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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 590 KB, 960x540, now draw her buying wonder bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15163682 No.15163682 [Reply] [Original]

Going to an interview for a bakery in 2 hours. What should I expect?

>> No.15163687

being asked if you can start work at 4 am probably

>> No.15163688

I don't know.

>> No.15163706

This I worked night shift at a grocery store jointed with a bakery and the dude would always clock in at like 3am. I also assisted whenever I had no work left to do, Basically it's a lot of prep to fill up your normal inventory and most sold items and then I guess during the day you work on speciality items? idk tho.

>> No.15163720
File: 230 KB, 1024x707, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't sound like a problem to me. I'm usually awake all night and sleeping all day.
Did he work from dusk till dawn or did another guy come in and worked on the specialty items?

>> No.15163726

expect questions on how to make sourdough.

>> No.15163734

a lot of bread

>> No.15163736


Did/Do you have to bring a sample of your bread (made fresh that day)?

As for what to expect I would expect them to ask you if you are capable of working long hours from a (very) early start.

>> No.15163775

Can you fold?

>> No.15163804

whats with you and blonde ladies buying wonder bread?

>> No.15163815

I don't know his hours I usually ended my shift at 6am and I didn't see him when I clocked in at 10pm

>> No.15163822
File: 284 KB, 1037x1200, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They called me for the interview a little after I applied. Got no time to make a loaf. Curious of what I should expect for the pay.
Made some bread at home, I'm decent at it but can use the practice.
Not me, it's some guy on the internet who is either really weird or has a good sense of humor.

>> No.15163826

Omg I love the evil rich aryan big boobied lady wonder bread serial commissioner.

Seriously post more of this shit it's my fetish of choice that I never knew I had. God bless this psycho for harassing hundreds of artists all over the internet to make this.

>> No.15163846

>bring bread you made to a job interview for a bakery
kek that seems like either great advice or troll advice.
>Hi, anon?
>for the baker job?
>y-yes please
>ok come on in, what's that in the bag?
>oh it's some bread
>i made it for you guys....

>> No.15163998

Expect to get the job, even if you're a slobbering, pants shitting retard, and expect to work long, crazy hours, for next to nothing pay, and expect that for your entire career. Even line cucks make better money than bakers, and chefs make way more than even bakery managers.

>> No.15164021

How do you not have time to make a single loaf of bread?

>> No.15164068

Tell them it is your perfect job because you are baked 24x7.

>> No.15164472

Disappointment most likely.

>> No.15164567
File: 146 KB, 850x1202, shebready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I went there and the person who was suppose to interview left early. A clerk took down some info that I had on my resume and asked if I was legal or not. I think >>15163998
if right what he said, but work is really hard to get right now cause of the virus and I only need the job for a couple of months till I got some funds to start looking for something better.

>> No.15164572

they are interviewing you if you are a cool guy to work with not your skill

>> No.15164576

the oddest fetish commission to have ever surfaced imo

>> No.15164580

More like BASED 24x7 lol BLAZE IT

>> No.15164656
File: 203 KB, 1000x622, breadbread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's name is Murrlogic1. You're welcome anon.

>> No.15164791

Look up "Deviantart wonder bread guy" and learn some cursed knowledge.

>> No.15166309


>> No.15166316

Having to get up at like 3am to bake crap every day

Fuck that

>> No.15167549

being treated like absolute shit, coming in at 2 am
and working by yourself probably

>> No.15167558

>500$ for Wonderbread
what the fuck?

>> No.15167560
File: 194 KB, 1000x983, 72511359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna need a source on this one.

>> No.15168280

Yukon bread prices, lol.

>> No.15169520

>Buying Wonder bread
>Not buying Bimbo Bread

>> No.15169551
File: 665 KB, 818x7427, murrlogic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15169558
File: 454 KB, 722x2224, murrlogic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15169605

I can't speak for Wonderbread, but Bimbo has gone to shit: they put so many chemicals in it that it ends up tasting like soap and the loaves look unnaturaly white.

>> No.15169613

Funny, the DWD video on this guy came up on my youtube just yesterday.
That weirdo probably made this thread.

>> No.15169634


Bread. You should expect bread. And maybe also cookies.

But seriously, don't get too cocky. Earlier this year or last, there was an anon who would post his fresh-baked loafs here, very proud of himself. But the CKBTQ community quickly noticed that every photo included at least one pubic hair. He was forced to flee to Reddit in shame. Make no mistake, despite what the Journeymen Bakers may try to tell you during your hazing period: pubes are NOT a standard ingredient. (Unless you are making a traditional German Pübenbrotchen.)

>> No.15169665

ok then

>> No.15169713

Lol it's so pathetic that this guy was being a mega autist on the internet and they got him fucking fired for it.

>> No.15169727

I'd say it's great advice for an actual bakery, troll advice if you're applying at the bakery section of a huge grocery store

>> No.15169743

That's why it's wonderbread. The guy's thought process is that wonderbread was so heavily processed and so industrialized that they have to literally add nutrients back into it so people don't starve while eating it, so it's a perfect example of horrible industrialization.

>> No.15169803

Jesus Christ... I just thought it would be funny for a big titty blond to hold up a bag that said bimbo on it.

>> No.15169861

you misunderstand the saga, those pictures don't tell the full story
he is like actually mentally fucked irl and into nazi kink shit, he got fired for harassing employees and the internet learned of that from his posts

>> No.15170137

It is funny. Bimbo's taste is not.
Nothing better than make your own loaf and slice it yourself at this point.

>> No.15170160

I will never understand why murrlogic got so much shit. I think it’s just people overreacting as a meme. There’s more degenerate shit in every single thread on /d/

>> No.15170170
File: 189 KB, 700x526, b2-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, bimbo bread is actually real.