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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15170230 No.15170230 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody have a good baguette recipe? i tried King Arthur's "flour,water,salt,yeast" and let sit overnight and they came out dense AF with a closed crumb.

>> No.15170250

you fucked up if you didn't get the king arthur's baguette recipe to not work
did you follow it exactly and by weight?
do you understand how the texture/consistency of the dough is supposed to be?

you didn't actually let the DOUGH sit overnight, right? just the poolish?

>> No.15170249
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3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup water
1/8 tsp yeast
let sit over night, then add
2 tsp yeast
2 3/4 cup flour
1 1/4 yeast
2/3 water
and this is what i wound up with

>> No.15170258

those aren't even shaped or proofed at all?
you need to understand the methodology for making baguettes because whatever you did here is retarded, there's not even slits in the top and they're fucking massive & not elongated at all
really trying to be helpful and not an asshole here but you really didn't try

>> No.15170284

what is proofing?

>> No.15170325
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they were very sticky so i just kinda streched them out instead of actually rolling them

>> No.15170336
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sat for 45min

>> No.15170341

bro the seam side goes down and you lay them the other way to get them twice as long in the proof tray oh my god how do you even own one of those
i'm gonna send this post and try to type out some better instructions because you really managed to fuck this process up

>> No.15170342

just the poolish like it said, i'm in FL so the humidity is very high here

>> No.15170345

thats not a seam, it's my attempt at a slit which i used a razor yet it snagged really badly

>> No.15170347

>Scoring before proofing and not before baking

>> No.15170359
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it seemed like it should have risen

>> No.15170363

yeah i know now but every attempt at scoring before bake seems to deflate the roll

>> No.15170372

step 1. follow same recipe as king arthur but remove 15 grams of water because you're in florida
step 2. make sure you do the recipe by WEIGHT and not by cups/volume
3. poolish sits overnight, you got that far correctly
4. knead the dough until it is only a little sticky. the longer you knead, it will get less sticky, and then won't be sticky at all after it proofs in the bowl. you NEED to knead it for longer - if you don't have a kitchenaid, this is probably where you fucked up because it's exhausting. work harder, that is the only solution. if you did use a kitchenaid, knead on 1 or 2 for 5-10 minutes, taking it off the hook and picking up loose flower ever 2 mins

at this point, get it into a bowl and let it rise for 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. punch it DELICATELY with your knuckles and turn it out of the bowl. cut this into >3< pieces, not 4 like you did, do not adjust this
now you have 3 bread balls. cover each of these in a proof bag/greased plastic wrap and let them sit for about 30 minutes.
now you have to shape them. you REALLY fucked this part up, so watch this video now, watch it before the poolish, and watch it as you make the loaves:
seam side stays DOWN, not up
get it as long as you can possibly fit onto your baking tray: you want them to be slightly under 1.5 feet long, but may have to go even shorter depending on your baking stone

rest these shaped logs for 45 minutes while you preheat your oven to 475F
place a cake tin you never want to use again on the bottom rack, place the other oven rack in the middle. (you can preheat this too, along with your baking stone)
pre-boil 1 cup of water
when they're risin, take a bread lame or a knife and cut 3 slits across the top. or do whatever you like - this isn't just fanciness, it helps it bake properly
slide those onto your preheated stone using parchment paper OR just rise them on the stone and throw them in the oven to be extra safe

>> No.15170377
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do NOT score down the middle like that lmao
do cross-slits like you see on most baguettes or it'll just unfold onto it self as it bakes

i think i still have some pics i took throughout the process of making this exact recipe on my phone, will check

>> No.15170393
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I don't want to go into why everyone in this thread is wrong, so I'll just let you know that
1) you didn't shape correctly; and
2) you don't have the right equipment, so you should have, at least, put the loaves closer so they can rise against each other (w/parchment in between, dumbasses).
pic related
>also, use Paul Hollywood's instructions. I hate that fuck, but he makes good bread

>> No.15170400

thanks for the effort post, /ck/ needs more anon like you.
Do you ever use any "dough conditioners" like dry milk powder, wheat gluten, potato flakes etc.?

>> No.15170410
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if i'm baking extremely large amounts/trying to emulate storebought bread i will use conditioners, but otherwise i really don't in my day-to-day baking

here are a series of shots from the exact same recipe you followed (King Arthur Flours baguettes) when a friend was having similar issues getting it down

>> No.15170415
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how truly brave and helpful to write off the posts giving that exact same advice as being wrong

>> No.15170419
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as mentioned before, these are actually shaped a bit stockier than most would consider 'traditional' due to my small earthernware at the time (shots from early october)

>> No.15170426
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i did in fact replace the razor on my lame after this shitty scoring job - most folks would take a steeper angle for baguettes here, really up to you & the appearance you like, definitely go for steeper angles on thinner/longer loaves though

>> No.15170429
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and as always, some mistakes can happen. it may not be obvious why the loaf looks weird after baking, but i accidentally stabbed it and dropped it off the peel putting it in the oven lmao

>> No.15170433
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all to make bruschetta because my husband will eat 3 loaves worth of bruschetta in a single sitting

>> No.15170437

hay as long as it tastes good you'll probably be the only person that cares it looks odd

>> No.15170438

show tits

>> No.15170445

checked that looks so good. now i have to make some, thanks a lot

>> No.15170448
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tit bread to confirm

>> No.15170451
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this isn't /b/
/ck/ is a armpit board

>> No.15170464

the center two were scored brfore baking and didn't open up at all, the outer two were scored before rising

>> No.15170468
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nice tit

>> No.15170472

they may not be 'baguettes' but sure looks like some tasty edible bread anon!
it will all come together with time and practice

>> No.15170500

those were king Arthur's NOLA sub rolls, i halved the recipe and they were tasty (i only managed to get to eat one of the four)

I have been doing the rising and baking right on that pan, i do have a pizza stone but i feel like i'd have a hard time getting the unbaked roll onto it with out mangling it. last few attempts i've been half baking on the tray then onto the stone to crisp up the bottom. I wish i had some parchment paper because it seems like rising them against each other help it rise up instead of out.

>> No.15170559


what do you guys think of this recipe?
its chef john, so im pretty sure its good. I made it before and the crumb was kinda dense, but that might be because i didnt knead it enough.

>> No.15170571

Nothing wrong with letting dough sit overnight in refrigerator. Improves flavor immensely.

>> No.15170578

absolutely, but in the context of that specific recipe it was more me typing through what seemed like them completely misunderstanding the recipe

i typically do a 36 hour controlled cold proof for my breads but overnight is really nice in a pinch for potlucks

>> No.15170585
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i just realized why they weren't baguettey... because i used a Italian sub roll recipe>>15170249 i still messed up the shaping though

>> No.15170599
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>> No.15170606

You need something very sharp. I use my sharpest knife or better yet a razor blade.

>> No.15170616

Shaving razors don't work jsyk

>> No.15170622

yeah that'd probably help lol i haven't checked the recipe on those sub rolls but the shaping nonetheless is absolutely the most essential component to baguettes
if you can eat the result and enjoy it, - or even if you can't eat and enjoy it but learned a lesson - your efforts are never in vain

>> No.15170628
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i was memed into buying a double edge razor for shaving so now i have a bunch of razor blades and a beard. But even with a brand new razor two things happen i wind up deflating my roll and when i bake it the slit doesn't seem to open up like it should. I'm getting zero oven spring, am i letting them rise to long? under kneading? i hand knead for 10 min and have even added 3tbsp of vital wheat gluten

>> No.15170639
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I use one of these and it works everytime. Makes nice deep cuts without stretching and deflating the dough. It also helps me cut lines of coke I've inadvertently gotten mixed up into my flour.

>> No.15170646

how high temp is the oven?
it's not necessarily unusual for them to deflate slightly when you cut the slits (depending on the loaf/proof/etc) but zero oven spring sounds more like your oven
in a conventional home oven, you need to REALLY preheat it, like 500F for 45+ minutes (it's NOT preheated when the light goes off/says its preheated, not for bread at least)
plus you want some steam - i STRONGLY recommend you get a dinky betty crocker cake tray and leave it on the bottom rack of your oven, preheat it just like a pizza stone and when you go to put your bread in the oven pour 1 cup of room temp or boiling water into the tray, then close the oven and absolutely fucking don't open it

>> No.15170651


>> No.15170657

Your problem with the bread is the same as with your face: you're lazy and sloppy.

>> No.15170663

having a very fun time imagining you seething every time you see a girl with a guy who has a beard
consider exercising

>> No.15170671

That's exactly the same one I use, but it just kind of drags the dough with it. It cuts but it's not a clean cut.

>> No.15170678

i do steam from a pan and a quick spray from a mister bottle when i put it in. I have played around with different temps recently i've been preheating to 425 and backing it down to 375 when i put the bread in the oven and i only open it around the 15min mark to rotate the tray

>> No.15170682

i remember that thread, wasn't it like 5 years ago on /pol/ or /b/

>> No.15170687

try wetting it or putting a little olive oil on it so the dough stick to it

>> No.15170781

if we're thinking the same one it was /fit/ in 2015 or 2016 actually that's fucking hilarious you remember it

>> No.15170790

i would sincerely try preheating to 475-500 and lowering back down to 425-450
it's scary to go that high but you'll get use to working that temp
don't use silicone and make ABSOLUTELY SURE your oven mitts are DRY (liquid on your oven mits is what causes burns/holes every time)
if you have contact info i can send details on good bread making gloves/a prototype of my own gloves when i get a larger batch

>> No.15170799

Is there kino low carb adhd friendly bread ?

>> No.15170801

yep that's it, small world

>> No.15170807

my ma make some keto muffins with almond flour, they're terrible

>> No.15170828

>don't use silicone
ok but i don't have any parchment paper, i was thinking of using my glass cutting board for a peel and covering it with fine corn meal so it doesn't stick but 45min of rise time seems like its going to stick. i can't rise them on the stone because that need to preheat with the oven. idk if the batch of dough i have going right now doesn't seem to sticky i might try using a dish towel with rice flour but i'm not sure the weave is right which might cause it to stick.
Making this recipe

>> No.15170832
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r8 my walnut boulot

>> No.15170846

that looks damn tasty, it also looks like you bought? either way good taste

>> No.15170894

Nope, made it at work.

>> No.15170932

>office microwave
i'm sure everybody at firm was jealous

>> No.15171032

My dick was firm if you know what I mean.

>> No.15171041

Richard works at the law firm?

>> No.15171058

Yes Richard from HR was quiet firm when he told me I shouldn't cook bread in the breakroom. It attracts rats.

>> No.15171079

brought it home lol

>> No.15171217

Are you a baker?

>> No.15171298
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>> No.15171345

Yeah, work at a french bakery (US)

>> No.15171378
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make my bread do this!
do you used dough conditioners? or is it in the technique?

>> No.15171396

real French or French Canadian? because those fucker need to go die

>> No.15171423

Real french. Owner immigrated to the states a few years ago after running a bakery and pastry school in paris for 40 years.

>> No.15171469

No dough conditioners. 75% hydration. Mix flour and water for 5 min, then add yeast (2% of flour) to edge of mixture and let rest for 15 min. Then turn with salt (1.8% of flour) in the center (separated from yeast) for 8 min. Rest for 20 min, turn X 3. Refrigerate at least 24 hrs.

>> No.15171480

nice, does the own ever bitch about the quality of the ingredients in America?
I always wonder if people are just being pompous assholes or if their bread is actually better when in France

>> No.15171493

He was a chocolatier as well over there, bitches mostly about the quality/price of chocolates.

>> No.15171496

This might be the best advice I've ever gotten! Thank you breadanon

>> No.15171508

forgot to add, w/higher gluten flour

>> No.15171509
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Well that's fair, you lucked into good company my fren

>> No.15171522

Yeah totally lucked out. They took me in last year w/only 8 months of industrial bagel baking experience.

>> No.15171534

It must be nice buying in bulk, i use bread flour and add 1 tbsp of vital wheat gluten per cup (weighed) but store bought flour is very inconsistent and i'm constantly adjusting moisture every time i buy more flour.

>> No.15171535

And if you really want your bread to look like that, you'll have to increase the hydration%

>> No.15171548

You might be surprised by how inconsistent bulk quality can be. If it's an off batch we do adjust moisture and mixing times.

>> No.15172019

My bread is cooking, but idk if my oven is fucked or these recipes are because the say 20-25min cook time at 450f and my bread will be charcoal by then

>> No.15172050
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my division needs work

>> No.15172058
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well fuck... i guess i need to bump up hydration and learn to deal with sticky dough