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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15122683 No.15122683 [Reply] [Original]

Last-Minute Thanksgiving

>> No.15122713

i want to spit a big greasy slimey loogie on babish's dome

>> No.15122723

Do you think Babish makes Jess watch him fuck Sohla

>> No.15122727

How do I become a youtube promoter on 4channel?
You DO get paid doing this, right?

>> No.15122820

I wouldn't be surprised if it was babuskha himself

get fucked, bald faggot

soyla is a malignant tumor

>> No.15122844

Did his 80 IQ smoothbrain girlfriend dump him yet?

>> No.15122999


>> No.15123608

who hurt you?

>> No.15123753

>video has no soyla
>watch it
>enjoy it
wah lah, it's as simple as

>> No.15124219

is it literally just one dude that makes these babish threads?

>> No.15124227


>> No.15124234

You think they're doing this for any other reason than it annoys you?

>> No.15124268
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>Babish Culinary Universe

Wow he really leaned into this, huh? Babish just change it back, it wasn't even funny the first time you changed your name to it

>> No.15124306

>learning basics from a guy that started cooking like 2 years ago

>> No.15124332

Fuck off spamming this garbage.

>> No.15124622

if le greedy injun shows up on screen for a second im closing the video

>> No.15124644

>all the soyla videos hit way below average. even less than basics videos
how long until she gets cut loose and subsequently employs her salt the earth technique on babish’s channel?

>> No.15124667

The sohla videos are pretty on par with a lot of his videos, what are you even talking about?

>> No.15124688

all of them have 3/4 to 1/2 of his regular content views. on average there is a significant disparity

>> No.15124695

I should say all the recent ones

>> No.15124704
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>last minute
>shove the bird in the fridge for a few days over at least over night

>> No.15124705

The last two are a bit lower, the ones before that are pretty normal. All I'm saying is they're not suffering the way you were implying. Her videos are still getting millions of views, she's doing fine.

>> No.15124719

Has that bowl-cut oompa-loompa bitch gone yet?

>> No.15124829
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Imagine Babish touching himself on a livestream thinning his camera was turned off. That would be pretty funny I think

>> No.15124837
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>> No.15124856
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>tries to fuck his nigger maid on the kitchen table
>can't even get it up

>> No.15124875

I don't like him at all, but even if this is true, this is by far the shittiest take about him I've ever seen.

>> No.15124921

imagine actually celebrating this shitty holiday hahaha

>> No.15125000

this guy hates his family

>> No.15125012

I remember when I was an edgy teenager. Most of us, thankfully, grow out of it

>> No.15125040

>this guys favorite bourbon is basil haydens

hes a pleb

>> No.15126319
File: 829 KB, 1079x1985, Screenshot_20201126-170644_rif is fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God I'm not as retarded as you are

>> No.15126336

i love Netflix® Movies and Shows™
especially when i can binge my favorite Shows™ while i'm binging on food made from recipes by Binge Babish™

>> No.15126414

It's a fact - he's a home cook with an expensive set up lol

>> No.15126421

Babish hasn’t been good since like 2018

>> No.15126427

I think it's hyperbole - he's definitely not been cooking long enough to be an authority on anything but googling recipes and spending redditors Patreon money

>> No.15126430

>guy that makes millions of dollars per year needs to shill his shit on 4chan
how deluded are you people

>> No.15126676

Nobody forces you to watch it or to be a patreon.

>> No.15126713

you can spend 4 years in college and be qualified to design nuclear reactors. i have no horse in the race, i don't watch the guys videos, i only know about the guy because he gets posted about so often here. that being said, if he can make money googling recipes and making videos on it, more power to him. the vast majority of cooking is emulating what other people have already perfected. the guy isn't pushing the boundaries of food science or anything. he's posting recipes on how to cook a fuckin casserole or whatever.

>> No.15127296

>Lost his verification