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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15161654 No.15161654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Certainly as a single person.

I went through all the strategies and phases: Cooking in bulk (making stuff like curries, soups, and sauces for use during the week). Prepping veggies. Buying in bulk. Meal-prepping. Buying more of fewer ingredients to cook fresh and avoid wastage.

But ultimately you always face the same dilemma: if you cook fresh, you end up with either a really monotonous diet, or you end up wasting lots of money. If you either prep foods in advance or buy foods specifically that keep well, you're not eating fresh anymore.

There's no more liberating a feeling than basically giving up on cooking. Breakfast cereal, bread for toast, eggs, snacks like chips dips and cookies, fruit? Sure. But cooking full meals for one? It's just a big waste of time, and a disappointment.

>tfw I go to convenience stores daily and buy different tasty shit every day on a whim
>tfw eating fast food a few times a week
>tfw eating high-quality restaurant food every weekend
>tfw it's not even as expensive as I thought

This is great. Stop cooking today. It'll feel amazing.

>> No.15161664

And by the way, I'm not even against cooking a special dish when there's something particular you want to try to make, when you buy all the ingredients for it and actually want to cook and try it. That's still based, and I enjoy it on occasion.

I refer here to daily cooking, to the idea that cooking for yourself is better than not. It just hasn't rung true.

>> No.15161697
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I had a McRib meal for dinner and it sucked. What pissed me off was for the price I was halfway to an actually good full-rack rib meal at a real restaurant.

>> No.15161702

you could have just said you're bad at cooking instead of typing all that out

>> No.15161705
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Cooklets BTFO your shit sucks

>> No.15161711

man child

>> No.15161720

You seem retarded.

>> No.15161721

I think these are fair points, but there are some workarounds.

There's a lot of good meals you can make a big batch of and freeze for another time, so you don't have to eat it all before it goes bad. Chili, potstickers, red beans and rice, gumbo (just make the rice when you need it).

There's also a lot of ingredients which you should just have on hand since they can be used in a ton of recipes. Eggs and bacon can be used for carbonara or a nice breakfast sandwich. Ground beef can be used for a burger/patty melt, a lazy meat sauce, or some tacos. Having a lot of options with each ingredient prevents them from being wasted.

Plus you can always make easy stuff like sandwiches and salads. I dunno, I think if you actually enjoy cooking, you can save money and eat pretty well as long as you're not a retard.

>> No.15161724
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nice try fucking jew
cooking at home has always been, still is, and forever will remain the best and cheapest option
fuck off

>> No.15161744

I am single and I cook for myself all the time. I also get fast food as well. Cooking at home is better if you are in the mood for it. Most breakfast foods cook up very quickly so there really is no excuse to not make your own breakfast. I can understand lunch and dinner, though.

>> No.15161752

Ehh... atleast it is real food, free of human meat

>> No.15161753

lrn2 cook, pleb

>> No.15161767

Based and redpilled, there's a reason why daily cooking and cleaning used to be womens' work, if you're a man and aren't getting paid to cook, you should have better things to do with your time.

>> No.15161776

like posting on 4chan?

>> No.15161796

OP failed to mention the biggest reason to eat out: not having to do dishes.

Either way, this only really works if you are young and/or have no regards for your health. Past age thirty this just isn't feasible, you'll wind up with obesity, hypertension, high blood pressure, increased cancer risk...it will catch up with you somehow.

Restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, lie about their nutrition all the time. So too does food bought in the supermarket but at least then you're in charge of preparation.

If you dont give a shit then fine. This lifestyle is absolutely attainable to even the poor, I think it was two years ago that Americans finally spent more money eating out than at the supermarket. You'll certainly save time and might even save money. Is that worth the price of your health in your thirties and forties? Do you want to be physically capable of still living like you are in your twenties in terms of your activities for another twenty years after your thirtieth birthday?

If you dont care then OP is right. Save the time (and maybe the money too), you will buy yourself another hour or two a day minimum.
If yes, stop eating out. Cut it out almost entirely.

>> No.15161803

The only thing I cooked in bulk was meat sauce.

>> No.15161805


I chose to cook for myself, which could probably be inferred from the tone of that post (though I really wasn't trying to judge). The way I rationalize the massive timesink that is cooking and doing dishses is that its still way more economical than having to live a hunter-gatherer or subsistence farming lifestyle. Yes I spend a lot of time cooking and in the supermarket, but at least I am not soley devoting my entire waking life to finding my next meal.

>> No.15161850

How will cooking ever recover? You can strike the second half of the board's name from the record.

>> No.15161978

You think about how much you spend?

Are you poor?

>> No.15162012

Just knowing I'm saving money and eating less salt makes it all worth. Plus, what else am I going to do? At least cooking and cleaning keeps me busy instead of f5 on 4chan

>> No.15162062


>> No.15162095

This is mostly right, but ruined with the fast food image. I know it's bait, but it's a sensible lifestyle.

All of this seems to come from people who have unlimited space. Every time someone suggests freezing lots of food, I have to ask where you live. If you live in an apartment or condo, or have an 8-5 job, where do you store all of these foods? How do you leave them to defrost? My guess is that this advice comes from people living in the middle of the US, with access to a spare freezer.

People who eat breakfast in the first place make no sense to me.

>Plus, what else am I going to do?
Get better at your real job. Or take a moment for entertainment. I feel like anyone that doesn't know how to fill up their time has never had a career. I basically want to cry every night when I return home from work, because there's no time to embrace my hobbies, just take a little bit of time to eat, watch a show, shitpost, and go right back to sleep for work.

>> No.15162122

single people generally eat simple shit when they're in a hurry and more elaborate shit when they have free time. no one is saying you cook a hot meal for yourself every single time you eat. i don't think anyone eats that way even if they eat a lot of fast food.

>> No.15162146

cook queers seem to think the board should revolve around them and fail to realize they're the second word of the board

>> No.15162176

Yeah but it costs way too much money and makes me feel fat so I'll just eat some apple slices instead for breakfast lmao.

>> No.15162252
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The most compelling reason to cook for yourself:
You want to eat something not available for purchase ready-to-eat.
Maybe it's just that you're camping and out of delivery range; maybe nobody in town makes a good yorkshire pudding or pimiento cheese sandwich; maybe the only pizza place that delivers to your street has standards and does not put pineapple and jalapeno on the same pizza; maybe the guy at the corner diner can't cook eggs the style you like and insists over easy IS over medium.
If you want to eat it, you'll have to do for yourself.

The second best reason is that the food you wish to eat is not sold at an appealing price. Pic Related. $2.99 and they can't even cut the crusts off?

>> No.15162255

>no one is saying you cook a hot meal for yourself every single time you eat.
this board spergs out about home cooking every time you imply you don't have a fully stocked pantry with a fridge and freezer full of ingredients/meals.

>> No.15162260

You know freezers exist right?

>> No.15162265

look, another person who doesn't read the thread. how much space do you have in your freezer, and where do you live?