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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15121494 No.15121494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


WHAT *claps*
THE *claps*
FUCK *claps*

do reddit-americans really not know how to eat with a fork and knife?
what the FUCK is this technique?

>> No.15121515

Adam, I suppose your wife and bull are busy in the bedroomright now, they'll be hungry soon, better get started with dinner.

>> No.15121520

americans tend to slice everything, whole dish, and then eat using spork
europeans slice a portion and eat it immediately with spork

>> No.15121549

i am both (1st gen burger from euro parents) so i understand

but this thread isn't about cutting the dish (and i do find it bothersome how often i see my burger friends cut their meat into bite size pieces before eating but w/e) but rather how he's using his utensils

who holds a fork like that? did nobody teach him any table manners? i had completely forgotten about this since quarantine, but i've been on business trips before with people who held forks like that or like an axe and basically it's fucking revolting

>> No.15121644

Omg how the fuck is he holding the fork? How do you even do that? Looks so uncomfortable

>> No.15121695

>do reddit-americans really not know how to eat with a fork and knife?
Yes. It's the "my parents didn't teach me table manners" technique. I've noticed it when dining with the poor. They seem unfamiliar with utensils and their different purposes.

>> No.15121831

Why can't Americans use utensils properly?

>> No.15121915

Maybe he's a drummer who's never held a fork continental style?

>> No.15121917

So you're saying all Americans hold their forks like that?

>> No.15121924

idiot-proofing things truly is a lost cause. like it's a god damn fork, how can using pointy stick get so unintuitive for some

>> No.15121950
File: 140 KB, 838x720, 20201124_113150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how Americans shave

>> No.15121966

Not at all. Although the hand probably belongs to an American trying or figuring out tines-down. The only people I can think of who can comfortably use anything between the second and third fingers, rather than the first and second, are drummers using a traditional grip modified for extra power and stick control.

>> No.15121979

Was it Adam's hand? He should eat like he shaves.

>> No.15122009

He's trying to hold the silverware so you can see them in the fucking thumbnail. No one actually eats like this retards.

>> No.15122012
File: 105 KB, 1137x1012, 1462304079600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you genuinely care in the slightest how other human beings hold the little pieces of metal they use to eat things with, you're too autistic to live.

>> No.15122018

isn't that Justin Trudeau?

>> No.15122029


>> No.15122095

yeah, until you use the same attitude towards everything else big and small and eventually destroys the cultural and social fabric of your society and basically, you're stuck living in south africa or brazil because your mother couldn't be arsed to teach you how to hold a fork properly
>If you genuinely care in the slightest how other human beings park their cars with the flow of traffic on a side street on the left side of the road, you're too autistic to live.
>If you genuinely care in the slightest how other human beings express their sexual deviancy in annual parades of degeneracy, you're too autistic to live.
>If you genuinely care in the slightest how other human beings write news articles in nu-male reddit/buzzfeed-speak, you're too autistic to live.

>> No.15122162

my best explanation for non-Americans is that somebody in the past tricked some Americans into thinking it was "impolite" to eat from your fork using your left hand (even for lefties).

so most Americans (especially middle class and up) will slice their food up normally into bite sized pieces, switch the fork and knife in their hands then eat off the plate with their right hand.

couldnt tell you whats up with the fork grip in OP's pic, thats fucked up.

>> No.15122186

You literally just proved his point with your slippery slope bullshit. Bad table manners does not lead to societal collapse, ya nerd.

>> No.15122199

>meanwhile society is tearing itself apart at the seams
Yeah, keep telling yourself that until your cognitive dissonance is ripped out by some feral humanoids thumbnails

>> No.15122202

yes it does retard. bad table manners is a result of societal collapse in progress and perpetuates the degradation even further that soon it'll be normal to eat pasta with our hands

>> No.15122203

Go outside

>> No.15122204
File: 425 KB, 512x512, Coffee Shakes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

Are people making shit up? I'm in my mid 30's, have lived in 5 states, and don't know anyone who cuts the whole plate up and then switches hands. I use fork in right and knife in left, and really can't do the opposite but that's because trying to use my non-dominate hand for tasks seems to bother my seizures.

>> No.15122242

Europeans come here just to make up random shit about Americans and spread it around like it’s true. Even worse, there’s tons of ESL retards from South America that blatantly make claims about both Europeans and Americans with absolutely zero knowledge of culture beyond sopa de Macao.

>> No.15122421

here >>15122162

im not European, im from the Pacific Northwest and my parents were raised in New York by upper middle class families. thats how they were raised to eat, thats how i was raised and ive come across many other people with the same story. my grandmother has always been big on table manners and says you should "treat every meal like you are dining with the Queen".

when i used to live abroad other Americans did the same thing and it confused the hell out of Europeans that just shovel food into their mouths double fisting forks/knives/spoons/chopsticks.

>> No.15122444

No it's Spenny

>> No.15122451

American spies to this day still get busted from the table manners, it was especially bad during WWII but it remains a serious problem for alphabet soup agencies.

>> No.15122576
File: 22 KB, 522x499, 61J+Cd6TFNL._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be worse, my girlfriend comes from a very working class family (union construction all around) and they are borderline retard when it comes to knifes at formal meals because her mother hacks up everything with fucking scissors before it is served.

>> No.15122579

based *clap* poster

>> No.15123312

ive never heard of this and it sounds dumb as fuck. i dont believe the past generations of americans were this dumb (passable though these days)

>> No.15123396

I don't know why do Italians put hot dogs in their spaghetti and then stick it in a thermos? Seriously, why the hell do they do that?

>> No.15123401

Lmao, read that in the voice of Gugafoods

>> No.15123482

I will never forget seeing an adult male with all his teeth ,cut up his whole plate of spaghetti bolognese before starting to eat.
Mind = blown.
Was he an unappreciated genius ?

>> No.15123490

The Queen would never eat like that. She would be tolerating your crass dissection of the meal in advance, not endorsing it. In short, your grandmother fucked up.

>> No.15123745

Someone brought to my attention that Andrew might be Jewish. Can someone confirm? This will decide whether or not I continue to subscribe to him and give him my viewership and clickbucks.

>> No.15123751

*Adam not Andrew
Stupid auto correct.

>> No.15123807
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>> No.15123865

That image is just frightening. You know your nutrition is fucked when your skin and muscles are intact but you have developed boneitis.

>> No.15123891

Are you autistic? Why do you care so much about someone holding a fork slightly different than normal?

>> No.15123950
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1593366303897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally never eaten with a knife and fork

>> No.15123978

Based. The good Lord gave me fingers so that's what I'll use dammit.

>> No.15124005
File: 681 KB, 527x609, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw family jokes that I "eat like a British person" because I push food onto my fork with a knife

>> No.15124057

yes it does you literal nigger

>> No.15124061

My family bugs me about my hybrid-style. I tend to eat a lot of thick stews and rice... so I eat tines up and scoop (basically using the fork like a left handed spoon), unless I'm stabbing hard meat and veg - things that will stay on the tines.

It bugs the shit out of me ma, so I like to cook Asian when I'm over there and watch her fumble with chopsticks instead.

>> No.15124118

>It bugs the shit out of me ma, so I like to cook Asian when I'm over there and watch her fumble with chopsticks instead.

You should try Filipino style. Eating a normal meal with a fork and spoon instead of a knife. Have fun driving people berserk.

>> No.15124346

>he doesn't use his fork and knife like a drummer

How bad is your life in Poor European Gulag #209 that you don't eat like this?

>> No.15124770

why do you care how other people hold their utensils? grow the fuck up.

>> No.15124966


>> No.15124970


>> No.15125039

we live in a society

>> No.15125057


Ive noticed poor people do that. I was taught (as a righty) to slice my portions with my knife in the right hand and fork in the left, then place the knife down, swap the fork over to the right, and then proceed to eat. Eating directly from the hand used to pin the food was a sign of gluttony. My parents taught me this, and then later in Home EC they actually taught us etiquette as part of the curriculum, like we were Southern Belles who needed to be married off. Private school is fucking weird.

>> No.15125107

Real Americans eat spaghetti and other string like foods through their urethra

>> No.15125163

Your post is a bit cringy, but you are right.

>> No.15125169

Imagine reading all posts on 4chan with his voice.