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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15164020 No.15164020 [Reply] [Original]

the older you get, the harder it is on your stomach. maybe it's the drinking. or maybe it's just the low tier pizza. but sometimes it's honestly not bad. until a few hours later. has anyone else experienced this with this damn place.

>> No.15164031

It’s the chemicals in the cheese. They have also started to add cellulose in much bigger quantities than they ever used to.

>> No.15164039

i always thought it was the sauce. makes your breath smell and etc. for hours

>> No.15164084


>low tier
Fuck you faggot. Go to Little Caesar's, tell them you'll wait 10 mins for a fresh out of the pizza, and eat it. I will argue that a freshly made out of the oven little caesar's pizza is the best chain pizza.

>> No.15164090

damn, i didn't mean to strike a nerve. i did say sometimes it's honestly not bad. but you never feel good 2 or 3 hours after eating it

>> No.15164093

>maybe it's the drinking
Please "supersize me guy" stop doing shitty "documentaries" and gettting my food shut down.

>> No.15164101

i don't get the joke. watched that shit over 10 years ago and don't remember it. just saying you don't have the strongest stomach if you drink a lot

>> No.15164139

It’s literally the shittiest chain pizza place. The only thing they have going there is the low prices.

>> No.15164147

All I know is their red sauce gives me heartburn like nothing else in this world

>> No.15164160

same. i always thought it was the sauce

>> No.15164248

i'm 40 and I can handle them.
I think it's your weak millennial constitutions.
Product of the participation points generation.

>> No.15164274

stfu boomer. good job, you like that nasty sauce on your breath for over 5 hours

>> No.15164282

better tomato sauce on my breath than gloryhole cum like yours.

>> No.15164287

the sauce breath is the worst the morning after when you're hungover. mixed with next-day booze breath it's raw vomit fuel

>> No.15164297

a 40 year old on 4chan talking like that? not creepy at all. maybe go find some more child porn or whatever your thing is

>> No.15164320

been here longer than you; you leave, zoom zoom. This site is probably older than you.

>> No.15164325

Don't understand the complaints. My mom gets some every every other week and chows down about 3 slices with no after effects.

>> No.15165842
File: 50 KB, 611x593, 95d97ff2a9e80af68c7b7f9c589501878e245e06r1611593v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in a poor part of the US
>many days i'd only have school lunch to eat and nothing at home
>during one summer, my mother got laid off of her job, and in order to put something on the table, my father made friends with the closing manager of a local little caesars
>for months until school started, my brother and I would only have leftover pizzas from little caesars to eat
>some days they didn't have leftover pies so i'd go hungry until the next night

The smell of those pizzas make me gag now. I can't stand it.
Thanks for subscribing to my blog.

>> No.15165887

>poor part of US

>> No.15165891

South carolina

>> No.15166049
File: 1.29 MB, 1034x1176, Pika Surprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viral advertising is really pushing all limits, isn't it?

>> No.15166354

everyone stop talking about bad breath in this thread it's grossing me out.
also 'tle 'sars is based

>> No.15166387

It doesn't really upset my stomach but I do burp and get a gross burn if I dip some crazy bread into the sauce. Hardly anything bothers my stomach. I can eat a bunch of White Castle and at worst, I'll fart a bit. The only thing that kills my stomach is the garlic sauce from Papa John's. I ate there for years and never had a problem until 10 years or so ago.

>> No.15166436

Any hot n ready with just sausage?

>> No.15166449

i'm only 23 and little caeser's sits in my stomach like a fucking brick, it really is crap, but $5 for a pizza after work when i was working in a kitchen was an amazing deal.

>> No.15166477

I got a hot n ready with sausage right here, big boi.

>> No.15166505

>grew up in upper middle class household
>parents never cared about my nutrition,
>let me eat bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast every day
>would have me eat school lunch even though I said how disgusting it was and would throw it out
>in high school mother actually let me just buy a little caesars pizza on monday and eat 2 slices a day for lunch tues-fri, did that for months
>mother would cook small meals for dinner then refuse me from getting more if i was hungry because she wanted leftovers so she didnt have to cook instead of me eating enough.

It's no wonder I was an emaciated holocaust manlet my entire childhood. i didnt go through puberty until i was 16. graduated hs at 5'7" 115 lbs at 18 years old. went to college with an all you can eat cafeteria, i grew to 5'9" 130 in my first two months.

>> No.15166528

It's the mods and jannies selling out to the corporations just to keep this god forsaken hellhole alive. Part of the deal is to filter dissent. I used to think this place was one of the last bastions of free speech on the internet, turns out 4ch is no different from reddit.

I would link to an archive of a post that got me banned on another board but I'd probably get permabanned across all boards if I did that.

>> No.15166548

Maybe you just had a late growth spurt?
Even though I didn't have a lot of food growing up, I ended up 6'1" and 132lbs by the time I ended HS.
I'm only 145 now, 5 years later.

>> No.15166591

Please dude, we want to know. And you would be free finally from this site.

>> No.15166598

no man i legit did not go thru puberty until i was like 16. im talking voice change, body/facial hair growth did not happen until then

>> No.15166611 [DELETED] 

I can't risk being a permanent lurker. As much as I want to be freed from this prison, I know I could check out anytime but never truly leave.

>> No.15166630 [DELETED] 

I'll also add, they (the mod/janny) went as far back as to retroactively delete all posts associated with my IP but missed my other posts from a different IP. So I'll leave you with this, the mods and jannies are there to control the narrative. They are key players in social engineering and each board has a different set of mods/jannies with different standards

>> No.15166691

what kind of content they delete?, please tell me

>> No.15166695

Your righteous indignation upsets more stomachs than caesars pizza sauce.

>> No.15166698

based schizo poster

>> No.15166716

Can confirm. Drank a lot in my early 20's suffer stomach and esophagus problems now.

>> No.15166983

Based SC bro. I was in Myrtle Beach. Didn't see a little caesar's until maybe 2013 when one moved in near my apartment.

>> No.15166999

Thought I was the only one. this shit destroys my stomach like no other food, why? is it even real food?

>> No.15167042

I've spent years appreciating their value, haven't in a goodlongwhile, always appreciated them when baked for a few minutes at home to crisp them up a bit, but when they are freshly made, really quite nice. as long as they haven't been sitting on the rack forever nor gone cold on your coffeetable. Not a good "cold" pizza, on account of it being so bready. I go for a thinner or crispier, or alternatively deeper and saucier, when I go out for pizza. Thanks for the memories anyway I guess.

>> No.15167109

I got Little Seizures for my kids’ birthday because it was close to the place where we had the party. I have never seen tweens reject any pizza ever, and they all turned their nose up at it and just drank cokes and waited for cake. Fuck these guys.

>> No.15167111

please...I will join you in your permaban quest

>> No.15167114

>always appreciated them when baked

>> No.15167890

So? You clear your browser cookies, reset your phone, and you're back in two minutes.