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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15119460 No.15119460 [Reply] [Original]

Russian "cuisine"

>> No.15119475

sala - that's not russkie but uke

>> No.15119479

what is this

boiled pork belly with cinnamon?

>> No.15119483

>he has never gotten wasted while eating pork skin and fat
sad, many such cases

>> No.15119488

Raw and with black pepper

>> No.15119849

Don't knock it till you try it. It's very energy dense food, you don't need much and it's easy to store. Best thing ever if you're doing physical labor.

>> No.15119856

i thought sala was a universal slavic food. i remember being taught that when learning russian.

>> No.15119878

Italians make lardo and it's delicious.

>> No.15119970

>It's very energy dense food, you don't need much and it's easy to store.
Useful if you're LARPing as the lord of the rings, no doubt. keep your meals in your cloak, hide it next to your sack of mead, and your virginity
>Best thing ever if you're doing physical labor.
Why am I assuming you're fat now?

>> No.15119982

Salo is delicious though.

>> No.15119983

I'm a physical worker too and this appeals to me. I mostly keep cured fish around for this purpose but I think that salo would be even better.

>> No.15119986

Got lost here on the way to McDs?

>> No.15119997

>taking smelly fish to a worksite
And this is how you get blacklisted by the union for attempted white genocide
McDonalds is actually classic blue collar food, so that sounds about right

>> No.15120005

Er no anon, it's eating smelly fish before work. I eat it for the protein, along with a healthy portion of carbs.

>> No.15120010

>the union
Do communists really?

>> No.15120160

Looks like it would work wonders against getting wiped from wodka.

>> No.15120178
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>> No.15120210

It is, but ask any eastern euro person - where's the best sala produced, and the answer'll be ukrain.

(actually any rural settlement produces sala, it's just that ukrain is a giant rural country)

>> No.15120374

in east euro countries the traditional way to consume vodka is in shots while biting down on some nice food, it's quite pleasant
salo on bread, pickled herring or steak tartare work well here

>> No.15120411

this could unironically be an automated bait post

>> No.15120520
File: 51 KB, 452x678, 0CA6F1CF-9FE8-48CB-AD28-17988753EF33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian cuisine

>> No.15120548
File: 84 KB, 600x450, blin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry rus bro,
i couldn't help myself
also bliny is not russian. everyone has them
it's like saying bread is russian

>> No.15120655

I didn’t know Russian had anything but cute prostitutes, never heard of such a thing as Russian cuisine except for Vodka.

>> No.15120666

Bread is Russian

>> No.15120690

And potato and bacon stew

>> No.15121988


>> No.15122812

They have food?

>> No.15123300

To be fair, Russia has these dark rye breads which you don't see anywhere else really except maybe other ex-soviet places. Germany has bread that is similar but it't not quite the same.

>> No.15123336

Pork fat is delicious, retard. Would eat this literally all the time if I could.

>> No.15123376

>physical labor is a myth
Lol fuck this website

>> No.15124458

Better than all of cucked western europe

>> No.15124485

love russian bread but i work third shifyt so i con only get the sliced loafs and they slise it so fUCKING thin

>> No.15124649

This shit is tasty as fuck, especially when spread on a crispbread like Wasa.

>> No.15124716
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my russian friend said they dont have chichas in rusland, poor cunts. never had salo but i reckon i'd like it

>> No.15124815

i mean... there are different kinds of bread.

>> No.15124865

It's ukrainian. It's also terrible, I cannot understand how anyone enjoys eating those literal slabs of fat without any meat on them.

>> No.15124942

No they do bro ur friend is full of shit. Do you really think and international country like russia doesn’t have pork cracklings in their grocery store supply chains? What the fuck

>> No.15125495
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Nobody said that incel. The myth is that blue collar workers are fit because they push a button on their drill a few times an hour.

>> No.15125814

Smooth texture with a salty flavour. I imagine it ain't so bad but still...I wouldn't choose to eat solid blocks of fat like that.

>> No.15127211
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>> No.15127305

yo, tho, fatback is the bee's knees

>> No.15127354
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> international
> country

>> No.15127356

I cum

>> No.15127377

Internationally involved, do you understand now?

>> No.15127427
File: 632 KB, 758x432, image_2020-11-26_212322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have both, lol

>> No.15128096

The german one is called Pumpernickel.
Netherlands has dark rye bread aswell, aswell as other northern countries like sweden or finnland. Also the original soviet rye bread has chunks of hay in it cuz soviet.

>> No.15128348

>Was once know in almost whole europe
in Finland older people remember salted pig fat being basic food component.

>> No.15128534

Finland is Russia

>> No.15128561
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This. Lardo di colonnata is based. Though spaniards and french have the best pork breeds.

>> No.15128611
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For me, It's fermented herring with boiled potatoes on the side.
Simply lovely.

>> No.15129964
File: 839 KB, 2316x2316, borscht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is borscht russian? i've only had it once with lamb in it (not sure if thats normal either) but it's good

>> No.15130620

Fuck off putin

>> No.15130645

I eat raw bacon

>> No.15130853

If you use one of those mini blow torches to char the skin a bit it goes from 7/10 to 9/10. Little hack for my drugari

>> No.15130881

I'd say it's eastern slavic in general, but for whatever reason a fucking soup is a pretty often cause of many, many internet quarrels between us slavs.

>> No.15130884

I like to use it instead of butter when I fry my potatoes. Very yummy.

>> No.15131689

It's a staple of Russian cuisine.
My family doesn't include meat though. It's just a veg soup with the tomato added early so that by the time it finishes cooking its a reddish/orange colour rather than just red. Some people add beets to give it that crazy purple colour but I don't know if people seriously do that or if its just for tourists.

>> No.15131715

> Some people add beets to give it that crazy purple colour but I don't know if people seriously do that or if its just for tourists.
Where are you from? It's definitely not anywhere east of the Danube

>> No.15131938

>he doesn't have a sack of mead

>> No.15132031

>some people
Beets are the core of borscht, retard

>> No.15132281

best way to eat salo is fry it and eat it with grechka on a cold day
this is good too especially with vodka

>> No.15132451

this is what i thought, beets, dill, and sour cream..

>> No.15132518

Fucking euro cuisine Jesus Christ.

>> No.15132538

Can confirm

>> No.15132543

You fear fresh food?