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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15130990 No.15130990 [Reply] [Original]

Why does my country and its cooking tradition makes Anglos seethe so much?
They can never shut up about "IMPROOOOOVING" dishes that already work with their disgusting concoctions of liters of cream, cloves of garlic and mounds of parsley (+ basil, thyme and rosemary in the same dish with a good serving of about a liter of olive oil for Italian Flavours™), and anything random for "imprOOOOOOOVMENT" like peas in a dish where there are no veggies or hot chili in a non-spicy dish that completely kills the rest of the flavours. Not that it bothers me in the slightest that these animals eat absolute garbage and have even gone as far as to appropriate the word "cuisine" for their tradition of making fat french fries with deep fried fish or cooking mounds of diarrhea looking slop, however the insistence of larping their garbage as European cousines, especially Italian, is both hilarious and annoying. Hilarious because it's like watching a retarded child stuff crayons in their mouth (not too disimilar from their dishes; random stuff with pretty colors OOOOO so GOOOOOOD and IMPROOOOV'D), and annoying because it's like a retard trying to tell you that their generous serving of dogshit topped off with their own streaks of diarrhea and vomit is food digestible by humans, which leads me to ask another thought provoking question: Are they even humans with souls? I think not. You need soul to cook food or to create anything, but they're like Chinese at copying things and failing miserably for they've no mind of their own. 1/2

>> No.15130991

I'd like to promote some real discussiong around food on this board as 90% of the content here is about fastfood and American staples like SloppaMcShit and FriedShitWithGookSauce. I mean, I don't really expect anything but fellow Europeans brothers, who are superior in every way, to come forwards and to discuss real food here. What I expect is, without fail, hordes of NPC's being upset over their state of """"humanity""""" being shattered. If there was ever a way to test if a thing has soul, this post and the reaction to it is the surest way. Is it the lack of soul which has ultimately lead to lack of a cooking tradition in Anglosphere?

>> No.15130997


>> No.15131004

Extremely redpilled post. Thank you for contributing to the discussion with your invaluable contribution. I'd definitely invite you over for a nice pasta dish and good selection of antipasti, all served from the best local cheeses and cured meats.

>> No.15131016

We don't not shut up about it. We just do it. It's normal to improve things.

>> No.15131019

I think the difference is in availability of quality foods. I'm from Slovenia, which borders Italy, and quality, locally grown foods are extremely easy to come by, as are Italian goods. When you have raw ingredients as good as this, you don't need or even want a ton of spices, a liter of heavy cream and 2 kilotons of cheese product (TM) to make something good.
I honestly don't think you can buy quality ingredients in US/UK or even Germany. If you start with garbage you will end up with garbage and you need to drown it overpowering flavors.
Did you know like 90% of parmesan cheese sold in US contains sawdust to increase volume?
Simple dishes, which most italian dishes are, are extremely good, but you need top tier ingredients. If you'll make aglio e olio with olive oil product mixed with corn syrup and sunflower oil to cut down costs, it's gonna taste like shit. And you'll need a fuckton of parmesan product (TM) mixed with sawdust to hide godawful oil taste, but then you have the godawful fake parmesan taste, so quickly cover the whole thing with parsley. Etc.

>> No.15131021

Cooking isn't some linear RPG game where more is better. At the end of the day cooking boils down to quality of ingredients, not the quantity. This is why Italian cuisine is one of the best because its extremely apparent if what you're eating is soulless garbage or food that tastes like something. People who'd upgrade to eating cubes of soy infused with spices or cricket meat packed down and flavoured with "beef" wouldn't understand. One is for humans, the other for what isn't.

>> No.15131022

Slovenia is incredibly based country. I love your pastry and those little meat things that are kind of like kebabs (I'm sorry, I don't know the name). Good wine too, I've been recommended frozen(?) wine several times.

>> No.15131026

Isn't copying supposed to be the ultimate form of flattery then what does that tell you that people wont even bother to copy Italian dishes but instead opt to improve them (how could you forget sage but add parsley of all things) also who cares about what the british does

>> No.15131030

Italian cuisine in general is dull. It's minimalist to feed poor people. Stop coping, we all know it.

>> No.15131034

>Italian accusing the Chinese of copying
ahahahahahahaha that's some good irony anon

>> No.15131035

If its done well. If its done badly, either it's genuine attempts at trying to imitate good things in the best case, which isn't always so terrible because everyone starts off being shit. Mostly it's just bastardisation and smug declaration that it's "better" when they've no idea what it's supposed to be like in the first place and also that it's incredibly horrible food, imitation or original. I love complex cuisines like the French, Indian cuisines and Chinese(last two are a massive amalgamation of local cusines, not one cuisine, its 1 billion people after all), but it isn't chaotically picking out random ingredients from the pantry and chuggigg them in.
It's anything but dull. Filtered and confirmed for a tastelet and possibly a subhuman ape from Americas.
Another angry retard.

>> No.15131037

I think you might be referring to ice wine/eiswein? It refers to the process where they leave the grapes on the vine during sub-zero weather to sufficiently freeze
It makes the wine sweeter

>> No.15131038

not angry or even American
just really funny you're accusing the dudes who invented noodles of "copying" you

>> No.15131052

Yes, I always wanted to try. Isn't it similar to fortified wines? Best kebab I've ever had was also from Slovenia BTW.
I'm not accusing Chinese of copying Italian food, read my post again. They're similar dishes, but not copied from one another at all. What I'm referring is the tendency of Chinese to take Western things and to copy them badly for mass consumption, etc. It's not a literal analogy, I'm just saying it's souless.

>> No.15131061

Modern chinese shit is pretty wacky in general in its weird attempt to ape off western culture, sure
And I think there are fortified variants of ice wine but I'm not really sure about how Europeans go about making it beyond the "let the grapes freeze on the vine" process
I can tell you lots about how we do it in Ontaro though, we make tons of that shit
I think they even make cranberry ice wine out in Bala

>> No.15131065

Cannot believe I misspelled my own fucking province

>> No.15131077

I'm no wine expert, but I think they leave the grapes out until the first frosts, which I think in most places start around at the end of the October and the beginning of November. What's the closest thing you'd compare it to? I'm of opinion wines from New World can be good.
>I think they even make cranberry ice wine out in Bala
That sounds p good, I'd try it.

>> No.15131081

Soulless for you is obviously synonymous with not being nostalgia. My guess is autism. Get diagnosed, be happier.

>> No.15131083
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Yeah you probably mean čevapčiči. Slovenia is really like a mix of Italy and Austria-Hungary with a good pinch of balkans, where čevapčiči come from. Honestly I'm 100% sure the quality of food in the southern Europe region + well into the balkans is superior probably to entire world. And yes, I have traveled much of the world.
Literally every single fast food chain has gone bankrupt here, except McDonald's. And there's a reason for that.
As far as wine goes, we're closer to Italy in this regard than anything else. A wine country through and through. We have hundreds of types of wine and we do all sorts of things with it.
I personally love cooking. I like quality ingredients and quality food in just enough quantity to satisfy you and not "stuff" you.
Just yesterday I got 100% home made, 5 kilometers from my home, honey and honey products. In total I got nearly 10 kilos of all sorts of honey, including varieties with european forest blueberries mixed in, ginger, and others - for 80€. That's 8€ per kilogram, eco, bio, local, homemade, the whole shabang. You'd be paying out of your fucking ass for that anywhere else in the world.
Sure, our salaries are on average 30% lower than american's. But I literally could not care less for the endless shiny new plastic toys made in china, when I can have this instead.
Anyway, here's my homemade Tiramisu with original Savioardi cookies dipped in proper italian espresso and whole vanilla pods with quality italian mascarpone.

>> No.15131085

Yup, that's how they do it here too! Just haven't heard of fortified wine, though thinking about it, it probably exists. It's just adding spirits to wine, isn't it?
Also the cranberry icewine is sort of cheating since they aren't really the same kind of vines as grapes -- they essentially flood a cranberry field with water, turning it into a bog, where the cranberries will float to the surface for collection. But you can still leave them out in the cold

>> No.15131088

Icewine Canuck anon here
Cevapi is FUCKING BASED, used to go to this little Bosnian grocery and buy frozen ones when I lived in the city
Luckily it's not terribly difficult to make, just can't get my hands on ajvar

>> No.15131090

rent free

>> No.15131091
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The tiramisu is obviously made in a "brutti ma buoni" way - and I would not have it any other way. Here have a home made cheesecake ala basque - the original cheesecake as God wanted it to be - with most of it already missing. Made from proper Italian Ricotta cheese.

>> No.15131094

What is so wrong about cream I just don't get especially when it mainly makes stuff better which incidentally goes for a lot of Italian dishes.
Random and chaotically adding ingredients, it might seem random if you don't know what they taste, how they blend together and what properties they have but I would say that very little is ever true random no matter if someone does something on purpose or not

>> No.15131101

Wait so when the Italians are copying it isn't copying but rather slightly inspired, nice doublestandards there bud

>> No.15131103

You can boil leather shoes in butter and cream and they will taste good. You're adding unnecessary calories to a dish that could be amazing without it.

>> No.15131111

Yes I know it could easily be good without it but if I prefer it with cream then why would I ever bother doing without ever again except for not having cream and the store being closed and not really feel loke or having anything else to cook

>> No.15131118

It's not nostalgia, it's literally the food Italians eat in Italy in the current year.
Very good post.
Yeah these ones, thanks mate.
Lack of soul confirmed.
Milk and cream neutralise a lot of flavour IMHO. What dishes does it exactly go in? Carbonara where it drowns out the taste of guanciale/pancetta, 2 cheeses and delicious, high quality eggs? Sugo where it doesn't taste like tomatoes anymore? Ragu where it makes the tomato taste non-existent and meat taste less strongly? Only good dish with cream and pasta I can think off the top of my head is mushroom pasta. IMHO Chanterelles are the best with cream, but I prefer it without pasta and instead on a nice slice of bread. These are my thoughts. Is there anywhere else non-Italians put cream in?
Pasta's origin has more to do with Arabs down in Sicily than Chinese. You're grasping at straws. Even if it was a copy, it would be an excellent copy, not unlike the burrowings between European cousines that do work. But it's really not a copy.

>> No.15131122
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Ajvar is good, but try to get ljutenica or pinđur if you can, that's just next level. I believe "bajkina tajna" is the best quality you can buy from a store and I've seen north americans finding it on their shelves at some select places. It's translated to "granny's secret".
Well you can't be helped and you don't get it. That's why you're from a country where 2/5 people are morbidly obese and your life expectancy is on par with third world countries.

Pic is my pesto rosso, just almonds, sun dried tomatoes from Italy, olive oil from dalmatia and some salt and pepper. It's probably better than anything you've ever tasted in your life.

>> No.15131125

tiramisu is overrated

Just came here to say that

>> No.15131127

Pindjur is also really good but I also cannot find it
I live in a small town up north in a region called Muskoka, it's over 2 hours from Toronto
I used to add it to pasta sauce for that delicious red pepper taste
I like the old adage that ingredients of a similar colour usually taste good together

>> No.15131130

What would you substitute for almonds if you were making this for someone with a nut allergy?
I love regular old basil pesto but it's the only kind you can usually find in Ontario unless you're looking specifically for it