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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15136697 No.15136697 [Reply] [Original]

I currently have covid and no sense of smell whatsoever, and partially lost sense of taste, but I can still feel the basic sweet/sour/bitter and hot food is ok(as in hot pepper/sauce). What can I cook that would be at least somewhat enjoyable?

>> No.15136698

eat a bullet before you infect someone else

>> No.15136720

for now just focus on eating healthy dude
your body needs good nutrition to fight off any kind of sickness

>> No.15136729

apple crisp has interesting mouth feel strata and is sweet

>> No.15136756

Try Sichuan peppercorn. It's another food that is "felt" in addition to being simply tasted.

Mapo tofu is a good dish that features that ingredient.

>> No.15136773

Thank you anon, but it's been going on for 12 days and I ate mostly healthy food which tastes like water. Desperately in need of something else.

Thank you, i'll try that.

>> No.15136788

Have a nice bowl of spicy Korean bibimbap then
Nutritious and tastes amazing
Or try jjajangmyeon

>> No.15136790 [DELETED] 

jajangmyeon fucking sucks dude

>> No.15136800

fuck you i love it

>> No.15136828

How’d you get COVID, anyway? Recklesness?

>> No.15136852

From my girlfriend probably. Almost didn't come out of the house because I work remotely.

>> No.15137083

Jajajngmyeon sucks
Girlfriends suck

>> No.15137094

Horseradish, my lad.

>> No.15137144

>your teeth gonna fall out too:
better stick to pudding and porridge. put some tabasco or sriracha all over it

>> No.15137157

Try chicken soup with peppers. I don't know if you can get it but try drinking karha.

>> No.15137227


The sun is a tabloid you fucking retard

>> No.15137290

Just google it, there are legitimate news sources reporting on it.

>> No.15137295


No news source is legitimate. Journos are scum. They get the rope first.

>> No.15137300

>Farah Khemili had suffered with Covid-19 in the spring, although it is not clear if she was formally diagnosed.
Nice reporting

>> No.15137309

After Death and everything above it uses pepper extract to boost the heat. I prefer to stay below that.

>> No.15137336

You should wet fast until your case of the Whuhan Flu has cleared up

>> No.15137694
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>> No.15138311

Make a nice soup or stew dish and add asian hot pot mix to it for spiciness. I am only familiar with the spicy hot solid, not liquidy packages. Nom.

>> No.15138849

this is bullshit but ever since I was sick with covid earlier in the spring my hair has been falling out. last week I found my first bald spot

>> No.15138916

you should beat the shit out of your gf

>> No.15139439

try some tom yum/po taek, nice thai sweet and sour soup

>> No.15139783
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Is it just me or are hot sauces actually not that hot or am I doing something wrong?
I've tasted a 500 thousand scoville sauce on top of a grill steak and I felt a slight heat inside my mouth and my nose was running, but there was never a point where my face would go red, where I'd feel intense pain or start sweating, I don't even get a feeling of having to drink something cool
Am I resistant to hot things or is the hotness just a state of mind?

>> No.15139810

shut up faggot

>> No.15139816

I was asking a genuine question, why do you have to get so pissy about it?

>> No.15139834

newsflash - you all are going to get it

>> No.15139892

Have you grown up with spicy food? My parents used peppers and hot sauces as a punishment anytime I said a cuss words, and I've been cussing like a sailor since I was a small child; my first memory was getting in trouble at a daycare at the age of four, for calling a girl a stupid motherfucker. Anyways, my folks started with jalapenos, which I liked, and kept getting hotter and hotter because I liked all of the spicy shit and didn't think of it as punishment, and just kept up my potty mouth. They gave up when they caught me putting the hottest sauce they had, something called "Holy Shit", on my baloney sandwich. That was a sauce that even they wouldn't eat. Today, I can probably eat pure capsaicin and just get a tingle.

>> No.15139922

lucky, covid gave me celiac disease

>> No.15139969

No. As far as I know, this was my first time ever eating something "spicy". I didn't like spicy stuff as a kid, growing older I've stopped being picky about things to eat, always trying new things, this was a first for me and I didn't feel the heat.

I also got into trouble at a daycare telling a girl to "shut the fuck up" because she was parroting me annoyingly. The carers heard this and put me in detention until my mom came to pick me up and had us discuss about what I had done.
I cussed a lot as a kid but around the age of 18-20 I stopped and only sometimes slip them out subconsciously when talking with friends.

>> No.15140011

I just became the stereotypical tatted up chef who constantly shouts obscenities. Anyways, maybe you caught the coof, although I had it in April and never lost my smell or taste. And spicy isn't actually a flavor, it's a sensation caused by capsaicin irritating the nerves in the mucus membranes in your mouth, the same membranes are in your asshole and that's why it burns when you shit, and it's also why people tend to develop a tolerance to spicy foods over time, and a tolerance to spicy asshole.

>> No.15141462

How's your pulse? I keep reading stories about people who get up to walk to another room and their pulse is like 120 or some shit

>> No.15142193

Ultra Death Sauce is fucking savage.
Took me like 3 years to finish off a bottle!

>> No.15142212

shut up faggot

>> No.15142813

Ok Glenn Beck

>> No.15143971
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>muh day of the rope

>> No.15143976

im already like that because im a huge lardass

>> No.15143988

taste my hairy nuts

>> No.15143994

Can you keep your discord gang on /pol/?

>> No.15144338

Infect as much jews and mutts before you kick the bucket, also you should make some sweet and sour fish

>> No.15144696

There's something to this. I had antibodies testing on Friday and they said I was positive for antibodies despite never getting sick. I wear a fitbit and the only apparent symptom I ever had was my resting heart rate going from the low 60s to the high 70s for a week or so about a month ago.

>> No.15144716
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I got Covid recently and have been eating a lot of vegetable soup I made the other day. I didn't even know I was sick except the test I got told me I was positive, and my throat was a little sore. I don't know if it's because I'm young or because I have a healthy diet but my experience has led me to believe that this is a bitch ass virus that I shouldn't be concerned about at all