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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.01 MB, 4000x2250, IMG_20201202_193618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15158638 No.15158638 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this bros? Did I just kill a pregnant red pepper?

>> No.15158645
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>> No.15158657
File: 72 KB, 1080x1080, tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happens

>> No.15158659

it's a bit hilarious/cute if you've actually never seen this before, but funny enough, it is basically exactly what you described

whereas with garlic/onion you'll find more garlic/onion growing inside it due to how they naturally grow, in the case of this pepper, it has formed a secondary, sterile fruit inside itself. to my knowledge they are in fact, genetically, mommy and baby

you're gonna see this a ton in your life with peppers, onions and more. it's a natural phenomena with a name i can't remember

>> No.15158661

this is fairly normal
in fact it's a bonus because they're completely edible
basically it kind of self-fertilized and now you have minipeppers within a pepper
enjoy your 10% more bell pepper than other leading brands

>> No.15158664
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>> No.15158674
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>> No.15158738

I told my ex it was pepper cancer. He refuses to eat anything with pepper cancer after, sigh.

>> No.15158767

You will never be [lolnospoiler]my girlfriend.[/lolnospoiler]

>> No.15158823

Had this with two peppers this week. You didn't by any chance get the 3 pack from Morrisons did you?

>> No.15160210

>he eats herm tomatoes

>> No.15160780


>> No.15160786

How do get become pregenante?

>> No.15160794

I’ve been seeing this with peppers here in muttlandia.

>> No.15160803

How is babby formed?

>> No.15160840

Internal boobas

>> No.15160861

I never really saw this with bell pepper until last year despite having had tons in my life. Now I've probably had it happen about half a dozen times. I definitely did a double take the first time it happened.

>> No.15160882

Why are you wasting so much pepper with your cuts?

>> No.15161045
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Abortion is murder. Even with peppers.

The mother pepper can't just queef out dead baby peppers because it's inconvenient. Disgusting. I will BOMB planned pepperhood.

>> No.15161056


>> No.15161077

based oldfag

>> No.15162619

It's just a clump of cells bro.

>> No.15162639
File: 80 KB, 500x1020, 1593563600152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15163909


>> No.15163963

You're a clump of cells, stinky

>> No.15164828

I don't get it

>> No.15164837

You must be pretty new to the internet.

>> No.15164902

I love you. :)

>> No.15164925

Do you figure this counts as intraspecific parasitism?

>> No.15164945

You realize this is the point of fruit?

>> No.15165210

I'll eat it

>> No.15165240
File: 15 KB, 300x320, Megamind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strawmatto. Tomberry. Strawtoms. Fukashimas.

>> No.15165471


>> No.15165506


>> No.15165519

makes me miss 2008 /b/
back when 4chan hated everyone equally and didn't have some faggot right wing political agenda

>> No.15165533

I feel that emotion bro

>> No.15165555

faggots like you need to be chemo:d out again.

>> No.15165564

like tears in the rain...

>> No.15165598

you're not alone

>> No.15165606

Based quads.

>> No.15165795


>> No.15165807

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.15165810

This doesn't make sense, why would it be mother and child and not person and absorbed twin?
when you plant a pepper seed, it doesn't grow into another pepper, it grows into a plant

wouldn't this just be a twin or some extra growth?

>> No.15165812

Wow thanks for making me feel sad you fuck

>> No.15165917
File: 89 KB, 500x412, ad339f1b2a79df82b2c4e451f3ba5d47047e30d3af28a87379d54cd1941439a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate to split hairs, but the 'left' wing agenda seems rather more faggoty

>> No.15166281

time to choose sides.

>> No.15166284


>> No.15166293
File: 368 KB, 2018x1345, 2018-Yamaha-SR400c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan's main culture is being counterculture. Currently being right wing is counterculture so people here naturally gravitate that way.

>> No.15166295

Amen to this.

>> No.15166306

remember we got /news/ shutdown because everything was the jews fault. /pol/ is the new /news/

>> No.15166312

This is a wrong take. The board got invaded by Stormfront because they thought people saying "nigger" occasionally meant they had found a bunch of like minded individuals who actually were white supremacists. It's never had anything to do with "counter-culture," just most of the original people who posted here deciding to fuck off because every thread turning into something about jews or racism was annoying as fuck.

>> No.15166356

Well done

>> No.15166388

And Leftists from Reddit regularly brag about how they "took over" /his/ and /lit/. Who the fuck cares

>> No.15167472

/lit/ was always full of retards, you'd get better writing advice from /tg/

>> No.15167578

That looks exactly like my daughters vagina!

>> No.15167821

You gonna eat those babies or just throw them in the dumpster like Unplanned Parenthood does?

>> No.15167828
File: 98 KB, 874x915, 976eb4d279b7da28a094af5529e92564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15167832

>intraspecific parasitism
>laying eggs in the nest of another individual of the same species
It's the same individual, so by definition no.

OMG I love you no one else remembers Megamind.

>> No.15167871

Internal proliferation

>> No.15168486

Ok chud

>> No.15168542

Everyone politicized, dipshit. They simply forced us in this direction with gamergate. If you were actually here since 2008 you'd know this.

>> No.15168547

classic, 10/10 a winner is you

>> No.15168552
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>> No.15168631

4chan was never about specifically opposing culture, that's just what rightwing assholes tell themselves because they need to feel like they are rebelling against something even though they're literally just going back to a previously established precedent

being rightwing isn't counterculture, just because you aren't a majority, doesn't mean you don't take up a significant portion of the general US ideology

>> No.15168636

>using that term unironically
kys yourself and kiss your dad goodbye

>> No.15168639

gamergate was shitty because after a few months, nobody wanted to hear about it
least of all people on other boards

if it was actually about "ethics in gaming journalism" then you wouldn't have a reactionary disposition when faced with feminism

>> No.15168671

Dumb nigger.

>> No.15168683

Little cock nazi boy

>> No.15168684

yeah, 4chan being racist isn't counter culture when most people are at least a little racist
especially compared to 2008

the right is just a bunch of babies who hate more people than they like and because they kept getting put on blast, they came here because they got to say nigger and faggot a bunch, like they normally would have literally everywhere else online

whenever someone pulls up some old tweets for some celebrity and they nigger, faggot, and whatever other slur, it's usually from around this point in time (2008 - 2013)
and guess when gamer gate happened

>> No.15168726

why are you locked in the bathroom

>> No.15168797

Go back to whatever cesspit you came from, tranny
Revisionistic bullshit. See above.

>> No.15168806
File: 154 KB, 500x593, OK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like after a few months we figured out the gaming journos had a mailing list where they all collaborated, so, just the MSM in miniature. Ethics in journalism isn't even really possible, once we found out they were a farce it was just about destroying each other. The result is typically disappointing, most of them lost their jobs to the loss of views/clickthroughs, but they get to write and defend stuff like the wikipedia article that enshrines their version of the conflict as "truth". This itself was the early impetus for what blues now bemoan as "the post-truth era", it's their own fault though, if I can read brazen lies presented as the official truth about something I personally participated in, what good is any official narrative? I doubt 90% of history is even accurate, just political. Human beings have no history outside of their living memory, just a collection of lies - this is the new truth and a concept that will occupy more and more intellectual space until some unknown critical point is reached.

>> No.15168824

>right wingers constantly oppressed in online spaces
>i-it's not counter culture
Shut up chud.

>> No.15168834

>gamergate was shitty because after a few months, nobody wanted to hear about it

Yeah dawg, everyone wanted so little to do with it that it completely shaped and altered the ideology and direction of the site's overarching culture. Fuck off.

>> No.15168882

>if it doesn't match my head canon then it's obviously a huge conspiracy against me

>> No.15168890

>Currently being right wing is counterculture
this is what /pol/cels actually believe

>> No.15168914

>slut sleeps with numale 'journalist' for positive press on her shitty VN drama
>hey this seems like a conflict of interest

Do this enough times and people will hate you on a core level

>> No.15168933

Damn, you really told him off. I'm definitely going to take your side and see you as the clearly more rational and mature side of the argument here

>> No.15169229

feminism is frequently homophobic as fuck towards gay men
kiss my ass, i have every reason to distrust them

>> No.15169317

you havent been here for any longer than 2016 tops, tranny faggot

>> No.15169573
File: 241 KB, 390x290, Tomacco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Formerly tomacco

>> No.15170008

Did he really get that bloated?

>> No.15171810


>> No.15173247

You just won over 9000 internetz

And you just lost the game

>> No.15173252

i just got transported back in time with this post

>> No.15173258

>right wing is counterculture
>when republicans won every house in 2016
>when Trump lost by a bread's width in 2020

>> No.15173263

I know the paste looks like marshmallow fluff, but that doesn't mean you should keep eating it.

>> No.15173266
File: 23 KB, 474x456, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post about peppers devolves into /pol/itical shitflinging
Why are you people like this? Genuinely curious. I can understanding posting about politics on /pol/, but what compels people to post about politics on every board they see?

>> No.15173268

happens all the time. Cook more, faggot.

>> No.15173275

kys faggot

>> No.15173306

more like it absorbed its twin

>> No.15173308

>culture is defined elections
>especially distilling it down to American ones
>especially when distilled down to an electoral college system
>and using the American Republican "always five to fifteen years behind whatever the Democrats want to do" Party as an example of the right wing

>> No.15173981

99% of the time it starts from some schizo sperging about /pol/with zero provocation a la >>15165519

>> No.15174620

no u

>> No.15174639

You better take responsibility.