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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 1300x863, 14942511-mature-satisfied-chef-smell-the-aroma-of-his-food-while-cooking-at-restaurant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15172612 No.15172612 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a month since I tested positive and my sense of smell is still fucked up. Is my /ck/ journey over?

>> No.15172615
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>> No.15172990

shut the fuck up you big stupid baby
i learned to cook with a double-deviated septum
i couldn't smell shit

>> No.15173003

You need to eat a clove of raw garlic and quite whining nigger

>> No.15173010

Brah Shut the fuck up Brah Fr

>> No.15173262

when one sense fails, others improve. flavor is a journey with no true end. embrace the changes and you will become stronger than ever.

>> No.15173271

I've had AIDS for years, still can taste fine. Maybe you have COVID?

>> No.15173404

Maybe no maybe so.

Fucking retards won't realise that COVID isn't a joke.

>> No.15173408

More people have died from suicide and the cessation (that means stopping) of so called elective surgery. The fatality rates are miniscule (tiny) for anyone under 70.

Back to CNN with you.

>> No.15173409

Oh no, not the heckin fluerino!

>> No.15173458

>elective surgery
(that means you won't die if you opt not to have it)

>> No.15173461

Look it up. Google is your friend, champ.

>> No.15173549

>more people died from [unrelated issue that I also never gave a shit about]
>that means we should ignore covid and let people cough on each other and spread their shit everywhere
This is /ck/, we actually care about hygiene here. Fuck off.

>> No.15173553

cope smelllet

>> No.15173573

Nah he's right, this hysteria is ridiculous. You just let the government set the precedent that if their propaganda arms in the media convince people that something is a "public health issue" they can strip you of your constitutional right
>climate change? Oh thats a public health issue now
>guns? Oh thats a public health issue now
>sexism, transphobia, racism? Oh thats a public health issue now
>"xenophobia" (disagreeing with mass importation of ethnic minorities)? Oh thats a public health issue now
>not being social enough, caring about your privacy? Oh thats a public health issue now
>practicing a religion that doesn't agree with leftist agendas? Oh thats a public health issue
>unhealthy food, eating meat, not wanting to eat bugs or be vegan? Oh you best believe that's a public health issue now
Don't forget that you allowed this to happen because reddit convinced you a few geriatrics dying from something maybe slightly worse than the seasonal flu was so scary that it had to be prevented by forcing everyone to participate in cultlike behavior that doesn't even help the supposed issue instead of just asking more at risk people (less than 1 percent of the population) to take extra precautions
>wash your hands
Only niggers need to be told this and guess what? They're still not washing their hands
But maybe you didn't use basic hygiene before some tranny health director told you to
Go wipe your ass and wash your hands ONLY because you're told to now

>> No.15173608

t. retard

>> No.15173618

Google is not your friend and is not looking out for your best interests.

>> No.15173620

t. smart guy

>> No.15173773

A colleague of mine lost her sense of smell for 5 weeks, it came back gradually over 2 weeks

>> No.15173845

Six months top, my doctor said. If it keeps going you'll have to consult a specialist.

>> No.15174019

Newsflash: Diseases, and nature in general for that matter, doesn't give a shit about metaphysical concepts like your constitutional rights.

People like you, that will throw a tantrum at any given opportunity if it's about >muh rights, to a point where you will turn not observing basic hygiene into a fucking pseudo religion, are the reason corona didn't become a minor footnote in the annals of history 2 months in, but are still fucking going 10 months later.

>> No.15174041

Become a texture bender anon, no one in /ck/ will match your texture game

>> No.15174066

>being this paranoid about a flu
Not eating the bugs, sorry.

>> No.15174155

It's all in your head, bro. Just relax, don't think about it and it'll come back to you.

>> No.15174167

Just pull a beethoven lmao

>> No.15174236

I'm also an authoritarian liberal who thinks the government is a substitute for my absent father, and I am also outraged by your remarks.

Someone should make COVID denial a crime like holocaust denial.

>> No.15174295

you have to wash your hands and not spit when your talk, I think all people who went to kindergarden know that, is like reaaally basic hygiene, but yeah we really needed the goverment to lock us all and push mask for a normal flu you are right

>> No.15174428

You should have started olfactory training right at the start. Look at something and strongly imagine the smell, than eat and think abut the smell. Condinue for a couple weeks. The earlier you start, the higher your probability of relearning it quickly. Otherwise it migh takes up to a couple years or even forever in the minority of cases.

>> No.15174697

This, anyone afraid of covid should lock themselves inside for the rest of life and not interact with normal people because you'll lose your senses and have your bones turn to dust if you interact with the public at all. You can still use Twitter and reddit though have fun

>> No.15174700
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Permanently losing my sense of smell is one of my greatest fears. I always lose it for a few days whenever I have the flu and the idea that it might not come back this time keeps me up at night. I would rather lose just about any other sense, except probably sight, and even then it's because I need to be able to see in order to cook effectively.

Literally all I do is cook and eat, or try to pass time waiting for the next meal time. All the books that I read are about cooking and baking and 80% of the things I watch are people cooking on youtube. And no I'm not fat, I actually have a relatively healthy diet because I intend to live for as long as possible to enjoy as many meals as possible. I estimate I can still enjoy at least 50,000 meals in my life before I die. But the fucking chinkpox has the potential to jeopardize all that.

>> No.15174722

The smell thing also happens in normal influenza regularly. I too had it, passed within 3 months with training. It was prolly covid, as I got a real bad flu in early february, unlike anything else before. My mother in law lost hers 2 years ago and still can barely smell most stuff.

Fun fact: I work as a geriatric nurse and most of those old fucks had the same flu begotten from me. They all just had easy sniffles and have been just fine. People with MS, Parkinson and over 90s with dementia. Covid is such a bad meme.

>> No.15175054

I just laugh at all these hysterical, paranoid city insects being just so terrified of dying because reddit and Twitter scared them
Why even be afraid of dying? Gonna miss that Netflix show you were told to look forward to? Oh think of all the Facebook posts and tik toks you'd miss out on if you died
90 percent of people live meaningless lives composed of filler to kill time until they get back to working a job they hate
Yet they're so terrified of dying, its pathetic
But thats what happens to an all but atheistic population I guess

>> No.15175095

My fucked up sinuses cause me to lose my ability to taste anything but salt 6-8 months out of the year for the last 25 years of my life. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.15175260
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Well, now they have their new religion.

>> No.15175285

A secular pseudo-religion for insects devoid of any real spirituality
>b-but we get to worship dead nigger criminals and apologize for being white

>> No.15175329

It just makes you realize how much they actually need a belief system, no matter how much they kvetch about muh IFLS. Modernity took it from them and made it look stupid, so now they have to cling to whatever myth crosses their way. Perfect cattle, changable to the needs of the elite. They make fun of a couple christians burning schizo women, yet will openly advocate for killing people which don't wear a mask or reject to be rats for the pharmaindustry and their new moneygrab.

Times never change. Neo-feudalism (transhumanism meme) is a hell of a drug.

>> No.15175332

Everything good is temporary, loss and misery are permanent.

>> No.15175343

I lost my sense of smell some years back, and I always wonder if this is why I can hear hypersonic noises more than other ppl. Also my eyes are kinda shit but I'm very coordinated. I think I'm turning into a bug.

>> No.15175346

Yup, 100 percent spot on anon
They won't even realize the irony when they're in China slaughtering chinks during the climate wars
Or when they're spreading LGBT acceptance by bombing Muslim cities or slaughtering African tribes that still believe in gender
I'm crossing my fingers that they'll just get jonestowned by their handlers though

>> No.15175351

Imagine going through life without a college education. Poor thing.

>> No.15175362

I have two bachelors degrees and a masters
Just in fields that actually require you to be able to think critically and abstractly, so I'm not a leftist authoritarian

>> No.15175385
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I'm pretty certain that it's a breeding program for a tame population. Those unwilling, like us, will simply et put as many stone on our path till the majority just gives up. Meanwhile those stone will be financing those "well adjusted" bug people to breed like rabbits to create a stabe consoomer base, which is smart enought to work basic tasks as personal slaves, yet not intelligent enought to be actually self-conscious or able to relfect their behaviour. When they say in 2030 we will have nothing, and we will be as happy as never before, they are predicting and conditioning their goal population.

Hard times, anon. I would have never thought that I might embrace fighting side by side with orthodox kikes and ISIS.

>> No.15175429

Don't get me wrong, those people are retards, but it still beats worshiping a dead Jew and apologizing for being born.

>> No.15175446

You should familiarze yourself with Khazars and understand creation myths if you want to now why "dead jew" is a psychops.

>> No.15175453

Nah bro, try actually reading the Bible without your dismissive attitude. your simplistic understanding of Christianity is embarrassing
Especially when you want to worship worldly niggers and apologize for being white as an alternative

>> No.15175463

How about side by side with a friend?

>> No.15175500
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I could do that.

>> No.15175513

>having a strong sense of smell
I've been cooking for years entirely on taste/touch and sight. I don't know what it's like to be a sniffer

>> No.15175579

You can't taste anything if you can't smell, retard.

>> No.15175582

Mine's been coming back slowly over the last two weeks. It's pretty fucked, honestly. I don't think I was ever thankful enough to have a fully functional body until things started breaking.

>> No.15175623

You can taste salt still

>> No.15175633

>Literally all I do is cook and eat, or try to pass time waiting for the next meal time.
Baste. I really wish I was as passionate about something as you.

>> No.15175639

It will come back, but it might be fucked up for a while. It could be worse, a coworker can only taste and smell rotting flesh.

>> No.15175668

That's 100% what it means though, it's like fixing you ACL or whatever.
The death rate is pretty high considering how contagious it is, there are also long term consequences we're only just learning about. Even if you don't die and you don't have long term issues, you're going to be out of work for a good two weeks. It's a problem.

>> No.15175677

>the cells that detect aroma compounds getting infected by a virus and fucking dying is just in your head.

>> No.15175679

Wow, great.

>> No.15175698

It's a normal flu. The long term consequences are the same as with any other influenza, you just never learned about those side effects. Being ill in bed for a couple day isn't exceptional or a reason to make such a mess out of it.

The death rate also is't high if you're population isn't obeses, predisposed or old as fuck. Those people dying is a good thing and your stats get fucked up by all people _with_ it getting counted as corona deaths. Died due to AIDS and have been found to also had covid? Well, guess what, that's a covid death. Dies of old age in a coma? COVID. Died to beetus? COVID.

It's big scale propaganda. There is no illness on this planet which is worse than bootlickers.

>> No.15175704

> source: my ass

>> No.15175709

Become a texture man

>> No.15175763


>> No.15175776

It's not a flu, it's a completely new virus. It lasts longer and can get a lot worse. I hope your loved ones die from this shit if it's such a good thing, you edge lord.

>> No.15175779


Wrong, there's no illness worse on this planet than people like you with a below average IQ.

It's hilarious you think denying the most dangerous virus humanity has faced in the last 100 years somehow makes you a freedom loving patriot, when in reality you're part of a retarded cult.

We all know if trump took the virus seriously, you'd be the first person screaming at people to shut up and wear their Patriot Masks.

>> No.15175787

That's what you said about the NSA before Snowden as well, anon. Or about the Weapons of mass destruction. Or about any other topic brainlets like you find too hard to digest.

>> No.15175794

Anybody that died from corona was dead weight
Literally trimming the fat

>> No.15175799

i nominate you for death, right now, this very second

>> No.15175802

>you need to care about OTHERS AND WEAR THE MASK
>also, i hope your loved ones die if you don't buy into my reddit hysteria
I present to you the average leftist

>> No.15175806

I'm german, we already had it. I was on it from december last year. I actually know what it's about, tard. I had it myself and know mor than enought people which had it. Many of them old as fuck geriatric. The only people which die to it should die in the first place.

>most dangerous virus humanity has faced in the last 100 years
Do remind me how many people die annualy due to Aids. Or smallpox and ebola for that matter. The fucking seasonal influenza kills more people

You people are braindead by propaganda.

>> No.15175811

>most dangerous virus on the planet in the history of humanity
>Sweden dabs on it and ignores the hysteria
>almost no deaths
What did the most progressive country in the world mean by this?

>> No.15175816

Found the insectoid city tranny

>> No.15176085

When you got tested, they inserted the nanobots.

They ate your pineal gland.

You are severed from God.

Crown virus for a reason bro.

>> No.15176174
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 98634oggfg087t21340781087g25re087g2087g2e78gt34oy7g23t45ty34780y2374gt780g23t784g0234gtewrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are predicting and conditioning their goal population.
I've heard this said a hundred different ways, so it's hard to refute the grounds when I have to explain over a hundred different postulations to one person who won't listen to the first.
do you get the flu often?

>> No.15176192

Smallpox is literally extinct, fren. You can only find specimens in a handful of labs around the world. And Ebola is rare as fuck.

>> No.15176330

Sympathies, OP. Mine was fucked for four months, then intermittently fucked for another three. It finally did come back to the point that I no longer notice it. I can't be certain that it came back completely, however.

It isn't a case of "just got used to it"; if it were then it wouldn't have lasted nearly that long. You get used to an odor after typically a few minutes. It certainly wouldn't have taken months, and wouldn't have had the odd some-days-bad-some-days-ok effect for more.

>> No.15176346

>The fucking seasonal influenza kills more people
>You people are braindead by propaganda.
So much this. The Chinks pretended that it was a horrible plague with 3% to 10% mortality for everyone infected. We now know that it is actually less than 0.15%, and yet all the governments that locked people down and put ridiculous restrictions on everyone are still doing it because they love the control.

Meanwhile, the politicians ordering these things are going off on vacations and ignoring the restrictions because they don't have to worry about getting arrested or making a living or providing for their families.

You are all brainwashed by a Chinese disinformation campaign directed at destroying your economies so that they can salvage theirs.

>> No.15176405

Yep, fuck leftists

>> No.15176483

>and all 'dem dagnabbed, leftist, hospital employees, the 270,000+ dead and 'dem annoying relatives 'er just crisis actors paid by Soros, Biden, Clinton 'n Obama
You go girl!

>> No.15176543

Anyone who says niggers should be able to protest and riot and loot during a supposedly super deadly pandemic cannot be trusted, sorry reddit

>> No.15176558

I got it in march - lost taste and smell. you will slowly recover but I highly reccommend exposing yourself to new flavors/smells quickly and often. You have to relearn how to taste and smell some things.

>> No.15176561

Based bait artist

>> No.15176570

a coronavirus is quite literally not influenza, its a coronavirus

>> No.15176580

you edge lord.
>I hope your loved ones die from this shit

>> No.15176591

>doesn't bother to check the deaths of denmark vs sweden

What happened to herd immunity protecting the swedes from the second wave? Never happened, and now they are guess what locking down.

>> No.15176601

Why do all trumptards have protagonist syndrome?

Anyone else notice how the most boring basic and low iq people, a lot of them blue collar dipshit types, all think they are the main character in a massive conspiracy to take away their ground beef? Good for trump, he's now halfway to paying off his 400 million dollar debt thanks to these retards.

>> No.15176644

And the test for it can show false positives if you have the common cold (also a coronavirus)

>> No.15176655

>7000 deaths
>the world is ending, destroy your economy NOW

>> No.15176666

This but actually leftists are the ones with protagonist syndrome believing they're in some epic marvel movie and Trump is the bad guy