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File: 249 KB, 1200x1501, c0da5f2c1286c7220b251954e683dbf242-05-anthony-bourdain.rvertical.w1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15111949 No.15111949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Generally speaking, American cooks - meaning, born in the USA, possibly school-trained, culinarily sophisticated types who know before you show them what monter au beurre means and how to make a bearnaise sauce - are a lazy, undisciplined and, worst of all, high-maintenance lot, annoyingly opinionated, possessed of egos requiring constant stroking and tune-ups, and, as members of a privileged and wealthy population, unused to the kind of 'disrespect' a busy chef is inclined to dish out. No one understands and appreciates the American Dream of hard work leading to material rewards better than a non-American. The Ecuadorian, Mexican, Dominican and Salvadorian cooks I've worked with over the years make most CIA-educated white boys look like clumsy, sniveling little punks.

>> No.15111971

Bourdain was a snobby pretentious fag

>> No.15111976

The patriarchy

>> No.15112012

Generally they're burnout drug addicts.

>> No.15112022

france started the brigade shit so kitchen were run like the military.

>> No.15112031
File: 17 KB, 246x270, FirePunch-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get cucked by a french teen
>an hero and abandon your daughter
Frogs are alright, in my book.

>> No.15112094

If you’ve ever worked with Jamaican or eastern euro cooks, you’d know that what he’s saying about work ethic and ego is an accurate generalization

>> No.15112119

He's not far off. All the 'trained' chefs I've worked with have been pretentious arseholes who crack way easier than the guys who learned through working the shittiest jobs. Can't have a laugh either.

>> No.15112239

Eh, I've seen some that way but I've seen plenty the other way too. That said I work at a really good place so the people that actually get a job there are rarely anything but solid. I've seen trained people who couldn't handle the work but I've seen plenty that were fucking crazy good- admittedly plenty that weren't formally trained that were crazy good as well.

>> No.15113312

Anthony Bourdain facilitated sex trafficking with minors in third world countries when he was filming No Reservations. That's why he killed himself, he was being blackmailed for it.

>> No.15113621

OP, people that work in kitchens will always make the distinction that a chef is different than a cook. with that in mind he is speaking mostly on behalf of all the hot shot line cooks most everyone is used to seeing, and not the guy that actually has to run the show.
He is highlighting (with exceptions) that the experience of working in a kitchen would be entirely alien to some smartass kid birthed from an expensive culinary/hospitality college program that doesn't have the drive or ambition drilled into him like poverty has done for foreigners in search of a better life.
tl;dr because american lives are pretty good across the board compared to many southern american countries, most of the cooks born from this culture talk the talk but don't walk the walk

>> No.15113640

Clearly you've never worked in a restaurant before. If you knew the kind of clinically insane knuckledragger that passes as a line cook, you'd know why they are so angry.

>> No.15113654

Bill Gates Corona 5G Election Fraud Lizard People.
Any source for that lost soul?

>> No.15113669

>Snobby and pretentious because he doesn't like snobby and pretentious people
truly a large big brained take

>> No.15113672

It must hurt to be trapped in that disinfo bubble you've gotten yourself trapped in

>> No.15113915

why do you all suck his balls so much

>> No.15113922

If you have any knowledge at all his pseud bullshit is obviously empty to you.

>> No.15113964

He's a literal food blogger that went around enjoying food from non hipster places. Stop being terminally online, it's rotting your brain

>> No.15114068

bourdain's obvious severe alcoholism reminds them of their fathers and since hes interesting as well they latch onto him as a paternal figure

>> No.15114120

it's ok man trump conceded you can go back now

>> No.15114137

Bourdain doesn't have alcoholism, he's dead.

>> No.15114155

sorry professor, HAD severe alcoholism

>> No.15114171

One less pedophile in the world, rot in piss Tony.

>> No.15114176

He sounds like a cuck, oh wait hahahshsaaaaaaaaschhjkrx HE WAS

>> No.15114190

i don't see the question.Or why is it any different than any other job. Maybe you have too much free time on your hands. Neet on one hand. No money on the other.

>> No.15114448

Imagine unironically being mad at Bourdain, I cannot fucking imagine

>> No.15114450

better to be a cuck than a fucking bottom, faggot

>> No.15114452

What kind of meat is in the package?

>> No.15114602

Why did you post a picture of Epstein?

>> No.15115029

maybe you never get to see the shitty people from other countries because they either don't survive or don't make it to a nice country? obviously if the entire world is your hiring demographic then you're going to see mostly non-americans in the final interviews

>> No.15115104

That´s an american problem.
In europe you have to work harder, for longer hours, and get screamed at more in the fine dining restaurants and you learn not in culinary college but through an apprentiship. So erveyone started with shitty work as kitchen busybody.

>> No.15115290

This. I always wind up giving some cooking school graduate with no experience a chance, and he/she always disappoints me immeasurably, and I'm not really an asshole chef, I just expect people to put in the work. If the food takes a little longer sometimes to get to the pass, I'm okay with that, as long as it's done right and not slapshod together. They always whine though, they whine about prep, they whine about cleaning, they whine about closing, they whine about closing, they demand this or that WEEKEND off and throw a fit, they refuse to help out in the dish pit if the dishwasher happens to be sick, they call in all the time, and they do this all within the first month or so of working, and when I finally tell them to shut the fuck up and shuck the god damn oysters like the fucking rest of us are doing, they walk out. I'll take some guy who's only worked at fast food joints and diners, and is hungry to learn more, over a culinary student any day, I won't even look at a resume any more with culinary education. Do they not teach in these schools that it's long hours, hard work, low pay, and that even high end establishments are staffed by former junkies and ex cons who don't put up with sissy boy bullshit? Because that's the other problem I have, constantly breaking up fights because the grad decided he wanted to get tough with a guy with bulging muscles and face tattoos over the non pc things the obvious convict said. They get shoved, fall on their asses because no one ever even pushed them before, and literally cry and try to call the police and press charges. It's never okay to put hands on someone in the workplace, that's not what I'm saying, but it's also not okay or smart to get in someone's face and start screaming at them.
I started as a dishwasher and worked my way up the old fashioned way, reading cook books in my free time and putting new things I learned into practice at home, and just working my ass off.

>> No.15115388
File: 1.92 MB, 853x480, 1600036841633.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given the title and the OP, I can't tell if OP means the head chef, kitchen manager or the people on the line, so here's a cute octopus

>> No.15115419

Glad I’m not this retarded.

>> No.15115444

You do all of that in America too, unless you fell for the meme that you have to go to some kind of school to learn anything, and put yourself in debt for a line of work that'll never pay much until you get to the top. I know welders who bitch about the same thing, hiring kids from a welding school who didn't realize that they'd be doing hard labor and wouldn't make that much starting out.
Hell, my girlfriend is fresh out of law school, just passed the bar, has only been working some entry level gig at the public defender's office dealing mostly with DUIs and licenseless drivers, and it seems like every day she cries about it being hard and she's not making enough even though she's starting out at 60k. It took me ten years of slogging through the muck to get a position that pays that much, and I'm pretty much topped out unless I move elsewhere, and I'm not doing that with this covid shit. She cries about long hours, I'm practically living where I work. I'm just bitching but I'd like to see my fellow countrymen, at least the ones who aren't felons with nowhere else to go, actually work hard and stop crying all the fucking time.

>> No.15115457

Those cholo cooks he was talking about were all in the US illegally (or at least most of them). They kept their mouth shut and did the work because they were too scared of being sent back to funkytown

>> No.15115749
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>> No.15115791
File: 1.83 MB, 333x358, 1606129358502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((Anthony Bourdain)))

>> No.15116001

Because working in restaurants fucking sucks, especially when you work meme hours into the night. It does things to you, it kills your soul and ages you 10vyears the passion for making food may still be there but eventually you'll just start going through the motions.