieces. Some theatres do have alcohol. Scary flicks and comedies? Tipsy? They're just that much better!

If I don't feel like being robbed by the snack bar another $35 on top of ticket prices, I'll walk myself into the theatre with a water bottle in my bag, maybe a $1 box of junior mints from Walgreens in there as well, or a small ziploc of something from home, like a couple homemade cookies or chex mix or smoked almonds. If I see a movie at my mall, their lease restrictions can't prevent you from bringing food from the mall right into their theatre, and they can't even hold your bags from your shopping, so in that case, a Venti starbucks beverage might fit a seasonal mood. Sipping a coffee, or haagen daz is pretty nice.

>> No.15174738

im a simple man. I work hard and I play hard. Popcorn with extra butter and a coke for me.

>> No.15176381

Can't believed no one's mentioned pickles yet. CRUNCH

>> No.15176505

I heard that if you lick a skittle and throw it at the screen it'll stick right to t.

>> No.15176519


>> No.15176525

Crab legs

>> No.15177065

Is usually sneak in fast food and drinks. Nothing better than cracking open an Arizona during the quiet parts of a movie for all and everyone to hear.

>> No.15177105
File: 63 KB, 1024x579, caneschicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried chicken

>> No.15177117


>> No.15177157

I haven't slept in like almost 24 hours and the picture of the movie theater almost made me cry. I miss eating some peanut m&m's,buttery popcorn,milk duds and twizzlers.

Life is simpler in that cave of comfort.

>> No.15177171

Soup, just bring in your thermos

>> No.15177229

crab legs. simple as

>> No.15178708

Vr is the answer to theaters not a tiny ass 65" screen.

>> No.15178720

I used to fill my pockets with mcchickens and mcdoubles too, king.

>> No.15178734

popcorn but i get a water cup and fill it full of the pickled jalapenos. i add the jalapenos to the popcorn and drink the pickle juice at the bottom when i run out of the peppers

>> No.15178818

'''''people''''' that eat food in cinemas belong in mass graves

>> No.15178819

Crab legs

>> No.15178882
File: 34 KB, 800x800, schweppes-bitter-lemon-1-liter_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork rinds, pistachios, jerky. For drinks yuenglings or bitter lemon.

>> No.15179044


>> No.15179250
File: 222 KB, 300x412, crab people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful sir the bucket is hot

>> No.15179280

What an insufferable fag you are.

>> No.15179301

Salted popcorn, large iced tea, some random candies and even perhaps nachos with cheese and jalapenos.

But if i'm going to an Arthouse type cinema, I content myself with a beer

>> No.15179326


>> No.15179732


>> No.15179778

The Finest Pinot for the Finest Kino.

>> No.15179812
File: 36 KB, 484x307, 0525CC07-3E42-420C-BC75-494DDDD3162E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it’s gotta be

>> No.15179822

You didn't describe east vs west. You described democrat hellhole vs liberty.

>> No.15179835 [DELETED] 

It sure is. Do you know that in New York, you get taxed for paying off your mortgage? That's why some people are in perpetual debt.

>> No.15179847

Two slices of pizza and two tallboys

>> No.15180730

we can't go to the movies, we are on lockdown.

>> No.15180770

I bring a thermos with hot dogs and some 'chup and 'tard

>> No.15180833

The worst part is they say things like could be worse. We could have higher toll and taxes like New Jersey. New Jersey is apparently by far the worst state in America. That said I would rather live in New Mexico than anywhere in the East if that contextualizes just how horrible this place is for a Westerner.

>> No.15180867

I had a girlfriend once, and one of my favorite memories is going to the movies with her. Going with a girl is great because you can stash pretty much any type of snack you want in her bag/purse. We would pay for a movie popcorn, but take in our own candy and sodas - usually the 20 ounce bottles. Not as loud to open as a can *pppssk*

>> No.15180874

This is sad anon.

>> No.15180885

Did you ever ask her to stash hot sauce in her purse?

>> No.15180890

No she was white and not a career politician. She did like hot sauce on her scrambled eggs though..

>> No.15180902

I had this friend who would have a backpack where ever he went.

We went to go see a movie and he kept pulling out snacks, first was a sandwich, then some cheese and bread, and then a whole fucking cake... yes he was fat.

>> No.15181580


For me, it's Sour Patch Watermelon or Sour Straws, or if they're based enough, some savory food like a burger

>> No.15181612
File: 136 KB, 854x854, 97d4bd9b-c7cf-46f5-a447-579f6d375ef8_1.d0b3ba46962b6aea1556d9b0e03e8ed4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15181619

Black coffee and dried mango
No noise
No smell
No issue

>> No.15181620

nachos with hot chedar cheese, absolutely amazing

>> No.15181629

Ur missing out fren. When I see Robert, he feels bad for me and gives me the employee discount

>> No.15181665

what the fuck kind of theater snack is that anon