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15151908 No.15151908 [Reply] [Original]

>want to go vegan, but eat a heavily fish and egg based diet. Barely any vegetables and only rice and white bread
>everytime I eat beans, chickpeas, hummus, most vegetables, I fart 30,000 times a day, feel bloated, get heartburn
>give up for a week then try again, same problem

Whats the solution? I can't constantly fart my entire life

>> No.15151933

Don't go vegan. Any diet that requires you to take additional supplements is not healthy. Fish and eggs are great for you. Though you should try and incorporate vegetables into your diet. I always make a salad with my meals. Once you find few recipes you like, along with homemade dressing, it's really not that hard and takes like 5 min to throw together

>> No.15151975

What the fuck kind of life do you have to have lived to be incapable of digesting a vegetable

>> No.15151978
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Name one essential vitamin or mineral you can't get on a vegan diet. I'll wait.
>inb4 you can't which proves you wrong

>> No.15151983

becoming vegan is almost never about health benefits or a healthy diet

>> No.15152012
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>you should try and incorporate vegetables into your diet

>> No.15152029

>Whats the solution?
don't go vegan retard
there's no moral basis for not eating dairy and eggs so long as you don't cause the animals undue suffering. vegans who would tell you otherwise are fanatics and should be ignored

fish don't feel pain as we understand it and mostly just respond to stimuli. if you're uncomfortable with killing fish then killing a shellfish is about the moral equivalent of killing a cockroach

90% of vegans have a B12 or iron deficiency
it's harder for your body to make use of ALA omega 3s

>> No.15152096

Don't go vegan retard. Cook legumes with spices that help digestion(cardamom, fresh ginger, cloves, fennel seeds, coriander ,cumin ,cinnamon). Get your gut bacteria on track with raw milk/kefir.

>> No.15152100 [DELETED] 

Veganism is a mental disorder?

>> No.15152134 [DELETED] 
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Make sure you are getting probiotics, you may need a supplement if you don't eat fermented foods regularly. If you can get your gut biome in check you won't have as much gas. It may take about two weeks of eating or taking in probiotics regularly before you see a difference.

Also, soaking grains and beans and even sprouting them some prior to cooking will aid in digestion and make them even more nutritious. Since you are cutting out a lot of meat and animal based foods you will only benefit from from the technique. https://zerowastechef.com/2017/02/09/sprout-grains-seeds/

>> No.15152143

>want to go vegan
bait thread

>> No.15152215
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>90% of vegans have a B12 or iron deficiency
it's harder for your body to make use of ALA omega 3s
Source? Maybe 50 years ago, however B12 is in everything from plant milk, to plant burgers, to cereal and even energy drinks. Iron is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world, not even just with vegans. A cup of lentils has a daily dose of iron. Vegans eat mostly plants and plants have the highest concentration of iron. Pretty much all vegan sources of protein have a ton of iron.
Omegas aren't essential however they do have a positive benefit on the body. A literal tablespoon of flax oil has more Omegas than you would get from a whole salmon.

Also that's not what I asked. I asked what you can't get on a vegan diet. It seems you must be deficient in something if you can't read.

Nice try though. BTFO

>> No.15152227

you will never ever be a woman

>> No.15152301

vitamin B12

>> No.15152311

Long-chain omega-3s, Iodine

>> No.15152316

This, and also a diet free of near-toxic levels of anti nutrients making you malnourished. Every single lifelong vegan I've ever known has been either Auschwitz-mode sickly like >>15152012
or obese from eating so many plant-based oreos.

>> No.15152333

>A cup of lentils has a daily dose of iron. Vegans eat mostly plants and plants have the highest concentration of iron. Pretty much all vegan sources of protein have a ton of iron.
The non-heme iron in plants is less bioavailable. I ended up with an iron deficiency as a vegetarian even though I was eating a lot of plant foods high in iron.

I don't eat meat that often, maybe once or twice a week at most. The rest of the time I have cheese or eggs instead. I don't feel satisfied with purely plant foods, and I think that's normal. Humans aren't herbivores and we thrive the most when some animal products are in our diet. I still wish we didn't have to kill for meat though and hope lab-grown meat eventually becomes identical to the real thing at a lower price. I'd happily switch to eating that instead.

>> No.15152537
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>Name one essential vitamin or mineral you can't get on a vegan diet. I'll wait.


>> No.15152576

Do you have any fuckin' idea how many lentils 200g of lentils is?

>> No.15152650
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Saturated animal fat
Heme iron
Omega vitamin's
Amino acids
Important enzymes

>> No.15152689

>However B12 is in everything from plant milk, to plant burgers, to cereal and even energy drinks.
Not real B12
>Pretty much all vegan sources of protein have a ton of iron.
Vegan protein is encased in fiber your body get's almost none of it
Vegan "iron" isn't real heme iron two different things
>A literal tablespoon of flax oil has more Omegas than you would get from a whole salmon.
Absolute lies you cannot get real omega's from seed's you are consuming toxic crap
>Also that's not what I asked. I asked what you can't get on a vegan diet. It seems you must be deficient in something if you can't read.
Nope the point still stands no iron no omega vitamins no B12

>> No.15152708


>> No.15152720

Is ejaculate considered vegan because it has the ability to provide essential micronutrients to the consumer and is available on a regular basis and is replenishable without adverse consequences for the supplier?
Having a Vegan girlfriend would be ideal albeit complicated as you will need to be able to cook separately for yourself.

>> No.15152763
File: 94 KB, 602x384, meat vs soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just want to remind you guys that vegans support pedophilia. Why else do you think they support looking as stunted, emaciated, weak and docile as possible?

>> No.15152798

Why dont you post yourself? You are a "meat eater" right?

>> No.15152803

>being vegan means you want others to look thin
>liking thin people means you are attracted to children
You're mentally ill (and fat).

>> No.15152857

>there's no moral basis for not eating dairy and eggs so long as you don't cause the animals undue suffering

Where are the male chickens? Where are the calves the milk is intended for? What happened to these animals when they aren't economically viable anymore? Where are the chickens beaks? The cows horns? Etc

>> No.15152885
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Lean is one thing, emaciated and developmentally stunted is different.

Go jack off to toddlers and tiaras, you kiddie diddler.

>> No.15153115

Noboedy said anything about children, you sick piece of shit.

>> No.15153126

And btw, kys.

>> No.15153142
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The only sick ones here are the vegans fetishizing children.

>> No.15153314

>a vegan diet is easy and healthy!!!
>just take a b12, dha, iodine, k2, vitamin D and iron supplement. Use vegan protein powder because you can't get enough from whole plants, spend half the day shitting or farting, and still slowly waste away and die early

Just think off all the animals you save! (None, they all die anyway. You infinitesimal small reduction in demand does nothing. If anything all it achieves is antinatalism for farm animals.) Make sure to alienate your friends and family along the way, and never enjoy food again. Forget about eating out, just spend your life autistically checking ingredients packets and being depressed because your body has no dietary cholesterol to turn into hormones.

>> No.15153336
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raise your own god damn food.
Chicken beaks will NOT be cut on small scale with adequate space, it is an unnecessary cost.
Also on small scale free range you will raise the male chicks as food, eating them just before they become violent and rapey (10-22 weeks old).

Small farms will also get heritage dual purpose breeds of cows, they will also try to keep the baby with the mother as the mother produces more than enough milk to share. You either breed the males or you castrate and eat them.

Dehorning makes a ton of sense. I recently heard of some dumbass farm sanctuary that had to surrender over 100 cows, 5 had to be put down, and many others had to be dehorned and had to had pregnancies terminated. People don't do this shit because they are sadists.

Of course you can also get a cow like a black angus, which is purely a meat cow but naturally does not have horns.

But idk, everyone makes a big deal about dying, but is death really so horrible? Especially when a slaughter is done correctly?

>> No.15153409

I'm vegan and barely ever fart, did in the beginning but your body gets used to it. I don't eat tins of beans everyday and make sure to get lots of probiotics, I try to eat mostly fats so maybe that's why.

>> No.15153415


>> No.15153420

iron and omegas you can get on a vegan diet. B12 is not but all your livestock get supplemented with it anyway, kek even your dairy milk is fortified.

>> No.15153433

As the other guy said, a daily's iron income is 200g lentils.
Ever tried eating four big bowls of lentils, or equivalent? Really planning on trying it for the rest of your life?
Even if you can stomach it, that much fibre is going to shred your insides.

>> No.15153456
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> even your dairy milk is fortified.
blocks your path

>> No.15153502

Poor eurofag student reporting in. I went vegan a few months ago for financial reasons. The other anons are right, you do need to supplement certain vitamins like B12 but for the most part you can get everything you need from vegetables and grains.

>> No.15153519

Soak your beans overnight before cooking. Also just take beano or something if farting really rustles your jimmies that much. Also, go scope out an Asian market around you. They have a lot of vegan friendly stuff there that is cheap

>> No.15153768

Wait, really? Hummus makes you sick? Most beans make me so sick to my stomach that I avoid them, but I can eat hummus or chickpeas all day without any discomfort, there's barely any fiber in them.

>> No.15153848

Question: are all legumes beans?
Like obviously soybeans and black, white, mung, and kidney beans are beans.
But are peas beans? Are peanuts beans? I know they are legumes, but are they beans?

>> No.15153944

Literally in table salt

>> No.15153962

>but eat a heavily fish and egg based diet
>Fish and eggs are great for you.
I'm not vegan, in fact I used to be vegan and it's awful I eat meat now and it's great but most fish is just toxic garbage full of mercury and microplastics.

>> No.15153969

>I can't constantly fart my entire life
Weird. I can.

>> No.15154028

I think they're only beans with sufficient protein AND fiber content

>> No.15154412

That has nothing to do with vegans retard

>> No.15154419

>I'm eating poison why do I feel terrible

Just eat cheeseburgers you fat roastie

>> No.15154431


Don't. It's a stupid meme diet. I know a ton of health/fitness fanatics. It's not good for you. And if you do, like the faggot tranny you are, you need to supplement like a mf

>> No.15154447

>beans, chickpeas, hummus, vegetables
How fat ARE you? Jesus christ

>> No.15154502

What doesn't? You being attracted to small children? Or you being stunted?

>> No.15154518

Look Roastie we are both in agreement that you want to die so keep eating poison thank God you can't reproduce

>> No.15154753
File: 77 KB, 210x256, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he's taking to a woman on this website
>he thinks vegetables are poison
Pic related

>> No.15154770
File: 262 KB, 393x616, 1606725286458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going vegan is fine, but remember if you are a breastfeeding mother and your silly diet fad ends up hurting your baby you can be charged for it now. You'll lose custody of the kid.

Just don't put others at risk with your life choices.

>> No.15154800

You can't reproduce either incel and not just because no female wants you but because your veganism shrunk your previously tiny testicles

>> No.15154845


>is 10 years older than freelee
>has 3 adult daughters
>freelee is sterile
>looks 10 years younger than freelee
>eats mostly animal products

>> No.15154872

dont you ever, ever threaten to take my kids off me

>> No.15154917


>> No.15155104

vegan kids will unironically grow up IQ stunted because they inevitably aren't going to get enough bioavailable vitamin A and B during the stages they need it the most

>> No.15155152

meat eating lurker here.
why does all this anti vegan screeching feel like some sort of conspiracy to me?
really suspicious....

>> No.15155164

Because you are a brain dead vegan

>> No.15155178

nice try shmenellope but you aint a woman

>> No.15155199

not anti vegan, though I do hate 99 percent of vegans I talk to. I don't hate them because they are vegan, but because they claim I'm a rapist murderer because I don't eat their diet.
It's like, I don't care if an individual is pro life and won't abort if they get pregnant because of their subjective morals, but when they try to shame other people for getting abortions', that's when people get annoyed.

>> No.15155325

Why does that annoy you? They think abortions killing babies. It would be crazy for them not to try and interfere

>> No.15155386

I mean, abortions IS killing babies, but you have to be retarded to not realize that. Personally I don't care what a person does to their unborn baby. I mean, desu if they are willing to kill it before it's born then it's probably for the best that the baby isn't born.

And it doesn't annoy me because I wouldn't get an abortion, but if I was someone trying to get rid of an unwanted baby and people shit on me for it, I'd be pretty annoyed.

>> No.15155428

How is it rational to be annoyed that someone who thinks that you're killing a baby is trying to stop you from killing a baby? Everybody agrees that killing babies is wrong and that we shouldn't do it, so if you accept that abortion is killing babies then the only thing to do is stop it.
Let me guess, you haven't even thought about it for five minutes. You're gonna say "I don't care if people kill babies", because you want to win the argument and you don't care about being honest, so instead of actually thinking about how you'd feel if someone killed their five-month old right in front of you, you're just gonna double down on your feeling of annoyance without any argument to justify it.

>> No.15155450

Babies aren't 5 months old when they are aborted. They are aborted before they are born. Also abortions are private procedures. So unless I become an abortion doctor, I am never going to see an unborn baby killed in front of me.

I've thought about it long and hard. If someone wants to kill their own unborn baby then they probably aren't going to be great mothers. We have people who are fucked up because their mothers never loved them, why make more?

>> No.15155527

So you do care if people kill babies, you just think that abortion doesn't count as killing babies, which is the opposite of what you originally said. Why? Why do you draw a distinction between born babies and unborn babies?

>> No.15155548

Shut up vegan.

>> No.15155565

>want to go vegan
Why would you want to do that? It sounds like you do well when eating a mixed diet, and that a vegan diet literally makes you sick.

A fish-heavy diet is already pretty fucking healthy. You're not going to get much better off by going entirely veg.

>> No.15155580

Surprised no one has mentioned that OP sounds like he has issues with FODMAP's.

I never understood why I could chow down on strawberries and blueberries like no tomorrow but if I even look at a banana, smell cooked onions, or dip anything in hummus I am on the train to gas, indigestion, and heartburn.

>> No.15155588

>all your livestock get supplemented with it anyway
why have vegans been spreading this lie so much lately?

>> No.15155594

don't endanger their lives or do anything else that makes you unfit to be a parent and you won't have to worry about it

>> No.15155635

not a vegan based dubs, but it is true that livestock are provided supplements. A big issue is that modern soil is kind of shit due to most people managing livestock poorly, either with CAFOS or with improper pasture rotation. I think we could reduce or even eliminate the need for supplementation if we would focus more on pasture and soil biodiversity as opposed to just breeding the biggest, fattest animals we can,

>> No.15155656

then why do farmers say that they only supplement them with b12 if they're sick? i think i'll trust the actual experts on this one.

>> No.15155666


what farmers are you talking to?
Most farmers I know provide minerals to their livestock and feed is usually fortified.

>> No.15155682

Your personal gut microbiome plays a major part in how digestible you find certain foods. There's not really any sturdily tested method but you could try this regimen (both substances are harmless even if it doesn't work):

-5-10g of l-glutamine a day for 2 weeks (might be helpful for sleep so taking before bed may be ideal)
-then for 3-5 days, take 1 tb of bentonite clay mixed with water (source it from a trustworthy seller like redmond)
-afterwards, consume a lot of fermented vegetables for a week or two (fermented dairy IF you know you tolerate dairy with 0 problems). as much kimchi or sauerkraut you can handle stomaching.

This is the kind of protocol that other people have used to adjust and patch up their microbiome to address digestion and food intolerance issues. This could soften the impact that previously gas-inducing foods have on you. I did this and I don't react nearly as badly to cocoa and chickpeas as I used to.

>> No.15155689

Are you gonna tell him about how bentonite clay makes your shits weird?

>> No.15155696

I didn't get anything too bad from 4 days of taking it. The 2 times I tried 1 charcoal capsule were much worse

>> No.15155707

why were you eating charcoal?

>> No.15155711

I'm very allergic to paprika and I ate jerky that had some in it. The other time it was fried rice that had some paprika in it

>> No.15155718

Damn that sucks. Are you allergic to a lot of food or something?

>> No.15155737

No, it's just the paprika allergy that can knock me out for a few hours if I have more than a sprinkle. Octopus, scallops and shrimp make my throat itch and swell a bit but it isn't serious if I have some by accident like if it's chopped up into fried rice.
Eggs and cocoa can give me some indigestion but these days it's only if I binge on them.

>> No.15155914

Couldn't help it could you. Look up food nutrition before you eat it/ restrict your diet. Fish in general is fine i dunno what your eating.

>> No.15155928

where are you gonna get your omega 3s if you cant even let yourself eat some wild caught deenz?

>> No.15156164

>from plants

Nigger you’re eating oil

>> No.15156179

>shaming other people for murdering their own baby is bad

>> No.15156189

your mom should have murdered you when you were a baby

>> No.15157044

In terms of health, it is probably pescatarian > vegetarian > vegan > meat-based diet
So you're good as you are now.

>> No.15157065

Vegans are often extremists, anyone can simply eat less American productsand make a proportional impact.

Eating half as much meat and dairy isn't really a hastle at all- but giving up completely is really tough.
It's more pragmatic to all eat a bit less than a few extremists eating none

>> No.15157116
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Ya damn fuckin right I am, cunt

>> No.15157137

oh and I forgot to mention as a just-in-case precaution, while fermented vegetables or fermented dairy you don't have to be cautious about, don't recklessly go down the route of consuming probiotic tablets or capsules. Some who were to eager to consume several of them ended up messing with their digestion in a bad way

>> No.15157190

The solution is to incorporate those vegetables into your main diet first. If you can get your body used to them while you're still eating fish and eggs, you'll have less instances of the "side effects". Over time, phase out the meats and eggs and whatever else and in its stead add more beans, more lentils, etc. I'm assuming you already have a structured eating plan as it is quite easy to fuck it up and end up going Aushwitz mode, or worse, being a fat vegan. The gas happens to a lot of newer vegans, so don't be discouraged because of that. It will take some time, but it will go away as long as you are consistent in your eating habits. If you keep fucking around with your diet, apparently the gas/heartburn comes back.

You're going to hear a lot of people saying not to do what you're doing, but honestly why would you give a fuck what some random retard thinks? The antivegans can be, ironically, just as preachy and annoying as vegans tend to be.

>> No.15157575

>Whats the solution? I can't constantly fart my entire life
The solution is to eat a normal diet and stop being a faggot. Being vegan is not fucking healthy, it is dumb and anyone claiming otherwise is dumber.

There is no problem in eating your fish and eggs, it is far healthier than being vegetarian, I would just add more vegetables to your diet.

>> No.15157689

FEED is fortified with b12 because FEED is not a cows natural diet
A cow eating only grass needs ZERO supplements

>> No.15157894
File: 169 KB, 1485x928, deer eating human remains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and no. A cow on healthy soil that has healthy levels of cobalt will not need b12. The soil will also need heavy levels of other minerals and vitamins. But it's always wise if you plan to have a cattle herd to have minerals available for the cows to free feed from incase they need it even if you are pasture/grass feeding them. It's not super expensive and hopefully it's not needed, but it's not worth risking just so you can try to prove a point to some vegans who absolutely NEED supplements no matter what. Even ruminants in the wild such as deer will supplement minerals by eating carrion.

>> No.15157914

Your gonna miss the meat bro dont go vegan

>> No.15157935

Veganism is a suicide cult

>> No.15157945

I have no problems with vegans but many of them just cant shut tf up about it and tries to force everyone to go vegan

>> No.15157961

Right on

>> No.15158110

Bruh they can't even keep their own kind vegan but they keep trying to convert new members

>> No.15158544


Because they are tasty, have a low caloric cost and are full of micronutrietns and fiber.

>> No.15158554

damn almost like we evoloved eating an omnivore diet. crazy.