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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15172785 No.15172785 [Reply] [Original]

Severely underappreciated

>> No.15172792

white chocolate in general doesnt get respect. people who are all about dark chocolate are snobs like the people who love ipas over lagers and ghost peppers over jalapenos

>> No.15172818

other than that it is fine

>> No.15172821
File: 51 KB, 728x426, tmp_MUO5Be_efadbdc9a9de25c4_bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's

>> No.15172832

Completely agree. I'm a euro and do find that plain Hersheys has a rotten sour taste but this shit is something else. Dark chocolate is fine, milk chocolate is fine, but sometimes you got time for just a "candy bar" like this. I'm euro land Milka recently started doing a few versions with Oreo through them and they taste quite similar.

>> No.15172839

It says 220 right there on the package, cunt.

>> No.15172942

Absolutely based

>> No.15172956

I don't know if they still do it, but they used to make a mint cookies n creme Hershey's bar that was amazing.

>> No.15173021

Only Americans eat Hershey's chocolate. People outside U.S. find that it has the flavor of vomit. There's some kind of acid in it that reminds people of stomach acid. Same with parmesan cheese.

>> No.15173049

i went to america, to a literal herschey chocolate world store, wanted to taste this amazing chocolate that tastes of vomit so bad.
got three different chocolate bars and some little chocolates wrapped in individual wrappers.
not a one of them tasted like vomit, i was so disappointed. was it all an overblown meme or are people in my country also putting that vomid acid in our chocolate without telling us?

>> No.15173110

Damb haven’t had one of these in a while.

>> No.15173116

Europeans either have access to amazing chocolate such as the Swiss make, or they're meme'ing.

>> No.15173121
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This shit is absolutely delicious and I’m surprised no one talks about it

>> No.15173162
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How does this chocolate fit in?

>> No.15173180

This. There's no point in snobbery over chocolate bars. It's like some idiots think their bars are hand-made by professional tradesmen made only of the best ingredients.

There's a weird and long story about that. I'm not going to blog about it. From the beginning it was an acquired taste, he was offered the opportunity to make it taste different but liked it.

>> No.15173188

well i'm willing to believe my country might not have the best standards when it comes to chocolate (bulgaria) but ever since actually getting a job 10 years ago, i've mainly been eating lindt or other more expensive imported brands since i only buy chocolate rarely. i feel like i should have been able to taste the difference.

>> No.15173200

The yuropoors who larp as superior are too nervous to tell you what divine chocolates they're stuffing their fat face with.
No really, who the fuck eats candy?

>> No.15173204

There's more butyric acid in a pat of butter than there is in a hershey bar, but you faggots don't go whining about butter tasting like vomit. The truth is that hershey's is just low quality chocolate and idiots latched on to the "weird chemical name" as an explanation.

>> No.15173447

You can't compare chocolate to not chocolate.

>> No.15173462

You know, I've yet to see one of you Redditards actually defend the "it's not chocolate because it doesn't have cocoa solids" meme. There are many different formulations and preparations of chocolate, and white chocolate is universally acknowledged as one of them.

>> No.15173504

Severely racist.

>> No.15173516

I remember the first time I got this, it was a broken melted mess. 10/10 would still buy again.

>> No.15173577

No I've always loved those, the fuck are you talking about?
They shouldn't have added more cookies though. Throws off the balance

>> No.15173584

European here. Tried Hersheys at a meme American confectionary store. Tasted like vomit. Why do Americans worship this chocolate bar?

>> No.15173588

>European here
Which country? Why do you larping faggots pretend we have some retarded sense of continental unity?

>> No.15173719

These Hershey's candy bars are literally not white chocolate. They are made with vegetable oils and sugar. There is no cocoa butter. It's shit. It's fake white chocolate. Go ahead and call me a snob.

>> No.15173958

>Why do Americans love Hershey?

Sums it up pretty good.
>Hershey's given to every WW2 soldier
>overwhelmingly positive relationship
>hershey kisses

The chocolate isn't very good, but when you think about it, that WW2 move locked them into the minds of americans as 'our chocolate' for four generations.

It is made of shit but it's melty and good. An occasional guilty treat.

>> No.15173966
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>> No.15174201
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yuros will reply with butyric acid posts and amerimutts will post cope

>> No.15174226

I believe the objection comes from the fact that Hershey white "chocolate" bars aren't actually made from cocoa butter, and are in fact mostly palm and shea oil.

>> No.15174229

American chocolate is fucking RANCID.

>> No.15175200

>now with more cookies
The fact that Hershey's thought this was a good thing shows they're severely disconnected from cookies 'n' creme bar connoisseurs

>> No.15175223
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I feel like I just discovered these, I've had them before, I guess I just never really appreciated how good they are.
Pretty much my favorite candy right now.

>> No.15176106

>white chocolate in general doesnt get respect.
Because its lard and candlewax
>people who are all about dark chocolate are snobs like the people who love ipas over lagers and ghost peppers over jalapenos

>> No.15176134

I chip a teeth on this. feels bad man. had to get it remove and end up getting braces. Used to love peppermint bark as well.

>> No.15176147

>Because its lard and candlewax

>I eat garbage therefore I think all X is garbage

The ingredients list on the white chocolate bar I'm eating

>Organic cacao butter (35% of all solid contents), milk, organic coconut sugar

>> No.15176158

Because it isn't good and it isn't chocolate.
> Ree why don't people find tranny 'women' and women with big waists and shitty skin as attractive as actually good looking women

>> No.15176178
File: 50 KB, 488x488, WhiteFudgeOreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me think of these

>> No.15176380

I was taking the piss, I just dont like the texture. Its actually too sweet for me most of the time

>> No.15177492

This shit is vile. There's no way anyone actually enjoys this garbage.

>> No.15177850

I loved them back in college, can't remember the last time I had one, though.

>> No.15177879

What country you from my dude

>> No.15177881

I'm European.

>> No.15177933

Europe isn't a country my dude, I see English is your second or maybe third language

>> No.15177941

>Europe isn't a country
The absolute state of muttistan education.

>> No.15178013

>europe is a country
Confirmed European retard

>> No.15178111

He might be one of those pro-EU idiots

>> No.15178118
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I miss full-size Krackels. I hate having to buy a bag of Hershey miniatures just to get them because the other varieties suck ass.

>> No.15178137


Best white chocolate candy bar and best theme song.

>> No.15178212

I love cookies n cream but this is by far the best hersheys bar

>> No.15178465

Doesn't matter, still not a country. He's probably just brain damaged or most likely one of their Muslim slave imports

>> No.15178892

what's this called?

>> No.15178910

Peppermint bark. Ghiradelli, the American branch of Lindt chocolates, does it pretty great.

>> No.15178925

Just buy Nestle Crunch

>> No.15178956

Inferior to Krackel

>> No.15178994

Why does Hershy's taste like someone threw up shitty coco

>> No.15180308
File: 91 KB, 1080x540, yabba dabba do what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pretty dope; tastes like a bowl of cereal. But my favorite is Heath and Skor

>> No.15180317

>Crunchfag never actually eats a Crunch bar

>> No.15180325

>look mom I posted it again

>> No.15180330

When I was a kid I only liked white chocolate.
Slowly I drifted away and now i only like dark chocolate. What happened?

>> No.15180343

Bitter flavors tends to indicate poisons, and children are more susceptible to poison, so they react much more strongly to anything bitter. This goes away as you reach adulthood. They are also constantly gaining mass, which sugar is the best at doing, so they also react much more strongly to sweet things.

>> No.15180348

Not that guy but it does have a weird after-taste. Almost like a stomach acid type thing going on

>> No.15180352

did this have chocolate? what color? is this historical wrapping?!

>> No.15180381

If you gave Hershey's chocolate to a man that has never had any and has never heard about the comparison to vomit, would he make the comparison himself?

>> No.15180553

back when I was a kid in rural NC I was friends with this little rat-tailed redneck. we would go down to the general store and get c&c hershey and sour cream and onion chips. then we'd ride our bikes into the woods and suck each other's little cocks

>> No.15180564

Tried this once and it ACTUALLY tastes like vomit, worst candy bar I've ever had

>> No.15180565

I don't disagree with that. It's just brought up so relentlessly that it really doesn't need to be mentioned

>> No.15180578

Why don't you ask the average American? The answer: No.

>> No.15180587

Strange bar. It's tasty but then it makes me wonder wtf Hershey is doing if they clearly know how to make something that isn't revolting.

>> No.15180593

Skor bars straight outta the freezer is where its at my man.

>> No.15180617

Too sweet.

>> No.15180626

Got the Cadbury factory near me.

>> No.15181033

Europe is more of a country than America will ever be.

>> No.15181337
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All other M&Ms are inedible

>> No.15181811
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>> No.15181882

why would you compare one of the spiciest peppers to one of the mildest
they don't even serve the same purpose