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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 172 KB, 1170x855, WEBPUNK 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15162803 No.15162803 [Reply] [Original]

/tea/ cyberpunk edition

This thread is for discussing tea, tea bags, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.


Previous thread:

>> No.15162814

Also this thread is welcoming to discussing foreskin tightness, as with our previous threads.


>> No.15163229

Wow just got a gaiwan and I wish I got one sooner, the taste difference vs western style is very noticeable

>> No.15164076

I just started getting seriously into tea a few months back myself. I was surprised how good tea could taste with no sweetener or other additives. previously i had always oversteeped my teas and added lots of stevia to compensate.

>> No.15164113

>tea thread
>cyberpunk edition
pants on head retarded

>> No.15164144
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>ignores thread picture

>> No.15164214
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>> No.15164467

So it is real? lmao

>> No.15164476

I'm looking for a recommendation for an actual container for pumidor. Or at least bin vs. cooler opinions. It probably doesn't matter that much. Leaning toward cooler, however. I have a wireless hygrometer and boveda packs on the way.

>> No.15164498
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>So it is real?

>> No.15164592

Thats vaporwave not cyberpunk.
Still kinda want a cake to keep the wrapper though...

>> No.15165305

>Thats vaporwave not cyberpunk.
fair enough I should have thought of that at the time.

if you put in an order you should also get some Ivan Chai and tell us all how it is.

>> No.15165337

Huh, thats some interesting stuff.
I would have to do some more research before ever buying some though, a quick google had me find something about drinking it to reduce swelling in inflamed prostates....

>> No.15166851

I love that wrapper

>> No.15166961

Finally got an old cooler set up as a pumidor for my teas. Unfortunately everything got a bit dry, my hygrometer is reading 49% after being closed in with the tea overnight. I'll throw some of those humidity packs in asasp and hope that's no dry enough to do permanent damage.

>> No.15167112

Lately I sometimes find the trouble of using a gaiwan vs. something super easy that grants me equal control of ratios and steeping time like the inginuitea dubious. It's also a pain if you don't have power to your kettle in the same place that you enjoy tea. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Both have their place throughout the week.

>> No.15167184

Yeah i love the ease of using one out those button pour kettles like the kamjove or inginuitea.
If you can't bring your kettle with you you can get a big vacuum insulated bottle and bring it with you.
Mostly gave up on gaiwans and drink everything grampa style now. Mostly for convenience, if I'm being honest i can probably get slightly better brews out of a gaiwan.

>> No.15167198

I guarantee no permanent damage

>> No.15167321
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>he doesn't drink his tea out of antique sterling silver baby cups

>> No.15167584


Anybody here order from Hatvala before? The price-to-quality ratio is really high.
I recommend Fish Hook, Blushing Moon, and Purple Rain.

>> No.15167711

nice, are you also brewing it in the silver cup?

>> No.15167731

Have you tried any of their dark teas?

>> No.15167779

I broke the lid of my first gaiwan like 2 days after I bought it.
Curse my dumb, unskilled hands.

>> No.15167802

Yeah, i have done that before. Stick with the cheap ones.

>> No.15168234


>> No.15168616
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Tea beginner here
Been drinking Celestial Seasonings and enjoy it very much. My favourites are Black Cherry, Peach, and Cranberry-Apple. It's effectively broken me of my coffee addiction.

That said, I want to expand into maybe some black teas or green teas. Don't really like the taste of Rooibos. What are recommendations for a good black tea? I used to work in a cafe that served a Russian Early Grey that seemed pretty good, but I was firmly drinking 8 cups of coffee daily at that time.

Recs on brands/ methods? You guys are all shitting on teabags but I don't really know any other methods.

>> No.15168674

if you want a similar experience to tea bags i.e western brewing vahdam sells variety packs of loose Indian teas, thats how i got started. get a brew basket, gaiwan or small teapot with a filter in the spout. i'd suggest a gaiwan as then you'll be able to try Chinese teas and gongfu brewing(more leaf but short infusion times & multiple infusions). Darjeeling is a very nice floral black tea, assam more malty, masala chai has added spices. stay away from Indian greens. Chinese teas are a whole rabbit hole to fall down but there's places that sell variety selections for those too

>> No.15168924
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TWL QSN Pot came today
this is fresh out the box

>> No.15168990

Yeah, I have their Water Genie. The most success I've had with it is brewing grandpa style. Every way else and the flavour is just too mild.

>> No.15169783


>> No.15169790

Nice, how big is it? What teas are you planning on using it with

>> No.15170086

which I tested

all tea
but probably what I'd like most would be mid aged / clean aged sheng shou in it
but that's just pure speculation, it needs testing with everything

>> No.15170162

>it needs testing with everything
This whole aspect is fascinating. Is the different performance of pots mainly from the mineral content or is porosity more of a factor?

>> No.15170439

Well, the idea is, buy good quality pots, worry about what tea you have in it later

No one I know who is seriously into pots, on the forums and the discord, dedicate tea's to pots, this is a widespread missinformation that you need to do it

Just clean out the pot after every use with some boiling water, and it's fine, people who claim seasoning is a thing or like "You can brew tea without tea in the pot on a seasoned pot" are missinformed, this is just tea scum / build up from bad hygiene practices and will actually brew tea worse, seasoning matters with a fresh pot because you just want to get rid of the factory smell/taste it bought on with boiling water and brewing tea
You want the pot to work it's thing, not have tea scum that will change how the pot works

Different performance is altered at every stage of the processing, firing temp, how many times fired, wall thickness (V/M) / Shape, material, additives vs no additives, modern milling vs old milling, peak temps, porosity, how well it retains heat, size, pour speed, there's a lot to factor in
Even when you have something in mind like "DCQ Zini will do X and be good for Y tea" it's so varied from pot to pot, even pot to pot in the same batch, you just need to try the pot out and see how it works
hense "buy good quality pots, worry about the rest later"

it's also down to personal preference, maybe you prefer less the higher notes and more the body of the tea, a good match maybe a Lv ni or duanni for some aged sheng, but there's so much variation still, even more so with these two types of material

>> No.15170787

Yep, brewing in the larger cup but using the glass teapot as a fairness cup.
I honestly detect no difference at all, this was a pretty fun meme though.
Nana would be proud that I even bothered to use her antique cookware rather than just selling it.

>> No.15170855
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bros, ahmad teas is back to being retarded cheap. Fuck you mexican plague, and fuck you red rose, I don't need you anymore

>> No.15171182
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How do you take your water temp? Do you use a variable temp kettle?

>> No.15171281

Good stuff, thanks for the info anon

>> No.15171292

Full boil all the time
Sometimes i will let the water cool for 2 or 3 minutes if i really have a stubborn oolong but i try to hit everything with a full boil as much as possible. I guess it's easy since i don't really drink green tea.

>> No.15171355
File: 14 KB, 187x269, neuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaporwave is synthwave which is a music genre
cyberpunk is a sci fi genre
synthwave is influenced by and featured in cyberpunk so it's fair to say that vaporwave is cyberpunk

>> No.15171377

I love that book. It is my favorite book.

>> No.15171405

But doesn't a higher temp make the tea more bitter or is it just that the tea I drank what very bitter? Until now I did a full boil as well. It was green tea though, does green tea get more bitter with the temp?

>> No.15171413

But if we are gonna go that much into specific, that art is purely vapor/synthwave stuff.
I'm not gonna deny its related but there is still a noticeable distinction between "___wave" and cyperbunk as far as artstyle goes.

>> No.15171426

Only zoomers think vaporwave is cyberpunk.

>> No.15171437

because if you're going to be specific you have to be correct
synthwave and vaporwave are cyberpunk music and art styles
cyberpunk is not an art style or a music style

>> No.15171443

only boomers think new derivatives of whatever thing don't count

>> No.15171514

Green tea usually needs a lower temp or it will get bitter. I avoid this by not drinking green tea. I did try some dragonswell earlier in the year and really enjoyed it.
I might be the wrong person to give brewing advice as i apparently have a very dull ability to taste bitterness compared to other people.

>> No.15171577

I'll undoubtedly try it with a lower temp then cause it was excessively bitter lol. Thank you!

>> No.15171586

Being a derivative is why it doesn't count. It's not cyberpunk, it's its own thing.

>> No.15171626

Consider this.
Cyberpunk is about looking forward towards a bleak future.
Whereas synth and vaporwave are significantly more retro and nostalgia focused.
That's were the big difference comes from personally.

>> No.15172160

i use 175 for green tea (except for some Japanese tea which needs lower), 185 for white tea, and 212 for everything else. also pay attention to steep times. some otherwise great teas can taste terrible if you oversteep them. if you don't already look into gongfu style brewing.

>> No.15172503

Is tea itself vaporwave?

>> No.15172676
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Is it gay? I like it.

>> No.15172798

I almost bought the walnut pulls but I didn't want to bother with keeping them oiled.

>> No.15172933

It's just too much

>> No.15173129

Just grab the handle after you have a wank.

>> No.15173167

it doesn't exist in a vacuum
vaporwave is synthwave and synthwave is cyberpunk
ergo vaporwave is cyberpunk
it's all just derivatives of new wave

>> No.15173177

is anyone into /mixology/? recently i've been doing some honey/lemon/blueberry batches of tea

>> No.15173325

>honey/lemon/blueberry batches of tea
How so? Flavorings? Natural or artificial? What base do you use?

>> No.15173347
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honey in the cup lemon juice in it then concentrated blueberry juice diluted with the rest of the tea which you'd make normally

>> No.15173704


>> No.15173759
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So I didn't bring it to a full boil and let it cool down a few minutes and it tasted pretty good compared to last time. Cheers man

t. anon whose green tea was excessively bitter

>> No.15174146

kek are you dutch? started drinking celestial tea this week because it was in the bonus at the appie. I Really like it and want to get into tea more, thats why i visit this thread.

>> No.15174964

thinking of throwing the dust from breaking cakes into the same tin and drinking the mystery blend when its full
good or bad idea?

>> No.15174982

sounds pretty bad

What sounds better is mixing maybe 2 together if you'd think they compliment, wait a month, then try

>> No.15175173

sounds fun to me. i plan on doing the same with any puer i have a gram or two left over and nothing better to do with it.

so long as you are not mixing different classes of tea i don't see why it would be so inherently bad. it may not be good or an improvement but i doubt it would be terrible either. i would not blindly mix good tea but its hard to waste dust and scraps.

>> No.15175605

bring it to a boil then add cool water. Meileaf did a vid on this

>> No.15175848

I do this, it's pretty decent as long as you don't put in dust from cakes you dont like. I also try to avoid putting bits of really young cakes in.
Been doing it for years. It's something i reach for when i want to have an easy and smooth grampa style brew i don't have to think too much about.

>> No.15176055
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We will now all cut off our penises in unison.

We will yell THANKS OBAMA 18 times.

We will find the nearest ghetto and find a homo erectus male and court him.

We will sell our land.

We will invest in bitcoin.

And we will live in pods, play cyberpunk, and drink our cyberpunk sponsored tea.

>> No.15176310

it's too late man

>> No.15176398
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See pic

Shit game made by trannies and soyboys.

Fags can only exist by brainwashing others.

>> No.15176475

Is this a good recipe for oolong? I found it online, never tried oolong before but it seems weird desu

- 6 cups white sugar-free powdered sugar
- 2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon minced onion
1 pinch honey
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 (3 ounce) package oolong sauce


Beat powdered sugar until dissolved, then gently fold in butter and onion until evenly blended.

Heat 2 tablespoons of the oolong sauce over high heat, stirring constantly until bubbling. Pour over a serving plate.

>> No.15176577

Oh what a pretentious faggot

>> No.15176958

Finally listened to this general and got some loose tea. What determines how many times I can re-steep my leaves?

>> No.15176979

Phase of the moon mostly.

What do you think? The taste. If it's watery you don't steep anymore.

>> No.15176989

I am tastelet who just got into tea, I don't know what's watery and what isn't. I always feel like tea is never flavorful enough.

>> No.15177010

synthwave isn't cyberpunk either. a new thing evolving out of influences of old doesn't mean they're one and the same, that's ridiculous.
by your logic the USA is the same thing as ancient Rome.

>> No.15177026

Well, the internet is not going to help you in this case. What kind of tea are you drinking? Get some loose leaf black tea, use loads of leaves and boiling water. The brew should be bitter, that's good. Steep for a second time. You'll get a hang of it and learn your preference in no time.
Unless you're drinking some fruity blends with petals and zest of goat cheese, then you're on your own.

>> No.15177046

I got some plain green tea and prepared it according to the op, I will try getting my hands on some black next time.

>> No.15177086

Yes, supermarket loose black tea will suffice. It will be broken up mess, but not the teabag dust. Black tea is really the default tea, green is secondary and can often be weak and flat.

Meanwhile try to up the temp. on your green. Boil the water, wait for the bubbles to subside and pour. Transfer to a small cup (think espresso size) for quick cooling and drink. Play with the amount of leaves and temp (time after boiling).
Good luck.

>> No.15177092

Thanks for the tips.

>> No.15177681

My liquid prost tea package was supposed to come Friday but it's delayed, probably due to it being one of the busiest mail weeks of the year. Hopefully it will come early next week.

>> No.15178159

The only loose leaf my supermarket sells is earl grey and some stuff with fruit in it
I think they used to have loose leaf lipton, which is boring but surprisingly decent compared to the bagged lipton.

>> No.15178186
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Some late night tian jian
Haven't tried this in a while, last time i found it a bit boring.

>> No.15178843

It was okay, pretty mild, not as smokey as i was hoping for but nothing off or unpleasant tasting.

>> No.15178878
File: 159 KB, 499x412, tea infuser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you and other Dutch fags: find your nearest Simon Lévelt and get a filter like pic related for a couple euros, and use it like you would a tea bag.

While there, pick up some different loose leaf teas to see what you like, for most teas they sell 50g samples.

Some of my favourites from theirs are moonlight white, jasmijn chung hao, sencha classic, grand pouchong oolong and oostfriese melange.

Simon Lévelt is not the best store ever but very suitable for beginners, has good prices and is by far the best you can get locally without having to order from the internet and having to wait 2 months for packages to arrive from China.

and if you really wanna stick to AH teabags get the pure leaf brand

>> No.15178939

now you're just being obtuse

>> No.15179261

their website looks promising and there is one close to me, I will definitely check it.
thanks for the info dude

>> No.15179398

When the last kettle got too janky and the wife wanted to get rid of it I insisted on getting variable temp. Now I brew my Earl Grey (teabags) at 70C and am happy with it.
Looks comfy

>> No.15179427

>Black tea is really the default tea, green is secondary and can often be weak and flat.
learn2brew, retard.

>> No.15179430

How long do you steep them? 70 seems way too low for a reasonable time.

>> No.15179436

3-4 minutes. Surprisingly it's enough if the tea bags are relatively fresh. there's zero bitterness. tested with Ahmed Tea and Althaus haven't tried yet with loose leaves. I tried 80C once and started to feel the tanny bitterness.

>> No.15179443

i do my (loose leaf) blacks at 90c, with the dust you get in bags i can imagine how 70c would make it a lot more drinkable

>> No.15179448

Likely. I need to experiment some more. Ahmed is also pretty pedestrian. Twinning and Althaus are more drinkable.

>> No.15179613
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Sometimes I want to go full autism

>> No.15179828

what do you use the air pump for?

>> No.15179994

pumping the water out of the leakage tray after the sesh
alternatively use it for an enema

>> No.15181146

Drying out the tea pet

>> No.15181878

what's your favorite nighttime cuppa?

>> No.15181907

cuppa gin and tonic, yours?

>> No.15182129

Roasted oolong, ripe puer, liu bao

>> No.15182227
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Whats the springy bowl thing for?

>> No.15182276

The springy part is just a stand and the thing on top is a mesh strainer. When you are drinking tea with small bits or some fine dust in it you pour the tea out of the gaiwan through the filter so little bits of tea leaves don't end up in peoples cups.

>> No.15182471

Im exhausted just using a gaiwan. I can't imagine this whole rigamarole.

>> No.15182475

Honeybush with a splash of rum.

>> No.15182476

Spearmint! Straight up. Very pleasant.

>> No.15182622

Just switch to grampa style. It's the superior way to brew tea.

>> No.15182789

Instead I prefer an inginuitea, even better yet if you can afford the desk space, the trade off is worth it

>> No.15182957

Yeah that works too

>> No.15183270

Good idea. 5g dust/500ml water boil 10 mins, strain into blender, add knob of best butter you have and pinch of salt, blend, wala butter tea. I keep a jar for aged sheng and one for aged white for this

>> No.15183351
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I'm not a big tea guy except for chamomile when I'm hungover, but my mom is a fanatic. I got her this for xmas, did I fuck up?

>> No.15183401

>not a big tea guy
>big tea guy
>big guy

>> No.15183402

>/tea v/

>> No.15183741

Their tea is pretty decent for the bagged herbal stuff. Your mum will probably like it.

>> No.15184181
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TWL order shipped

>> No.15184427

Whats the difference between your pot and another cheaper one? Is it like kitchen copper stuff (I mean stuff that has been so well crafted that it doesn't break for many years)

>> No.15184716

Between this and another cheaper Yixing pot?

If we talk about quality modern pots such as from yinchen, Mud and Leaves and Chanting Pines

TWL comissions his pots to use old techniques and not add barium, coloring or any additives, this is to immitate antique pots or LQER pots, because It is generally agreed that they perform much better
most modern pot makers / pots use these modern techniques because It requires less skill, less manual labour and you can streamline the proccess producing loads of pots inexpensively and fast while maintaining better uniformity pot to pot

A lot of these modern techniques will change how the pot works in the end, often in a negative way, such as making it less porous for the material used or was intended, changing the appearance of the pot / grain count / texture

If you look at a lot of modern pots, even the good ones of this material, l(benshan lv ni), they are almost always dyed or mixed with other material, they do this because the material is hard to work with and source

Old pots using this material, or using traditional methods, will have a whiteish / yellow pale look

so TLDR: TWL is making modern pots that work like / close / similar to antique pots, and you don't need to spend thousands and worry about how antique pots are often made quite badly or have loads of wear and tear on them

(This isn't to shit on modern good pots though, there's loads of good and affordable modern pots out there that work great)

>> No.15184732
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2019 Yan Hong from W2T. Apparently a mix of several Fujian yancha varietals processed together into black tea.

Dry leaves in a warm gaiwan smell like raspberry tarts, super potent. Wet leaves go nutty in their smell and the first steep is very much the same way with some sharp acidic notes in the background.

>> No.15184757
File: 153 KB, 1164x873, yanhong2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I may have posted this comparison before but it's got a lot of the same characteristics of the Dan Cong Hongcha from Kong Mountain Tea, which is black tea made from dan cong oolong material. End up with a very nice warm, roasted nut base layer and then bright acidic fruity elements over top of it. The Kong Mountain Tea one probably does it a little bit better but this is also

>> No.15184760


>but this is also

quite good. Very nice for a cold morning like now.

>> No.15184793
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It's really interesting I've never thought of it that way. Its quality must be much higher analogous to copperware or high-end woodworking. There is a reason craftmen are still relevant to this day even though we are in a era of mass production.

>> No.15184817

If you want to know more about Yixing, beyond pricing, our resident expert of clay and Yixing from our discord wrote two articles


Modern vs Traditional Proccesing, with an included and very good youtube video


>> No.15185088

Does anyone have any recommendations from King Tea Mall?

Ordering a tray there soon so I might as well include some samples or full cakes even

>> No.15185108


The 2011 Qiao Mu Xiao Sheng Bing was really nice. If you brew it right it tastes like blue raspberry candy.

>> No.15185133
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Never really liked tea til I started drinking pic related with my shrooms.

>> No.15185660

Post loofah :)

>> No.15185808

Will do

>> No.15185976

Tested today at 80C, tasted bland.

>> No.15185980

Earl Grey

>> No.15185993
File: 167 KB, 1091x1091, okami yunomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of people who don't like green tea dislike it because they've brewed it with boiling water, which should never be done. Glad you enjoyed it, anon. I have some sencha that I'll be brewing later while I play Okami. :-)

>> No.15186029

The only tea's worth going less than boiling is some green and some white

>> No.15186174

Try shou puer

>> No.15186218
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can someone translate these moon runes please?on some cups I bought for cheap at an "antique" shop

>> No.15186648
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Enjoying some old big robe oolong; stone fruit and spice. I need to try to roast some of my old green rolled oolong.

>> No.15186909

Agreed. I don't get how people can go under 85 for oolong, that's just ridiculous.

>> No.15187102

My favorite tea is the Turkish Tea.

>> No.15187135
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Im looking for good matcha tea, I know the ceremonial grade stuff can be expensive but I am willing to pay up if it's the good stuff, anyone got some recommendations? I've only bought pic related and it tasted like grass despite all the rave reviews for it.

>> No.15187206

This is really high quality to price ratio. His description makes it sound flat but it's juicy and goes for a lot of infusions.

>> No.15187488
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whatcha think ?

>> No.15187503

hey i have that teapot too! i stopped using it for infusions though cause i felt like the filter didnt give enough room for leaf expansion with the amount of tea/water capacity. It looks very nice.

>> No.15187512

I wouldn't personally use my tetsu for tea brewing
only as a kettle

but to each their own

>> No.15187685

Why is it your favorite tea, anon?

>> No.15187785

This was a well-known /ck/ meme a long, long time ago. Spotted the newfag.

>> No.15187802

Got me.

>> No.15188417

Don't forget to change your water filters.

>> No.15188447

Since Nativity is around the corner, it's a good time to buy tea stuff.
Where's a good place to get some tea pets for next year?

>> No.15188838

Bitter leaf has some really cute cat themed tea pets.

>> No.15189480

I don't even have a tea table but i still want to buy tea pets.

>> No.15190591


>> No.15190985

holy shit yeah only 20 bucks, compared to a similar one on yunnan sourcing which is from 2018 and already 70 dollars...

>> No.15191462
File: 40 KB, 450x312, constantcomment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tealet here. please recommend me a better black bagged tea within a similar weight class.

>> No.15191857

Constant Comment is good. Cloves and bergamot or orange zest, I believe. Good shit as far as bags go.

>> No.15192393

Try pg tips, tetley, or builders teabags. One suggestion, at least for the pg tips unless you plan to add milk only brew the teabag for 60 seconds. It gets real strong.

>> No.15193602

Yeah constant comment is great for flavored bagged tea you can buy at most grocery stores.

>> No.15193624

based phimosis bro

>> No.15194432

Working on a pumidor from a heavy duty cooler. Boveda packs and a wireless hygrometer, mylar bags to keep like cakes together. I will take photos and report back eventually.
My cakes are so dry and flat. Looking to remedy this for a month perhaps, then start tasting them all again. Some of the mid 00 cakes have very weak, bug bitten wrappers. I might figure out how to get a hold of some new papers and wrap them with that. I'm still not very good at it, though.

>> No.15194511

Nice, i finally got my tea in a cooler recently. I still need to get some Boveda packs. What humidity packs are you planning on using? Im planning on getting 58% ones

>> No.15194538

69%. 58 seems low, mate, but precise data on making pumidors is fuzzy at best. RH here is typically around 31% indoors during the dry season.

>> No.15194554

anyone know where I can get bulk keemun of fair quality for a decent price?

>> No.15194575


>> No.15194582

thanks, love you

>> No.15194597

I've never heard of this. What am I missing?

>> No.15194609

I'd say keemun is a smooth/sweet black tea, try some yourself anon.

>> No.15194610

>Taste: Slightly tart, with a taste of wine and dried fruits. The fragrance is fresh, with floral-fruity and honey shades, balanced and graceful. There may be notes of cinnamon, honey, and pine.

>> No.15195168

he doesn't know

>> No.15195372

Lovely teapot, anon! It looks very cute with the cat. :-)

>> No.15195388

I legit want to get a peepee boy

>> No.15195604

>like 5 things that do the same thing
>no presentation shell
never gonna make it

>> No.15195991

Can tea actually help calm you down/make you less anxious? If so, which one?

>> No.15196014

Maybe could you ease anxiety with ritualizing your tea brewing and drinking, but I wouldn't expect much more. Seek professional help if the problem is serious.

>> No.15196254

Already have not much help though. Alcohol it is!

>> No.15196302

Helped me a lot with that

It's become a ritual
The best I can compare it to is weed
Like right now, I'm having some and my head feels like I'm on weed, the usual fuzzy calmness and feeling more around me / tunnel vision

It varies tea to tea though, and it's not just about the tea, there's many factors
I can get it from any tea, but I normally get it from shou or old sheng

>> No.15196312

58% a bit low unless you are looking for dryer storage character but 69% is starting to get a little bit into the danger zone for long term mold and condensation in a sealed container. 65% is probably much safer. check out

>> No.15196331

69% is fine

Risk is 70% +

58 is far too low for constant humidity, it can drop that much over a season, but the whole time? that cake will age like shit
like how most kunming stored is shit

I have 2 320g 72% bovead's for all storage, and it works great
69-72% humidity, 75-80 temp

if you ask anyone else who has done long term storage in a pumi, they will tell you exactly what I'm currently typing also

>> No.15196407

75-80? Are you warming your pumidor? My home is typically 70, give or take.

>> No.15196516

No, the room I store them in is that

>> No.15196661

Interesting. I was considering the same. Furnace room or server room?

>> No.15196713

How is shipping from KTM compared to YS?

>> No.15197799

no coof

>> No.15198096

Thank you ^_^

>> No.15198120

Thanks for all the pumidor tips anons

>> No.15198161

New English gang, rise up.

>> No.15198227

KTM shipping is pretty fast, last order i get in less than a month via regular china post. I typically recommend paying for EMS shipping to get in in less than 2 weeks but it's kind of expensive now.
I don't know how YS manages to make their shipping so slow.

>> No.15198939


>> No.15199711


>> No.15199786


>> No.15200391


>> No.15200625

Fernet-Branca with coke

>> No.15201410


>> No.15201973
File: 162 KB, 589x198, E733CB16-2678-4C6C-B19A-E5CDFEDE95B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barley fucker is back. got tired of extremely shitty, cooffee-lite itoen, i tried roasting it myself this time. put it in my cast iron (frequently seasoned with beef and pork fat) like a retard because i had been drinking. It makes a heart-soothing savory drink, like if you added congee-extract to water. Unfortunately this is not tea. wish more more luck next time.
pic is some korean, i didn’t take any photos

>> No.15202462
File: 61 KB, 435x515, F187D270-A1DE-494A-9BCC-A5F5874FEC2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using Bosch TWK8613P
very good quality

>> No.15202851
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 1001345-530ml-weck-saftflasche-komplett_1038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favourite burger place sells their own homemade iced tea in these glass bottles so now i have a few of them for myself. what kind of iced tea do you bros like? i have been mostly making fruity & citrusy ones like red berry or bitter lemon but they are pretty basic and just taste kind of like less sugary pop (not that that is a bad thing) and im looking for something a little more unique. so what can i do to make it really pop?

also, i have no idea if im doing this right, but basically i will boil water, then pour it into the bottle and seal it with the teabag inside, then drink it the next day. is that "right" or do you recommend something else?

>> No.15202942

Godspeed anon

>> No.15203068

you can try also cold brew it, use cold water and leave it in the fridge overnight or make sun tea and leave it in sunlight

>> No.15203189

if you cold brew it you won't have to add any sugar. If you use boiling water to make tea and let that cool down, it will become overly bitter and you'll probably need sugar to balance it out

only downside of cold brew is that it takes longer, at least overnight but up to a few days

>> No.15203826

I'm not sure i would cold brew for more than 24 hours. 12 hours should be fine for most teas.

>> No.15203849
File: 213 KB, 1500x1500, 814rmzF+WiL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these ok?

>> No.15204097

Use a tetsubin with an induction heater
Boiling water except for Whites and Greens
TDS 70 or 120 depending on the tea

I have a Brewista smart pour 2 also, but it doesn't see much use

>> No.15204105

Yeah it's fine, i have one but never use it, it's kind of big for tea for one.
I have one of these a really enjoy it for a western style kettle.
But you can also get a real authentic brown betty for the same price

>> No.15204111

That would work. Just always avoid plastic or those one mug drip brewers.
Also only get the Adderley ones, the other brand sucks.

>> No.15204122

i'd personally go full glass but they are ok

>> No.15204158

Thanks, I will get one

>> No.15204553

Is there any good loose-leaf herbal tea on amazon?

>> No.15204684

What kind of barley do you use? Pearled or groats or?

>> No.15205349

Waiting in tea mail.
Got that prost samples set slowly making its way here. Real slow week for the mail service.

>> No.15205828

Anyone have suggestions for ginger tea?
Is there a good place to buy dried ginger chunks to brew? It's a gift for someone who drinks lots of ginger teabags, i want something stronger or better they can brew that doesn't require peeling and slicing fresh ginger.

>> No.15206098



>> No.15206112

Night time version

>> No.15206122

Link below. Says sold out however I know she received a shipment from Japan yesterday.


>> No.15206195

I think I might do a W2T order next month .
It interests me to be able to buy a massive variety of sheng/shou that i can stash away and drink casually.
for the same price of 1 cake I buy normally , I can get like 10 different cakes from W2T

>> No.15206214

Why an electric kettle over just boiling some water in a pot?

>> No.15206274

Temperature control is key when you deal with more delicate teas, like Japanese greens. Also, I can't be the only one who hates the whistling of stovetop kettles.

>> No.15206394

I don't care about temperature control stuff as that can be worked around, but electric kettles are simply faster and more efficient. Especially if you live somewhere with higher mains voltage. Next best thing would be an induction cooktop.

>> No.15206395

Because it quick and convenient. Unless you're a voltagelet with data caps on your internet. Freedom isn't free, right?
Don't listen to him either >>15206274
because he trusts chink made temp control chips over his own senses. And is limp-wristed weeb.

>> No.15206531

Kettle is in my room.

>> No.15207656

Im lazy, also buying actually good stovetop kettles is pretty difficult, i did some research a year or two ago and the only decent stovetop kettles cost hundreds of dollars.

>> No.15207743

You have to wait for the display to boot up every time you use it. Kinda obnoxious. Had one of those, and a Bona Vita, and an OXO. OXO is the least bad.

>> No.15207822

In a Russian store got black tea and rosemary blend. Not for everyday, but a nice change.

>> No.15207964

? I'm not going to get my stopwatch, but its under 3 seconds.

>> No.15208050

Because I can have my tea setup including electric kettle in my room next to my desk.

>> No.15208258

What's the explanation behind the difference in aroma between the gaiwan lid and the wet leaf?