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File: 46 KB, 704x396, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15160180 No.15160180 [Reply] [Original]


I've never made proper burgers in my life, so I require assistance.

Should I mix seasonings with the ground beef or add them during cooking?

Salt and pepper only or something else?

>> No.15160196

Mixing in seasonings is extra effort and incurs a penalty to texture. It's not completely invalid depending on what you're trying to achieve, but unless you have a good reason, just salt the faces while cooking.

>> No.15160209

He is correct, mix the grind as little as possible for ideal texture. If you want to season use liberally on the outside to create a nice crust and you'll have nothing to worry about

>> No.15160221

For a proper burger, add Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, bread crumbs and an egg to ground beef.
Garlic powder and onion powder are great additions too.
t. bean making burgers for 30 years and nothing beats this recipe

>> No.15160227

Nigger that's a recipe for meatloaf

>> No.15160249

either of those options will work and the difference will be negligible. do whatever you want

>> No.15160257

worcesertcertstereeshire sounds p good in some ground beef, feel like bread crumbs and egg would make it too cakey.

>> No.15160261


>> No.15160643

Make them with pork, just make the patties wider and thicker to account for shrinking, it'll taste better, more juicier and it's cheaper. Squirt a bit of your fav bbq sauce or rub if you'd like some seasoned patties.

>> No.15160728

1. Make patty, or smash it on stove top
2. Add salt, pepper, or whatever else
3. Put on grill, flip once
4. Add cheese
5. Put on bread, add toppings

>> No.15161008

Rub your patties with a light drizzle olive oil on both sides (anyone that tells you to use worcestershire sauce in hamburgers is WRONG), and season with course black pepper. DO NOT salt patties until after you remove from your choice of cooking heat.

Salt and worchestershire in your raw meat DRIES OUT your patties, dont do it.

>> No.15161027
File: 329 KB, 2016x1512, 20190402_160203_compress79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it simple

>> No.15161040

I really like the taste of mcdonalds hamburger patties (I know), but when I buy hamburgers from the supermarket, the taste fucking sucks.

What am I doing wrong? Should I grill them instead to get that flavour?

>> No.15161067

Whatever you do don't squish the burger down with the spatula during cooking it dries it out and makes it bland. Also avoid lean beef, you want a decent amount of fat. If it says 90% lean or higher it's shit.

>> No.15161088

do this >>15160196
then worry more about the bread. The meat is hard to fuck up if you can cook any meat at all. It being simple is why it's fast food. The meat can only get you so far.

Use a better bun to actually transform it.

>> No.15161096

How does the burger not fall? The knife? What about the drink?

>> No.15161097
File: 20 KB, 500x262, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salt and worchestershire in your raw meat DRIES OUT your patties, dont do it.

>> No.15161192

>t.lover of dry burgers

>> No.15161227

I thought you faggots always add beets to your burgers.

>> No.15161272

high heat

patties no thicker your thumb

salt pepper

onion powder if not topping with actual onions.

put cheese on after first flip

or toast buns and place cheese between buns after buns are nice and warm so it melts when the burger is done.

>> No.15161286
File: 2.17 MB, 3024x4032, TB 11 30 20 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't add anything to the ground beef, and form it into uniformly thick patties slightly wider than your buns (they'll shrink up a bit when cooked). A "normal" burger will be around 1/3 pound ("normal" meaning neither fast food style nor Ramsay thicc). You don't need to add any extra fat to the pan/grill, as you should be using something between 80/20-70/30, so there's plenty of fat. Use high heat, and season with salt and pepper (3-1 ratio, and you can also add 1 part garlic powder if you want) right before dropping it. You want to get a decent sear, while still having some warm pink in the middle, so you might want to open a window. You can flip as many times as you want, but depending on the pan you should let it form a decent crust before the first flip so it doesn't stick. Don't listen to the e-celeb retards telling you to smash it or salt your cutting board or whatever; that's all just clickbait meme shit and not how anyone actually does it.

>> No.15161320

Anything more than salt and pepper for seasoning ruins the taste
Use kosher salt and grind your pepper fresh for best results

>> No.15161325

If you don't add teriyaki sauce to your burger then I feel bad for you

>> No.15161491


>> No.15161500
File: 72 KB, 732x549, 270609_2200-732x549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate lettuce because it's a shit vegetable, but how do I keep these little green chads from falling out of my burger?

>> No.15161509

Cook burgers like a steak. Sear both sides on high heat. Season with salt and pepper after cooking. Try to handle the meat as little as possible. It's like mashed potatoes or pancake batter: the more you disturb it, the tougher it gets. If you add binders like egg, breadcrumbs, evaporated milk, etc. then you're making a meatloaf sandwich. That's not a bad idea. Just don't call it a burger.

>> No.15161525

>I hate crisp, flavorful, nutritious lettuce
>mmm, soggy oxalic acid leaves? Yummy yummy!
Fuck you. Lettuce is great. Iceberg is watery bullshit, but luckily it's not the only kind of lettuce.

>> No.15161530

Lettuce adds good texture but the flavor is terrible, spinach has less crunch but it has more flavor and is more nutritious to boot.

>> No.15161544

Youre not browning them enough. Use a cast iron skillet. Put a little olive oil. Smash the burger down. Hold it nice and flat against the skillet. Leave for several minutes on medium. Youll grt the hang of it

Youre definitely not getting the propper browning on them guaranteed. The browning is 99% of the flavor

>> No.15161552

Yeah ur a retard. Smashing it does nothing if u use 80%. Ever heard of smash burger or seen how most restaurants make them? They smash them on the flat top

>> No.15161565

If u dont press it to the pan u dont get a propper crust or sear. Ur retarded.
Every restaurant ive ever worked at has a thing that looks like an iron that they use.

>> No.15161567

cook it a little

>> No.15161682

maybe put em in between the other veggies
or use a nice romaine or butter lettuce if you're thinking of iceberg being disgustig

>> No.15162066

Try worcesertcertstereeshire on Mac and Cheese when nobodys looking. It looks like hell but damn is it good.

>> No.15162127
File: 1.22 MB, 2770x2078, burger4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please use lard, beef tallow, shortening, coconut oil, palm oil or even sunflower oil for this, not olive oil.
Well making smashburgers are something else, but if you want a normal burger you should not smash. Some people want a perfectly cooked interior instead of just grey meat and crust. Pic related.
>If u dont press it to the pan u dont get a propper crust or sear.
That's just plain wrong, probably you are just a shit cook.
>Ur retarded.
And then you call someone else retarded.

>> No.15162152

if you're mixing anything into a burger, you've just made shitty meatloaf
salt the outside before cooking
if you want herbs or spices, you can add those to whatever sauce you'll put on it
smoked paprika and garlic mayo is very simple

>> No.15162334
File: 2.76 MB, 2912x2184, 20201113_172613_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80/20 beef
loosely formed patty
salt and pepper generously
good quality buns, toasted
toppings are up to you but I'd recommend keeping it simple