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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15131317 No.15131317 [Reply] [Original]

Why is American food universally frowned upon?

>> No.15131327

it's not, thats british food you think of

>> No.15131334
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Because after europeans murdered 99% of the native inhabitants, there was no american food left. What replaced it was badly remembered sloppa, given the names of foods already invented. The europeans born in america then tried to tell other countries what their culture is, and were laughed at.

>> No.15131340


>> No.15131357

Don't know what you're talking about. McDonald and KFC are everywhere, everyone loves american fast food. Personally I have american style glazed wings in my fridge right now. I mean it's not as refined, varied, nutritious and elegant like Italian, Japanese or French but it's very tasty, cozy and has some unique ideas of it's own. USA food is continental east Asian tier which is very good. I'm Polish btw if it matters.

>> No.15131372

>Why is American food universal?
Fixed it

>> No.15131375
File: 59 KB, 640x640, kfc_world_domination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb bait everyone eats the shit, to the point that many foods that America globalized aren't recognizably "American" anymore. A lot of our fast food chains have more international locations than domestic ones.
Of course, you can play the game of discounting anything America popularized as not really being American. No matter what the food, someone else cooked it or something similar somewhere else between 10,000BC-1776AD.

>> No.15131383

Kfc isn't even good
Why the fuck is it everywhere? I'd get it if it were mcdonalds but kfc is shit

>> No.15131392

Puppets of Israel.

>> No.15131405

When a chain restaurant expands to another country everything about it is rebuild to better fit that country's economy which means the food can be very much different. There are differences even between cities. In USA KFC is much worse then in Poland, Italy and Germany (thats where I tried it) because in USA it's meant for stupid niggers that can't cook and it's made by stupid niggers that can't cook, and in Europe it's meant to be tempting even to people who can cook a delicious meal at home so the standard is significantly higher.

>> No.15131408

America is a GOAT food country insofar as it's a melting pot and has great iterations of other cuisines and melded influences like with creole food and loads of immigrant communities.

the joke is like midwestern church potlock food like canned green bean casserole and frito pie and mashmellows with kumura and all that gross shit which seems to an extent to be stuff everyone likes and just in general the industrialised post-culture society which embraces microwaves and garlic powder and canned food and just laziness incarnate especially with people who take themselves seriously while doing it.

>> No.15131413

Because its extremely diverse and so people just pick the type of Amercian food they hate the most. Bitch about it and ignore the rest.

>> No.15131414

They specialize in fast food of the world's most consumed meat. It makes sense.

>> No.15131420

>it's a melting pot
Nah, you don't get the appeal of American cuisine for the rest of the world. It's good because it has intense savory and sweet flavors and is extremely unhealthy which has the forbidden fruit appeal. Outside of USA nobody cares about Americanized tacos and pizza but they care about the BBQ, hamburgers and fried chicken.

>> No.15131422

It's a lot of work to fry chicken.

>> No.15131432

Access to actual good American BBQ outside the US is extremely rare. Most people will have never had it, and already have their own style of meat over fire.

Whereas, pizza is absolutely seen through the lense of america for most of the world. Not Italy. As are tacos.

>> No.15131447

For me it's the price I can't stand, the quality is fine. I once actually had my parents grill me about the ridiculous charge on their bank account after sending me to get some things there. They thought I'd paid no attention and let them get it wrong and screw me.
I can get 8 pieces of fried chicken at a supermarket for $5-6. They taste alright.

>> No.15131451

American style pizza is everywhere not because it's better then italian but because it's better suited for mass production so the costs are lower and therefore the price is lower. When someone wants an actually good pizza they go to an italian restaurant or a place that specializes in italian pizza. Don't get me wrong american style pizza is good but when people order it around the world they don't even think of it as something american in nature nor that it is better then the original italian. They think of it as the "generic and cheap but still pretty good" imitation of the italian recipe, not as something american in nature. People will in their heads sooner connect american style pizza to a factory or a corporation then the USA. Nobody even ever calls it "american style pizza". It's just americans that do it.

>> No.15131483

yeah i don't think of 'italian' or 'american' pizza either but regional styles from either country.
Italian pizza to me is Neapolitan and it's kind of soupy in the middle and eaten with a knife and fork, it's typical, quite idiosyncratic really. Great though.
'normal' high tier pizza is new york style. I'd say that's really more what most high end pizzareas globally immitate.
and then both countries have a full gambit of wierd regional styles with thick bready doughs and meme toppings and shit.

I don't even consider your typical garbage pizza in the pizza conversation.

>> No.15131491

Personally I just order a cheap pizza, scrape most of the cheese and toppings off, add three or four pieces of basil as asymmetrically as I can, and try to feel really smug when I eat it.

>> No.15131492

>Italian pizza to me is Neapolitan and it's kind of soupy in the middle and eaten with a knife and fork
You have clearly never had italian pizza you stupid faggot.

>> No.15131508

yes i have, in Neopolitia

beautiful city

>> No.15131523

>'normal' high tier pizza is new york style. I'd say that's really more what most high end pizzareas globally immitate.
It's not the first time I hear this but it's totally wrong. All the best pizzerias around the world have either italian style pizza or play on italian style pizza. I don't know where people get the idea that new york style pizza is a big thing outside of US cause it's not. It does appear here and there but it's not more high tier then italian.

>> No.15131543

it's because pretending to be italian is part of american culture
I think often they're immitating americans pretending to be italian.

there's a chinese restaurant in auckland which is a franchise from a restaurant in china aimed solely at chinese people in nz, which serves like chips and fried donuts and stuff that cheap chinese takeaways in nz serve for kiwis.
so it's an nz version of a chinese version of an nz version of a chinese restaurant in nz for chinese people

pizza is the same.

>> No.15131549

There's normal pizza and Italian pizza. High-end normal pizza is the stuff they jizz over in New York. High-end italian pizza is what they serve in fancy restaurants.
The shit is made differently with some general differences in ingredients.
If a regular pizza is a low-end Italian pizza than my bagel bites are just very low-end Italian pizzas.

>> No.15131550

>pretending to be italian is part of american culture
No one wants to be you except the mutts whose lineage came from your shithole. What's hilarious is that Italians like to one up each other on how Italian they are. It's pathetic.

>> No.15131555

American food is basically either
>ground meat with an insane amount of fat and grease couple with still more fat and grease in the form of cheese
>bastardized homunculus of some other country's native food cooked with local sloppa ingredients and rendered unrecognizable by adding 10x as much butter or cheese as the original
>bread or some other starch combined with way too much butter and either cinnamon/sugar or, you guessed it, more cheese
>wash it down with concentrated corn syrup
>processed Hostess for "dessert," as if the sugar slurry preceding it wasn't enough
I like American food, but you can't deny it's objectively pretty fucking disgusting in its preparation. Also, anything you buy premade in a store you KNOW is processed to hell and is packed with seed oil and concentrated corn syrup. There's a reason it's hard to stay slim here.

>> No.15131556

So angry lol, libtard triggered.

>> No.15131563

>he doesn't want to be Italian
>he must be a liberal
Enter the Twilight Zone, where we explore the deranged mindset of Italians, the niggers of Europe who can't cope with not being glorified.

>> No.15131569

I'm not italian, I'm just laughing at your schizo sperg out moment.

>> No.15131584

>hurrdurr "libtard triggered"
>schizo sperg
>I was only acting retarded
Get some help, you loser.

>> No.15131585

seethe harder faggot, lmfao

>> No.15131589

>>bastardized homunculus of some other country's native food cooked with local sloppa ingredients and rendered unrecognizable by adding 10x as much butter or cheese as the original
stuff like creole food turning mirepoix into onions, celery and bell pepper because they didn't have carrots is just legit. it's interesting seeing food change like that. a diaspora adapting to a new regions food is authentic.

>> No.15131592

>if I say I'm winning what I perceive to be sick bants, I am
Somehow, your life is still probably shitty, anon. You can have this one if it makes you feel better.

>> No.15131601

Thats right. I win and laugh and you seethe and lose. It does make me feel good. Anything else, fag?

>> No.15131606

i'm not italian or american lol
i said where i'm from

>> No.15131607

KFC is much better in yurop for some reason. Less salt, and better chicken is my best guess.

>> No.15131608

KFC is a lot better outside of America than it is inside America.

>> No.15131679

In the end of the day it's an inferiority complex other countries have
You always have to lash out at the successful one

>> No.15131788
File: 16 KB, 364x212, 1407225127511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would non-Americans talk about if U.S.A. didn't exist? We'll never know.

>> No.15131800

Jealousy, envy etc

>> No.15131893

They'll find another country to seethe about.

>> No.15131903

Funny because fastfood is pretty much americas biggest export. Other countries apparently cant get enough of our shittiest quality food.

>> No.15131949

It's only shit in America, just like all American exports. We get the best version of your domestic slop.

>> No.15132098

Fucking based.

>> No.15132104

Every ethnicity has another ethnicity they shittalk about. Its human nature.
Unless you're a mutt, in which case, you just hate everyone with a distinguished history out of resentment.

>> No.15132106

>i bet youre life is shitty
>that's right

>> No.15132108

>Unless you're a mutt, in which case, you just hate everyone with a distinguished history out of resentment
but less than half of americans are republican

>> No.15132113

It's because it's literal low class garbage here
If you want good chicken you go elsewhere, where in your country fast food is your best quality food lol

>> No.15132128

your "shittiest quality food " is the only unique sort of food you have .

>> No.15132144

Native food here like potatoes, corn and the like are used more then whatever uncultured European shit you have since you all became dependent on potatoes by the 1800s

>> No.15132148

>he doesnt know about cajun food
>he doesn't know about soul food
why even live

>> No.15132151

Jealousy/lack of tradition

>> No.15132161

Are you native ?

>> No.15132176

Define native
Because then Europeans couldn't count their countries food as their own since they got conquered and expanded from that

>> No.15132184

>flyover food is American food
Anywhere that isn't midwest has high quality food. You've clearly never had New England seafood

>> No.15132191

Unironically eat a 12g slug

>> No.15132197

>distinguished history out of resentment
Lmao anyone whose studied American history knows that Democrats were flagrantly racist up until around the 70's

>> No.15132302

>implying they still arent

>> No.15132310
File: 80 KB, 400x369, 1606485486394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to write a coherent sentence you ape.

>> No.15132329

Americans tend to cook like children that have had access to the fridge while the parents are gone, and don't know what they are doing. That, their architecture and cultural imperialism (think Marvel movies) tends to give an impression of "plastic" culture.

I know it's not true American cooking (or culture), but still

>> No.15132334

You literally just got proven wrong and are trying to shift the subject ESL

>> No.15132343

>were flagrantly racist up until around the 70's
lol retard thinks im talking about history and not current events

>> No.15132360
File: 425 KB, 1366x561, vvMt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean left is typical American household architecture and right is popular European architecture

>> No.15132385

>cherrypicking this bad
Sure, but when you say "american housing", the images that jump to mind are those knightmarish suburbias (we have some of those in Europe, but not of this scale), or flat cities with "cardboard" houses

>> No.15132391

america has the best food. america has taken shitty foods and made them good (chinese and texmex for example). this thread is fucking gay

>> No.15132425

>distinguished history
>I'm not talking about history
Go back to your cave and die, troll.

>> No.15132461

>Because then Europeans couldn't count their countries food as their own since they got conquered and expanded from that
What are you even trying to say.Learn how to coherently express your thoughts, stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15132477

>that one lone outlet in Moscow

>> No.15132493

As I was saying an ESL

>> No.15132517

So your argument is that you make less sense than an ESL? Impressive.

>> No.15132556

You never replied to the actual argument, you just were going on about "coherent sentences" when your sentences are less coherent.

>> No.15133258

OP here
i'm eurotrash! you might know me from such comments as:
do americans really?
do americans really?
do americans really?
do americans really?
>I'm off my meds and can't stop fantasizing about that hot American sausage I crave SO MUCH!

>I'm a one trick pony, it doesn't matter what a food is or where it comes from if I think only people in paradise eat it then i'm going to tell you about it.

Let me tell you of my daily routine. I wake up to the star spangled banner, pull back my American flag bed spread and get up. I change out of my liberty pajamas, and brush my teeth with American crest. As I pass my altar to America I place my right hand over my heart and say in a loud voice "I am proud to be an American". but my words ring hollow in my head because I'm not an American I'm a eurotard. I know that I will never have the freedom to do something like dip my fries in a shake because the french mafia prohibits different thought. I look in the mirror and see my reflection. I think of the sweet release of death but the nanny state I live in won't allow me to own anything sharp or even remotely deadly. some day I will be like the Americans... some day!

>> No.15133289

go back and read again retard lmao

>> No.15133304

I don't think it is looked down upon. I think it's more about the generalized eating habits of Americans that's looked down upon. Huge portions even if you don't do hard manual work. Fatty foods on a daily basis. That kind of stuff. It's all a generalization but that's what holds true. Most europeans and asians see americans as fat land whales because those are typically the tourists that stick out.

>> No.15133473

What does nz stand for?

>> No.15133475
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 88EC5394-9252-4726-BD38-DFBCB9A3C123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not many stores in Africa
>yet you claim blacks love chicken
Checkmate racists

>> No.15133491

I can’t understand you very well. Are you the anon who says “then” instead of “than”? If so, please take one for the team and neck yourself.

>> No.15133494

What even is american food? Other people's food, slathered in melted cheese substitute?

>> No.15133639

Dont post on my board, ESL /int/tard