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File: 179 KB, 1200x827, 1200px-McD-Bacon-Egg-Cheese-McGriddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15152479 No.15152479 [Reply] [Original]

why the F*CK is it so good bros? I could eat 20 of these niggas

>> No.15152489

What do British people call English Muffins in the UK?

>> No.15152496

Fanny Batters

>> No.15152614

For me, it's the Chicken McGriddles.

>> No.15152682

I couldn't finish two of them without feeling like shit

>> No.15152700
File: 153 KB, 500x347, MCGRIDDLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the saussitch myself but bacon isn't scoffed upon

>> No.15153792

It's literally cheap bacon and eggs in between two pancakes. I don't know how people can stomach those regularly

>> No.15154731

Yeah, the sausage is a more substantial meal. Although I get mine without the imitation egg patty and scramble an egg at home to put on it. They charge way too much for eggs, it's fucking robbery.

>> No.15154752

Havent tried these yet but ive been making similar sandwiches daily so based.

The bread is a pancake??

>> No.15154762

those are syrup infused pancakes, not english muffins

>> No.15154772

Same here. How can people eat this swill and not get a stomach ache? Yeah, they taste good at first, but goddamn...

>> No.15154823

Fake food

>> No.15154824


>> No.15154833

I used to love the McGriddle when I was a kid.
It's ridiculously tiny now tho. I used to love these really expensive Griddles from Auldi, 3 in a box for 5 bucks. But man, they tasted great. Wrap em in a paper towel to hold it together, a minute on each side in the microwave dude.
Any breakfast sausage recommendations that taste similiar to these? It's a lot of dishes but it's a pretty easy meal looking at it as an adult.

>> No.15154851

McGriddles are overrated. Gimme a sausage biscuit with grape jelly any day. It is a damn shame that they don't give out the grape jelly with the sausage biscuit, too. An entire generation doesn't even know McDonalds serves jelly.

>> No.15154855

that's not what he asked, dumbass fuck. kill yourself.

>> No.15154861

the sausage is only good for the first 2 bites, then feelings of shame and regret overcome me and i wish i could just throw up what ive already swallowed

>> No.15154865

>removed from menu since covid started
I'm fucking dying to have one again

>> No.15154867

this, I ordered 5 this morning with 2 hash browns and a coffeel and it suddenly struck me how they used to be bigger. I don't usually get mcgriddles, my normal order regardless of the time of day is 3 mcdoubles, a big mac, and a 20 piece. on a whim I got them and I was really disappointed

>> No.15154890

you're missing out laddie, you used to be able to order some other thing off the menu and ask them to replace the buns with the mcgriddle pancakes but you can't do that anymore.

>> No.15154907

at least I know the difference between a pancake and a crumpet

>> No.15154920

I think they removed them due to how they are made, same with bagels you can only get English muffins for some reason

>> No.15156446

Hot butter and salt

>> No.15156463

>I used to love the McGriddle when I was a kid

My first thought was that you must still be a kid, but actually jesus christ, I am old. I remember the McGriddles coming out when I was in highschool (I used to go to McDonalds before school nearly every day so the McGriddle coming out was a pretty strong memory). I graduated in 2004. It is so weird having people's childhood memories be your teenage/young adult memories.

>> No.15156466

lol i hate niggers

>> No.15156487
File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, 745a143a8e14d13ddf90cbb88be030f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sausage burrito is highly superior to anything on the mcdonald's menu besides the hash brown

>> No.15156489
File: 66 KB, 640x451, 745a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally wrong pic, my bad, but enjoy

>> No.15156533
File: 8 KB, 300x171, t-mcdonalds-Sausage-McMuffin-with-Egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the sausage one. you have no taste buds.
also picrelated is the best bfast sammie from mcies

>> No.15157862

Toasting muffins, breakfast muffins, English muffins, or just muffins depending on the brand. Sweet muffins are either American muffins or again just muffins.

>> No.15158302


>> No.15159261


>> No.15159269

>It's ridiculously tiny now tho
This. I thought so too, but everytime I bring up something like that suddenly nobody has seen a mcgriddle in their lives or even knows about the existence of mcdonalds.

>> No.15160303

I don't think I've ever had one

>> No.15160325

It's literally easier and cheaper (possibly more healthy??) to make these at home, stop going out to by mcdonald bfast

>> No.15160339

how is it easier to make something than to just go out and buy it already made? that makes no sense. do you know how long it would take to make 4 big macs, 2 large fries, and a 20 piece order of nuggets? I just drive to the mcdonalds and order it and I'm back home in 10 minutes tops since I live right by one. and I can get my xlarge drink instead of having to go grocery shopping.

>> No.15160706

I dunno man, mcgriddles (and hashbrowns, but those go on the mcgriddle) are the only thing I've gotten from mcdonalds in like a decade. Everything else on the menu sucks.

>> No.15160725

I prefer the breakfast sandwiches at Starbucks.

>> No.15160743
File: 44 KB, 533x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a related note, where I am, they stopped serving the McGriddle with the folded egg and now it's only available with the round egg. Any time I brought this up, even immediately after the change, people would usually react along the lines of "wasn't it always like that?".

I figure they must have done it because their marketing found out more people were asking to sub in the round egg and it would consolidate their menu, but they didn't even acknowledge it. It just happened one day. I miss that shitty folded egg.

>> No.15160762

Totally wrong pic for a totally wrong opinion

>> No.15160768

when I order on doordash, there is an egg option and you choose which you want. default is still shitty folded egg (my preference)

>> No.15160781

I was born in 2000

>> No.15160785

I never get these with cheese, its like a dental dam

>> No.15160797

You could eat out 20 niggas?
Are you gay?

>> No.15160813

The sausage burritos are no where near as big as that pic but I do like them with the "hot" salsa

>> No.15160823

Refined substances are embedded into their formulas. Look up casein addiction as an example of why you stuff literal garbage into your body. You enjoy it even though it makes you sick as you eat the food containing these refined substances.

>> No.15160852

American biscuits

>> No.15160888


based, most locations offer them 2 for $4

>> No.15160917

I prefer the sausage mcmuffin and hash browns. Their eggs are always weird where I get them from.

>> No.15160951

Weirdly, I noticed Tesco switched from labelling them "Muffins" to "English Muffins" awhile back.

>> No.15160960

Toofer woofer

>> No.15160966

Huh, they're 2 for $5 up in leafland. Adjusted for conversion, that's around 10 cents cheaper in burgerbucks.

>> No.15161063

I can only assume from your cavalier attitude that you have yet to partake in the wonderment that is the McGriddle. Let me enlighten you. What happens is the One True God grows them on trees in the Elysian Fields using a heretofore unused incantation. He then proceeds to magic them down to your local eatery where whatever Ghetto Bastard cook your McDonalds has rescued from welfare that week proceeds to wrap it in cellophane and pass it along to you, the fortunate consumer. You proceed to ingest this finery in the vain hope that your obviously over-matched taste buds can somehow grasp the delectable intricacies it is suddenlt faced with. Is that egg? Why yes it is, and bacon too. But wait-they didn't add... yes they did, yes they did indeed. They added cheese. And then, then my friends, they wrap it in a sumptuous pancake bun! As your taste buds try to process that amazing piece of information, IT hits them...the syrup nugget. THE MOTHERFUCKING SYRUP NUGGET! It announces itself with a burst of confectionery grandiosity the likes of which your palate has never seen.

If you EVER speak ill of the McGriddle again I will personally force-feed you one while I fuck you in the butt using the wrapper as a condom and then donkey punch you when the infused syrup nuggets explode in your mouth.

>> No.15161069

It has a lot of sugar in the bun, the cheese, and the sausage. It's just sugar.

>> No.15161073

The fact that this isn't pasta is disturbing.

>> No.15161166

True, McD's breakfast is pretty overrated IMO. Burritos and hashbrowns are really the only things that I like. Picante sauce is muy bueno.

>> No.15161685

To bad they stop selling em outside of breakfast hours. Fucking pissed.

>> No.15161691

I love McDonald's. It is my favorite fast food restaurant.

>> No.15161694

One of the many COVID casualties.

>> No.15161729

I lived in England until 15 and had never seen or heard of them.

>> No.15161741

Nothing beats a quarter pound of human flesh

>> No.15161756

There is nothing that will make me shit harder or faster than a hash brown, coffee and two of these lil niggas. Last time i had to pull over and shit on a snowbank. Thankfully i had the napkins still

>> No.15161763

It is now

>> No.15161766

You faggot! This could've been a McRib thread, but now it's too late!

>> No.15161774

The rib is the tastiest human cut.

>> No.15161854

Why would you eat what is essentially a pancake with syrup and sausage/bacon/egg/cheese? You eat those separate

>> No.15162642

I've been wondering what these taste like but I've never had one because I don't eat breakfast at fast food places

>> No.15162659

>I don't eat breakfast at fast food places
ur so special anon