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File: 71 KB, 745x497, cast_iron_enthusiast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15118536 No.15118536 [Reply] [Original]

is there anything more embarrassing than cast iron enthusiasts? these cucks spend more time seasoning, modding, and taking pictures of their 'rons
>"oh bro, you use a Lodge? that's cool. my pan is from the 19th century. newer cast irons aren't ferrous enough for my taste, do you know what I mean?"
jesus fucking christ

>> No.15118581

Cast iron is a meme, it fucking BLOWS

>> No.15120145

I use cast iron for cooking meat. Only other thing I really cook in it is sauteed vegetables using the left over fat. Pan fags are retards. I have cast iron, stainless, stone, non stick. They all have their purposes.

>> No.15120155

They're always shit cooks with an overinflated sense of their own self worth too.
>of course I make everything in here! bacon, pork chops, steak, hamburgers, and the occasional oversalted vegetable mush that tastes like the last 12 things I cooked. see? everything!

>> No.15120157

they're also really good for pizza/foccacia
the doughs are literally just mix all the ingredients together, leave it, cook
piss easy and extremely good


>my pan is from the 19th century
read: free/very cheap
is that bad?

>> No.15120162

what evidence would you have of cast ironfags who don't talk about it?

>> No.15120164
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15120184

LMAO OP is an armlet, too weak to weild a manly pan

>> No.15120206

Yeah nah, I lost complete interest after I scrolled through half the page and there were ingredients listed.

>> No.15120214


>> No.15120216

It's not waffle about nonsense though, it's actually an article about the dish.
You've never been on serious eats before?
There's a different page for just the recipes with nothing else.


>> No.15120221

Recipes in general do it to get further up on google, or because they're a blog for whichever bored person writes them.

Serious eats articles do it because it's actually worthwhile investigation into the dish and cooking techniques and details recipe development and specifically why things work so you can actually learn from them beyond simply following a recipe blindly.
there is a page with just the recipe on it too.

>> No.15120319

ITT. People who cant afford a nice cast iron cope

>> No.15120422

it will last forever!
>cant leave a drop of water on it
>needs to be reseasoned after every use
>dont use paper towels to dry it
>dont use metal utensils to stir or you might scratch it

>> No.15120447

>cast iron
pick one, t. copper chad

>> No.15120491

pretty sure that's not a real thing. Is there a cast iron enthusiast community I'm not aware of? Kinda feels like you're just trying to meme a stereotype into existence. Cast iron is a meme is a meme

>> No.15120499

Are you implying they are expensive? Why would I pay MORE for a heavy unwieldy pan that I have to baby with care and will make a ton of smoke.

>> No.15120573

>is there anything more embarrassing than cast iron enthusiasts?
people who make threads about cast iron enthusiasts because they are so devoid of meaning and purpose that they let people live rent-free in their head over what pots and pans they use

>> No.15120585

Cast iron is cool for steaks and stuff like that but I can get the same effect with a seasoned heavy bottom stainless steel pan.

>> No.15120587

t. cast iron forum "power mod" neckbeard with over 20 "pieces" trying to sound cool and casual

>> No.15120597

Reddit pans

>> No.15120656

Where can I find these enthusiasts? Never saw anything like that.

Like show me a forum for modders of cast iron pans or shut up.

>> No.15120660
File: 468 KB, 148x148, 1503518527717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there anything more embarrassing than cast iron enthusiasts?
Yes. Making a thread about how much you hate them is way more cringe

>> No.15120667

you made me search for "cast iron forum" and lo and behold, there's a cast iron subreddit. I stand corrected, apparently it's a thing.

>> No.15120674
File: 622 KB, 460x252, gotta go fast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seasoned stainless steel

>> No.15120694

Literally none of this is true.

>> No.15120743

Long long ago, in a quaint little house on the Florida panhandle, a proud African American future doctor/rocket scientist was attempting to break in. This wasn't his first foray into crime as he was wanted in connection with a string of rapes and burglaries in the area. He went into the back yard and attempted to enter the home through an open kitchen window. This was grandmothers house, and her husband was at work. She saw him when he was halfway in and she took her favorite trusty cast iron skillet off the stove and viciously bludgeoned Dr. Jamal, who as a result of the encounter received permanent and profound brain damage and probably never functioned again. She said the left side of his jaw was completely detached from his face and was just hanging there pouring blood. She assumed he was dead and calle the police. They hauled his bloody mangled body away, asked her some rudimentary questions and ultimately congratulated her. She got her picture in the paper holding the skillet. She later found part of one of his teeth behind her blender that she kept in her jewelry box until she died. I have that skillet now, I cooked eggs on it this morning.

>> No.15120819

To be fair there's a subreddit for fucking anything

>> No.15120892

I like iron casts but i have never once talked to another person about using one. Ita good to good meat on when you dont want to use the grill

>> No.15121211

As with many things, the problem isn't the product itself but the insufferable fanbase using it.

>> No.15121640
File: 599 KB, 996x868, 1571518878036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15122084

>is there anything more embarrassing than cast iron enthusiasts?
OP, for starters

>> No.15122089

>is there anything more embarrassing...
a pan living rent free in your head

>> No.15122139

Except the metal utensils part. You WILL scratch the seasoning with metal utensils, or by stirring bone-in meats around a lot.

They also rust in high humidity environments, basically having a lifespan of 5 goddamned days if you don't cook or oil them. Some old firearms suffer the same issue.

>> No.15122238

Oh no, iron behaves the way it always have who fucking knew. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.15122248

all you low t. anemic fags get the fuck off this board

>> No.15123356

>he doesn't install aftermarket parts on his cast iron pan