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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 551 KB, 750x507, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15108172 No.15108172 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't they decide if eggs are good for you or not?

>> No.15108182

because theyre journalists, not scientists and dietarians

>> No.15108186

Nutritionists are still unsure about the benefit of dietary cholesterol. Literally the only relevant factor.

>> No.15108195

The daily mail is enemy lugenpresse. Foreign controlled subversive enemy propaganda.

>> No.15108198

without any other data I can tell you the one on the right is bullshit
you don't just get diabetes randomly, that's not how it works. Either you have it genetically or you have it from being obese. If you're a healthy weight and not a carrier for the disease you're never going to just /get/ diabetes because you ate the wrong thing

>> No.15108202

Alcoholics often get diabetes without ever becoming overweight

>> No.15108218

Daily Mail is the product of the Western world. Although their work is garbage, it is not the work of the enemy.

>> No.15108225

alcohol abuse damages your organs directly. It's different from eating one egg a day

>> No.15108229

Thanks Moshe.

>> No.15108842

both google scholar and scihub are free and more convenient to use than shitty popsci journalism.
if that shitty article cites a paper, look it up on scihub and check what it actually says. the abstract of the paper will be shorter, and less dumbed down than that garbage article, and there are no ads.
oh and if the article doesn't cite a paper, ignore it. If it cites a book, ignore it even harder. People write books when they don't manage to get their findings through a proper peer review.

>> No.15108884

>80% of yolk goes onto the wooden serving board


>> No.15109448

Alcohol contains a lot of sugar. Constant overload of that will give you diabeetus.

>> No.15109460

Journalists decide things all the time, like if orange man is bad or not.

>> No.15109472

Wise man from the mountain: share more of your wisdom!

>> No.15109489

>Look at headlines
>One year apart
>'increase risk of diabetes'
>'LOWERS your risk of type-2 diabetes'
I bet it lowers type-2 but raises type-1

>> No.15109494
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>> No.15109550

>2019 and 2020
kek, I remember the "eggs are good for you / eggs are bad for you" articles in the 90s. Nothing has changed.

>> No.15109552
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>> No.15109564

>t. ex-alcoholic mother weighs 105 lbs and has betus
it's not worth it al/ck/s

>> No.15109575

The way all these work is Scientists do studies using linear regression which is a statistical technique used to determine the variation in the dependent variable attributable to variation in the independent variables. Most researchers are not particularly good at designing meaningful equations and different researchers are also working from different data sets. One way to combat this issue is what is called meta analysis where multiple other studies(sometimes thousands) are used to try to find a more clear answer. This also doesn't usually solve any problems because those studies the meta analysts use are typically all wrong in similar ways. The fact is that actually finding some sort of answer to whether or not dietary cholesterol is bad for you is very difficult and we don't know for certain. This also brings me to another point. Doctors who don't learn anything about nutrition and mostly don't even understand basic statistics are not in any position to inform you about this stuff either. These "journalists" just read some random study that gets published and make headlines like this: "Study from oxford shows that eating "1 egg a day!" (aka x amount of dietary cholesterol) can do X!". Also we are all so different that there will never be a real answer to this for everyone. I personally eat multiple eggs a day and do not have high cholesterol.

>> No.15109697

This thread again? Go shove 2 eggs up your ass a day.

>> No.15109713

Because the egg industry doesn't want the truth about their products to be exposed. It's actually illegal to call eggs healthy or nutritious on egg cartons as well as on commercials so they use deceptive language and prey on consumer confusion, partly with the in moderation excuse; confusion sells, not the truth.

>> No.15110727

Not often at all but it definitely happens to a certain strain of people.
As with all chronic congenital diseases, family history is paramount.
t. not at all recovered alcoholic

>> No.15110964


>> No.15110988

If you take the photos literally, they are not wrong. Hard boiled oxidizes cholesterol which is bad to eat, while soft boiled leaves the cholesterol safe to eat.

>> No.15111046

Dude I've been eating 3 eggs a day my whole life
I got no problem

>> No.15111051

That was debunked.

>> No.15112015

Notice the dates? Trump lost, now the globalists are going to take away all the foods you like and force you to eat bugs.

>> No.15112051

Anon, type-1 is mostly caused by genetics and appears in childhood or adolescence in the vast majority of cases

>> No.15112919

Eggs, in particular, has a study that shows some crazy numbers that I'm pulling out my ass for sure, but something like out of 1000 participants who ate alot of eggs, 17% of them had an increase in triglycerides and LDL cholesterol

The takeaway was that we don't know why eggs cause increased cholesterol in some people butt not others, and that apparently there are a select few that react differently to eggs

I think I read it on suppversity I can't recall

>> No.15112959

Who the fuck cares, you can get hit by a truck sitting at home or have an aneurism at any second. Eat the eggs if you enjoy them.

>> No.15114522
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Because modern health officials , nutritionists and "scientists", ARE A FUCKING JOKE.

And i mean Nu-scientist "Dinosaurs were just giant bird chickens" Tier.

>> No.15114538

first off, Daily Mail is trash
second off, this issue was part of a Lewis Black bit from decades ago http://www.cc.com/video-clips/w04ul2/comedy-central-presents-sunblock

>> No.15114679

Because the daily mail is a shitrag.

Enjoy this list of everything they say either causes or cures cancer. https://kill-or-cure.herokuapp.com/

>> No.15114743

This. Type 1 refers to destruction of the islet cells (well, nowadays they usually are more specific and say "beta cells", the ones that produce insulin) in the pancreas.

Doesn't absolutely have to be genetic. The cause(s) of the autoimmune problems that usually destroy them is(are) poorly understood if at all. Also, the damage can happen due to completely different issues such as chemical damage or infection. I had a professor in college who became an instant diabetic after an adverse reaction to some medication he was prescribed.

>> No.15114755

Just to clarify, I should have added "and Type 2 refers to when someone's tissues become insensitive to insulin as a result of longterm overeating of carbohydrates." Like me. I was stupid and thought that a Snickers bar and a bottle of Coke was a great breakfast. Then there was all that nonsense about how pasta was a healthy diet because millions of Italians eat it daily and have low cholesterol. And of course bread, bread, bread.

So now I do keto and the diabetes brought on by all of that crap is under control and even mostly reversed. I just can't eat shitloads of carbs any more or else I'll end up on insulin with my feet rotting off, my kidneys failing, and my eyes going blind. So yay for eggs, meat, and butter.

>> No.15114766

Yeah, you see this shit all the time. I realised this years ago when the BBC published two separate "health" articles just weeks apart saying fapping was good and bad.

Just ignore them and eat/do what you want. Life is too short to worry about nonsense and we all got to die of something anyway.

>> No.15114799

Should I scramble them or only sunnyside ?

>> No.15114818

You probably got diabetes from being fat and are looking for a scapegoat.
Italians and French would be diabetic at massive rates if bread and pasta made you diabetic.

>> No.15114901

The reason they keep getting mixed results is because of poor controls and not differentiating between the kinds of egg preparation.

Poached eggs are good for you. Boiled eggs are bad for you. Scrambled eggs are good for you if you salt them before scrambling, otherwise neutral. Fried eggs are generally good if they are sunny side up, unless the yolk breaks in which case they are extremely unhealthy.

Source: a /fit/ post that sounded very credible, 2014, Anonymous et al.

>> No.15114935

stop reading the news
stop paying attention to anything that comes out of that circlejerk

>> No.15115280

/fit, yeah sounds about right.
My squat 1 RM skyrocketed after got my own squatplug.
Clearly always good information.

>> No.15115304


>> No.15115386

Cooking method influence makes sense, but I'd say in that case boiled eggs should be the healthiest option since they it protects yolk cholestorol from oxidation the best.

>> No.15115399

Because epidemiology is bullshit.

>> No.15115420

People live longer than any scientist can spend studying them; are not completely isolated for experimentation; and are not identically interchangeable.
Any claims that foods people have eaten for thousands of years are worse than what is done to your drinking water are flat out false propaganda.

>> No.15115424

>red meat is bad
>actually red meat is good
>actually all meat is bad, eat bugs instead
>you need to cut back on how much you eat, think of all those 7 billion hungry africans!
>eat the protein slug, bigot

>> No.15115560


The more you cook (heat) something, the more oxidized it gets.

Soft boiled > hard boiled
Sunny > scrambled

>> No.15115637

No crust on the white either I suppose ?

>> No.15115641

because journalists are bad at interpreting scientific data and care more about clickbait headlines with minimal data behind it

>> No.15115666

Just worry about heating the yolk because that is where all the cholesterol is, runny yolk is best yolk. Egg whites are cholesterol free, safe to eat cooked in any way.

>> No.15115761

>t. my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

>> No.15115797
File: 71 KB, 986x1024, monke spook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food science is a spook and you're the idiot for believing it.

>> No.15115902

dailymail would kills it own nan for another £10 fucking parasites

>> No.15115926

>Listening to the press

lol nigga just do your own research, 4 - 6 eggs are fine, more are not ideal, not because cholesterol but because of PUFAs

>> No.15115934

What's hilarious is I bet you don't have the first clue how to actually interpret study data/analytics. Don't worry, most "scientists" don't either.