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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 680x680, EUTu2npU0AAURW7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15110429 No.15110429 [Reply] [Original]

Is that a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, you'd say?

>> No.15110447

Yes but due to its low density it will make you review movies, idolize Mario and simp for garbage tiddy pseuds.

>> No.15110454

One time I got a double quarter pounder meal and 10 nuggets and felt pretty full after.
There's no way I could finish all of that in one sitting.

>> No.15110480

Yes, in America we'd call that a light snack between meals.

>> No.15110498

It's a good appetizer before you tuck into your dinner of chicken that marinated in acid in a duct tape bag for a week

>> No.15110518

Yeah for double quarter pounder as with cheese 2 sets of 10 chicken mcnuggets to medium fries and 4 medium drinks? Yeah that seems about an average meal for I know that seems about a stud seems a small meal for an average person of course

>> No.15110521

as you can see this retard is holding the tray with one hand because he just had to get his instagram picture. and the footprint of that tray is way too big to possibly be stable with one hand
I like to believe as he was putting his phone in his pocket the whole thing fell on the ground

>> No.15110549

No but I can see a lot of /ck/ being able to do it. I could easily do it at 5'3.
Heavier items are by his hand and the lighter items on the open end. The tray is probably balanced enough to hold for a while for the picture and a bit after.

>> No.15110831

>I could easily do it at 5'3.
You're wider than you are tall, aren't you
>in a duct tape bag for a week
It looked like Medic trying to make a new organ

>> No.15110906

>You're wider than you are tall, aren't you
Nope, im like 107lbs at my heaviest. I'm just an active shit that moves around way too much.

>> No.15110914

Are you female

>> No.15110918

But he's obviously balancing it on his penis.

>> No.15110922

No, just a very short spic that has the luck, good or bad is up to you, of also having japs in the mix.

>> No.15110945
File: 680 KB, 759x996, moviebob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that's disgusting. The only thing edible there are the fries.

>> No.15111029
File: 2.65 MB, 960x540, Sso 188.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for an average-sized korean woman, yes

>> No.15111314

do you feel cute?

>> No.15111549

I'll never understand the appeal to watching people do this.
Not something I think about anon, I think i'm happy with who I am at the very least.

>> No.15111688

This is a very large amount of McDonalds for an average-sized peron, but it's also not so large that the average-sized person couldn't finish it.

My typical meal at McDonalds would probably be less than half of that, but I could easily eat all of that as a challenge.

>> No.15111767

I'm unironically trying to figure out how many people you could feed with this

>> No.15111777

wtf her nostrils are huge, her plastic surgeon fucked up.

>> No.15111790

Why do Asians with large nostrils look so jarring

>> No.15111792

You sound cute.

>> No.15111811

The food isn't the hard part. It's the pop that'll get you.

>> No.15111985

you sound gay as fuck stop hitting on random people you fucking incel homo

>> No.15112037

One, as long as they had a snack beforehand

>> No.15112050

>you sound cute
Alrighty then anon, pretty weird thing to say

>> No.15112163 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15112178

What the hell is under the bear's face?

>> No.15112340 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15112347 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 647x663, 109635508_10221364954746403_8556263610322041842_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112361 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 750x734, 105405537_10158510580391963_9066546881295070593_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112362

The really sad part is that this implies Boogie at least has a wife and kids, and is arguably better than reality.

>> No.15112383 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 474x365, 109352032_10220247368008604_5574508234366981936_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112394


>> No.15112397 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 781x960, 93670650_309930829986542_2615411358417551360_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15112403

Bunch of pansies itt.
I can eat & drink all of that in a single meal I'm only like ~270lbs.
My max was 6 large chicken sandwich meals 2 big mack meals.

>> No.15112413

>only ~270lbs
texas or mexico?

>> No.15112420

>replace mcdonalds with fruit stand
>everyone goes to the other mcdonalds around the corner

>> No.15112440

But fruits are bad for you in meal form. They're meant as a light snack (a single fruit or two) not a meal replacement.

>> No.15113090

Fucking kek

>> No.15113899


>> No.15113920
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides

>> No.15114454

Probably 2 or 3. McBurgs unironically aren't filling. If you're really hungry you could do two burgs, a med fry, and maybe 4 or so nuggs.

>> No.15114491 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 465x459, ^ 117546445_149508056804478_8362504204584820505_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15114519


>> No.15114736

>If you're really hungry
The average slob doesn't really get hungry. They are eating constantly throughout the day.
Their stomach nearly always has something churning in it. They think the Geneva convention was breeched if they miss breakfast.
If they fasted for 48 hours they would have no problem with that meal.

>> No.15114759

Nobody runs in these families, thats the problem.

>> No.15114798
File: 84 KB, 540x420, tumblr_plcwrdZ4Pl1r7r8ub_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u ready for mcdonald's night /ck/?

>> No.15115116

Damn.... deep. Guess we better eat bugs now!

>> No.15115127

Meanwhile in the same breath
>we need to lockdown for 6 more months! yes, I know it hurts local businesses while corporations profit, but trust the science bigot!

>> No.15115152

Those are nostrils that have been hooked multiple times

>> No.15115157


>> No.15115178

>I'm only like ~270lbs.
Why are you a fucking lardass

>> No.15115498

That is enough to feed me for 3 days what the fuck

>> No.15115562

I believe it is a very fat turkey.

>> No.15115581


>> No.15116150

If you're a creepy fatass movie reviewer then yes.

>> No.15116196

It is still day

>> No.15116210

You don't need to consume animals to be at optimal health, much less survive.

>> No.15116238

Id demolish the food.
The drinks would do me in.

>> No.15117141
File: 597 KB, 780x439, 1602937485847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I see these threads

>> No.15117192

My interpretation of this is that as a kid his mom took him to McDonald's every Friday so he saw it as "McDonald's Night" and since he has autism it never occurred to him that this isn't universal, but the interesting part is that 20 years later when he made this comic he still never achieved enough self-awareness to figure that out (because Dobson is not the type to make a comic poking fun at that kind of thing, there's no way that was his intention) so you know it's some serious autism and not just high-functioning aspergers

>> No.15117645

Fucccckkkkk I hate women SO MUCH.

>> No.15117663


Is anybody else not bothered by how one of the burgers only has one patty and all the rest are doubles?

>> No.15117674

She's 100% right and you're an incel

>> No.15117863

What do we reckon lads? Burgers first, then fries, then nuggets and drinks last?

>> No.15117969
File: 537 KB, 1200x1121, illust_83107006_20200721_045343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw can only have 1 of those fries, 1 burger and maybe a drink.
What am I then?

>> No.15117982

a lot of people say "ohh yea no problem I can eat all this" but I bet you 75% of the way through most people would be ready to yack. I'd get through all the food but not the soda

>> No.15118004

That happens about 20% of the time you order a double because they are biologically incapable of literacy

>> No.15118780

I'd say that's a good amount for three or four meals, but since I am a fat person, I'm sure I could easily eat all of it in one go if I really wanted to.

>> No.15118822

I know someone who went to art school with him and he'd probably agree with this

>> No.15118832

She's being a cunt but you're still pathetic

>> No.15119869

I have eaten larger orders than this many times it is incredibly fucking easy.

>> No.15119899

all across the country people are skuliing 2L mountain dews and an unhealthy amount of doritos and tendies. Same goes for people drinking over 10 beers in 2 hours for the people making the drink argument. the chips go down like air and the bread is the same the nuggets are literally the hardest thing to eat in this scenario and it's just fucking 20 like how hard is that. for the $3000 the original post offered every one of you would complete this challenge. and no it isn't an average meal even for an american

>> No.15120020

>and no it isn't an average meal even for an american
The trouble with finishing this meal for the average American is that they have already been to McDonald's that day. Twice

>> No.15120037

forcing that much greasy fast food down your throat should make any normal healthy person sick, not even counting the drinks

>> No.15120046

>2 or 3

so the memes are true then, you americans think 2 dble qtr pndrs and 10 pack nugget, learge frie and 2 drink is normal

hah ha

>> No.15120053 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15120059

What do you think was going through her mind when that picture was taken?

>> No.15120060 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 768x1012, 98430530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think was going through her mind when that picture was taken?
"I hope I can still hold my farts in after this session."

>> No.15120406

This is really uncomfortable to watch
I feel creeped out

>> No.15120433

Fuck off movie blob

>> No.15121296

>3 double quarter pounders
>1 single quarter pounder
>everything else symmetrical
autism: triggered

>> No.15122137


>> No.15122353

>nearly 6500 calories in one sitting

Sure is fatass bait in here.

>> No.15122618
File: 48 KB, 600x632, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that plastic face

>> No.15122628

She looks like she's taking a shit with every bite, which might be how she gets so much in.

>> No.15122630
File: 137 KB, 2220x1248, BigMacTonightNigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We eating good tonight bois

>> No.15122644

I can't even eat 4 Mcdoubles, let alone 4 double quater pounders.

But Bob is a fat retard

>> No.15122895

I heard this is how a average American's snack looks like