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15101097 No.15101097 [Reply] [Original]

>whiskey thread
>whiskey thread
>another whiskey thread

What rum is best and why is it Smith & Cross?

Spiced rum drinkers do not interact.

>> No.15101131

Bounty Fijian Dark rum. It's 58% abv & goes down easy. I already drank the bottle I got for my birthday a week ago, it's hard to track down so I only get it as a treat.

>> No.15101188

Is that an actual aged rum? Most rums calling themselves "dark" are just spiced rums with extra coloring added. It's kind of a meaningless term and for me gives off a red flag.

>> No.15101460

Yeah it's legit. That's why it's hard to track down. Worth the trip to Fiji for.

>> No.15101488
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Owned by Foster's but not readily available in Australia. Fuck my life.

>> No.15102274

I'm personally really fond of Plantation 5 Year, but Smith and Cross is also excellent.

>> No.15103793

Not a huge fan of Plantation. The dosage is really offputting to me. I relegate it to pure mixer material.

>> No.15103942

Why dont you like spiced rum?

>> No.15104417

I tried appleton signature cause it was cheap and really wanted to get into rum first, also cause i heard jamacain/barbados rum is the gold standard. for my second bottle of alc, i enjoyed it somewhat (it had a weird ripenning fruit taste, i thought that was cool) but everyone online says its really only good enough for mixing and that 12 yr is the good stuff. Recommend me some funky tasting rums. I also wanna try those rums like dorado or diplomatico that sweeten their rums, just because a lot of people like that style as well, so some reccs in that area would be appreciated as well. Im also a poor college student, so i prob wont be able to buy the $50+ stuff, but ill keep it in mind once i have better cash flow. Also, why does everyone here like tiki stuff so much (and its association with rum)?

>> No.15104897

Screw those people who think Appleton Signature is only good enough for mixing. It's great; it's my go-to rum for mixing and drinking straight.

That "weird ripening fruit" taste you're getting is what rumfags call "hogo". I can't think of a better source of hogo than OP's pic. It's probably my #2 rum. Plus, it's only $27 a bottle.

I dislike it. It's like drinking syrup, personally.

I would actually say if you want a quick primer on the breadth of rum, try a Spanish and a French-style rum next. In my personal bar, for Spanish, I reach for a Ron Abuelo 7 (well balanced, another go-to for drinking and mixing without the hogo; $25) and Flor de Cana 12 (drier with more sweet tobacco and muted dried figs; $32). French style rums I actually find a huge meme and all just taste like sugarcane juice. Rhum Barbancourt 5 Star ($25) and a generic Brazilian unaged cachaca ($26) are my favorites in my bar. Yes, cachaca is basically rum. No, rhum agricole is not worth the price.

FYI, you CAN go up higher in price for rum, but the quality:price ratio for rum is much higher than for other liquors, so you can get great drinks for minimal cost.

>> No.15104945
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Hey /ck/. My dad bought pic related twice and said he liked it. He seems to prefer rum to whiskey. I don't know anything about rum but I want to buy him a nice bottle for his birthday. Any recommendations? Willing to spend up to 100 usd.

>> No.15104977

Any of the Foursquare limited releases will be your best option, they range from 50-100 and are probably the best rums out there

>> No.15105032


I've collected a ton of rum and I still consider Smith & Cross to be the value standard I compare all other rums against. A nearby grocery store sells it for $23.64.

>> No.15105074

I always find Nicaraguan/Cuban/Puerto Rican rums (especially Flor de Caña) to have this fruity taste in a way that's completely different from the typical rum fruitiness, not sure why.

Spicing your own rum is fine, but most spiced rum is made with industrial flavoring to hide the fact it's fucking dreadful.

>> No.15105080
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For me, it's Kadco 6PM. Happy Hour starts at 6PM™

>> No.15105153
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I've tried Smith and Cross and this, I liked them both. What should I buy next?

>> No.15105170


>> No.15105286

Is there any spirit that's aged long enough that it turns black? Even 70 year old scotch looks marginally darker than the 12-18 year old stuff. The idea of a rum aged in the tropics for that long is ludicrous. It would take hundreds of barrels to produce even a 375ml bottle. Most bottles of rum that give some sort of age statement only contain a few drops of those very old rums. It would be prohibitively expensive otherwise.

>> No.15105652
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Try another style rum. Try a Rhum Agricole for something really different.

Pricier, but fantastic for daiquiris. Clement is the easiest to find and pretty great, but I recently got a bottle of this neisson blanc and its blowing my mind. They used the leaves from the sugarcane to give it this amazing grassy/floral smell and taste. I can't mix it with anything too complicated because it overpowers everything.

>> No.15105687

There aren't really these days. I remember reading that back in the early days of the tiki fad the popular rum to use for the original maitai was a 17 year rum that was described as having the color of black coffee. There's nothing around like that anymore though.

Rums generally age more quickly than other spirits but only in tropical climates, but any that get that dark from age aren't going to be up for sale anywhere.

>> No.15105706

Smith & Cross for my first drink, Appleton Estate the second or for guests I'm not trying to impress.

>> No.15105722

>Also, why does everyone here like tiki stuff so much (and its association with rum)?
Because rum is delicious and tiki drinks are delicious. I don't put on a Hawaiian shirt and pop pineapple fronds in my cocktails, but I make the drinks and they're pretty damn tasty.

>> No.15105732

>tfw three liquor stores in walking distance
>only carry sailor Jerry’s, kraken, or captain morgan
>if I want anything drinkable, I need to drive 20 minutes to total wine
>live in MA where I can’t get liquor shipped to my door
It’s not a long trip, but it’s annoying as fuck. I keep forgetting to ask if any do special orders or something

>> No.15105762

>I don't put on a Hawaiian shirt and pop pineapple fronds in my cocktails
You’re missing out.

>> No.15105772

The total wine near me has a massive aisle for every kind of liquor, but just a few shelves for rum. And most of it is just local shit no better than captain morgon. The midwest sucks.

Fortunately the grocery near me always has both a couple options for plantation and then appleton estate. I gotta drive 15 minutes to go to a small specialty bar supply shop that happens to have a decent selection because the guy running it is into tiki drinks himself.

>> No.15105788

I mean at least use mint. I don't do garnishes unless I'm showing off, but the mint sprig is important because the smell enhances the taste of the drink.

The only time I've used pineapple fronds were the two times I actually juiced pineapples to make jungle birds with. They go bad so fast though. I wonder how they take to being frozen so I can pull them out later for showing off.

>> No.15105845

I've never had a rum I like. I'll have it in mixed drinks and such, but never straight. Is there a single good rum that isn't way too expensive?

>> No.15105852
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Virgin Whiskey drinker
>wear suits and tip fedoras gosh I'm so manly
>don't touch me with those girly cocktails
>I need everything to be brown or gray or black or else dad will be disappointed

the chad rum drinker
>colorful shirts, colorful personality, colorful drinks
>I put a flower on my drink and stir it with a bamboo straw
>why yes I play ukulele
>just relax, you don't have anything to prove bro

>> No.15105865

You can find a lot of good sipping rums in the $30-50 range, some of the better ones even. Look for any kind of aged Caribbean rum. The ones mentioned in this thread or a Rhum Agricole all great for sipping.

However if you're not too into mixing try something like a simple lime and syrup daiquiri. It's always better than just sipping.

>> No.15105893

no bacardi?

>> No.15105900

he said drinkable

>> No.15105973

>I wonder how they take to being frozen so I can pull them out later for showing off
Works good. What doesn't work, is freezing orchids though.

>> No.15106069

I do use mint and actually keep 2 different types of mint plant for it. Same reason I try to keep the citrus peel garnishes for drinks that call for them. What I meant was the purely decorative garnishes like the pineapple fronds and edible orchids and the silly little umbrella or special sippy straws.

>> No.15106151

If your maitai doesn't have a lime shell and mint island though then it's just not right.

>> No.15106154

My rum collection
>Foursquare 2007
>Foursquare Sagacity
>Rumbullion regular, navy strength and chocolate chilli
>Ron Zacapa 23
>local island rum from Cape Verde and Grenada

Nothing too fancy or expensive. Makes a nice change from whisky.

>> No.15106259

>can't get liquor shipped to your door
Yes you can, anon. Drizly and Instacart both deliver liquor.

>> No.15106267

The virgin (You)
>is just as insecure and puts just as much thought into what is and is not manly as the 'Virgin Whiskey drinker'
The chad Me
>isn't (You)

>> No.15106288

the local liquor store only had stuff like sailor jerry and low tier bacardi, i picked up the only aged rum they had, which is Kirk and Sweeney 12, has anyone else tried it?

>> No.15106308

I think that the pineapple fronds and orchids are fine, those actually release a smell, it makes a big difference on something like a Halekulani (though that's a bourbon drink but I've found it works just as well with a rum blend or just a straight Barbados rum). The umbrella I can do without, the silly straws are eh. I get why people use the mugs, though, the drinks can look godawful.

>> No.15106318

It's not bad. I would rank it a bit above the plantation 3 year but not as good as Appleton Estate to me. It beats spiced rums at least.

>> No.15106331
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Pusser's Rum is my go to. Love the stuff.

>> No.15106339

What would you say is the best mixing rum with eggnog season swinging around? I usually default to the captain

>> No.15106430

For that I'd say: >>15106331

Because the taste would work well with that kind of thing. For hot buttered rum I'd say El Dorado. Otherwise an unaged white rum for less of the flavor interfering in the drink.

>> No.15106479
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>I get why people use the mugs, though, the drinks can look godawful.
It's the same with all classic cocktails. In the end they all come out in some shape of brown.
The most appealing is pic related imo. Especially if you keep in mind that the recipe is more than 80 years old. It would even look good without decoration unlike most other tiki classics. For other colourful drinks only some gimmicky Trader Vic drinks come to mind like that one blood bowl that contains a shit ton of grenadine.

>> No.15106537

>It's the same with all classic cocktails. In the end they all come out in some shape of brown.
Nah, you get a few reds here and there (notably the Clover Club and the Jack Rose) and the odd light greenish (mostly sours). The Missionary's Downfall is just gorgeous, you're absolutely right. I have a strong love for the Sidewinder's Fang and how sometimes it just turns this bright orange, though.

>> No.15106556

You know color has nothing to do with age right
You can get aged white rum

>> No.15106566

You realize 99% of rum has added sugar and Plantation is one of the only brands that is actually forthright about it?

>> No.15106567

Serendipitous, I am drinking rum as we speak. What a marvelous coincidence.

>> No.15106575

Why does it have such a temptuous name? It looks good, though.

>> No.15106680
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tiki drinks have the best options for dressing up your cocktail's looks.
>fronds and leaves
and of course the mugs.

It all beats an olive on a stick.

>> No.15106686

Most old cocktail names were meant to convince men that it wasn't gay to drink something besides straight whiskey.

>> No.15106708

I want to buy Pampero rum strictly for the packaging. The small squat bottle and the leather pouch are cool as fuck to me. But I've never pulled the trigger because I fear that it tastes like piss. Has anyone here had it? Is it all gimmick or is it worthwhile?

>> No.15106785
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I love the glassware and general kitsch aesthetic, but unless I'm at an actual tiki bar where someone else is mixing those drinks and prepping all the garnishes, I'll take a simple martini any day of the week.

>> No.15106820

Diplomatico is absolutely delicious aged rum and available for well under 100 usd. I never drink rum neat with Diplomatico as my only exception. Trust me on this man.

>> No.15106834

What county lol? Massachusetts has great liquor stores man there's no way you live that rural there. I've lived in mass my whole life.

>> No.15106855
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My favorite barrel aged sipper. Diplomatico Mantuano. Reasonably priced and very delicious.

>> No.15106899

Oh yeah. I actually like the color of some drinks in a glass with crushed ice, but I have a couple cheaper amazon mugs anyway. I would kill for one of those Trader Sam's hatbox ghost mugs. I don't care for any other mugs because that would be the only one I'd use.

>> No.15106908

packaging is nice but the juice is quite exceptional. i really would buy more, but I'm on a whiskey binge currently. the cork has been dry for over 2 years and still smells or dried pineapple and spice with a hint of cherry.

>> No.15106910
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forgot pic

>> No.15106915

>I would kill for one of those Trader Sam's hatbox ghost mugs
I was going to say that Tiki stuff is one of the few things I'd actually like to get into collecting, but then looked that up and saw it was Disney shit - even though the Haunted Mansion was always the best ride at Disneyland.

>> No.15106945

>Eagle Rare
>Buffalo Trace
>Old G 114
>Wild Turkey 101
>4 Roses
>Elijah Craig small batch

Which of these is the best bourbon.

>> No.15106963

4 roses or buffalo trace. I'd you can find it in your area, High West is also very good in that price point.

>> No.15107017

if it's aged in wood it has everything to do with it

>> No.15107163
File: 46 KB, 400x394, 2-HAUNTED-MANSION-Hatbox-Ghost-Tiki-Mugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm someone who likes watching videos about theme park ride histories on youtube and I randomly got interested in tiki after watching a podcast interview of the guy who made the trader sams bars for disney (a prop guy) and he talked a lot about making his own home bar with collected crap and a bit about tiki in general.

But that mug's popular because of a kind of notorious history behind the character and it being the best disney ride. Haunted mansion stuff is super nostalgic for me too.

Given all that and that it's just a cool design for a mug to begin with, I kinda really want one.

But I wouldn't pay $110 on ebay which is apparently its selling price there.

>> No.15107169

>High West

ABC store is selling High West reg brands from $40>$70 and less than a mile away same bottles from $125+. Not even talking about Midwinter.

>> No.15107182
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The single reason to pity people who don't live in North Carolina.

>> No.15107198

Spiced rum is just white rum colored and with added spices, but the spices aren't usually anything special and are mostly masking the otherwise bland taste of a cheap white rum. The spices also conflict a lot with cocktails and make it terrible for sipping.

Aged rum has a great flavor profile and spiced syrups work really well with it.

You can like spiced runms, but they're limiting and usually bottom shelf in every way.

>> No.15107214

Appleton Estate is pretty great for mixing. It's got that kinda funky/fruity Jamaican rum flavor, but not to an overpowering degree.

>> No.15107217
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And here's the single reason to pity people who don't live in Missouri.

The darker rum didn't impress me, but I love their white rum.

The real treasure though is that Curaçao noir in the middle. It trumps Pierre Ferrand easily.

>> No.15107370

Well shit, now I want one. I haven't been to Disneyland in well over a decade, but I watched a youtube documentary on the Haunted Mansion a year or two ago about the elevator, and how most of the ride is outside of the fence so they had to figure out how you go underground without realizing it.

>> No.15107406

Whiskey drinker here. I used to drink rum (mixed with coke or whatever) but I wouldn't mind getting a nice rum to sip from time to time. Can I get some recommendations?

>> No.15107470

Smith and Cross is pretty wonderful. I love using this stuff in daquiris.

>> No.15107490

Looks like low quality fish oil

>> No.15107572

Smith and Cross

>> No.15107805

Best beginner sipping rum? I tried before with darks and spiced but I guess that was the wrong way to go? Any easy mixers aside from Coke zero that enhance?

>> No.15107816

Flor de Caña 7 or 12 year. Smooth and tasty neat. Excellent for Cuba Libre.

>> No.15107817

plantation 3 star is pretty good

>> No.15107823

goslings is a decent sweet rum imo

>> No.15108048

The hatbox ghost had a funny story, lots of conspiracies and stories because of it. All that really happened was the animatronic didn't work so they took it down before opening day, but a lot of the art production and advertising media had the character or animatronic in it, so people would swear they'd seen the ghost when it was never there. Which, being a ghost in a haunted house, made people want to believe it was something spooky even more.

They've remade the animatronic and finally added it in though, and they're definitely cashing in on its popularity. And I'm a sucker who is likely to buy it.

this is the podcast I was talking about, about trader sams and how they put the places together:
Stuff from the old tiki room were used there too. Neat video for anyone into that sort of collecting or decorating a tiki bar.

>> No.15108059

The one in the OP is pretty great for sipping and probably something a whiskey drinker would like. After it I'd suggest a Rhum Agricole. Something with a really strong funk is best for sipping.

>> No.15108116

Neat. My next paycheck is probably going to be on the low end due to everything shutting down again, but now I'll probably end up blowing it all on one of those glasses if I can find one. Thanks, asshole.

>> No.15108126


>> No.15108133 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.15108167

Probably Kirk & Sweeny, it's very desserty and novice-friendly, though it is back-sweetened. Would recommend the 12 or 18, the 23's got a nasty burnt/astringent note on the end from too much oak.

>> No.15108324
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Ron Abuelo 12 year. It's a bit cheaper (45ish where I am) and is really fruity. If you like Plantation, you'll like this stuff.

>> No.15108432

Is sixty six 12 worth 35 eurobucks?

>> No.15108534

aged white rum (cuban style specifically) is filtered through charcoal to remove any color from aging

>> No.15108540

Sound more like you've never tried a spiced rum with effort put into it.


>> No.15108544

Ron Diplomatico Reserva, full stop. Excellent introduction into the world of aged rums, and is still welcome for seasoned drinkers.

>> No.15108557

Any love for Santiago? The Santiago white and anejo are my go to for cocktails. The white has a very nice sugar cane aroma. The more expensive aged anejo is the only rum I enjoy enough to sip on

>> No.15108558


>> No.15108569

cuban and other caribbean rum are the only acceptable answers

>> No.15108572

both options sound gay. are you gay anon?

>> No.15108617

They just use old ass barrels that give no color anymore. See Havana Club 3.

>> No.15109016
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my favorite rum, because of the taste and its price/quality ratio. You won't regret buying it.

>> No.15109115

Are top range rums much better than entry ones?

I tried sipping rum but it's too sweet to my taste when compared to whisky

>> No.15109127

Keep up with british style rums and avoid spanish ones, because the latter often add tons of sugar. For jamaican rum i.e. it's forbidden to add sugar so they taste dry like scotch or some brandies. Just buy a bottle of Appleton 12 and see if you like it. It's sort of a staple like Glenfiddich 12 is for scotch.

>> No.15109244

This is delicious rum.

If it happens to be shitty white rum being masked by a whole load of chemical enhancers then so be it. I dont care.

It tastes great to me, and that's the important bit

>> No.15109383

Thanks, frens. I'll add that to my Christmas list.

>> No.15109530

What's your favorite double-digit aged rum? Looking to get myself something fancier rum-wise after Christmas.

>> No.15109579

1.75 L of Buffalo Trace is how much?

>> No.15109623
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This is now a whisky thread

>> No.15110365

45 dollars, used to be 40
T. exan

>> No.15110704

I'd argue the best mixer for any rum to work off is fresh lime juice and sugar.

>> No.15111364

Bundaberg Master Distillers Black Barrel Rum
>inb4 you won't try it but will insist you know it's bad

>> No.15111473

How is the navy strength vs the normal?

>> No.15111550

Don't fall for the Appleton meme, tastes like shit.

>> No.15111675

whats wrong with spiced rum?

>> No.15111683

ever since I got into the Ron Zacapa I've pretty much stopped exploring rum.

>> No.15111817

To me, the standard version tastes like a liqueur, even at 42%. The navy strength tastes more like a proper rum.

Personally I find myself reaching for the standard more often, just because I really enjoy a sweet liqueur. That being said, if you like the standard version and you like other neat rum, I think you'll really enjoy the navy strength.

Id really like to try the XO version but I've got quite a lot of bottles in at the moment

>> No.15112755

tastes better than any other under $25 aged rum, and that's the reason it's popular. It's a mediocre jamaican at a spiced rum price.

>> No.15113135

Repeating what these two guys said, it's basically dreadful rum with flavoring that's not at all the real thing. You can get better results by getting a meh rum and adding your own spices.

>> No.15113733
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>> No.15114062

Its the reason why rum has a bad name. Cpt Morgan doomed the whole industry forever, and it'll be always 'that guy who doesnt drink whiskey for some reason' choice.

>> No.15114081
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Superior rum coming though.
Drank a whole bottle straight once, was absolutely fucking hammered.

>> No.15114646

Nothing at all. In the real world no one cares what you like. Its just online autismos who care

>> No.15116194

Rum is yum

>> No.15116199

Nothing. The hate is just carryover from whisky snobs.