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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.95 MB, 3024x3024, 4-way_Cincinnati_chili_from_Camp_Washington_Chili_in_Cincinnati_OH_USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15147717 No.15147717 [Reply] [Original]

Is this shit any good? A lot of anons on here talk about it. Does it really have chocolate, cinnamon and cloves? Why so much cheese?

>> No.15147736

Yes it is good. Do not get the canned stuff. Go to an actual Skyline in Cincinnati.

>> No.15147741

Yes it is good. If you want to try it, do not get the canned stuff. Go to an actual Skyline in Cincinnati. That being said, it is not so good that it is worth going to Cincinnati just to try the chili.

>> No.15147818

do not eat that.
you really shouldn't eat cheese at all.

>> No.15147821

This was on the simpsons last night.. did you meme this beast to life like baneposting?

>> No.15147827

cincy chili is so damn good. acquired taste though.

>> No.15147838

A new episode?

>> No.15147877

Looks like garbage to me.

>> No.15147960

Ya the one last night had a whole Cincinnati plot line. It closed on them eating chili. Enjoy your screen grabs, shitposter

>> No.15147987

I dont care for it

>> No.15148002


>> No.15148004
File: 2.77 MB, 640x360, 1606592327444.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well put.

>> No.15148031

how the FUCK do you eat the cheese on top? does it melt? i can't imagine myself eating that much cheese in one go on its own

>> No.15148052

this, their hot dogs are meh, you can get chili dogs at Sonic, get their 5 way

>> No.15148415

It's shit. Only the poor side of town eats it.

>> No.15148774



>> No.15148790

wE dO tHiNgS dIfFeReNtLy In OhIo, cHiEf.

>> No.15148794
File: 35 KB, 500x500, sktemp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strawman, I know that's you.

>> No.15148816

Why do you keep saying this? Skyline and Gold Star are just as popular on the East side as they are in fucking Lockland, Cheviot and Price Hill.

>> No.15148878
File: 473 KB, 792x537, Sneedline Chili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15148892

why do they look so fucked

>> No.15148923

Skinner bit a clove

>> No.15148940

Go away spamming faggot

>> No.15148955

what the hell kind of bowls are those?

>> No.15148969

The city slickers making modern simpsons are retarded, don't think too hard about it.

>> No.15148985

>Why so much cheese?
same reason applebee's does

>> No.15149011

Tell me what is the difference between having one of these threads everyday and all the other /general/ threads?

>> No.15149040

Formerly chucks

>> No.15149052

It makes triptrannies seethe. Seems pretty based to me.

>> No.15149058


>> No.15149835

This thread again?

>> No.15149883
File: 989 KB, 3360x2100, 8264889283664850828hdf883yh87ys723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually animated the specific skyline on the street I used to live on. Pretty fun

>> No.15149903

Based Skyposting

>> No.15150163

This is objectively not true. Both Madeira and Blue Ash have their own Cincinnati style chili places. That’s not to mention all the skylines on the East side

>> No.15150220

I was born without a brain

>> No.15150236

>t. Newportbro

>> No.15150241

Will Chile Colorado posting be back in style soon or is this shit peak /ck/?

>> No.15150396


I love the way he puts his head down like "God why am I doing this stupid shit..." I admire his resolve. This niggers got sand.

>> No.15151666


>> No.15152419

Its pretty decent actually

>> No.15153896

Colorado is now one big In-n-Out drive through.

>> No.15154747
File: 41 KB, 152x254, 1599321140420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not me. These threads are funny

>> No.15154787

>well Seymour I made it to the Freedom Mesusem. Despite your directions.

>> No.15154806

no YOU shouldn't eat cheese at all, you weak bellied pussy. go make some cauliflower pasta bitch

>> No.15154972 [DELETED] 

secret mukbang stream
see name

>> No.15155712

I know about Blue Ash Chili, but where is there an independent chili parlor in Madeira?

>> No.15155789

Any other tri-staters here? Do you actually eat at slophouses like Skyline/Gold Star/Empress/College Hill etc? I haven't eaten this outside of my own kitchen in decades. Skyline and Goldstar are especially bad about greasiness and scuminess.

>> No.15155796

Skyline gives me the most intensely vinegary smelling shits

>> No.15155800

its disgusting.

>> No.15156125

Just found out that it closed a few years back, but it was called JK Chili. It was right next to that Ameri-Stop by the post office