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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15147798 No.15147798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>when you realize anything that taste good is unhealthy

>> No.15147807

"Lies morbidly obese cretins tell themselves to alleviate self-loathing."

>> No.15147810

there is healthy food that tastes good, the problem is you have to put way more effort into putting together a healthy meal for yourself than just buying a burg at mcdonalds

>> No.15147820

kill yourself fatso

>> No.15147823

Nigger all vegetables taste great and they are good for you

>> No.15147831

>all vegetables taste great
except radishes

>> No.15147833

Dude. Honestly I kind a feel sorry for you. There is so much healthy tasty food out there. Have you tried a Kenway salad? Or a nice Japanese soup? Just replace the noodles with cabbage if you are doing low carb.

>> No.15147836

Beef stew easy
Veggie Stir fry easy (dont over oil(
Pho soup w/bone broth easy
Chicken potatoes Roast ez
Goat Biryani easy
Pineapple veggies salsa and tacos EASY
Wow healthy food is so DIFFICULT why is it so HARD to COOK VEGETABLES and lean MEATS i hate cooking VEGETABLE and LEAN MEAT because its HARD
Fatties seethe

>> No.15147840
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Stop deluding yourself to liking that shit. we live in a world where we don't need to torture ourselves by eating grass.

>> No.15147848

The fact that you call all food that isn't greasy slop "grass" tells me you weigh at least 300 lbs.

>> No.15147854
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>> No.15147855

nothing wrong with 300lbs. I'm a good boy and I just try to enjoy life.

>> No.15147862

There are even drugs with pretty good taste you idiot.

>> No.15147868

>what is daikon
>what is fresh spring radish
I dislike the green radish, and old radishes can be tough and dry, but don't give up on them.

The main problem is tasty healthy food is fucking expensive.
>non-seasonal tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers
>actually flavorful salads like rucola

Sugar, fat and glutamate is cheap.

>> No.15147875

"Unhealthy" doesn't mean "anything that's more than a few tens of calories per portion" when you're not a fat fuck and your diet is varied. Nor does "tastes good" mean "is bathed in grease".

>> No.15147882

This. Also they think anything that isn't boiled broccoli and carrots is "unhealthy". They can't into moderation so they call anything with calories "unhealthy".

>> No.15147886
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Pickled stuff are the goat food. Currently eating spicy pickled daikon, shit's fucking amazing

>> No.15147906

Eating unhealthy food makes you feel like shit. Eating healthy food makes you feel good. I know it's hard to learn to cook healthy. Especially if you grew up on shit. But I promise you. You will feel so much better eating real good food. And good food can be tasty. You can have it all. Just put the work in and do some research:)
Healthy food doesn't have to be expensive. Check out Asian food. Especially Japanese soups.

>> No.15147916

>Nor does "tastes good" mean "is bathed in grease".
sure does help.

>> No.15147927

I'm not a lardarse so I don't need to drench food in grease in order for my taste buds to feel anything

>> No.15148091

>the problem is you have to put way more effort into putting together a healthy meal for yourself than just buying a burg at mcdonalds
I just make a big pot of soup on Sunday, then spend 5 minutes in the morning pouring it in a thermos and preparing a basic sandwich. It takes way less effort than going through McDonald's daily would, and it doesn't give me a massive headache like fast food does.

>> No.15148310

"Unhealthy" food is not unhealthy in itself. You need fat, sugar, salt, etc. in moderation. It's only considered unhealthy because we eat too much of it BECAUSE it tastes good. You wouldn't eat too much fat if it didn't taste good. If antioxidants tasted good you'd be eating too many of them and they'd be called junk food.

>> No.15148316
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>be american
>learn many addictions growing up
>be told its normal since everyone lives this way
>turns out american habit are harmful
>have to unlearn them bc health reasons
>lose all will to live
>eat bullet

Many such cases

>> No.15148321

even if i thought healthy foods tasted like shit, i would still eat them every day just to make sure that i never become a fat slob like you