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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15166825 No.15166825 [Reply] [Original]

I worked for a McDonalds franchise in Central Texas for over a year. Just quit this Monday. AMA

>> No.15166841
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Are the breakfast burritos so good because they're made the day before? Also they always have a sausage sticker...is there any other kind?

>> No.15166854

I stopped getting the really early shifts but IIRC they would have this one lady do like 200 (8 trays full) of burritos in a slow hour during breakfast and they would generally last 2-3 days.

Our burrito mix (egg, veggies, sausage) came prepackaged and the only thing we added was the cheese so assume other types of burritos would require their own mix also.

>> No.15166862

are you gay?

>> No.15166886

No, I long for a black gf.

>> No.15166889

Why do you think I care about your sad life?

>> No.15166891
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Thanks anon hopefully you've moved up in the job world

>> No.15166902

might aswell be ghey then

>> No.15166908

I don't.

Currently NEETing it up, probably going to start at a gas station close to where I live next week. Beyond that, I'm not sure.


>> No.15166931

u r cringe bay

>> No.15166974

>No, I long for a black gf.
should have kept working at the golden arches lots of nigerian women work their

>> No.15166984

why not go to school and generally work towards a better occupation

>> No.15166991

did you quit because you had something better lined up, or did you just nope out?

>> No.15167068

For like the last 3-4 months I only stayed there due to the possibility of hooking up with some of the kweens there.


I've already got my degree, but it's in humanities.

I knew I wouldn't be able to start 2021 there, so in August/September I told my closest co-workers that I would be quitting by December probably. I don't know what exactly happened to me but I had some mini-breakdowns in November (yelling and cursing at a customer and getting physical with a co-""""""""work"""""""er) so I stepped back and figured it was time to leave.

>> No.15167075

dude, you sound like a fucking mess desu

>> No.15168047

Any remarkable stories you want to tell about processes, customers, anything?

>> No.15168067

any coworkers ever sheet they pants during a shift and have to stand there flipping burgers with soft stool running down their legs?

>> No.15168408

when I worked at uncle ronalds, we microwaved every sandwich that went into the holding bin and even single special orders that went on top
do you still microwave the sandwiches?
what was the final straw, fuck this I'm out situation that caused you to quit?

>> No.15168556

I don't know if it's remarkable but there's Ted
>my personal nemesis
>White and 40, looks like a deformed mutant
>comes to McDs like 3-5 time EVERY DAY
>always orders the same fucking thing (mcchicken extra mayo add ketchup and tomato, large diet coke)
>his car always has a For Sale sign on it, even his current care which doesn't even have real plates

>on his second visit of the day, ordering a mcchicken exactly the same as the one he ate 2-3 hours ago, he decides to ask me how many calories a mcchicken is
>pulling up to the speaker/menuboard just to make a mobile order
>when (one of) his car(s) broke down, he stayed inside while a manager pushed the car to a parking spot
>making a mobile order for breakfast at 10:25, pulling up at 10:30 when the system removes breakfast items because that's when we officially end, asking me to cancel the transaction, refusing to move until he got a receipt confirming that his order was cancelled, demanding a refund for his unpaid cancelled order, then called in a complaint against us
>apparently he did that one other time too but I wasn't there
>last order I took from him: "Uh hold on, I haven't pulled up enough to see the menu." followed by "I'll have a mcchicken extra mayo add ketchup and tomato, and a large diet coke."

Fuck Ted.

>> No.15168577

Thankfully not. Although one time a DT cashier threw up all over her station but I wasn't there to see it.

We don't microwave at McD's, we """""Q""""" :^)
I've never seen anyone microwave an actual finished sandwich but I wouldn't hesitate to nuke some buns if they were too cold.

>final straw
Like I said in >>15167068, my dissatisfaction/hate for the job couldn't be held in check anymore and was starting to spill out. My choices were to keep it bottled in until it exploded in an even worse way or to leave, so I left.

>> No.15168675

Who do I call to complain about the drive thru worker that has a hair brush sticking out of the back of her pocket while giving customers their food? I don't know why anyone would think it is okay to do this.

>> No.15168694


I'm going to use this pasta thank fag

>> No.15168708

I thought they served breakfast all day desu

>> No.15168804

What went wrong in your life?

>> No.15168927

>if you want an apology and free food
Call the restaurant and complain to a manager.

>if you want a wagie caged
Call corporate and complain.

The franchise I worked for doesn't do all-day breakfast anymore. They also closed all the dine-in areas despite literally every other in restaurant in town leaving them open.

>dad kidnapped me to save me from abusive mom/family
>grew up on the run
>never able to get close to anybody
>socially retarded by the time everything settled
>intelligent but no connections
>went into NEET depression for 3-4 years
>possibly bipolar (runs in the family) and/or paranoid schizophrenic (feels like it sometimes)
>used 4chan(nel)
Truth is, game was rigged from the start.

>> No.15168973

Were there a ton of hormonal youths working there looking to fuck?

>> No.15169039

>yelling and cursing at a customer and getting physical with a co-""""""""work"""""""er

>> No.15169058

What a fucking parasite

>> No.15169111

Are the 15/16yo dairy queen girls trained to fuck middle age men or something? They always seem to be thirsty when I go.

>> No.15169220

Yes, and I almost got with one (barely 18, 5 ft shortstack built like a WoW goblin). Sad!

Not very interesting but okay

>I'm 25% taco/75% Aryan (mutt), can also speak taco
>you'd think that the Mexicans who can't speak English and respond to "What size?" with "Yes." would not be so retarded if you speak to them in Spanish but you'd be wrong 90% of the time
>don't even remember what this dude was ordering but he was one of those type Mexicans
>flip out and call him a mendigo puto who should fucking learn english, he calls me a racist
>I had never blown up at a customer like that before and I had expected it to feel cathartic
>feel nothing
>apologize when he gets to my window

>I'm a crew trainer, so I'm above regular crew but below managers
>new co-worker, his mom and aunt work there
>lazy as fuck, just stands around
>takes forever to drop meat
>constantly disappearing to grab water without telling anybody
>grabbed pickles from the table and ate them
>grabbed meat off the floor, I told him to wash his hands, his response was "I can't wash my hands because I have a glove on."
>bring this up to my manager
>"You're the crew trainer do something about it LMAO"
>he blows his nose and makes no effort or sign that he's about to wash his hands
>tell him he's got to wash his hands
>walks away front the sink he's closet to toward the grill
>put up hands at his shoulder height to stop him
>don't know what happened next (I think he started flailing) but now I'm grabbing his upper arms while he's screaming "DON'T TOUCH ME NIGGA LET GO OF ME NIGGA"
>he's Mexican btw
>I do let go
>he goes and washes his hands in another sink 20 ft away from the sink he walked away from
>his aunt and mom screaming about I better get fired or they'll quit
>just feel empty and disgusted with myself

Maybe you're just reading too much into it.

>> No.15169257

ATX? Also is the buy one mcrib get the other half off-ish deal a thing this year? I'm going with my hapa gf tonight

>> No.15169272

I just don't want her to get fired, I just want to not order food for my kid that has synthetic hair in it. I will call the restaurant if that will keep her job and eliminate the brush from her pocket.

>> No.15169277

Speaking of girls and brushes, have you seen all the really young hairbrush and little girl quarantine video boom?

>> No.15169304

Forgot the trip but >>15169220 was me

Fortunately not.

>Also is the buy one mcrib get the other half off-ish deal a thing this year?
My franchise doesn't even have the mcrib atm, nor were there rumors of it.

Yeah, call the restaurant. Unless she's an egregious offender she'll just get a write-up and told to not bring it again. Restaurant staff are let more lenient than corporate.


>> No.15169340

Why dont managers just fire their worthless employees. I was a trainer too and saw lots of not-working get by and all excuses from managers. Owner of store was clocked out alkie tho, what's your excuse? Also what's your favourite mod to make on the food, I liked griddles and chicken patty

>> No.15169350

>mendigo puto who should fucking learn english
Based, shouldn't have apologized desu, I have little respect for people that are too lazy/conceited to learn the native language of the place they actually live in.

>> No.15169355

Bruh what are you on about

>> No.15169359
File: 149 KB, 1200x1333, He_161a3e_6567083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I was working at a gas station, and there was a group of four guys hanging around just on the sidewalk outside the place.
One of them started laughing while looking at me, so I walked over and said that if he laughed at me again, I would break his nose.
He started laughing, so I punched him as hard as I fucking could square on the nose. It started bleeding, so I started punching his friends too, and eventually broke all four of their noses.
I'm not even a psycho or anything.

>> No.15169369

>Why dont managers just fire their worthless employees.
Not OP but I work at a Walmart and it's usually one of a few things:
-Manager isn't around enough/doesn't pay enough attention to realize just how bad the employee is
-Hardworking employees pick up the slack of the lazy guy and the manager assumes that because things are getting done, everyone must be working
-Manager is lazy and doesn't want to go through the process of firing someone, finding a replacement, and training them, just for the new guy to be just as lazy as the guy he replaced

>> No.15169374

>but I had some mini-breakdowns in November (yelling and cursing at a customer and getting physical with a co-""""""""work"""""""er)
You're a mess dude. I'm a fuckup with a BA working retail (although I make more then fast food plus paying for a pension since I was 21) and even despite how garbage it is working during this """pandemic""" I'm not stupid enough to swear at customers much less assault a coworker. Get some mental health assistance or call a helpline dude.

>> No.15169395


>> No.15169397

>75% Aryan
Aryans don't exist outside of very small parts of Europe you LARPer.
>swearing at someone for not giving you a quick answer
Unless that person is being a complete asshole there's no excuse.
>using force on someone below you ever
Dude just fucking tell the guy to either wash his hands or his ass is on cash 24/7. You could've easily fixed this shit but chose to let your emotions get the better of you.

>> No.15169403

Sounds like a pretty based guy
Fuck wagies I do everything in my power to piss them off

>> No.15169440

>hating people that makes your life easier

>> No.15169454


>> No.15169467

That much is obvious but this video boom you speak of is a lie. Even pornhub and onlyfans are under fire for questionable content right now. There is no way that kind of stuff is getting put out right now outside of private exchange.
Also nice bait, got me to reply.

>> No.15169481

How to get extra cummies on my burger?

>> No.15169494

Discord and mega.

>> No.15169512

>what's your excuse?
Night crew have an outrageously high turnover rate, managers are afraid of losing "their" crew, and the GM is never there that late.

Mcchicken no lettuce add ketchup
Double hamburger no onion or pickle add mayo if want a protein boost
Two crispy chicken patties (just the patties) + your choice of dipping sauce

Hello, based department? Yeah, there's this guy . . .

>he read the "Aryan" part but was worked into such a seething shoot that he didn't see the obviously ironic "(mutt)" part

Go late at night and ask for it.

>> No.15169516

[ ]sneed
[ ]post feet

>> No.15169554

The most successful night manager at ours went maintenance manager (probably was dying watching the previous one flub) then quit and opened successful bakery down the road.

What I'm saying is that food is easier than mcjobbing and doing it independent gets the tastelet bucks in your pocket. Dont let anyone put a table in your store and you can make a lot of money.

>> No.15169571

Restaurants/bakerys/bars etc isn't worth it. Too many rules. Sell food out of your house to the elderly. Easiest way to get rich.

>> No.15169584

It's hilarious to watch them seethe when I demand that they repeat my order and even if they somehow get it right I tell them it's completely wrong and watch them seethe even harder

>> No.15169708

>why didn't I think of that!? All I have to do is go to those sites and type some weird shit into the search bar and it will definitely work.
Yeah, no.

>> No.15169725

How do I make sure I always get my shit fresh? A lot of the time I'll go and I'll get the driest fucking patties and buns. Wtf.

>> No.15169794

>We don't microwave at McD's, we """""Q""""" :^
after working there a year, you didn't realize the Q was just a microwave?
If I ordered 8 cheese burgers and the cook assembled them and then they got wrapped. are you still putting them in the Q before giving the cheeseburgers to the guest?
I ask this because most times these days the cheese isn't melted like the old days and the burgers are barely warm. not hot enough for me
I didn't read the thread before I made my question and I quit for the same reasons except I did blow up.
the regional manager was in one day and throwing out all the burgers in the bin. and I asked him when he's leaving because it'll be a lot better when he's gone.
found out years later that RM got charged with embezzling money from the restaurants.

>> No.15169949

Ask it to be cooked to order/fresh before you finish your order make sure if the cashier got the cooked to order/fresh and ask if he flagged it on the order for the kitchen.

>after working there a year, you didn't realize the Q was just a microwave?
/ck/ must either be full of normalfags or have a really weird board culture, nowhere else would a million quote marks and a :^) be construed to be an earnest statement.

>If I ordered 8 cheese burgers and the cook assembled them and then they got wrapped. are you still putting them in the Q before giving the cheeseburgers to the guest?
Nah, the 8 would get assembled, thrown into the HLZ (heated tray), put into a bag by whoever's running, and the bag set on a counter to get cold if you're unlucky or place back in the HLZ to keep the warm if you are lucky.
Now sometimes there might be a cheeseburger that's extra that's been lying around for 30-40 minutes and they will not hesitate to toss that in with your 7 fresh(ish) burgers.

>> No.15169952

Bro why did you quit before you could get some free McRibs?

>> No.15170021

Is OP of this thread Ted? He shows himself in a few pics in the thread.

>> No.15170034

No, he probably has a better diet than Ted too.

I wouldn't eat mcribs because I don't even know what they're made of.

>> No.15170063

>sell food out of your house
Correct here my wife is Brazilian she makes $1500 net a week selling food from our house with little to no work

>> No.15170150

>Ask it to be cooked to order
They probably just won't do it.